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The Unknown Royal Heir

Page 28

by Kimber Swan

  I point to a female in the front row wearing a nice beige suit with a single strand of costume pearls.

  “Who do think is responsible for his death?” She questions.

  “At this time, we prefer to not answer that question.” I explain but Daniel raises his hand cutting of the remainder of the statement.

  “Baron Farfall is being held for questioning and for kidnapping the Queen last night. Lady Elizabeth is suspected of the murder.” Daniel answers.

  Another gentlemen stand ups and asks, “Why did she do it?”

  “She was part of the kidnapping plot. Some of the statements she made to the Queen during her kidnapping implicate her. There are only two people who knew the route that was used to access the King. I am one of them and she is the other. As you all know, I have no motive to kill the King. The crown would have eventually been mine and needless to say,” he looks at me wickedly, “I was otherwise preoccupied with my bride.”

  My cheeks reddened at the mention of last night’s intimate activities.

  “I don’t think I have ever seen a Queen blush before.” Daniel jokes.

  I smack his arm playfully. The press notices and half of them laugh while the rest blind us with their flashes.

  “We know many of you still have questions and we will be releasing a joint statement in a few hours, but now we need to handle some pressing business. We just wanted the people of Farquadt to know there is still a power structure.”

  And for the first time since all this began, I feel like I truly belong here, especially when I hear the room erupt in “Long live the King and Queen.”

  The guards flank us on all sides as we leave the room, flashes blind our exit. Once we’re outside the room, AnnaBelle and Dante walk along my left side. Daniel is on my right and Donald is to the far right. I look to Daniel as he and Donald talk. Daniel is leading us towards the front of the castle, but I have no idea where we are heading.

  I look at AnnaBelle. “Has my father’s body been cared for?”

  “Yes, my Queen. After the crowning, the Cardinal went and said a prayer. The royal undertaker has taken his body. It should be back at Hadley Castle by the time you arrive. His body is being guarded by his most loyal guards. We have started making the arrangements for the funeral.”

  “Good. Thank you. Where do we stand with moving our personal items?” I ask remembering I am still a wife and the household stuff usually falls to that role.

  “The Duke-. I’m sorry the King has already taken care of that. Your things were moved before the meeting with the House of Lords.”

  Surprised, I glance at Daniel and see him speaking with Donald, but smirks at my questioning glance. The only reaction I get is a squeeze of my hand. I shake my head disbelieving. Dante chuckles. I lean forward to get a better look at Dante.

  “You helped him?” I ask with mock annoyance.

  He smiles, shrugging his shoulders.

  “Fine, gang up on me. I know where I stand with the two of you.”

  Daniel stops shortly, tugging sharply on our clasped hands, forcing me to turn towards him. He pulls me towards him and says loudly, “It has been awhile since I kissed my bride.”

  He kisses me passionately in front of every one present. I hear the clicks of cameras from the press who were quick to pack up. When he pulls back, I look at him dazed. He chuckles softly then hugs me to him.

  “I love you.” He whispers.

  I sigh leaning into him. Loving he said those words to me, and losing myself in him.

  “Me too.”

  When we reach the double doors in the foyer, there is a bustle of activity. The staff is running here and there with arms full of garment bags, suitcases and shoe boxes. Daniel turns around once more, looking around thoughtfully.

  “I knew this day would come, but I never thought it would be this soon. There are many memories here. I will miss it. It has been my home since I was born. Now it will be my family’s home once more. We can finally bring my brothers and sisters back.” He says wistfully.

  During all this, I forgot Daniel has not spent quality time with his family. They were sent off to boarding schools for their protection too early in his life. They have their own lives now and have many friends. Those friends have been there for them in the good times and bad.

  “Why don’t we bring them home and have a celebration. I mean we’re entitled to celebrate our wedding and the coronation, right?” I suggest.

  Daniel seems to think this through. He frowns then looks to Donald who shrugs. He glances at the guards surrounding us, contemplating.

  “I think that would be a good idea. They will need to be here for your father’s funeral anyway. They can take a holiday from their studies for a little time.” He finally smiles. “Donald, make the arrangements. I want the jet picking them up as soon as possible. Make sure they are guarded at all times. My sister is known for being rambunctious and pig-headed. She will give the guards the hardest time.”

  I giggle. “Did you just call your sister pig-headed?”

  He laughs, hugging me to him.

  “Yes, I guess I did. I think my American beauty’s euphemisms are starting to rub off on me.”

  “I would love to rub off on you more.” I waggle my eyebrows at him.

  His eyes darken with lust. I chuckle, embarrassment coursing through my body that I would be bold enough to say such a thing. He smiles then sobers too soon.

  “It would have been nice to hear the house full of life again.” He says sadly.

  “I’m sure we’ll be back. We can always vacation here especially when we need to get away.” I offer.

  “It will be a while before we can get away.” He retorts.

  “But what about our honeymoon?” I ask, remembering we didn’t have one.

  “Right now, we need to build our power base as the ruling couple. The Purists are still there, despite cutting off the snake’s head. They want a change. Just because you’re father is gone doesn’t mean all his troubles are.” Daniel says tensely.

  “I understand. Rule first, secure power then personal life, but always be watchful. Got it.” I say, trying to lighten the mood of our conversation. “Why don’t we have a masquerade ball? I mean we can, can’t we?”

  “Oh yes, please let’s!” Dante says, excitedly rubbing his hands together.

  “I don’t see why not.” He says glancing at Donald. “It must be after the funeral and allow for the proper amount of mourning time to pass.”

  “AnnaBelle? Can a ball be planned within two months’ time?” I question her.

  “Why are you asking her?” Dante asks petulantly. “I’m the one who plans the parties and dinners. Ask me.”

  “Fine.” I sigh exasperated. “Dante, can you plan a ball in two months’ time?”

  “Of course, I can. We just need to discuss budget and number of guests.” He replies.

  Two months will bring us to the middle of May. Flowers will be blooming. The air should be warmer. The grounds and gardens at the Hadley Castle are known, as I was told by my father during one our walks, throughout the world for their beauty.

  “The ball will be a celebration of our union and coronation.” I say glancing at Daniel.

  “Invite everyone. Farquadt hasn’t had a ball since before my parents’ death. What we would have spent on the wedding and the coronation, we’ll spend on the ball.” Daniel explains.

  I jump into Daniel’s arms excitedly, not caring who is watching. He wraps me in his strong arms kissing my neck. When he places me back on my feet, I feel a blush creep along my neck. I shyly lower my head not able to look Daniel in the eyes. He can read my thoughts clearly now-a days. His eyes dilate with lust when I gather the courage to look at him.

  “Let’s get going. I want to be settled in the castle before midnight. I have a wedding night to continue.” Daniel states.

  Dante whistles behind us as we leave. Footmen open the double doors as we near them. As we walk through them, I know a new, harder stag
e of my life is about to begin. One I will tackle with Daniel by my side.

  Chapter Twenty-Nine

  Time has flown by since the coronation. Daniel and I have been busy handling state affairs while Dante has been busy planning the Royal Masquerade. Daniel and I have been inseparable since our wedding night. I think he fears if he lets me out of his sight for too long, something may happen. No one has been able to find Elizabeth. She has simple disappeared. There was enough proof indicating she did in fact commit regicide. Elizabeth and her father have been stripped of their lands and titles. We haven’t decided what to do with it yet.

  The Baron was sentenced to life in prison with no chance of parole. He asks daily for an audience with me. I was about to go last month, but Daniel all but forbade me from going. It was the first real argument we’ve had. I didn’t like arguing with him over anything, especially the Baron. The problem for me was the actual “forbidding me” to do something part. No one forbids me to do anything. I am a grown woman and a queen to boot. Unfortunately, I was out numbered when Dante sided with him. So much for Dante always having my back.

  I will eventually get around to seeing him without anyone the wiser.

  The castle when we first arrived seemed cold and lifeless. I know this was my father’s home for decades, but there were no personal touches of his time here. Daniel and I decorated our chambers with our personal touches. I added a few pieces of furniture here and there throughout the large castle trying to personalize it more. Dante has been a major help with this.

  The day after we arrived, we opened the castle to all, aristocrats and commoners alike. Everyone was mourning the King as much as me. The commoners were the most respectful and came by the droves. At first Robert, as I’ve come to call him- the commander of the Royal Guard, argued about allowing the commoners too close to the body. I respected him for wanting to protect my father even in death, but I told him the aristocrats offered more of a threat to him then the commoners. Daniel agreed with me. But Andrew was always on guard watching for someone to make a mistake.

  I thought when we buried him, he would be in a cemetery somewhere far away. When we followed my father on his final ride through the country, allowing the citizens who couldn’t come to the castle to say their final farewells, I never expected it would end in our back yard, literally. The Royal Cemetery is nestled between two large ash trees up on the northeast hill.

  The guards removed the casket and carried it to his final resting placing. The casket was lowered into the ground almost an hour after the Cardinal had started praying. After everyone left, Daniel and I stayed to say our final farewells in private. We sat on a bench near the grave for what seemed like an eternity not speaking, both lost in our own memories. I decided then that when things settled, I was bringing my mother home to rest beside her husband. She deserved to be honored as much as him.

  The next day Daniel, Dante and I went through my father’s chambers. It was probably the saddest day to date. Daniel and I decided it would be the room we occupy. Even in there, there was nothing that hinted at him as a person. Everyone knew him as the King, but no one truly knew him as the man. The only one who did was my mother. Daniel did a little, but my father obviously hid much from him. It was clear that my father hid his true self from everyone after my mom left.

  I hoped in his room there would be something hinting that he knew I existed, but I was disappointed when there wasn’t. He didn’t even display any of the numerous pictures I had given him over the last few months. I couldn’t even find the scrapbook I gave him for Christmas. Nothing.

  It took us no time cleaning out the room. The staff wanted to remove his things and replace them with ours, but I told them it was something I had to do as his daughter. They relented eventually. The last box in the closest was my undoing. It was labeled ‘Bridget’ making my heart stop. I felt the blood drain from my face. My hands shook when I lifted them to take the box down. Daniel happened to come in at that moment and saw my reaction. He reached for the box.

  “No!” was all I said.

  Daniel stopped and looked at me then turned to look back at the box. He noticed the label on the box and his compassion filled eyes found mine again.

  “Oh sweetheart, let me get that box.” He said softly.

  After a couple of minutes of trying to control the emotion threatening to overwhelm me, I said, “No, I want to keep it right where it is. Some day when the wound isn’t so fresh, I’ll take it down and learn about my mother and father through whatever is in that box.”

  That was two months ago, I still haven’t glanced at it. The room finally feels like ours. There are pictures of us and our things hang from the walls along with pictures of our families.

  Daniel’s siblings came home for the funeral, but left the next day because of end of term tests. They all promised to come back well before the ball, but as it happened again they only arrived last night. We planned on spending the day with them helping them situate into their rooms here at the castle, but again state matters took precedent. Basically, we have not had the time to spend with our family.

  They will only be here for a few nights before they head back to Balwart. We still have two more nights with them and Daniel is determined to spend time with them. They are looking forward to going home and spending time in their ancestral home.

  Daniel and I have become well acquainted with each other’s body. Our passion filled nights are not long enough when the sun finally shines through the windows. Daniel has taken me in many different ways throughout this room. We were drinking a bottle of wine the other night after a long day in our offices, when we both decided the throne room was next.

  Tonight, we decided to sneak down there like two horny teenagers. We avoid the guards. The room itself is open with walls reaching thirty feet up until they hit the ceiling. Floor to ceiling windows overlook the gardens. It is breathtaking at night. You can see the clear night sky, full moon and brightly shining stars.

  The challenge would be keeping me quiet because we found out I like to scream in the throes of passion. Daniel threatened to gag me if I was too loud and the thought of him gagging me added another layer of lust I didn’t expect. As soon as we enter the room, Daniel starts kissing me. He walks us back until I’m forced to sit in my throne.

  Passionate kisses lead to more intimate fondling. The sash of the black robe I’m wearing disappears mysteriously. The silkiness of the robe slides open revealing my body beneath. Daniel leans back on his haunches gazing upon my naked flesh. My face flushes when his eyes met mine.

  “You are exquisite.” He mutters before kissing a trail from my neck down, worshipping my body.

  If anyone enters now, they would receive a show that had no pause or stop. This is a non-stop train to heaven. Ours is a true love match, unlike most of my ancestors. My body speaks only to his as it has never spoken to another. His lips meet my hot flesh, devouring me. Our eyes lock as he looks up from his position. My chest heaves and my breaths are shallow. He pushes me over the edge with his mouth. I bit my lip to stop the scream threatening to erupt. The coppery taste of blood floods my mouth.

  Daniel quickly rises, kissing me hard. I taste myself on him. He enters me forcibly and it feels like home every time. He claims me as no one ever has, taking all of me, filling me so completely I want to weep. He owns my body, heart and soul.

  His movements become more erratic the closer he is to the edge. I meet him thrust for thrust. When he crosses the finish line, I am right there behind him again. He rests his head in the crook of my neck with his arms wrapped tightly around me. This is one of the top ten memories I will own.

  “You are my heaven, sweetheart.” He says worshipfully. “I never knew heaven could be this close. I understand now why the Catholic Church considers it a sin to do this before the sacrament of marriage.”

  “You have the sweetest pillow talk I have ever heard.” I reply dreamily.

  He leans up raising one brow questioningly at me.
r />   “Who’s been having pillow talk with my wife?” He responds playfully.

  I blush at his remark. “You know what I mean.”

  “Let’s get back to our room before someone comes and discovers what the King and Queen actually do in the throne room.”

  I stand, but nearly fall forward feeling suddenly dizzy and lightheaded. Daniel quickly catches me, concern etched on his face.

  “Are you okay, Baby?” He asks.

  “I’m fine. I must have skipped a meal today with everything that’s going on. Let’s make a pit stop in the kitchens.”

  Daniel places his arm around my waist assisting me to the kitchen. The kitchen is vast. When we first arrived and I met with the cook, the head maid and butler, we discussed what types of meals Daniel and I would prefer. They all thought I would like more American type foods, but I told them I was really open to trying anything. I did ask that they have on hand munchies, explaining that I sometimes liked to get up in the middle of the night and munch. They were appalled when I told them I would make my own snacks without bothering them.

  We grab a tray, bringing it back to our chambers. On the way up the stairs, we pass a few guards and I blush when I realize I must have that recently sexed up look about me. At the top of the final landing, another wave of dizziness overtakes me. I clutch Daniel’s arm to keep from falling. The guards is quick to assist us. Suddenly, the room starts to swim and I break out in a cold sweat.

  Two other guards, hearing the commotion the tray created when it dropped, came over to help. Daniel swiftly picks me up, cradling me to his chest and strides to our chambers. The guards at our chamber doors open them seeing Daniel carrying me.

  “Sir, is there anything we can do?” One of the guards ask.

  “Call the doctor. Bring him to our chambers now.” Daniel demands.

  “No, I’m fine Daniel. I just need some food.” I countermand looking at the guard. “Don’t get the doctor. I just need the tray of food we were bringing back. Could you have someone bring that immediately?”

  He looks to Daniel who sighs. The guard nods quickly before leaving.


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