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The Unknown Royal Heir

Page 11

by Kimber Swan

  A sharp knock on the door has the same effect as if we were doused with cold water. A throat clears on the other side of the door.

  “Sir, dinner is ready.”

  He growls in my ear.

  “We’ll be right there.” He says crisply and firmly.

  He buries his head in the crook of my neck, trying to gain control over the situation we created. He inhales deeply.

  “This shouldn’t have happened. I’m sorry.” He looks up at me despondently. “But I don’t regret it. You’re mine. Engagement be damned.”

  He kisses me briefly on the lips then pushes off the counter abruptly walking, adjusting himself at the door. He turns leaving me. I should feel bereft, but his words feel like they secured my place at his side.

  “A little help here?” I say, pulling at my tied hands.

  He turns with a smile that holds much promise.

  “I don’t know. I kind of like you tied up for me.” He winks.

  Unfortunately, Daniel is the always the gentleman. He unties me and holds true to his original promise. There are no more explosive kisses or fireworks ignited. The rest of the night is tame. We sit, watching the new Thor movie. He politely disengages my numerous attempts to illicit some reaction. My libido has been burning for six months and I thought for sure it would be extinguished after the bathroom incident. But, sadly it has been disappointed again.

  Almost immediately after the movie, he drives me home in his beautiful electric blue Ashton Martin V12 Vantage. He took great pains explaining how it is unique because of its color. I didn’t care about that. The car is simply beautiful with its slick lines and soft leather interior. The flames of my already overheated libido are fanned to a wild fire as I watch him handle the car’s gears. At the same time, I can’t help but feel a growing distance between us.

  Part 2

  Journey to a Kingdom

  Chapter Eight

  Daniel left the day after our date and has been gone for nearly three weeks. Our sporadic phone calls have been short and vague. The distance I felt since before he left has grown. He seems more secretive than ever. When I tried asking if he found anything about my mother, he changed the subject faster than imaginable. I didn’t even realize it changed until we were off the phone.

  The phone interrupts my thoughts.


  “Daphne, its Al.” His voice crackles from the other end.

  “Hi Al. What’s up?”

  “I reviewed the passenger manifest from the cruise line. I thought I had something but the trail disappeared, almost as if someone got there and erased all mentions of your mother.”


  What the hell?

  “On a good note, I was able to confirm there was an infant on board the ship. Bad part, there is no mention of the child’s name or who the mother was.”

  “Any description?” I ask intrigued.

  “No. I tried to meet with some of the crew that I could find, but most of them have retired or passed away. The ones I did find, couldn’t remember what the baby looked like. There was one steward that could recall the baby always being covered from head to toe. She never knew if it was a boy or girl. The only thing she knew for sure was that the baby seemed to be sick. It wouldn’t stop crying.”

  “That sucks. Anything else?”

  “The port of departure was in France. I have people over there looking to see if there is anyone who matches your mother’s description. But it looks like whoever your mother was, she did not want to be found. The only thing I can think is she must have come from money because only money, and a lot of it, could wipe any trails like this.”


  We never had any. She was always looking to get money.

  “Thanks for all your help.” I reply belatedly.

  “No problem. That’s what you pay me for. I wish I had more to give you.”

  “You have given me a lot to think about. Call me if you find anything new.”

  “Will do.”

  Dante was listening to the exchange. When I didn’t start explaining immediately, he gave me the stink eye.

  “Sorry. There’s no trail prior to boarding the ship in France. There was a child on board, but no one knows if it was a girl or boy or who the parents were. He gets the impression my mother came from money.” I explain.

  “Why?” He seems as surprised.

  “He said it takes lots of money to achieve what she did.” I ask, near to tears. “Dante, who was she?”

  Everything I thought I knew about my life has been a lie. I keep asking myself who was she? Who am I? Where was I born?

  “I don’t know, but we’ll find out. I promise. You have both Daniel and me looking out for you.” Dante says hugging me.

  “But Daniel hasn’t been himself lately. He evades my calls and when we do speak, it’s brief.”

  I told Dante what happened on our last date and he thought nothing of it. He felt I was reading too much into it. He said Daniel was either old school and wanted to wait or he respects me. Maybe he decided I was too forward for a man of his station. We could never marry, he told me as much.

  “I wouldn’t worry about it. When does he get back?” Dante interrupts my thoughts.

  “I don’t know. He didn’t say this time. I’m thinking I did something wrong, despite what you said.”

  A knock at the door interrupts our conversation. Dante answers it without looking through the peep hole. Daniel’s guys are at the door looking menacingly. The same ones, who were with Daniel the night of the fight. The hairs on the back of my neck stand on end.

  Why are they here? Did something happen to Daniel?

  Dante says, “Can I help you?”

  They ignore him, pushing pass him straight towards me. I nearly trip stepping back, scared by the way they approach me. Dante steps forwards trying to block them but is slammed against the wall with a gun held at the center of his forehead. All I think is professional hitmen.

  “You need to come with us now.” The bigger of the two says in a deeply, accented voice ignoring his partner and Dante.

  “Who the fuck do you think you are?” Dante yells.

  The gun is pushed further into Dante’s head.

  “It’s okay Dante.” I say to him and look at the guys. “Daniel sent you?”

  The smaller guy, the one holding the gun on Dante and my chauffeur from our last date, nods yes. Dante’s shoulders relax faintly. The guy releases Dante then walks away. The other guy walks to my room without asking and starts tossing my things into an overnight bag.

  “What the hell is going on?” Dante shouts from the hallway, pissed. “Daphne, what the fuck is going on?”

  “I don’t know Dante, but these guys work for Daniel. Just do as they tell you.”

  He looks at me as if I have lost my mind. The other guy is nowhere to be seen.

  “Did something happen to Daniel?” I ask.

  There is only the sounds of drawers being turned upside down and tossed aside.

  “I don’t like this.” Dante says, storming off towards his room where the smaller guy went.

  In less than five minutes they are back in the living room with packed bags. Dante and I look at each other with a “what the fuck” look. The bigger of the two guys leaves first.

  “Stay here until I give the okay.” He says to his partner, who nods.

  “Did something happen to Daniel?” I ask again.

  The smaller one leaves the door open enough for him to look out, ignoring me.

  “She asked you a question.” Dante roughly taps the guy’s shoulder.

  The guy grabs Dante’s hand and twists it at an awkward angle. Dante’s nostrils flare.

  “He didn’t mean anything. Let him go.” I demand.

  This guy is pushing all of Dante’s buttons and not the good ones. The guy immediately releases Dante’s arm. He nods curtly in my direction.

  “We were told to protect you at all costs, my lady. No one is to get in o
ur way.” He looks to Dante sneering. “Including you.”

  “Where is Daniel?” I ask but he ignores me. “Fine, don’t answer, but he goes with me where ever you take me.”

  When he doesn’t answer, I realize my one question was the limit for questions to be answered. I look at Dante who is exhibiting barely controlled rage. I’m afraid of what he will do if we don’t get answers real soon.

  “It’s going to be fine, Dante.” I say soothingly, but not honestly feeling it. “I’m sure there is a fairly good reason why Daniel is doing this.”

  “There better be, so help him.” Dante snarls.

  There must have been some sort of signal because the guy grabs my elbow, surprisingly gentle, pulling me behind him. Every time a door opens on our way down the staircase, he shoves me behind him and takes what could be described as a battle stance. Dante is watching him, taking it all in. Then his demeanor changes. He immediately cooperates and offers help without speaking. Eventually, I’m eased down four flights of stairs with Dante bringing up the rear.

  A black Land Rover with black tinted windows is waiting at the curb. The back-passenger door opens automatically and I’m placed inside. Dante gets in right behind me. Once the guy climbs into the front seat, the doors lock. I try in vain unlocking them, but sigh in frustration. I knew better.

  The car starts pulling away when there is a banging on my window, startling me. Dante and the smaller guy look at the man blocking the street from my view. All hell breaks out next as the man reaches into his coat. Dante pushes me down between the seats, laying on top of me, acting as a shield. The Rover lurches forward with screeching tires. Something hits the roof of the car right above my window. Then it sounds like the windows are pelted with rocks.

  The Rover makes many turns before we are outside the city limits. The tension filled air from the last twenty minutes seem to change. Dante finally allows me up when he gets the all clear from the driver. The tension may have eased but the guys, including Dante, are still on high alert.

  “What the hell was that?” I ask to no one in particular, but stare daggers at Dante.

  No one answers.

  “Dante? What the hell?”

  “I think that guy had a gun?” Dante answers, his voice still shaken.

  The driver looks in the rear-view mirror at me, but never remarks.

  “Please tell me. What is happening?”

  After what seems like an interminable amount of time, the smaller guy answers me while looking at his phone. “We’re heading to a safe house.”

  Safe house? What the fuck?

  Normally, I try to not curse, but seriously.




  “Why?” I demand, pissed off. “Did that guy have a gun?”

  No one answers again.

  “Daphne, don’t ask more questions. Let these guys do their job. Daniel must have them doing this for a reason.”

  Wow, this coming from Dante, who only less than an hour before, was ready to fight these guys. Seething, I sink back into my seat, folding my arms across my chest.

  What the hell is going on? A gun?

  I fume at having to wait for Daniel to give me answers.

  Two hours later we arrive at a beautiful three story chateau in the Catskill Mountains. The beauty of the property temporarily helps heal my rattled nerves. The chateau is secluded, surrounded by forestry and snow, lots of it. Any other time, I would love a place like this, but tonight it feels like a prison. I’m escorted into the chateau only after the bigger guy searches the building and surrounding area. When he comes back, I’m flanked by Mo and Curly on either side, with Dante bringing up the rear. We stay here for almost twelve hours, leaving only enough time to shower, eat, rest and change cars.

  The sun is just starting to rise when we exit the chateau. The smaller guy gets behind the driver’s seat today. The new car in the garage is a plain black sedan, again the windows completely tinted out. The car, surprisingly, handles the slick, freshly snowed covered driveway with ease.

  By mid-morning, the overly bright sun is shining, fighting with the bitter cold wind of the mountains to melt the snow, leaving puddles in some spots ice in others. Noticing the sun is on my right this time of the day, I gather we must be heading north. We stop once to change cars again and use the rest rooms.

  Dante has been quiet during this part of the adventure, but his face looks tense with anxiety. Our next stop, which proves to be our final one for today, is in Maine at a small no name motel. The four of us check into the honeymoon suite, but honeymoon is not what comes to mind when we enter the room, more like porn set. Dante laughs.

  “If Trish and Josh could see us now. They would never believe we’re just friends.” He says trying to catch his breath from laughing so hard.

  Trish and Josh are runaway siblings that we have much in common with. They have teased us since we all started working together at the diner. They say we are a secret couple that love to mess with their friends.

  “You’d have a lot of explaining to do with Jonathon.” Oh shit, Jonathon. “Did you call him?”

  “Yeah, he wasn’t too happy with me canceling our date last minute.” He shrugs, producing an air of nonchalance. “He blamed you of course.”

  “I’m sorry.”

  “Don’t be. I’m not. He felt threatened by you. Any one that can’t stand you being as important as them, doesn’t have a place with me.”

  “Thank you. I thought you didn’t see it.”

  “I did. He just had a way of making me-”

  “TMI, TMI. My ears. La la la la. I can’t hear you.” I yell.

  He laughs while removing my hands from my ears, kissing my forehead. I love this man completely. I would have tolerated Jonathon if Dante really wanted to be with him. Dante calms me as nothing else can. He’s my center, my ground.

  “But when he would touch me and-.”

  “Oh God, now I have a visual seared in my brain. Thanks, dickhead.” I shove him jokingly.

  Acting this way with Dante feels normal and for that moment I forget where we are- that is until Mo and Curly come in, deflating my mood.

  “Did they tell you anything?”

  “Only that it wasn’t safe at home.”

  “Really? That’s all you have to say?”

  “Sorry. All I can say is trust Daniel. He knows what he’s doing.”

  “You’re supposed to be on my side. Why won’t they tell me anything?”

  “I am. They didn’t tell me anything that you don’t already know. You’ve seen everything I have.”

  I check my phone for the millionth time in the last day, hoping Daniel has called or texted.

  “He hasn’t even called to make sure we’re okay.”

  MO and Curly stop their conversation then look at my phone. The smaller one snatches it from my grasp tossing it to the ground where the bigger one crushes it with his foot. They toss it into the garbage.

  “What the hell?” I yell, fed up and pushed farther then I thought was possible. “I want to talk to Daniel now. Get him on the phone now.”

  They look at each other clearly debating how to handle the irate woman standing before them. Finally, after a few minutes of tension, my hissy fit pays off. The big guy takes out his phone.

  “Yeah, we have a problem.” He speaks with a heavy accent.

  I don’t know what Daniel says, but the big guy flinches as I hear Daniel yelling. He hands me the phone, red faced. I have an ounce of regret about getting him in trouble. They should have let me talk to him sooner.

  “Daphne, I don’t have time for this.” Daniel sighs loudly and his irritation is felt through the phone. “Just do as they say. I’ll see you soon.”


  He hung up on me. Where does he get off hanging up on me? No word in over a day after he had me kidnapped and he hangs up on me? The sudden chill in the room emanates from me. Beyond irate, I slam the door to the bathroom not wanting anyone to see ho
w hurt I am.

  A knock on the door a short while later is followed by, “Daph, we need to leave again.”

  I rip open the door, storming out of the room. This is fucking ridiculous. How many times are we going to move?

  “I’m not going anywhere until you tell where we’re going?” I demand of my captors, as I know refer to them now.

  It doesn’t matter what his intentions are, I am being held against my wishes. My demands fall on deaf ears again for possibly the hundredth time. Instead, I am literally picked up by the big guy and placed none too gently over his shoulder then tossed into another car.

  Dante and I have been ushered all over northeastern America to finally arrive at an airport somewhere in Canada. The airport is surprisingly empty this time of day. The tarmac is smooth, deserted of other planes or trucks except for a sleek private jet shining brilliantly in the blinding winter sun. The car rolls to a stop alongside it.

  I am told to stay in the car as the small guy opens the trunk, removing the bags. The other guy scans the area as has been the routine since this journey began. Our bags have been getting smaller and smaller because with each move, I am told to leave the clothing behind. At first I was annoyed, but they explained it would throw people off and keep them guessing as to when we would return. However, at this rate I will be without clothes.

  As the car door opens, the bigger guy reaches in for my hand. I suddenly realized they plan on taking us on the plane. Unfamiliar with flying and more than slightly fearful, I push the offending hand away and start shrieking. Dante tries soothing me from behind.

  “Get Daniel on the phone. NOW!” I keep yelling, over and over at everyone.

  I’ve been pushed too far without any explanation. The phone is handed to me after a few moments.

  “Daniel, what the hell is going on?” I screech into the phone.

  “Daphne, enough!” He yells back at me, silencing my fears. “Get. On. The. Mother. Fucking. Plane. Now. We can’t afford being found out.”


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