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You're Still The One

Page 8

by Cheyenne Barnett

Chapter Six

  After that, it didn’t take long for the General to call back. He informed me that Logan had since calmed down and was more upset about the fact that I didn’t get to talk to him afterward. But for right now, he was asleep.

  The General had said that Logan would be arriving around noon the next day and that he would accompany him. I asked him some things about post-traumatic stress and he told me to do a little research in order to be more aware of Logan’s condition. Yes, condition, the Doctor’s had reason to believe that he was developing it…

  Following the General’s suggestion, I did a little research and turns out, the more I read, the more afraid I became. I read all kinds of signs and symptoms and like the General said, he could be a very different person when he returns. I knew that I had to be strong, for him and for me, but I also found that trying to help a loved one with PTSD could affect your health as well.

  I read some comments and most of them had to do with their loved one becoming angry and violent, which was exactly what I was afraid of. I knew Logan would never hurt me on purpose, but like the General said, they can act totally different when they return.

  This wasn’t just about my health either, I also had to think of my baby. I was responsible for her too… “Caroline, I think Alex and I will stay here until you pick up Logan… We wouldn’t want to overwhelm him. And if he doesn’t want us here, we’ll leave. I’ve heard about PTSD before and I don’t want to upset him or anything.” Helen adds as I head to the garage.

  “It’s fine, Helen, don’t worry.” I wanted to act as normal as possible, so I drove Crimson. I knew Logan would want to drive him and if he really was Logan, he would.

  As I got closer to the airport, the more nervous I became. I knew I had to keep calm. If I was nervous around him, I was afraid it would upset him…

  I parked in the pickup lane and went inside. I waited at the terminal for about thirty minutes before his plane arrived. Thankfully, it gave me time to get myself together as I tried to put the nervousness aside and just be happy that Logan was home again.

  A few minutes after the plane landed, I saw the General come into view. I started toward him, but he told me to wait. Then I saw Logan.

  At first, I thought I was in a dream, I just wanted to run to him and engulf him in a hug, but from the General’s expression, I knew I shouldn’t. I stood there until finally Logan’s eyes met mine and we both smiled widely.

  I couldn’t stand there anymore, I had to run to him, I had been waiting for months for this. I actually kind of forgot that the General was still there…

  Logan seemed excited and actually did hug me the way he always had. “Wow, Care, watch the baby bump.” He laughs. Yeah, I might have forgotten how big it was, but hey, I was in the moment.

  “Sorry! Julianna’s starting to take up a lot of room, huh?” I ask, pulling away from him and placing a hand on my baby bump.

  “Yes, she is, but still beautiful.” He kisses me on the cheek, which was a little odd, but I didn’t think much about it at the time.

  “Well, I believe you all have some catching up to do, I’ll check on you later, for now, I think my wife’s waiting for me.” The General adds and quickly blends into the crowd.

  I turn back to Logan, “I just so happened to have drove Crimson today…” I add, holding up the keys.

  He smiles a bit, “Well, I guess I could drive…” He takes the keys and we walk toward the car hand in hand.

  So far, so good… He doesn’t seem all that different…

  Honestly, I wanted to believe that, but I knew at any minute all that could change and I was hoping and praying that it wouldn’t. “So, when’s your Doctor’s appointment again?” He asks as we head out of the parking lot.

  “Next Friday at one thirty.”

  He nods but doesn’t say anything. He remains quiet until we pull up to the house. “I’m not going to walk into a surprise party or anything, am I? I appreciate the gesture, really I do, but I’m just not feeling it right now. Jet lag is not pleasant.”

  “No, no, I didn’t think you would want company, but Helen and Alex are still here,” I add, carefully watching his expression.

  “When are they leaving?”

  “Um, I don’t think they’ve picked a date yet…”

  “I’m surprised they’ve stayed this long.” Logan locked the car as we entered the house. Alex and Helen were sitting in the kitchen. Neither of them jumped up to welcome Logan, instead, he went up and hugged Helen first.

  “Hey, mom. Thanks for taking care of Caroline while I was gone…” He turned to Alex, “And thanks to you for keeping up with my gym equipment.” Alex laughs at his remark as Logan turns to me. “Now, I know you want to show me everything you’ve gotten for the baby, but I think I’ll sleep a bit first, then I promise, you have me all to yourself.”

  “I’ll hold you to that.”

  “Oh, I know you will.” He adds as he walks off into the bedroom and shuts the door. Helen and Alex look to me, “Well?”

  “Well, what?” I ask.

  “Well, is he as you remembered?” Alex asked.

  “He seems to be fine so far…”

  “So far…” Helen mutters.

  I scowled at her for being so negative, but I knew she was right… He could change in an instant and I hated to say it, but I felt like I was just waiting for it to happen. I had analyzed everything he had said to me since he got off the plane and I was afraid I would be doing that for a long time.

  I just wanted him to be Logan again, for us to move on with our life, but I knew he had been through a lot and I had to be there for him. He was my husband and the love of my life. I would always be there for him ‘til death do us part.


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