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The Unknown Royal Heir

Page 25

by Kimber Swan

  “Oh!” I respond as my heart does a two-step and my knees turn to jelly. “I have to sit down.”

  The thought of being tied up by Daniel brings a sheen of perspiration above my lip.

  “Are you okay?” They both ask me as Daniel leads me to a chair.

  “It suddenly became warm in here.” I fan myself.

  “Is everything okay?” My father asks worriedly when he saw me sit down.

  “She’s fine.” Daniel replies dismissively. “I would actually like to take her to bed. It has been a long day and she needs the rest.”

  My father looks at him chastising.

  “Really? Rest? You both have a duty to do tonight.” The King, not my father murmurs.

  “Yes, I know exactly what our duty is. We will complete our duty, but after that she must rest. She is my wife now and I know what she needs.” Daniels states hotly bordering on the verge of being disrespectful.

  “Father, can you help us get out of here quietly?”

  “Daphne, unfortunately everyone is here to witness your supposed loss of virginity.”

  I feel as if he slapped me.

  “Do you doubt me?”

  “There is no way this can be falsified. If you are not, now would be the time to let us know and we can prepare.” My father, not the King, says quietly, not wanting to be overheard.

  “I think you need to help us get out of here before you insult my wife further.” Daniel says coldly.

  My father’s words cut me deeper than I thought he could. The fact that he didn’t believe me is evident. It makes me question him and his supposed love for me. How did I suddenly love this man who is my father? Did I just see what I wanted to see? Was I so desperate for a father that I believed his lies?

  My father looks at me with an unnamed emotion then walks to the doorway. When he reaches the door, he turns back to me making a grand show of leaving. The guests notice his departure signifying the time is at hand to witness my deflowering.

  “Damn him. That was a lot of help.” Daniel curses my father. “Daphne, I’m sorry I wanted to escape unnoticed allowing you time to rest even if for a little while, but now they will be expecting us to consummate this marriage. I’m sorry sweetheart.”

  Sweetheart? The term of endearment negates anything my father just did. I’m floating on cloud nine. My emotions are all over the place. It must be the pain medication.

  “Wait, what just happened?” Dante asks Daniel.

  “My father just screwed me royally, pun intended, because he thinks I’m not a virgin.” I reply, slipping off my cloud.

  “What a dick!”

  “My thoughts exactly.” Daniel murmurs taking my hand but Dante stops Daniel by the arm.

  “I know I don’t have to tell you, but I will anyway. Remember this is her first time, be gentle.” Dante says in a menacing tone.

  “I know. Thank you for always being there for her. You will always have place in our home.” Daniel says to Dante.

  “Keep this up and I’m going to ask Daph to share you.” Dante jokes.

  Daniel laughs making me tingle from the top of my head to the tips of my toes.

  “Are you ready, sweetheart?”

  “As ready as I’ll ever be.”

  Daniel guides us to his bedroom where all our guests are waiting outside the closed door. Daniel squeezes my hand reassuringly. My father opens the door and walks in followed by the witnesses and then finally, by Daniel and me. My father moves the chair from the desk and sits. The aristocrats standing near him are at ease while the commoners, ill at ease, stand further back near the closed door.

  Daniel leads me behind a screen conveniently placed in the corner of the room, away from prying eyes.

  “AnnaBelle placed your nightgown on the window seat. I’ll wait right here.” He kisses my head. “Remember it is only you and me here. Don’t think about them.”

  “I’ll try.”

  I step behind the screen, taking a deep breath feeling like I’ve run a marathon. The dull pain in my side is the least of my worries. Murmurs echo off the high ceiling. The mantra “Daniel and me” plays on repeat in my head. I hear the rustle of movement from the other side of the screen and jump. My hands tremble as I try to undo the buttons at the back of the dress. I shake my hands trying to stop the trembling.

  “Daniel, can you help me with these?” I whisper from behind the screen.

  Daniel walks around the screen and cups my face. His thumbs gently rub my cheeks then glide over my lower lip.

  “Relax.” He whispers before kissing me again. “You and me against the world.”

  I nod, turning around. His hands leave a warm trail along my back as he expeditiously unbuttons the dress. He helps slide the dress down. I step out of it, leaving me clad only in a slip. He’s seen me n less. Daniel steps closer, kissing first one bare shoulder then the other.

  “Put this on then meet me out there.” He hands me the nightgown.

  I hold up the sheer slip of fabric, quirking my brow at him in question. His eyes light up. I’m not exactly sure what I saw myself wearing on my wedding night, but then again, I also didn’t expect to have an audience when I finally climbed into bed with my husband for the first time.

  The gown slides down my body, caressing each curve it hits. The woman in the mirror looking back is foreign to me. The gown leaves nothing to the imagination, leaving me vulnerable to those in the room. I try ignoring that fact by removing the pins from my hair, taking another deep I breath finally settle my nerves.

  I decide looking at our witnesses is counterproductive to the calmness I managed to find. I focus solely on Daniel when I step from behind the screen. Daniel is waiting with his hand outstretched to me. His gaze peruses my body possessively. His heat filled gaze sends a wave of liquid fire through me. I take his hand as he leads us to the enormous antique bed. The covers have been drawn back. He gently lifts me by the waist, careful of my wound, to sit on the bed. He nudges my legs slightly apart, stepping between them trying to hide his arousal.

  His kisses are what romance stories describe but can never truly get right. After a few moments of these passionate kisses, he pushes me back by climbing next to me, forcing me to lay back. Daniel resumes the kiss picking up where he left off, obliterating the witnesses and the world outside of his embrace.

  When we next come up for air, he looks behind us and nods curtly at Donald. There is some noise as the witnesses leave. Daniel turns back to me changing his look to the predatory one he had the night at his house in New York, an expression I will never forget.

  “They’re gone. It’s you and me. No one else. Only you and me.” He informs me quietly.

  “Good, that’s all who should be here. Remind me when I’m Queen, I’m changing this stupid clause.”

  Daniel slides the strap of the nightgown off my shoulder as his fingers leave a blazing trail down my arm.

  “I’m burning this gown after tonight.”

  I giggle then inhale sharply as he sucks my bottom lip into his mouth. I bend my knee moving further up the bed but Daniel stops me by kissing my right wrist. He leaves a path of kisses from my wrist up my arm over my shoulder past my chest and down the other arm. Desire shoots through every nerve in my body, consuming me completely. He gently lifts one breast out of the little warmth the nightgown provided, exposing it to the chill of the room.

  I shiver and he murmurs, “Cold?”

  I shake my head no, afraid to speak. Once both breasts are free, Daniel slides the nightgown off. I lift my hips wincing when my muscles tighten. He leaves me clad in only my underwear. He leans back on his heels looking at me like I’m a buffet and he’s not sure where to start first. Daniel pays special attention to my breasts, fondling and tasting them.

  “Perfect.” His raspy voice whispers.

  His hands move lower and I stiffen as they glide down my injured side.

  “Sorry.” His whispered apology barely penetrates my sex hazed mind.

  The endorph
ins circulating through my system numbs the pain further.

  Daniel’s fingers lift the top of my underwear, gliding it down to my knees. He is still dressed in pajama pants. He climbs off the bed and stands gazing at my body.

  “I never thought there was such perfection out there.” He says removing his own pants. “I’m sorry for the pain I’m about to cause. I will try my best to make this as enjoyable for you as it will be for me but the caveman in me wants to claim you despite the cost.”

  “I understand.” I pull him back to me. “I trust you.”

  Daniel lies down next to me, worshipping my lips with his, increasing the anticipation of what is to come. I can’t describe it any other way. His hand cups my sex, nudging my legs open. I hear him inhale sharply as his finger enters me. I tense at the unfamiliar invasion. My knees draw up.

  “Shh. Relax sweetheart.” He murmurs between kisses.

  After a few minutes of him fanning the flames of my desire, my body is ready to explode as he adds another finger. He works them in and out, back and forth. His thumb grazes the sensitive bundle of nerves, setting off fireworks. My back arches as I float off to oblivion, crying out his name. Without removing his hand from where it rests, he moves himself to lie between my legs. I’m panting, trying to catch my breath

  “I never thought you could be more beautiful than you are.” He murmurs again.

  He removes his hand as I feel him nudging my entrance with his hardness. He holds his upper body is supported by his arms. He watches me for any sign. My hands wrap around his large biceps, bracing myself for what I know is coming. My eyes drift close as he eases himself in, but stops when he hits the barrier verifying no one has been there. When I open my eyes, his smile, though tense, is serene. I fidget slightly at the foreign, uncomfortable feeling. His smile becomes pained.

  “Daphne, don’t move. I’m barely holding on to my control.” He groans out.


  After a few breaths from both of us, he pushes forward, breaking through the thin barrier with ease, marking his ownership over my body. I inhale sharply at the pleasurable pain. He closes his eyes, moaning softly as he completes our union.

  “Are you okay?”

  The straining muscles in his neck and shoulders tense from the effort of holding himself still. There was minor pain at first, but as my body grows accustom to him, it craves more.

  “Yes. I need you.” I answer breathlessly.

  The rest was natural. He takes my lead initially as I pull him closer. His lower body pulls back slightly and then presses back into me. My legs open wider allowing him better access. During the entirety of our union, his eyes never leave mine. He kisses my lips, neck, shoulder all the while his hips roll slowly. He sighs and I wrap my arms around his neck pulling down him for more kisses.

  “You feel so good.” He breathes between kisses, and then groans as I meet him thrust for thrust. The pain from the gunshot wound completely gone.

  “I have never felt anything like this.”

  We fit together like a puzzle. He rolls us over and I sit astride him. I sigh in pure contentment, as he enters me deeper. I kiss every peak and valley of his washboard abdomen. I ease up, placing my hands on his chest and roll my hips. He moans, encouraging me further. His hands help guide the rate

  “Daphne.” He groans, sitting up wrapping his arm around my waist, pulling me impossibly closer.

  Both his hands come from under my arms, pulling my shoulders down. He rolls me to my back, gently biting my shoulder then sucking the area to soothe it. I moaned loudly nearing the edge again, except this time it is stronger than the first. His teeth nip then suck on my breast strongly, sending me cascading over the cliff into heaven. My insides clench him tightly, forcing him off the same cliff right behind me.

  Eventually, he rolls over, taking me with him. I rest my head on his chest. Our rapid breathing almost matching our heart rates. I fold my hand under my chin and look up at him. We gaze at each other lost in the wonder of each other. He gently moves hair away from my sweaty face and kisses me gently on the lips. When he pulls back, we smile at each other.

  “Is it always like that?” I ask amazed.

  “No, never.” He says with frank honesty.

  “Good.” I reply yawning.

  “Are you ready for sleep, my Queen?” He asks playfully.

  “Mmmm.” I murmur, rolling over onto my non-battered side, surprised the area isn’t hurting.

  “I have to clean you up before you drift off.” He says chuckling at my limp form.

  He lifts me off him gently placing me on my back in the bed without him. I notice his loss immediately. I hear him moving around in the bathroom and running the tap. He returns shortly easing my legs apart, applying a warm washcloth. Either I have no modesty left or I am completely exhausted. I feel the bed dip as he sits down between my legs, gently wiping my sex in slow sensual stokes.

  He growls.

  When he finishes, I peak down at him and see him wiping himself to reveal the proof of my virginity. A tension, I didn’t know was there, lifts. He sighs loud enough to draw my attention away from the washcloth to his eyes. With passion filled eyes, his gaze never leaves mine as he lowers his head kissing me exactly where he moments ago, finished cleaning me. I moan loudly at the heat it stirs.

  “Later.” He murmurs inhaling my scent. “Once you have rested and our witnesses have left.”

  I stiffen at the mention of the people waiting next door to verify there is a new Queen. Daniel rises and leaves the chamber in only his discarded pajama pants. The door remains open. A loud cheer erupts after a few moments from somewhere in the hallway. I feel myself blush at the sound. I stiffen as the witnesses come back in, Daniel leading the group.

  I know I have that just fucked look. I move to the center of the bed, inching closer to Daniel as they near. My father lifts the sheets away revealing where Daniel and I consummated our marriage. There is a brown, bloody spot verifying everything they need to see. I hold the sheet tighter to my chest.

  This is too far. Who do they think they are dealing with?

  “Enough!” I state in as an authoritative tone as I can.

  I sit up ensuring the hold I have on the bedding is tight against my breast. I feel Daniel‘s hand on my lower back, supporting me. I will not be forced to bear any more of this humiliation. I am their Queen. No one and I mean no one should be subjected to this antiquated practice.

  “Daniel has given you the proof of my innocence. There is no reason for you to be in our chamber any longer. I have met the stipulations our ancestors required of the Queen many years ago. You have all bared witness. Now, go forth and spread the good news. I am married to the Duke of Balwart and no longer a virgin.” I say dismissing them with my hand.

  In the back, Dante smiles knowingly at me, never doubting me for a moment. My father frowns, but everyone follows him out. He truly thought I was deceiving him even when I promised I was a virgin.

  Daniel closes the door behind the last witness, locking it. I watch as he stalks towards the bed in a predatory fashion.

  “If I didn’t know you were so tired from the events of the day, I would take you again. I never thought I would find it sexy seeing a woman take control like that.” He kisses me passionately. “But with that being said, here in this room, I rule. Always remember, I rule here.”

  I hold the covers back, inviting him to join me. He rolls onto to his side facing me. He places his strong arm around my waist and pulls me in tight to his chest, spooning us. I snuggle into him, wiggling my backside. I feel him stir again.

  “Again?” I ask sleepily.

  He chuckles.

  “Always around you. Go to sleep, my love. There’s a good chance I’ll wake you later.”

  He kisses my hair then lays back himself. His body heat is enough to keep me warm, but I still glance at the slow burning embers in the fireplace. I look at the clock above the mantel as it chimes four o’clock in the morning.
/>   What a day!

  I sigh, my breathing evening out.

  Daniel kisses my shoulder, murmuring, “Good night, my beautiful wife.”

  Everything in me relaxes as I drift asleep.

  Part 4 The Queen

  Chapter Twenty-Six

  Unfortunately, Daniel and I sleep like the dead until a loud banging on the door starts. My eyes open and I forget where I am initially. Then the night before comes back in technicolor. We’re in the same position we fell asleep in. I sink back into Daniel, luxuriating in his warmth as the banging continues. I move slightly feeling like I have been hit by a truck. There are muscles that I never knew were there. The gunshot wound is sore, but doesn’t hurt today. Daniel stirs sighing softly and hugging me tightly to him.

  “I never want to wake up without you in my arms again.” He murmurs kissing my neck.

  “That can definitely be arranged.”

  “How are you feeling?” He asks.

  “A little sore but nothing I can’t handle.”

  The incessant knocking becomes pounding.


  “What?” Daniel yells back rolling me on my back and kissing his way down my neck.

  “Daphne.” Dante yells. “Open the door, Baby Girl.”

  “I may have to rethink my feelings about having him with us no matter where we are.” Daniel murmurs in my ear.

  “Whatever it is Dante, it can definitely wait.” I yell back. “This is the day after my wedding night.”

  “You know I would never disturb your wedding night if it wasn’t important.” Dante replies urgently. “Very important.”

  I start to rise but Daniel says, “I’ll get it. I want you just like that when I get back.”

  I smile shyly at him. This man has seen me in a way no other man has. I watch him swagger to the door, appreciating his form. He looks like a man without a care in the world. At the door, he turns back to me winking as he adjusts his pants.

  “What is it?” He swings the door open, trying to act angry.


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