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Let Me Say This, Again

Page 6

by B. Swangin Webster

  “No problem, he seemed nice enough, although he got a little creepy at the end.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “Just that he kept following me around the store. Probably was just lonely or something.”

  “What did he look like?”

  “Um, average. Might have been about forty or fifty years old. Funny thing, he had a decent body, kind of like he lifted weights or something. Nothing compared to you though,” she said while pressing a kiss onto his cheek.

  “What else did he look like? Was he black, white, Puerto…”

  “Look, no big deal.”

  His phone buzzed signaling a text message coming through. He looked at the screen and read:

  See, even she didn’t care enough to find out who I was…

  No worries, soon enough you both will know exactly who I am.

  After another session of intense love making, Matthew stood and pulled Cheryl up with him. He kissed her face as she padded upstairs and he went to the bathroom down the hall. He was in the living room and picked up his phone.

  “Look Tyrone, I need you to try and trace all incoming calls to my phone and also I want it done for my office phones….not sure what is going on but I intend to find out.”

  Just then Cheryl’s phone rang as she rounded the corner. She picked it up and slammed it back down

  “What’s wrong?” He asked when he looked into her face.


  “Are you sure?”


  The phone rang again.

  “Are you going to get it?” He asked her as she stared at the phone. After the third ring she answered but immediately hung up.

  They arrived at the door to the house she used to call home with Kevin and a moment of nostalgia struck her. She remembered the first time she stood on those steps. She shook the memory from her head and rang the bell.

  “What in the hell are you doing here?” Kevin said when he flung the door open.

  She walked past him and called for Kayla

  “I am not going to ask you again.” He grabbed her arm just as Kayla came running down the steps.

  Cheryl gasped as she saw the semi-circle scratch on the side of her daughter’s face.

  “You hit her!” Cheryl’s voice was more of a screech than a yell.

  “I slapped her because she has a nasty mouth. Something I am sure she has gotten from you.”

  “I’m calling…” but his hand on her throat cut off the words.

  Rebecca appeared at the top of the steps and he relaxed his grip.

  “I want to go home.” Kayla said

  “Kevin, since I am already here…” Cheryl interrupted.

  “No one told you to come over here.”

  “Kayla called me. I’m taking her home,” she said while reaching for her daughter’s hand.

  “I said she is not going anywhere!” He shoved Cheryl against the door and she let out a small scream.

  Rebecca moved to his side and pulled his hands away from Cheryl.

  “Kayla, go get in the car. I’ll be right out.”

  She spoke to Rebecca, “I hope you never have to endure this. Now you see how he really is.”

  “I can handle my man just fine.” Rebecca said as she walked towards the office.

  Kevin appeared again and pinned her against the door frame.

  “Kevin, take your hands off of me.”

  “Yeah, I suggest you take your hands off of her,” Matthew said as he stepped into the open doorway.

  Kevin pushed Cheryl towards Matthew and Cheryl put her hand against Matthew’s chest to keep him from going back inside.

  “Keep that mothafucka out of my house. The next time, I won’t be so nice,” Kevin shouted as they were leaving.

  “I’ll tell you this. The next time you think about putting your fucking hands on Cheryl, the coroner will have to be called to pick up the pieces of your sorry ass.”

  Matthew was pacing in the driveway when Cheryl walked out. Kayla was standing next to the car with her arms folded.

  “Cheryl, if I had not come in there, God only knows what he would have done to you.”

  As they pulled up in front of Cheryl’s townhouse, Matthew thought he saw something from the corner of his eye. He told them to wait in the car as he got out.

  Kevin was pacing around the living room like a caged animal.

  “Look, I’m sorry you had to see that.”

  “Why do you let her do that?”

  “Do what?”

  “Push your buttons like that. She ran over here just because you had to discipline your daughter, then she brings her little boyfriend over here with her. You then let her talk to you…”

  “Wait a damn minute. I didn’t allow her to talk to me no kind of way. Secondly, this is none of your fucking business,” he shouted.

  “Who in the hell do you think you are talking to? Nigga, I ain’t Cheryl.”

  “Don’t you ever question me,” he yelled while running up on her.

  “Who do you think you are?” she said as she pushed him away from her, “Let me say this, if you ever think about putting your damn hands on me, it will be last thing you do.”

  “What the fuck is that supposed to mean?” He said while walking behind her, grabbing her by the arm.

  “Just what the hell I said….don’t you ever put your hands on me like that!” She yelled as she stormed back upstairs and slammed the bedroom door.

  Chapter 12

  “Matthew, is that a gun? What in the hell is going on?”

  “Nothing. I carry it for protection.” He said, “I thought I asked you to stay in the car.”

  “I don’t like guns, and would prefer that you not carry it when we are together.” She said as she unlocked the front door

  “That won’t happen,” he said. They walked in and he noticed that she walked past the alarm system. “Did you set the alarm?”

  “I keep forgetting. Kevin used to get on me all the time about that when we lived together.”

  “Look, you and Kayla are living here by yourselves. You need to be a little more careful. Although you live in the suburbs, crime can happen anywhere. I can’t have anything happening to the both of you.”

  “Matthew, how long have you carried a gun?”

  “I don’t know…years, when you live the kind of life that I did, you needed to protect yourself.”

  “Well, when you are here, can you not carry it? Or at the very least, not let me see it.”

  Monday came and Rebecca walked into Kevin’s office.

  “Toni will be up shortly. Should I have the assistant show her around?”

  Kevin was sitting behind his mahogany desk.“Yes, give her the questionnaire and have her wait.” He got up and walked in front of his desk. “Close the door, Rebecca, How long before she arrives?” He said while walking over to her and pulling her close

  “Hmm, I think…” she said, not returning his embrace.

  “That long huh?” he said.

  Suddenly there was a knock on the door.

  “Yes Ashley.”

  “Ms. Antonia Downs is here.”

  “Thank you, have her wait for one minute,”

  He walked back over to his desk and straightened his tie. Kevin paged Ashley to let her know she could bring in Ms. Downs.

  As she entered, he extended his hand to the chocolate woman standing in front of him. She had on a cream colored pant suit that highlighted her skin color and her hair was cut very short. Her eyes were a light green and the ring in her nose was a bit off putting.

  Thank you again, Rebecca, for setting me up with this interview. I promise you, Mr. Goldman, that you will not be sorry.”

  “Oh, but I haven’t hired you yet.”

  “But you will.”

  By the end of the week, Cheryl was feeling worn down. She woke up feeling dizzy and had a slight fever. Her son, Donnell, said he was coming into town tonight and she ordered a catered dinner to be delivered arou
nd seven. Matthew had to work late so he wouldn’t be able to attend.

  Since he wasn’t going to join them for dinner, Cheryl took lunch to his office, but his secretary told her he would be in a meeting all afternoon, so she left the food and a note.

  She went home and climbed into the shower hoping it would make her feel better. She pressed on when the caterers arrived at six. She was thankful that she didn’t have to do anything because she was starting to feel worse and worse.

  The doorbell rang and she opened it to see her son standing there. She hadn’t realized she had missed him as much as she had. He moved out immediately after graduating and hadn’t been back for three years.


  “Donnell. How is my baby?”

  “Fine ma. Are you going to invite me in?”

  “Oh, sorry. Yes, come in here boy and let me get a good look at you.”

  “Ma. I am not a boy…”

  “Yes, you are, you will always be my little boy.” She pulled him towards the living room and pulled him down on the sofa beside her. “Now tell me what you have been up to.”

  “So, this is your place…nice. I guess the man you divorced did something right.”


  “Ok, sorry…well I aint been up to nothing much. I found a job down in North Carolina so after I graduate from grad school, I’ll be moving down there with Danielle.”

  “Moving to North Carolina. Why?”

  “Mom, there is nothing in Salisbury or here…”

  “I’m here, Kayla’s here, your dad…”

  “Dad and I aren’t talking since…”

  She interrupted him, “Look, why don’t we eat first, we can talk about it after dinner, when is Danielle coming?” “She should be here soon.”

  “Ok, I can’t wait to meet her.”

  “I can’t wait for you to meet her either. I think you are going to love her just like I do.”

  “My baby is in love. Is there a wedding on the horizon?” she asked as she disappeared into the kitchen to get the bottle of wine.

  Cheryl heard the doorbell from the kitchen and Donnell told her he would get it. She turned as she heard her son’s footsteps behind her and the clicking of heels on the hardwood floor.

  “Mom, I want you to meet Danielle.”

  She turned and saw her son holding the hands of a very tall young woman. She had to be as tall as him and had high cheekbones. Her eyes were those of Asian descent but her olive color suggested mixed heritage. Her silky hair was curled and her full lips were accented with a hint of lip gloss. Since he had only brought home two or three girls, this one was definitely the prettiest.

  “Nice meeting you.”

  She smiled at her son.

  “Mom, we need to tell you something.”

  “Am I having a grandbaby?”

  “What? Are you serious?” He laughed, “Mom, really. No.”

  “Well there is nothing else that you need to tell me.” She walked back into the kitchen and felt a wave of nausea sweep over her. She took a deep breath, closed her eyes and picked up the tray of food.

  She walked in and sat the tray in front of the couple.

  “Mom, why do you always go to the extreme? I told you I just wanted dinner, not a party.”

  “Boy, hush. This ain’t no party, this is your dinner. You better eat up.” She started laughing.

  “I think I’m going to like her,” Danielle said as she popped a grape into her mouth.

  They shared a laugh as Cheryl sat down beside Donnell, grabbed his hand and gave it a squeeze.

  He whispered in her ear. “Thanks”

  “For what?” she asked

  “Just thanks.” He said as he leaned in and hugged her. He drew back and put his hand on her cheek.

  “Mom you feel ok? You feel a little warm.”

  “Aww isn’t that cute, you trying to be my mother.” she said. As she stood, the phone rang.

  “Let me grab this and I will be right back.”

  “Hello.” She said into the receiver.

  “Hello sexy. I am hoping that dinner tastes as good as you looked.”

  “Who is this?” she said as she turned her back to the crowd sitting in the living room.

  “Don’t worry about who this is, worry about when I’m going to come for you.”

  “Look, I don’t know…”

  “Why not ask your little boyfriend who I am. He knows me very well. Better yet, give him a message for me.

  Cheryl’s words wouldn’t come as she felt the tightness begin.

  The voice continued, “let Matthew know that I plan on taking my time with you. I plan on tasting every inch.”

  She slammed the phone down and the room began to spin.

  Cheryl’s chest tightened and she tried to gain control of her breathing, but it wasn’t working and her inhaler was upstairs. The pressure became intense and she began coughing. She looked up as Donnell approached and her heart started beating rapidly. Her eyes blinked rapidly as she began to call her son’s name.

  Her eyes fluttered open as the faces came into focus. Donnell helped her into a sitting position.

  “Mom, you fainted. I told you that you felt warm earlier, has your asthma been acting up again. I thought you had it under control. ”

  Matthew’s words rushed out at her after Donnell’s. “Did Kevin call you? Did he threaten you? I swear to god if that…”

  “When did you get here?” she said with her eyebrows frowned.

  “I’ve been here for almost ten minutes.” He said as he wrapped his arm around her shoulder. “Who was on the phone?”

  “I don’t know who it was. He said something about seeing me soon and to stop asking who it was. My asthma has been acting up all day. I should have given myself a treatment. I am sorry to have caused all of this trouble.”

  “No big deal. Mom, what if we weren’t here? What if you were by yourself and hit your head or something? “.

  “Come on. Let’s get you up to bed to rest.” Matthew said while helping her to stand.

  “I will not. Donnell came all the way here for dinner with Danielle and I am not disappointing him. Besides I made his favorites.”

  “You made barbequed pork chops?”

  “Ok, well I didn’t make them but someone did. Besides, I have all your favorites and I even picked up a strawberry cheesecake.”

  “That’s what’s up,” Donnell said as he walked into the kitchen.

  “See how he gets when there is food involved. He forgets all about me,” Danielle said.

  “Baby, no I don’t,” Donnell said while walking back to her and wrapping his arms around her. “You know I could never forget about you.”

  It wasn’t until Matthew cleared his throat that they remembered they weren’t alone.

  Chapter 13

  Rebecca threw her purse on the couch and started disrobing as she walked throughout her house, heading to the shower. She faintly heard the door and then her phone rang again. She threw open the shower door and headed into the living room with a towel wrapped around her but it did nothing for the water she was trailing behind her.

  “Wait a minute. Let me get there first!” She yelled while pulling open the door.

  “What are you doing here this late? Why didn’t you call first?” she asked as he brushed past her.

  “The same reason you didn’t answer my calls, I didn’t feel like it, where have you been?” Kevin asked as he snatched her purse from the couch.

  “I told you, I went by my parents’ house and had a few other errands to run.”

  “Really?” he asked as he walked towards her bedroom. “So why didn’t you answer my calls?”

  “Kevin, is this why you came over here, to give me the third degree? If so, I am not in the mood for it and we can discuss this on Monday.” She said from behind him.

  “So, you aren’t going to tell me where you were tonight?”

  She noticed his words were slurred, “I already told you.

  “No, you said you were at your parents’ house which we both know is a lie. I drove by there and didn’t see your car”

  “So you are checking up on me. Look this ring doesn’t give you the right…”

  He turned and slapped her hard, sending her stumbling back a couple of steps.

  “Don’t you ever fucking talk to me that way again, do you understand me?”

  “Who the fuck do you think you are? Don’t you ever put your fucking hands on me.” she yelled as she lunged for him.

  He caught her hand in mid swing and slapped her again.

  “Get out. Get the fuck out of my house.” She screamed.

  “I will leave when I’m fucking ready,” he said calmly while walking out to her living room and sitting down.

  “Kevin, so help me, if you don’t leave, I’ll call the police.” She said as she stomped behind him.

  “Will you…I don’t think so. Rebecca, you do remember who I am? If Cheryl couldn’t do anything to me, do you think you will? Now sit your fucking ass down and tell me where you have been.” He said.

  “I think you better go,” Rebecca said while holding the towel tight around her.

  “And I think you better sit your ass down like I told you a second ago.”

  “Kevin, look. It’s late and I am not in the mood…”

  He stood and closed the distance between them before she finished the sentence.

  “Rebecca, don’t fucking play with me, hear? I am not in the mood for your lying. Now you will tell me where you have been or so help me, you will regret it.”

  “I went to my parent’s house and then picked up my dry cleaning.”

  “Until two in the fucking morning?” He said while tightening his grip.

  “No. Then I went by Toni’s house and we had a few drinks and talked about old times. I lost track of time and I didn’t hear my phone because it was in my purse.”

  “See, that’s all you had to say. If I ask you something all you have to do is tell me. Understand?” he said as he pulled his hand away from her neck.

  He sat down on the sofa and motioned for her to sit next to him. She stood in her same spot, her hand rubbing her neck.

  “Now don’t be that way. You could have prevented all of this if you would have called and told me that, instead you had me calling you and waiting hours for you. Now, come here. You know you want this.” He said as his hand grabbed the front of his pants.


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