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The Unknown Royal Heir

Page 9

by Kimber Swan

  “It wasn’t your fault. How could you have known?” I say sympathetically.

  “It was a long time ago. I came to terms with it, but the guy had a two year old daughter. He was fighting to make more money. I arranged to have a trust fund set up for her anonymously.”

  “That’s generous of you.”

  “I don’t think so. She’ll never know her father. There’s more.” He sighs and continues. “Death follows me where ever I go. While in Italy, I found different friends who liked fast cars. These so-called friends and I were hanging out one night and decided to play a game of chicken. It was a rough crowd I hung with this time. They also didn’t know who I was. To them I was just some guy looking for the next rush. They stole cars, sold drugs, and some did more unsavory things I don’t care to mention.”

  “Wow.” I blink, at a loss of words.

  “The leader, Jed, was the one who decided we should play a game of chicken, especially since I wasn’t a “blooded” brother yet. I agreed. I had nothing to lose. The Italian countryside is littered with cliffs. We set the route and it was tricky in many spots. He was known for pushing the limits and bailing at the last possible minute. He didn’t care if he lost a car in the process, but frankly neither did I. I had plenty of money, more than I even I knew at the time.”

  Daniel reflectively looks off into space as if going back to that moment in time.

  “We were racing when I realized I didn’t want to do this anymore. I mean life. I stayed in the car long past what may have been considered safe. Jed kept looking at me and I could see the look of fear start to creep on his face. He realized too late that I planned to go over the cliff. At the last minute, I changed my mind because I realized I couldn’t leave my family to fend for themselves. They were innocent and young yet.”

  He takes a sip of his water and looks at me out of the corner of his eye.

  “I glanced at Jed and saw he was trying to get out, but couldn’t. He was struggling with the seatbelt. There wasn’t enough time for him to stop at the speeds we were going. He would have slid off the cliff regardless. I could do nothing to help him. I bailed in time to see his seatbelt finally come undone. He tried to open the door, but it was jammed. He kicked at the door, but it wouldn’t give. The car plummeted over the cliff.”


  “Again, my fault.” He says with remorse. “I left right after that. Never looking back.”

  “It wasn’t your fault. Jed could have stopped at any point when he realized what you planned to do, but he was too stupid. None of it was your fault.”

  How could he think he is responsible for these deaths? They were freak accidents. Those men were meant to die at that time. Why can’t he see that? There is absolutely nothing, in my mind, that he could have done in either situation.

  “It was, but it’s not worth arguing with you about it. You wanted to know so there you go.” He sighs dejectedly. “That’s why I couldn’t let you watch me fight. I turn into something else.”

  “Daniel, I don’t care about any of that. I’m sorry it happened.” I lift his chin with my finger to look at him. “Who was the woman at the gala?”

  He gets up walking away, not answering the question again. I follow him and touch his arm gently. The heat seeping from him is overwhelming. His skin is vibrating, the electricity palpable.

  “Daniel, who is she?” I quietly insist.

  “My fiancée.”

  I gasp, withdrawing my hand, feeling burned.

  “No. No. No. This can’t be happening.” I turn to walk away, but fail as he wraps his arms around me from behind.

  “You don’t understand, Daphne.” He says sadly, whispering in my ear.

  “Let me go, please.” I plead.

  “No, hear me out.” He demands, tightening is hold.

  “I think you should leave.”

  The tears well and threaten to overflow.

  “No, you wanted to know so I’m telling you.” He turns me around, forcing me to look him in the eye. He holds my cheeks tenderly in his sure grip. “It was arranged by our parents. After my family, hers is the next in line for the throne. Like I told you, there are people in my country who still live by the old ways.”

  “Why ask me out then? Why lead me on?” I ask, my anger rising. “You shouldn’t have started something with me if you’re engaged to someone else. That’s not fair to her or me.”

  “I’m sorry. You’re right, but there is something about you that I can’t place yet. I can’t explain it but please let me try.” He pauses, thinking. “If after I explain, you don’t want to see me then I’ll leave. But hear me out first before you decide. Please?”

  He looks so endearing I have difficulty staying angry at him. After everything he did tonight and in the past, how could I not listen to him? He deserves to be listened to.

  “Fine.” I concede.

  I inadvertently wipe at my eyes. He flinches and catches a stray tear with his thumb, staring at it perfectly poised on the tip of his thumb.

  “We have been informally engaged since we were seven. Everyone knew by that point the King was not going to sire an heir. Therefore, it was up to my parents to ensure their line. You see, the law states that if the King had children I would have been wed to the first surviving female heir. In our country, the crown is passed down the female line, unless, the only child is a male, as was the case with the King. My parents and Elizabeth’s parents had been friends for years. It was the obvious choice for them.”

  I interrupt him. “The females inherit the crown?”

  “Yes. It doesn’t keep with most European traditions.” He smiles. “When my parents died, it was expected I marry immediately, but I told you what happened. I wasn’t fit for anyone. I couldn’t do that to her, we are friends after all. I don’t love her and never have as a husband should. She deserves someone who will love her. She has been allowed to do as she wishes without my interference or her father’s. But recently she’s been acting differently. I don’t know if it is a cry for attention or what, but I know she is not coming to my bed a maiden.”

  “A maiden?” I quirk an eyebrow incredulously. “Really?”

  “Yes, really. Since I will eventually be the next king, I am supposed to marry a-. Wait, let me quote it properly.” He pauses, tapping his temple. “The Queen-to-be should have no carnal knowledge of another male besides that of her proposed King.”

  “And they expect that rule to be followed?” I ask skeptically then squawk, “In this era?”

  “Yes, they even go as far as following the medieval ways.”

  Medieval ways?

  “We run in the same circles. Many know she is not pure. Again, okay with me. I don’t love her and hope she will find someone who does and let me out of this arrangement.”

  Shaking my head in disbelief, I say, “If you don’t want it, why continue with the engagement?”

  “Because it is expected.” He sighs. “She is the one I brought to the gala, hoping to spark something, but it backfired. She thought this was her opportunity to make the engagement formal. And maybe I was trying to force my own hand subconsciously. But then I saw you and I knew I couldn’t. She reacted poorly to seeing you with me that night.”

  He knew he couldn’t what? Pursue me? Go through with his engagement?

  “I had to intervene before she did something to embarrass herself and me. We flew home that night and what a flight it was. I couldn’t risk the engagement despite what I truly want. Believe it or not, the façade of the engagement allows me much more freedom than if I was single.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “The women at court in my country don’t hassle me because I’m as good as married in their eyes.” He explains.

  “Are you still together?”

  “In my eyes, no, we never were. But I can’t do anything for the time being. I’m hoping that her newest paramour, whom she thinks I don’t know about, will be able to change her feelings towards me.” He smiles hopefully
. “You see I can’t do anything without damaging her and despite everything, she does deserve better.”

  “I see. Then, where does that leave us? That is, if there is an us? I mean, you have me thinking there is?”

  Oh hell, why did I just have to blurt that out?

  “I want there to be an us.” He grabs my hands in his. “When I am with you, it’s different. I don’t know how to explain it. It’s like I have known you my entire life. The first time I saw you on the dance floor you reminded me of someone. But for the life of me I can’t remember who.”

  “What happened after you brought her home?” I ask, needing to know.

  “We had dinner with her parents and talked. They’re still insisting I marry her, that I honor the arrangement. They feel there has been too much upheaval in the country and it needs a strong leader. Since I came back after Jed’s accident, I’ve taken my duty more seriously. Her parents know something happened during that time and have been trying to take advantage of it ever since.”

  “How would this,” I point between us, “work?”

  “I don’t know, but we can figure something out. I know I need to see where this goes before I make any other commitment to her.”

  I can’t see how this would work. There are too many obstacles prohibiting it from working.

  “Daniel, we’re from two different worlds not to mention countries. You seem like a great guy, but I don’t know if I can do this.”

  Can I handle the distance and constant traveling he does? Wondering whether if he sees her and something happens? I can be extremely jealous at times.

  “I can see the headlines, ‘Duke seen with gold digger American,’ or something worse.”

  Honestly, where do I see this thing between us going? Marriage is obviously out of the question, so what then? Have fun until he is done figuring things out? Then what? I don’t have to be a rocket scientist to envision myself falling in love with him.

  “I get it, but if we start off quietly, see where this goes, I think-.”

  “NO! I won’t be someone’s dirty little secret. I can’t-.”

  “No. No. No.”

  He grabs my upper arms. I glare at him, but he doesn’t back down.

  “That’s not what I meant. We pretend to be friends who have similar interests. That way we can spend time together and get to know each other.”

  “What happens if we forget? Hold hands in public or kiss? What then?”

  “We’ll deal with it then.”

  “I can’t live thinking I am being watched all the time. I’ll end up like my mother.”

  “Trust me.”

  He smiles reassuringly, lifting my chin with his hand, pleading with his eyes. He leans in to kiss me, but I hesitate at first then realize I want, no need, to see where this goes. The kiss is slow, sweet and tender, but ends too quickly. Resting his forehead against mine, we’re breathing heavily.

  He says with slight annoyance, “Now can you please tell me why you were at that fight? It has been bothering me all night.”

  His body is rigid beneath my touch. I hesitate to answer not sure if he is angry or physically hurt. I decide on the latter and start explaining.

  “After our date, I started thinking about my father. Dante and I decided finding him may answer some questions I have. We hired a private investigator, but we don’t have enough money. Dante used to make extra cash by fighting.”

  “He doesn’t seem like the type.”

  “He isn’t but we needed the money and he felt it was something he had to do. When he did fight, he hid it from me. I was angry. To make a long story short, I made him promise after his last fight that I would go along the next time.”

  “I see.”

  My hands are gliding up and down his arms in a soothing way as I explain further.

  “I argued for working extra shifts at the diner, but even with that we still wouldn’t be able to come up with the cash.”

  “Why didn’t you just ask for it?” He says seriously.

  I cock my eyebrow at him.

  “Ask who? You?” I inquire slightly peeved.

  “Yes.” He says absolutely.

  “Really? When? We didn’t exactly end our date on a good note. We’ve had no contact since then. I thought I screwed up. It wasn’t until I saw you tonight that I admitted to missing you.”

  He pulls me forcibly to him and crushes his lips to mine. It’s pure passion. He steps back breathing heavy trying to regain his composure.

  “Sorry. You seem to cause this reaction in me. Knowing you still want me after everything I just told you, well I couldn’t hold back anymore.”

  I laugh, giddy with excitement. He kissed me because he wants me. I feel like a teenager in love for the first time. The most handsome, popular boy likes me.

  “Please, don’t let me stop you.”

  “I’ll pay for the private investigator if you’ll let me. I’ll also have my people look into it.”

  “That’s too much. I can’t ask that of you. Dante was able to get enough money to pay him. But thank you.”

  “Keep your money.” He points to the roll of cash. “It’s his anyway.”

  “Thank you.” I kiss him softly on the cheek.

  “What can you tell me about your father that I can relay to my people?” He asks.

  “I’ve already told you everything I know.”

  “Okay, I’ll let my people know. If-.”

  “Wait, I forgot.” I interrupt him. “When my mom used to talk about Kansas, it seemed fake, like it was memorized. Dante brought up a good point also. Why New York and not somewhere closer to Kansas.”

  “So, you don’t think she was from Kansas, is what you’re saying?” He infers.

  “Yes, but it sounds crazy. I mean, why would she lie?”

  “Who knows why parents do what they do?” He replies thoughtfully.

  “She would say crazy things like we were being followed by my father’s enemies. I think she may have been trying to protect me, but from what or who I don’t have a clue. She used to make me hide my birthmark especially when she wasn’t high. When she was high, she couldn’t have cared less. She would make scathing remarks about it being my fault. That if I weren’t such a princess, things would be different. I mean what could I have done by the age of six to cause her to say such things?”

  The room is so quiet we can hear Dante snoring in the other room. The sky outside is starting to lighten. Suddenly, I feel tired and can’t stop the yawn from coming. It has been a long and stressful night. Daniel starts to raise wincing and moaning as he moves.

  “Can I get you anything?” I ask, trying the stifle another yawn.

  “No, thank you. Let me take a picture of the birthmark before I go then I’ll send it to my private investigators.” He says taking his phone out of his pocket.

  “Okay” I lower the shoulder of my shirt.

  “Good. I got it.” He says after a couple of minutes.

  I turn back around to face him as he puts his phone away.

  “I need to make sure everything is okay back home. It’s difficult being here and managing things from afar.”

  “Okay. When will I see you next?”

  I sound needy to my own ears.

  “Actually, I bought a house just north of the city. I would love if you would join me for dinner tomorrow.” He laughs correcting himself, looking at his watch. “I mean tonight.”

  “I would like that very much. I don’t mean to ask, but can I tell Dante any of what you told me? I hate keeping secrets from him, but I understand if you don’t want me to.”

  He contemplates it for a minute. “I don’t see why not.”

  “Thank you.” I kiss his cheek again. “What time?”

  “Seven. I’ll have a car pick you up.” He says holding my hand.


  We walk to the door and he stops looking at me, debating something. I see the fire in his gaze, but he surprises me by leaning in, kissing my cheek instead.<
br />
  “Good night, Daphne.”

  “Good night, Daniel.” I sigh, almost swooning.

  He chuckles. I close the door and lean against it in amazement. Inside, I’m doing the happy dance yelling, he likes me, he likes me. But the other side says be careful, it will only end in heartache. Yes, he has a fiancée, but he doesn’t want to marry her. But he can’t marry me either. My mood deflates faster than a popped balloon.

  I run to Dante’s room debating on whether I should wake him and talk things out, but seeing him sleep so peacefully I decide to climb in next to him instead. When he feels the bed dip with my weight, he lifts his arms making room for me to cuddle.

  “Everything okay?” He mumbles.

  “Everything is great. We’ll talk in the morning.” I say.

  “Hmm.” He hums before a soft snore escapes.

  Chapter Seven

  Daniel and I seem to measure our time together not in the actual time we spend together but rather in the space between seeing each other. Another month has gone by, because as I thought, he did have to fly back to Balwart the night after our second date. There was an emergency with the King. Daniel’s youngest sister was also having a problem in school. Everything seems to be against us now that we decided to what we’re doing.

  The second date ended better than the first, but it started off rough. It was the night after he saved me. Daniel proved a true gentleman, not making a single move on me, despite my overt advances. We never made it to his house. Instead, he took me to a posh upper east side restaurant. The chemistry between us is explosive. He wants to “take things slowly,” which I understand, but I’m dying of sexual frustration.

  It has been six months since we first met and all we have done is kiss. We speak on the phone nearly every night for hours. Our conversations are easy, discussing topics from politics, fashion, and entertainment to family. Most times I find myself confiding in him the way I do Dante. He invited me to Balwart before he left, but I couldn’t take the time off work. I couldn’t imagine going anywhere abroad without Dante. I think Daniel realized that and didn’t press it. The two of them have come to some sort of understanding where I’m concerned.


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