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Page 17

by M. J. Williamz

  “Baby, I’m going to be living with you.”

  “I know.”

  “So, don’t you think partner is appropriate?” Gayla said.

  “Yeah. I suppose it is. So, you’re my partner. Wow. I have a partner.”

  “Yes, you do,” Gayla said. “Indeed you do.”

  Gayla climbed up and straddled Ronda.

  “And your partner wants to make love to you,” she said. She bent over and kissed her as she rubbed her clit against Ronda’s belly.

  “Well, I’d say that’s one of the perks of having a partner,” Ronda said when the kiss ended.

  “Indeed it is.”

  Gayla kissed Ronda’s cheek and neck. She sucked her earlobe, all the while rubbing herself all over her.

  “Oh, shit,” Ronda said. “You’re getting me all wet.”

  Gayla reached behind her and felt between Ronda’s legs.

  “So I am.”

  “That’s not what I meant.”

  “Oh, you mean the wet from me?” Gayla said.

  “Yeah. It’s sexy as fuck.”

  Gayla reached between her legs and got her fingers wet. She wiped them on Ronda’s lips, then slipped them in her mouth. Ronda licked them clean.

  “Oh, dear God. You’re trying to kill me, aren’t you?” she said.

  “Just trying to get you in the mood.

  “I’m in the mood. Trust me on that.”

  “Good.” She moved down Ronda’s body until she could take a nipple in her mouth.

  “Mm,” Ronda said. “That feels so good.”

  Gayla switched to Ronda’s other nipple, all the while grinding herself into her.

  “You’ve got to be getting as worked up as I am,” Ronda said.

  “I am. Don’t worry about that.”

  “Well, how can you concentrate on me? Maybe you should let me have my way with you.”

  “And interrupt what I’m doing? No way.”

  Gayla moved farther down until she was straddling Ronda’s hips. She rubbed her own clit. As she did so, she dipped her hand down and rubbed Ronda’s. Ronda propped herself up on her elbows to watch Gayla touch herself, but soon was overwhelmed with feelings as Gayla rubbed her clit, too. She was getting close, but wanted to hold off and make Gayla come first.

  “Are you close?” Ronda said.

  “Oh, yeah. You?”

  “Fuck yeah. Come, babe, so I can come.”

  “You go first.”


  Ronda held on. It wasn’t easy. Each stroke made her teeter on the edge, but she was determined to make Gayla climax first.

  “Please,” Ronda said. “Please come for me. I want to come seeing your face lost in the pleasure. Come on, babe.”

  Gayla stroked them both harder and faster. She leaned back and Ronda could see everything about her that made her a woman. She closed her eyes and grabbed Ronda’s upper thigh.

  “Oh, God,” she said. “Oh, my God, Ronda.”

  That was all Ronda needed. Her climax was hard and deep. She felt it down to her toes.

  “Damn, babe. I mean, holy shit. That was awesome.”

  “Yes, it was.” Gayla rolled off of Ronda and settled against her.

  Ronda was exhausted. She fell fast asleep. She awoke the next morning to the smell of coffee brewing. She was usually awake before Gayla. She wondered what was up. She went into the bathroom and took a few pain pills to start the day. Then went out to see what Gayla was doing.

  “What are you doing up so early?” she said.

  “I figured vacation is over.”

  “Vacation? Is that what this pain filled hell has been?”

  “You know what I mean. We got you cleared to start showing houses again, so let’s get to it. I’ve been looking at properties. There are quite a few out there. We just need to build our clientele. So I’ll spend this morning calling former clients to see if they know anyone who needs a house. Meanwhile, you can update your website. Let them know you’re back at it after a slight hiatus. We’re going to be busy today.”

  “Wow. I’m going to need some coffee.” Her head felt a little light from the pills, which was good. It was the feeling she enjoyed. Working on her website would be easy. And fun. And hopefully, profitable.

  She poured them each a cup of coffee and they set about their business. A few hours later, Ronda took some more pain pills. They had lunch and got back to work. Ronda was feeling no pain and sat staring at her screen.

  “How’s that website going?” Gayla asked.

  “Huh? Oh, it’s going great, why?”

  “Because you’ve been spacing out for fifteen minutes now.”

  “I have? Sorry. I’m working on it, though.”


  “How are the phone calls going?” Ronda asked.

  “I’ve gotten five referrals so far. I’ve called and have them scheduled for later this week and next.”

  “Most excellent. It’ll feel good to be busy again.”

  “Yes, it will. I’ve got the rundowns on the prospects. I’ll give them to you before we meet with them, just like before. And I’ll be there to help if you need anything at all. Don’t try to be a tough guy, okay? If you need help, ask for it. I’ve already explained to them that you’re recovering from an injury, though most of them had already heard that, it being the biggest news of the season.”

  “Yeah, I’d imagine it was. I can’t wait until I heal and can move around more and be more independent. You’ve got to be getting tired of taking care of me all the time.”

  “I like to think I’ll still be taking care of you even after you’ve healed,” Gayla said.

  “To a degree. But not like you have to now.”

  “We’ll just see about that. Who do you think has taken care of you all these years before your injury, Miss Thing?”

  “I suppose that is the truth. You do a hell of a lot for me. And I appreciate it.”

  “And when I’m living here, I’ll still be cooking and cleaning, though I will expect some help.”

  “Yeah,” Ronda said. “I’ll be happy to help once I’m off these crutches.”

  “I know you will. And that day will come.”

  Chapter Eighteen

  It was time to show the first house. Ronda took some pills just to take the edge off. She was actually a little nervous. The pills helped with that. Now she was unstoppable. She would sell this house, no problem.

  Gayla ran down the high points to push to the couple. Ronda did her best to commit them to her memory. She felt a little foggy. She had a soda. That should help clear her mind.

  “Are you okay?” Gayla asked.

  “Yeah. I’m fine, why?”

  “You don’t look good. Your eyes look spacey.”

  “My eyes look what? You’re paranoid. I’m good. We’re good. Let’s rock this sale.”

  The young couple arrived and Ronda went off-script. She worked the couple like she thought she should, but in the end, the couple said they weren’t interested. Maybe if Ronda had another house to show them sometime, she should let them know.

  Once they were gone, Gayla was in her face.

  “What the hell was that?”

  “Was what? So they weren’t interested. So, what?”

  “You didn’t bring up a single point I told you to make. If you had, we might have had a sale.”

  “You think it’s so easy, get your license and do it yourself.”

  “We’ve been through this. Our teamwork is so great. I don’t need a license. But you need to listen to me. What the hell is wrong with you? You acted like you’d never shown a house before.”

  “Jeez, woman. Back off. So I missed a sale. It’s bound to happen. Nobody is a hundred percent. So I’m a little rusty. It’ll all come back to me.”

  “When was the last time you took a pain pill?”

  “My knee doesn’t hurt.”

  “That’s not what I asked. When did you take your pills?”

  “What’s it mat
ter to you? I’m in charge of my pills.”

  “I’m willing to bet you just took them before you showed this house,” Gayla said. “I think they confuse you and make it hard for you to think straight. Maybe we should postpone selling houses until you’re off them.”

  Getting off the pills was the last thing Ronda wanted to think about. Okay, so maybe she was a little too foggy when she showed the house. Maybe she should have waited until the initial buzz wore off. But she hadn’t. She knew better now and would make sure to time it better in the future.

  “I’m fine. Now, let’s go to the second house.”

  This time, she focused hard on everything Gayla told her to use as selling points. She committed everything to memory and when the buyers got there, she was on her game. They sold the house and were both in an excellent mood as the buyers left.

  “See? I told you I’d get my groove back,” Ronda said.

  “Still, it was sad to see you at that first house. It was like watching a rookie. Not what I like to see from you.”

  “So now I’m fifty percent. Batting five hundred. It’s not a horrible way to start back in the business. Let’s go to The V to have a drink to celebrate.”

  “When did you last take your pills?” Gayla asked.

  “Who cares? I nailed it. See? You need to not worry about my medications.”

  “I do worry about them if we’re going to go out for a drink.”

  “They don’t interfere with my drinking. Besides, I’m not driving.”

  “I’m not worried about you driving. It’s more you passing out and me having to keep you from falling to the floor that I worry about.”

  “Don’t. I’m fine.”

  “You took pills before you showed that first house, didn’t you?”

  “Let’s not start that again. The point is, it’s been long enough since I’ve taken them that I can easily have a celebratory drink. Now, come on.”

  They got in the car and drove in silence to The V. By the time they got out of the car, Ronda’s celebratory mood was fading fast.

  “Look, Gayla, we just made a nice sale today. It’ll bring us big bank. So, relax and enjoy it. Don’t be so uptight. Please. This should be a time of celebrating, not complaining.”

  “I’m sorry. It’s just that I worry about you. And as your partner, I’m allowed to do that.”

  “Fair enough, babe. Fair enough.” She kissed her lightly and they went inside. The place was busier than it had been on previous visits, but it still wasn’t packed.

  “So, Thursday night is when things start hoppin’ here, huh?” Ronda asked the bartender.

  “Yeah. Give us a few hours and it’ll be wall-to-wall in here.”

  “Well, we won’t be staying that long. How about a couple of scotches?”

  “Coming right up.”

  “God, it feels good to be back in the game,” Ronda said to Gayla.

  “Yes, it does. That second couple was a slam dunk.”

  “Yeah, they were. You do such a good job letting me know exactly what they want to hear, babe. I’ll never go off script again like I did in the first house today.”

  “I hope not.”

  “I won’t. I don’t know what came over me.”

  Gayla gave her a questioning look.

  “I swear,” Ronda said. “I don’t.”

  But Ronda did know. And she knew Gayla was right. She couldn’t take her pills right before she showed a house. That had cost her the sale. She believed that. But she would never admit that to Gayla. She didn’t need to know. To suspect was bad enough. And Ronda knew she didn’t have a problem with her medications, regardless of what Gayla kept hinting at. She took them to ease the pain, to make things better. There was nothing wrong with that.

  They had a second drink and chatted about the houses they would show the following week. Ronda had physical therapy the next day, so house showing was out. And then it was the weekend.

  “We should do something this weekend. Maybe get away to the beach or something,” Ronda said.

  “Is salt water okay for your knee?”

  “I can ask. I don’t need to go in the water anyway. I can kick back with a six-pack and watch you frolic.”

  “That does sound nice. It’s a quick getaway, but I think we’ve earned it. You talk to your therapist tomorrow and find out what she says.”

  Ronda talked to her therapist who told her she needed to be careful in the waves. Her knee wasn’t strong enough to withstand the pounding of them against it. She could wade out into the shallow water, though.

  “Right on. That’s great news,” Ronda said. “I think we’ll head down tonight, right, Gayla?”

  “I’ll step outside right now to see if we can get a room,” Gayla said.

  When Gayla was out of earshot, Ronda asked about more pills.

  “Hey, is there any way the doctor can call in another prescription?” she asked. “I’m running out again.”

  “Has it already been a month?” her therapist said.

  “If not, pretty close.”

  “I’ll ask her to call something in for you. How bad is the pain?”

  “It’s not like it’s constant anymore, but when it flares up, it really rears its ugly head.”

  “Okay. I’ll let her know. Hopefully, she’ll call in some more Vicodin. Although, I think you need to talk to her about maybe getting off of them.”

  “Yeah. I’m sure soon I’ll be able to.”


  They finished their appointment and Ronda walked outside to find Gayla grinning ear to ear.


  “I got us a condo for the weekend. We have it until Monday morning.”

  “And when do we check in?”

  “This afternoon. Let’s go pack.”

  They went home and got ready for the weekend. Ronda even made sure to pack their new toys. They were on the road by two thirty and checked into their condo by four and unpacked by four thirty.

  “Let’s go to the water,” Ronda said.

  “Remember what she said,” Gayla said. “Don’t get out in the waves.”

  “I won’t.”

  They went down to the water and Ronda made herself comfortable in a beach chair while Gayla immediately got wet. Ronda watched happily as Gayla played in the waves. She wanted to get in there and play with her, but wasn’t about to risk her knee. Then she got an idea. She could say she hurt her knee in the waves. That way no one would question continuing to give her Vicodin. She thought it was a brilliant, failsafe idea.

  Gayla came out of the water and placed her hands on Ronda’s armrests and dripped water all over her. She leaned in and kissed her.

  “Mm. Salt,” Ronda said.

  “Is that a bad thing?”

  “Not at all. Kiss me again. This time like you mean it.”

  Gayla did kiss her, a passionate kiss that rained salt water all over Ronda.

  “Like that?” she said.

  “Yeah, like that.”

  Ronda looked up at Gayla and enjoyed the view of her cleavage in her swimsuit. She had a knockout figure and seeing her in her suit got Ronda’s juices flowing.

  “You’re so fucking hot,” Ronda said.

  “I’m glad you think so.”

  “I really do. You ready to go back to the room?”

  “No. I’m going back in the water.”

  “You’re killing me.”

  “Relax and enjoy it.”

  Ronda did enjoy watching Gayla’s ass as she walked back to the water. She was a fine specimen of a woman, and Ronda was ready to take her to bed. She didn’t know how long Gayla would make her wait, but she hoped it wouldn’t be too long. She opened another beer and watched Gayla play.

  This time when Gayla came out of the water, she grabbed a towel and towel dried her hair before drying off the rest of her.

  “Do you do that on purpose? Just to make me crazy?” Ronda said.

  “Do what?”

  “You know. Bend over a
nd dry off like that.”

  “I’m just drying off. Not in any particular way.”

  “I don’t know,” Ronda said. “You look hella sexy with your leg on the chair and your cleavage on display.”

  “I need to get dry. Turbo down a little.” She laughed.

  “I’m trying, but you’re driving me mad.”

  “Well, let’s get back to the room then. I need a shower before we go get dinner.”

  “Yeah. A shower sounds wonderful.”

  “You didn’t even get in the water,” Gayla said.

  “No, but I got sand on me. And I’d hate to have to have you shower alone.”

  “Yes, that would be a travesty, wouldn’t it?”

  “Indeed it would.”

  They went back up to their room and stripped out of their sun wear. Gayla stepped into the shower and Ronda followed close behind.

  “You really are covered in sand,” Ronda said. “Here. Let me help you get some of that off you.”

  She rubbed soap into the washcloth and gently dragged it over the skin on Gayla’s back.

  “Tell me if I’m hurting you. I don’t want to grate your skin off with the sand.”

  “No. It feels wonderful.” She leaned back into Ronda.

  Ronda moved the washcloth to Gayla’s shoulders and then down her front to caress her breasts. She kissed her neck.

  “I want to make sure I’m getting you nice and clean,” she said.

  “You’re doing a wonderful job.”

  “Mm. And what’s this?” Ronda spun Gayla around and slid the washcloth between her legs.

  Gayla placed her hands on Ronda’s shoulders to brace herself.

  “That area needs special attention,” she said.

  Ronda hung up the washcloth and returned her hand to Gayla’s wet center. She slipped her fingers inside while she kissed where her neck met her shoulder.

  “Oh, God, Ronda. The things you make me feel.”

  “Yeah? You like that?”

  “God yes. You feel amazing.”

  “Good. So do you.”

  She took her fingers out and rubbed them on Gayla’s swollen clit.

  “Oh, God, Ronda. Oh, God, yes!”

  Ronda held tightly to her so she wouldn’t fall.

  “Oh, my God. That was awesome,” Gayla said.

  “I’m glad you enjoyed it.”


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