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The Unknown Royal Heir

Page 18

by Kimber Swan

  “Do I want to know why you’re blushing?” Daniel smirks.

  This is ridiculous. I feel like a delinquent child getting caught in the act. Let’s see how he’ll react.

  “Actually, I envisioned you hovering over me naked in this very bed.” I look him straight in the eye, caressing the bed for added effect. “Care to make it a reality?”

  Daniel’s nostrils flare. He tries gathering his composure and unfortunately succeeds. Putting him off kilter is becoming my favorite past time. It happens so infrequently that I lavish in the feel of it. I strut by him to look at the closet when he grabs me around the waist pulling me back to him, our bodies flushed against each other. He turns me, his hand gripping the back of my neck tightly.

  “Don’t tempt me, Princess.” He growls before his mouth crashes to mine.

  My arms wrap around his neck. I lift on my tiptoes when I feel him lift me off the ground. I wrap my legs around his waist. He walks us towards the very bed I just envisioned us on. He gently lays me down. I start unbuttoning his shirt, but his hands stay my actions. He pulls away resting his forehead against mine. I sigh knowing that it was as far as we were going, but it was invigorating while it lasted.

  “Will you stop trying to undress me?” He chuckles.

  “Can’t we do anything?” I ask suggestively, dragging my nails down his back.

  Daniel shivers then closes his eyes pushing himself away. He looks me over thoughtfully and walks a safe distance away before turning around. I roll onto my stomach with my feet swinging in the air like a teenager. He smiles, shaking his head.

  “I know what you’re doing. It won’t work.” He remarks with determination. “You’re only making this harder on yourself.”

  Harder? I know something else that’s hard. I look at the large bulge in his pants and quirk my brow.

  “It looks like that’s not the only thing that’s hard.” I say with mock seriousness.

  He laughs outright and I can’t contain my own giggles.

  “Touché.” He replies, trying to adjust his pants.

  “Fine.” I say, rolling off the bed.

  “Now then. AnnaBelle should be here any minute to help acquaint you to your rooms. Everything has been ordered in your size. Although I didn’t pick it all out, there were a few items I did. See if you can figure out which I picked.” He winks.

  “Goodie.” I rub my hands together in anticipation.

  “Please let AnnaBelle lead you around. It’s a big house. I don’t want you getting lost. I’ll give you a tour after your father leaves and we can spend some time to together. We-.” He pauses at the knock at the door. “Come in.”

  “Sorry sir, I can come back.” AnnaBelle states demurely.

  “No need. Perfect timing as usual. I was explaining some things to the Princess.” He says with authority.

  AnnaBelle curtsies, leaves a binder on the desk in the corner then enters the closet.

  “As I was saying, after your father leaves we can spend some quality time together. Just you, Dante and me, friends hanging out.” He looks contemplatively at me. “I’ll send Donald when your father arrives.”

  He keeps giving me a strange look, but I have no idea what it means or what he intends it to mean. There is something up his sleeve he isn’t sharing. AnnaBelle comes back with a beige outfit breaking my train of thought. Beige? I don’t wear beige.


  Her head snaps up at her name.

  “Make sure the Princess wears a blouse that will reveal her birthmark without it being too obvious.”

  “Yes sir.”

  “I’ll see you later.” He says, kissing me on the cheek before leaving.

  Chapter Eighteen

  After Daniel’s remark about what type of blouse I should wear, AnnaBelle went back into the closet and brought out a plain cream colored off the shoulder sweater with two large gold buttons on the front and back, drawing the eye’s attention. She also chooses brown-checkered slacks with matching pumps. For a girl who is used to wearing jeans, tee shirts, and sneakers, the outfit looks uncomfortable.

  “So AnnaBelle, I’ve been speaking with Dan- the Duke. It seems I need a personal assistant.”

  “Hmm. I would think so.” She replies, shaking out the sweater, helping me put it on.

  “Well, I was wondering whether or not you really like being a lady’s maid.” I hesitate because I’m afraid I’ll insult her somehow.

  She looks at me quizzically.

  “I’m sorry. What I mean is that did you ever think about being a personal assistant?”

  “It never occurred to me to be more than a lady’s maid. I mean, there is much prestige in being your maid that I would never want to stop being that.” She states matter of fact.

  “Well, what if you were to be my personal assistant? Wouldn’t that be more prestigious?”

  She stops fixing my hair and looks at me in the mirror.

  “You are well versed in the ways of the castle and Farquadt. You know the ins and outs of it.”

  She nods, still looking dumbfounded.

  “Okay look, here’s the deal. Daniel told me I need to have a personal assistant and I thought you would be perfect for the job. What do you think?”

  “There are other more qualified people who could be your assistant?” She answers resuming the task of fixing my hair into a bun at the nap of my neck.

  “You and I already have an established working relationship, which I hope will grow to a true friendship.” I reply. “It only makes sense. Besides if Daniel trusts you, then I do as well.”

  “Is that why Donald gave me that binder?” She asks, looking towards the desk.

  “I don’t know, but if it came from Donald then he and Daniel probably came to the same conclusions I did.”

  AnnaBelle walks over to the desk, opening the binder to look inside. As she flips the pages, her eyes grow wider. I walk over to her, looking over her shoulder. Listed on the pages are daily schedules starting tomorrow. I grab the binder, looking at the remainder of the book. Everyday has a long list of activities that require my attention. Stopping at three months from now, I look at AnnaBelle and smile maniacally. I don’t know if it was that she felt she had a duty towards her future queen or what she saw on my face, but she took pity on me.

  “I would be honored, Princess.” She says formally, taking the book gingerly from my hands and placing it back on the desk. “First, let’s finish getting you dressed.”

  “Thank you.” I whisper gratefully.

  About an hour later, AnnaBelle and I review the binder page by page making notes along the way, getting to know each other on a personal level when we hear a commotion outside. AnnaBelle walks to the window from her perch at the desk and gasps, calling my attention away from the binder.

  “What is it?” I ask, starting to rise.

  She turns her head looking like a deer caught in a car’s headlights. I rush to the window to see, but all I see is a Range Rover that followed us here when we first arrived. There are men in suits outside the main doors with umbrellas. That’s when I catch my first glimpse of him. The King. My Father. The atmosphere around the estate changes. Everyone who happens to be outside caught in the rain straightens as he passes them

  I quickly move to the side of the window hiding, afraid I may be seen. I lean against the wall breathing heavily, heart pounding in my chest. My first instinct is to run, but to where? Sanity returns with a knock on the door, bringing me back from the edge. My father is here. I finally get to meet him. Anxiety and anticipation are vying for the most overwhelming emotion. Dante enters without being beckoned. One look at me and he rushes to my side.

  “What is it darling?” He asks, gripping my face between his warm, strong hands.

  “My…, my…, the…”

  I swallow loudly then try again.

  “My father is here.” I whisper.

  “Okay. We knew he was coming. Calm down.” He says, hugging me.

  I nod vigor

  “You know you can’t run now.” He replies softly in my ear, reading my mind.

  “Hi, I’m Dante.” He says, noticing AnnaBelle for the first time.

  “Hello. It’s nice to meet you. I’m AnnaBelle, the Princess’ personal assistant.” She says.

  Hearing AnnaBelle say she was my personal assistant reminds me I need to make sure Dante wouldn’t mind being my other personal assistant.

  “Oh, yeah. You both will be working alongside each other closely.” I look to AnnaBelle and say, “he will be my second personal assistant.”

  I look to Dante for his reaction. He looks like I hit him in the face. I’m not sure what he is thinking, which is very odd for us. We usually finish each other’s sentences. Maybe he doesn’t want to help me.

  “Please.” I mouth to him.

  His curt nod is the only answer I get before he returns to himself.

  “Thank you.” I whisper.

  “Turn around. Let me look at this outfit.” He says twirling me around.

  “I did as the Duke asked. Her mark can be seen without it being too obvious. I thought the buttons would draw the eye to it even more.” She says seeking approval. “I thought putting her hair in a chignon would give her a regal air as well as provide an unobstructed view of the mark.”

  “Nicely done. I would have probably picked the same outfit, but maybe done something different with her hair.” He says. “Just because I’ve never seen her wear her hair like that. I like it. It makes you appear older. More refined.”

  I blow raspberries at him.

  “Thank you.” AnnaBelle smiles proudly.

  “Dante, how am I going to do this?” I ask, fearing my father will reject me.

  “With me and Daniel by your side. That’s how.” He says matter of fact. “Anyway, we hoped this day would come when we hired Al, remember?”

  I nod feeling a little dispossessed of my body because I cannot believe this is actually happening. What can Daniel be saying to my father? How is he explaining me? He really must have loved my mother if he was willing to come all this way to meet someone who knew her. A person he had never met before. How bad could a man who loved a woman like that be?

  “Do I look okay?” I ask Dante.

  “You look fine.” He replies.

  “Okay.” I feel more confident after his approval. “Let’s go down and meet my father on my terms.”

  As AnnaBelle opens the door for us, Donald appears, startling us.

  “Daniel requests that you stay up here until he has had a chance to talk with the King.” Donald says to me.

  “I’m not staying up here a minute longer. Daniel will just have to deal.” I say walking pass him, huffing.

  “Please, Princess. He wants to prepare the King.” Donald follows me down the hallway.

  Dante and AnnaBelle are scurrying to keep up, while I ignore Donald.

  “Please, Princess. Give him a minute or two.” Donald says, placing his hand on my arm.

  I turn around and sigh when I see Donald’s face. This is really stressing him out.

  “If I don’t do this now, I don’t know if I will be able to do it later.”

  “Please.” He pleads.

  I look to Dante then AnnaBelle, thinking. I need to see what he looks like. Compromise!

  “How about I stand outside the room and listen? This way I can see and hear him.” I counter.

  Donald looks thoughtfully between the three of us. His gaze lands back on me.

  “Try and not be seen until Daniel calls for you.” Donald states then disappears in the opposite direction.

  Dante and AnnaBelle lead the way to the stairs. They know this castle better than my hours’ worth of knowledge. Voices can be heard coming from one of the rooms below. Daniel’s voice is recognizable, but the other I have never heard before. I can’t hear what they are saying but the tone is jovial. Something Daniel said has my father laughing. There are men in suits with earplugs scattered around below us, but no one seems to notice us or don’t think we’re a threat. Dante, AnnaBelle and I approach the doors quietly. The door to the library is slightly ajar. AnnaBelle whispers that she is going to do some work. She didn’t see the need to spy on the King. I nod and look at Dante.

  “So, where did you find this person who knew Bridgette.” My father’s heavily accented voice inquires.

  “It is a long story but…,” Daniel voice trails off and I can’t hear what he is saying.

  Dante and I inch closer until we are flush against the doors hearing the conversation clearly. I lean slightly further in, getting a quick look at my father He is tall, medium framed with dark hair, almost black. His side profile is handsome, but aristocratic with a straight nose and high cheek bones. His clothes are finely made. He holds himself with confidence.

  “Who am I here to meet. I thought I knew everyone that Bridget knew.” My father says with a catch in his voice. “It still hurts to say her name, even after all this time.”

  “I’m sorry, your Highness.” Daniel says apologetically.

  “Well then, send for her. I want to meet this person. How did you say she knew Bridget?”

  “It seems she knew Bridget very well. She spent many years with her after Bridget left here. I’m sure you will really like her but-”

  My father cuts Daniel off. “Daniel, stop stalling and bring her to me.”

  “Your Highness, please I must explain.” There is a rustling and then Daniel says loudly, “Wait sir, let me explain.”

  The door to the library swings fully open. I fall into my father’s arms, surprising him.

  “Sorry.” I mutter, grabbing him and looking at my feet.

  Daniel comes running into the hallway, stopping short when he sees me in my father’s arms. My father steadies me, straightening his suit jacket as he steps away.

  “I’m sorry, Miss-” He stops, stepping back further, staring at me. “Bridget?”

  He steps forward, pulling me to him for a better look, forcing me to look up. He is searching my face. If you ask me ten minutes from now what I remember of this moment, it would be his smell. He smells of home, that is if home has such a smell.

  The moment I see recognition on his face he turns a bewildered look on Daniel. Dante steps forward to place his hand at my lower back. My father must have sensed Dante’s approach because he turns around sharply pulling me tighter to himself.

  “What is the meaning of this?” He says to Daniel in a curt manner, but glares at Dante.

  “Sir. That is not Bridget. It’s-” Daniel starts to explain.

  “I know it’s not her. This woman is too young to be her. So, who is this imposter?” He throws me forward, discarding me.

  I stumble only to have Dante catch me. Daniel steps forward, but the look my father gives him stops him in his tracks.

  “Are you okay?’ Dante searches my face.

  I nod, straightening to my full height. That’s when I hear my father gasp. He grabs me again but Dante does not let go.

  “Let go of her now.” Dante growls.

  “Michael, let me explain.” Daniel says forcibly from behind me, raising his voice drawing the attention of the guards.

  “How did she get that mark?” My father says raising his voice. “There is only one person who should have that mark there.”

  There are armed men surrounding us now looking to my father for guidance. Their guns are at their sides.

  “Stand down.” Daniel says with authority.

  They look back to my father. Dante turns me around. I’m facing my father now. Daniel steps up to my father and whispers in his ear. I catch the last few words.

  “Look at her. Really look.” Daniel says.

  My father hesitates in stepping closer, afraid to touch me. Dante pulls me tighter to his body. Then my father circles me like a predator circling his prey. When my father comes back in front of me, I stand up straighter, not wanting to look less in his eyes.

  After a couple of minutes, he says
. “How is it possible?”

  “Come back in and I’ll explain.” Daniel says, pointing towards the library.

  “Daphne, would you please come.” Daniel says. “Dante, I’ve got her now.”

  “No! I’m staying, Daniel.” Dante replies not allowing any one to argue with him.

  Dante ushers me into the library, acting as a shield to my back. What was I thinking when I wanted to meet my father? Dante warned me this could happen. I mean I didn’t know how he was going to react but I didn’t envision this. He seems angry beyond words.

  “Everything’s fine.” Daniel says speaking to the men with guns.

  But everything is far from fine.

  Chapter Nineteen

  Daniel enters the library behind us with my father close on his heels. I can feel my father’s gaze burning a hole through me. I wish this part would be over and we could start getting to know one another. Despite the way he’s been acting, we have a connection. If he plays this right, we both can have my mother back.

  Dante pulls me to the settee furthest from the door and away from my father. Daniel leans his backside against the front of his desk with crossed arms looking at me, waiting for my father to sit. This is the first real chance I’ve had to look at my father. His eyes are a piercing blue and in this light his dark brown hair looks almost black. He is handsome and I can see why my mother fell for him in the first place. But what did he see in her?

  “Start explaining.” My father says sternly, looking first at Daniel then to me.

  His gaze travels to Dante’s and my clasped hands then back up to Dante’s face. I feel dismissed again. Dante stiffens next to me, ready to erupt at any moment. I squeeze his hand reassuringly.

  “I think it’s best if Daniel explains because up until recently, I never knew you or this place existed.” I say, sounding smug but not sorry for it because he needs to know that I am in the dark as much as him.

  Daniel explains everything from the moment he and I met including what was uncovered in his father’s files up to my flight from New York. He told him about the men chasing us out of Paris. My father’s expression hardened then softened slightly towards the end. Daniel looks at me when he finishes.


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