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Page 11

by M. J. Williamz

They made love and fell asleep again. Gayla woke Ronda up by shaking her.

  “Ronda. Ronda. Wake up.”

  “Huh? What? Oh. Yeah. What’s up?” Ronda cleared her head and recognized Gayla needed her attention.

  “You need to take me home. It’s seven o’clock. I need to get home.”


  “What do you mean why?”

  “I mean what’s the hurry? Let’s go get dinner and then I’ll drop you off. Or you could stay here again. That would be nice.”

  She pulled Gayla on top of her and nuzzled her neck.

  “You want me to spend the night again?” Gayla said.

  “Sure. Why not?”

  “I don’t want you getting tired of me.”

  “I couldn’t. I won’t. But if you think that’s too fast, then at least let me take you out to dinner before I take you home.”

  “I’m still full from breakfast.”

  “You can’t possibly be. But come on. I’m famished.”

  They dressed and Ronda took them to her favorite Italian restaurant. After dinner, she took Gayla back to Gayla’s place.

  “You sure you don’t want to come home with me?”

  “I’m not sure of any such thing. But I think it would be better for me to be home tonight.”

  “Fair enough. Tomorrow, pack an overnight bag, though, so you can stay with me, okay?”

  “Okay, baby. If that’s what you want.”

  “It is. Big time.”

  “Okay. Well, I’ll see you tomorrow then.”

  “Okay. Sleep well.”

  “I will.”

  “Good night.”

  Gayla climbed out of the car and Ronda watched her walk to her door. It filled her with pride that she was her woman. Gayla was all hers. Nobody else’s. It made her smile. And kept her smiling the whole way home.

  * * *

  The next day, practice went extremely well. The team was firing on all cylinders. They looked great, both offense and defense. Ronda worked extra hard before practice lifting weights and during exercises. She felt great, rejuvenated, invigorated. She couldn’t stop thinking about Gayla and how right things were. And how lucky she was and how she wasn’t going to do anything to screw up what they had.

  During the scrimmage, though, she focused on the plays, determined to make as many tackles and knock down as many balls as she could. As the premier cornerback in the league, she had a reputation to uphold.

  As had become the norm, at halftime, Coach Hindley called her to the sidelines.

  “You’re through for the day,” she said. “Good work out there. It’s lookin’ like another MVP season for you.”

  “I sure hope so,” Ronda said. She went in and iced and showered, then dressed for showing houses. She was thinking about cutting back on her second job as she drove over to meet Gayla. But if she did, she’d have nothing to do in the off-season and she’d be bored stiff. The thoughts were competing in her mind when she pulled into the driveway of the first house she was showing.

  She saw Gayla’s car parked on the street and went inside to find her in the kitchen. She sidled up behind her and placed her hands on her hips.

  “Hey, babe,” she whispered in her ear.

  Gayla turned around to face her.

  “Hey yourself, stud.”

  “How’s your day goin’?”

  “Good. How was practice?”

  “Fun. Lots of fun.”

  “How sore are you?” Gayla asked.

  “Not too sore for later.” Ronda kissed her.

  “Good to hear. Now, focus on the details I’m going to go over with you.”

  Ronda listened as Gayla explained what the buyers were looking for and why this house was perfect for them. She ran over all the top selling points and told Ronda what parts to try to overlook.

  “Why didn’t you ever get your license?” Ronda asked her. “You could be doing what I’m doing and making a lot more money.”

  “I’m too lazy. Besides, you pay me very well to be your assistant.”

  “That’s true.”

  “Okay. Here they come. I’ll see you at the next house.” She gave her a light kiss on the lips and left.

  Ronda showed four houses that day. She was wiped out by the time the last one was over. She sold two of the houses, though, which was good.

  “Two sales, not bad,” Gayla said.


  “Shall we go out for drinks to celebrate?”

  “We shall. Follow me.”

  Ronda drove to The V. She knew from the previous week that it would be dead, so she and Gayla could enjoy a few drinks without worrying about a loud, raucous environment. She parked her truck and waited for Gayla to get out of her car.

  “Going lesbian tonight, are we?” Gayla smiled.

  “I figured this way we could relax over a couple.”

  “Right. Without being judged. Good idea.”

  They stepped inside the dark club. It was almost empty. Gayla and Ronda chose to sit at the bar. The bartender served them their drinks.

  “Hey, you’re Ronda Meyers, aren’t you?”

  “Yes, I am.”

  “I’m a huge fan.”

  “Well, thank you.”

  “Would it be totally uncool to ask for your autograph?”

  “Not at all. I’ll be happy to give it to you.”

  The bartender looked around and could only come up with a cocktail napkin. Ronda signed it for her. The bartender folded it neatly and put it in her pocket.

  “How about one more just for the bar?” Ronda suggested.

  “That would be awesome.”

  Ronda signed another one and the bartender taped it to the mirror behind the bar.

  “That’s fuckin’ awesome,” she said.

  “Happy to oblige.”

  “It’s kind of nice to sit here and enjoy a drink together without worrying about displays of affection,” Gayla said.

  “Yes, it is. I’m thinking this might become one of our go-to places.”

  “You used to come here to get your groove on, didn’t you?”

  “I sure did. And we still can. Later on. After the season. We can come here and move and groove together.”

  “You sure you wouldn’t be tempted by all those other ladies shaking their stuff?”

  “I told you, babe. I’m all yours. I promised I would be faithful and I will. There’s no reason for you to worry.”

  She kissed her lightly and put her arm around her.

  “It’s just so hard to picture you going from a player to being with me.”

  “But,” Ronda said, “I haven’t really been a player in a while. It’s been you and one or two others. Certainly not the different woman in my bed every night routine like it used to be.”

  “I’d like to know who the others were. Or would I?”

  “No. You know I slept with Carleen once. I was planning on making her a regular, but then, as you know, I couldn’t.”

  “And the other?”

  “Not important. No one you know.”

  “Why aren’t you still sleeping with her?” Gayla said.

  “She’s in a relationship now.”

  “Oh. So I’m like girlfriend by default.”

  “It’s always been you, Gayla. I just never saw it. And now that I realize it, I’m the happiest woman in the world.”

  “I hope you’ll always feel that way,” Gayla said.

  “I can’t imagine that I ever won’t. Now, you ready to head home?”

  “Sounds wonderful to me.”

  Chapter Twelve

  April eleventh finally arrived. It was the first game of the season. Ronda was pumped. She was so ready for this. She could smell in the air that it was football season. And their season opener was at home. Always a plus. There was a buzz in the air as she waited in the tunnel. They played at a local community college stadium and it was packed. There was magic in the air, and Ronda was ready to kick some ass.

ly, the loudspeaker called out, “Ladies and gentlemen, your Houston Stars!”

  Ronda led the team from the tunnel onto the field as the fans erupted. It was a heady feeling. One Ronda thought she’d never get used to. Ronda joined two other players in the center of the field for the coin toss. She called heads. It was heads. The Stars elected to kick off first.

  With the ceremony over, the teams took the field for the opening kickoff. Ronda stood on the sidelines, chomping at the bit to get in there and play. The kick pinned their opponents on their own ten-yard line. It was time for the defense to do their thing. Ronda ran out onto the field, confident she’d be able to help her team. There were no butterflies or nerves. There was only excitement. She was ready for this moment.

  The first play was a pass. Ronda watched the ball sail from the quarterback. She timed her jump perfectly and caught the pass just before the receiver did. She then cut through the offense until she made it to the end zone. Touchdown! What a way to start the game.

  The crowd was going wild. Ronda could barely hear her teammates congratulating her. She ran off the field with the ball still in her grasp. She gave it to the equipment manager who knew to keep it for her. Her first pick of this season. And it had been an easy one.

  Coach Hindley was at her side.

  “What in the hell were they thinking, throwing to you right off the bat? Talk about overconfidence on their part.”

  “They were testing me,” Ronda said. “Fail!”

  “Well, good job, Meyers.”

  “Thank you.”

  Ronda ran back onto the field and took her position. The defense held them to three and out. There were two pass attempts and neither were thrown on Ronda’s side of the field.

  The offense was on the field and Ronda paced back and forth on the sidelines, stopping occasionally to praise one of her defensive teammates on a good job the previous series of downs.

  The game went on in the Stars’ favor. Their opponents never got their footing. The score was forty-two to seven going into the fourth quarter. The second-stringers were all in the game. Ronda was relaxing on the bench. She turned around and faced the stands. She easily picked Gayla out of the crowd. She was gorgeous in black slacks and a red shirt. The colors of the Stars.

  Ronda headed across the field to shake hands with the other team when the game was over. She was talking with the other team’s quarterback.

  “I can’t believe I threw that ball directly to you,” the quarterback said.

  “Rookie mistake. You’ll get your feel for the game. You did pretty well today for your first game.”

  “We got our asses kicked.”

  “But you were solid. Don’t doubt yourself. The team around you needs to step up, though.”


  “No problem.”

  Ronda looked around her, but most of the team was heading for the showers, so she ran off the field. She soaked in ice before she showered. And when she walked out of the dressing room, there was Gayla waiting for her.

  “You were amazing today.” She kissed her.

  “I picked my nose most of the day,” Ronda said. “She quit throwing it my way.”

  “Yes, but that one interception was awesome.”

  “Thank you. That felt good.”

  “Is that the ball?” Gayla motioned to the ball Ronda had tucked into her elbow.

  “Yep. First pick of the season.”

  “Right on.”

  “You want to come over?” Ronda said.

  “Are you up for that?”

  “Oh, yeah.”

  Gayla laughed.

  “Well, then, I’d be a fool to say no.”

  “Let’s go drop your car off at my place and then we’ll go get something to eat.”

  “Seriously? Why not let me cook for you? I can stop by the grocery store if you don’t have any food at home.”

  “I can grill steaks. I know I’ve done that before, but I have a couple more steaks I can grill and you can make the salads.”

  “Sounds wonderful.”

  Ronda got home and went inside while she waited for Gayla, who somehow had gotten left in the dust on the trip home. She slipped out of her dress clothes and put a robe on. She planned to hit the hot tub as soon as Gayla arrived.

  Gayla arrived shortly thereafter and rang the doorbell.

  “Babe,” Ronda said. “You don’t need to ring the bell. Not if you’re following me home. Just let yourself in.”

  “Okay. You look very nice in just a robe.”

  “Yeah? There’s one for you, too. I really want to relax in the hot tub. You know, to pretend I played a hard game out there.”

  “A hot tub sounds wonderful. Let me get out of these clothes.”

  “I’ll meet you out there.”

  Ronda was relaxing in the warm water when Gayla came outside. She watched as she took her robe off and set it on a chair.

  “Don’t hurry,” Ronda said.


  “I’m enjoying the view.”

  Gayla stopped and put her hands on her hips.

  “You are, are you?”

  “Yes, I am. Very much,” Ronda said.

  Gayla slowly descended into the water. She crossed the tub to sit next to Ronda.

  “This feels really nice,” she said.

  “Yeah, it does. Now come closer.”

  She wrapped her arm around her and pulled her close.

  “That feels right,” she said. She kissed her ear and cheek before turning Gayla toward her to kiss her lips. “That feels even better.”

  “Do it again,” Gayla said.

  Ronda was happy to oblige. She kissed Gayla lazily at first, but then with all the passion she was feeling. She brought her hand up to knead Gayla’s breast.

  “Oh, yes,” Gayla said. “That feels amazing.”

  Ronda slid her hand down Gayla’s body until she found her warm center. She slipped her fingers inside and rubbed Gayla’s magic spot. Gayla buried her face in Ronda’s shoulder when she cried out.

  “Oh, my God,” she said. “You are a most wonderful lover.”

  “Your body is easy to love.”

  “I wish we’d brought the doughnut out here with us. I really want to use it on you right now.”

  “Let’s go to bed and you can use the real thing.”

  “It’s not as good as the toy.”

  “Babe, you’re better than the toy because you’re you. And your tongue works wonders on me.”

  She climbed out of the tub and offered a hand to Gayla who took it and joined Ronda on the concrete. They dried off quickly before Ronda led her into her room. She lay down on the bed and opened her legs for Gayla.

  “I’m so ready for you, babe. Make love to me.”

  “I can’t refuse an offer like that,” Gayla said. She climbed between Ronda’s legs and licked and sucked at all she found there. Ronda raised her hips off the bed to meet Gayla’s actions. She gyrated and moved against her. Finally, she couldn’t stand it any longer and she called out Gayla’s name as the orgasm washed over her.

  “Not to be totally unromantic,” Ronda said, “but I’m starving. You about ready for some meat?”

  “Sure. Why not? I’ll go get my robe on and start making the salad.”

  “Oh, yeah. Our robes are outside. You could always make the salad in the nude. I wouldn’t complain.”

  “I wouldn’t feel right,” Gayla said. She climbed over Ronda and got out of bed. Ronda observed her appreciatively as she walked out of the room and out to the patio.

  Ronda got out of bed and went outside to get her robe as well. She put it on, fired up the grill, then padded into the kitchen to get the steaks. She kissed and nibbled the back of Gayla’s neck as she made their salad.

  Ronda seasoned the steaks and took them out to put them on the grill. She was outside with them when Gayla came out. She sat on Ronda’s lap.

  “Hey, gorgeous. Did you miss me?”

  “You know I did,” Ro
nda said. And she meant it. She was surprised at how much she missed Gayla when they weren’t together.

  “You’re such a smooth talker,” Gayla said.

  “No. I mean it. I miss you when you’re not with me. I always have. Other women were just to fill that void. But I don’t have to worry about that anymore.”

  “No, you do not. You’d better not try to fill any void with anyone else.”

  “Don’t worry. I won’t.”

  “Good. Now, how are those steaks looking?”

  “Perfect. Would you mind bringing out a plate for me to put them on?”

  Gayla returned with two plates. Ronda put a steak on each and followed Gayla into the house. Gayla served up the salads and they ate.

  “That steak was perfect,” Gayla said.

  “The salad was delicious, too.”

  “We’re such a good team.”

  “That we are. I’m so crazy about you, Gayla.”

  “Careful,” Gayla said. “You might say something you regret.”

  “No, I won’t. I’m crazy about you. I don’t regret telling you that.”

  “Okay. I’m crazy about you, too.”

  “Good. That makes me happy,” Ronda said.

  She got up and cleared the dishes.

  “Oh, no, you don’t,” Gayla said. “You pour yourself a scotch and relax. I’ll put these in the dishwasher.”

  “Are you sure?”

  Gayla kissed Ronda.

  “Of course I’m sure. Pour me a scotch, as well. This won’t take long.”

  Ronda did as instructed and was sitting in the living room with her feet up watching television when Gayla came out and joined her.

  “What are we watching?”

  “I recorded the game. I thought I’d watch it.”

  “Okay, sounds good to me. I certainly enjoyed watching it the first time.”

  “I just want to see how they played overall and I want to see how we played. Did I miss anything out on the field?”

  “I don’t think so. They didn’t throw anywhere near you after your interception, baby.”

  “I didn’t think so, but I want to see for sure.”

  They turned the game on. Ronda wrapped her arm around Gayla, who rested her head on Ronda’s shoulder. Ronda rubbed her hand up and down Gayla’s arm and soon heard the soft snoring that indicated Gayla had fallen asleep. Ronda checked the clock. It was only ten thirty, but she figured if Gayla was tired, they could go to bed.


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