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The Red Zone

Page 17

by Knight, Amie

  Because I knew this couldn’t go on anymore. Whatever this thing was, this attraction, it wasn’t sustainable. Luk and I would never work. He was married to football and I was married to teaching. I was Ella’s teacher. He was her guardian. He couldn’t even make her a lunch she liked. He couldn’t even commit to teacher conferences and I wanted to have a relationship with this man.

  I stilled under him, my body locking up tight. Was that what I wanted? A relationship? No. no. no. That was a terrible idea. I thought of our time in high school. How I’d sit in class all day waiting until after school when I’d get to see him, pathetically counting down the hours, the minutes, and then the seconds.

  I couldn’t live my life like that again. Waiting on Lukas Callihan to notice me, like me, and hope that one day he could love me for it all to end up being a meaningless kiss followed by ten years of silence. No, there was no way I could let that happen again.

  “I should get dressed,” I said awkwardly, looking at the doorway to my classroom, not knowing the protocol for a moment like this at all. Was this where I did the walk of shame? Except without some of the shame since I didn’t actually get laid? Although I did have an actual sex worthy orgasm. It had been epic, mind-blowing, and I knew I’d be thinking about it for the rest of my life, like I had that stupid kiss after school all those years ago.

  He hadn’t moved off me and I felt his heated stare, so I turned, my eyes meeting his dark, steely ones. They didn’t look mad, but they didn’t look pleased either. I diverted my eyes because I couldn’t handle all the questions in his.

  I blew a breath up and into my hair, ruffling the strands at the top of my head, trying to act all nonchalant but totally failing. “Okay, well, I should probably get back to work now.” Hint. Hint. Get the hell off me, Luk. This was awkward enough without you staring down at me like I had the answers to world hunger. Or at least his hunger? Maybe he was thinking about how he could take this further. Ya know, and get me naked on this desk so we could actually do it. But hell would freeze over before I let that happen. The orgasm was fun and all, but he had to go. Now.

  Just when I was about to sit up and demand he go, he leaned down, this time shocking me. It was the eyes. They were sweet. Emotional even and they completely threw me for a loop. Frozen, I watched as his face descended toward mine, his lips an inch from mine, and still I couldn’t move. He was going to do it. He was going to kiss me. My eyes fell closed of their own accord. His sweet smelling breath ghosted past my lips and then he shocked the hell out of me by placing a small closed mouthed kiss right at the corner of my mouth. He was sure to not touch my lips.

  “I’m not a patient man, Red. But I can wait for those lips. If I recall correctly they were definitely something worth waiting for.” He said it softly right into the shell of my ear and I had to bite back a groan because I was ready to hop back on that leg like a dog in heat. What was Luk doing to me? This wasn’t me. I was a good girl. And he made me want to be so damn bad.

  He leaned back, pulling me up with him and finally letting go. I wobbled on my heels and he grabbed my elbow to steady me. “You okay there?” His mouth was smiling, but his eyes were smug as hell.

  “I’m fine,” I lied, buttoning my blouse and straitening my skirt with shaking hands and clumsy fingers.

  He chuckled low and my eyes snapped to his and shot daggers. He thought this was funny? He could get me fired. He was laughing at my expense. I couldn’t help I was so inexperienced. I just hadn’t found the right partner yet and he was laughing at me.

  I rolled my eyes and turned back to my desk, pretending to straighten papers that were already lined up perfectly.

  I smelled his musky pine tree scent before I felt him against my bottom. And then his chest to my back. And lastly his mouth to my ear.

  “Damn, baby. You liked that. Didn’t you? And that was only my knee. Imagine what I can do with my tongue.”

  And oh, did I ever imagine. I was so busy imagining I didn’t even feel him leave my body. I only noticed he wasn’t there anymore when I heard the creak of my classroom door opening.

  My head darted in that direction, my face on fire just like the rest of my body.

  He looked back at me, his big body halfway through the door, his large hand on the knob, his smile and eyes smug this time. “Ella’s birthday is Saturday. We are having a small party at the house at five in the afternoon. She’ll expect you there.”

  And he was gone. He’d fled the coop. Elvis had left the building, people. Just like my damn sanity.

  I’d never seen a chicken with its head cut off, but I was pretty sure that’s what I looked like right about now. That’s what happened when a few family members and close friends were invited over for cake and the entire football team found out and invited themselves, too.

  I had the grill going with burgers and hotdogs. Mason was manning that. Merline was in the kitchen finishing up a few sides and I was trying to avoid her by putting a few balloons on the mailbox and praying like hell I hadn’t forgotten anything. Cake? Check. Food? Check. Gifts for Ella? Check. The entire fucking Alabama Cougars? Check. Scarlett? No check yet.

  I knew she would come. If not for me, then most definitely for Ella.

  She didn’t disappoint. I was hanging the last balloon on the mailbox when her car pulled up. I watched, my breath stuck somewhere in my chest as she exited her car looking beautiful in a snug pair of jeans and a black T-shirt with “Purple Rain” across it in purple letters. Christ, she was cute.

  “You made it,” I joked.

  “I did,” she said, holding a small wrapped present in her hands.

  “Where’s the birthday girl?”

  “Out back with Mason, I think.” I walked up the sidewalk and onto the porch quietly. I didn’t know what to say except that I was happy to see her and I thought that might scare her off. But I was. So damn happy.

  Merline greeted us as we walked into the house. “Hi, I’m Lukas and Ella’s aunt Merline.” She put her hand out to Scarlett, who took it while she laid Ella’s present on the counter with a million others.

  “I’m Scarlett. But you can call me Lettie. All the kids do. I teach Ella at The Cottage House.”

  I wondered why Scarlett never told me to call her Lettie. I thought maybe it was because she actually liked the nickname I’d dubbed her of Red. I smiled like a smug bastard.

  “Oh, how lovely.” Aunt Merline beamed at Scarlett, clearly impressed. I rolled my eyes, because the old witch hadn’t been nice to me since she’d been here. She hadn’t been mean, but she wasn’t throwing worshipping smiles my way, that was for sure.

  “Come on.” I grabbed Scarlett’s hand and dragged her toward the back porch, where clearly a game of football was going on without me.

  “Pass it to Ella,” Mason ordered, running next to my baby sister. Rollins, our kicker, passed the ball to Ella and everyone crowded around pretending to catch her, but Mason picked her up in his arms.

  “Don’t let go of the ball, Ella!” He cradled her in his arms like he was carrying a baby instead of a teenager and ran like hell, the guys hot on his heels.

  When he reached the tree covered shade of the yard, he raised Ella up over his head and said, “Touchdown!”

  “Touchdown!” Ella yelled high above his head.

  “Woohooo!” Scarlett yelled from beside me as I smiled my face off.

  “Hey, Lucy. See how Ella did that? Ran that in for a touchdown? You should try that sometime!” Childs yelled over the hooting and hollering.

  I smiled and flipped him the bird while Scarlett giggled next to me.

  “You shouldn’t let them toss her around like that. She could get hurt,” Aunt Merline said from behind Scarlett and me.

  “It’s fine, Merline. Mason wouldn’t hurt a hair on her head. He adores her.”

  She turned and went back into the house with a “hrrmph.” She could suck the fun out of anything.

  The guys played football with Ella a little more, then we all
had burgers, hot dogs, and cake before Ella opened her presents.

  My team did well and bought her cute, colorful workout leggings and bath bombs. They all knew her love for Zumba and long baths. I shared a lot with them now and what I didn’t, Mason was happy to offer up.

  Merline got her some coloring books and crayons, which she loved but already had a million of. I got her some new fuzzy socks and pajamas. Scarlett’s gift was the last.

  Ella unwrapped the present carefully like she knew it was extra special or maybe it was just because it was from her favorite teacher. We all watched quietly, until the last piece of paper was shredded and the small picture frame was revealed.

  Ella held it in front of her, staring at it while the rest of us waited to see what the hell she was looking at.

  I looked over at Scarlett, who was sitting right next to Ella on the couch. She watched Ella cautiously, nervous even, and I walked over and stood behind the sofa, so I could peer over Ella’s shoulder.

  My body locked tight as I looked down at the picture, my mom’s smiling eyes shining back at me in the photo. She was standing next to Ella, outside somewhere and they had their arms around each other. They looked so happy it made me sad.

  Feeling her eyes on me, I looked at Scarlett. Giving me a sad smile, she said, “I took it at the beginning of the school year. It was the school year kickoff picnic.” She looked back at Ella and rubbed her hand along Ella’s arm. “I thought you might like to have it.”

  Still staring at the photo, Ella said, “That’s my momma.”

  “Yep,” Scarlett agreed. “That’s your momma and you.”

  “I miss her. Lulu says she’s in heaven with Daddy.” Her gaze finally landed on Scarlett’s.

  Scarlett smiled down at Ella. “She is. And I bet she and your daddy are having the biggest party ever for you today up there.”

  Ella seemed to be thinking about that as she nodded slowly and I felt relieved. Like maybe our talk had made a difference. It seemed like she was understanding and accepting. It was a good thing and Scarlett’s gift had been so thoughtful.

  “Thanks, Ms. Lettie.” Ella leaned in and gave Scarlett a huge hug.

  The doorbell rang just on time and Ella’s face lit up. “I got it.” She took off for the front door and I grinned at Scarlett shamelessly. It was Ella’s favorite part of her birthday. Ella came back toting a dozen red roses and Scarlett’s eyebrows rose.

  “Are those for you, Ella?” she asked.

  “Yep. Detective Chase sends me roses every year for my birthday.”

  Scarlett looked confused.

  “Yeah, Detective Chase from General Hospital,” I chimed in.

  Ella grabbed her picture frame and carried it with her flowers. “I’m going to put this stuff on my dresser.”

  “That’s a perfect spot for it.”

  Ella ran off to put her presents away and I couldn’t take my eyes off Scarlett.

  She couldn’t take her eyes off me either. She seemed rather impressed that Detective Chase sent flowers to Ella every year. Shaking her head softly, she smiled at me and I grinned back.

  And the rest of the evening played out to that same tune. I watched her play cards with Ella. I watched her laugh with the guys and when everyone was gone and only Merline and I and she were left. I watched her tell Aunt Merline off.

  “Luk, you should really get a cleaner. This place is a pig sty. Luk, don’t you think that Ella should eat more vegetables than she has on her plate?”

  It went on and on. And I could tell Scarlett was getting really annoyed with her crap. And then the shit finally hit the fan.

  I was telling Scarlett we should leave the decorations up. That Ella loved them.

  “That’s sweet, Luk. Make it a birthday week,” she agreed.

  “You can’t leave these decorations up. Those balloons and streamers are a choking hazard,” Merline butted in.

  Scarlett turned and looked at her like she’d lost her damn mind. “Are you kidding me?”

  Merline’s hand came to her chest, all Southern innocence. “What?”

  Scarlett walked forward until she was close enough to Merline that there was no mistaking she was talking to her. “Excuse my French, Ms. Merline, but you have no idea what the hell you’re talking about. Ella is not a baby. And you mustn’t treat her like one.”

  “I wasn’t treating her like a ba—”

  Scarlett cut off her lies. “You were. And all day you’ve belittled Luk and all his hard work. And not just his hard work for this party but his hard work all the damn time.”

  Merline got her hackles up and stepped up, toe-to-toe with Scarlett. “Our family is none of your business, missy,” she spat.

  “You sure wouldn’t know they’re your family from the way you treat them.” And she turned and walked out of the room, just like that.

  My mind was blown. I had to bite my lips to keep from smiling when Merline gave me a nasty look and grabbed her purse before heading to the door. Thank God. Not only had Scarlett told her off, she’d somehow managed to get her to leave as well.

  We didn’t mention the incident with Merline while Scarlett helped me put everything away and wash the dishes. I figured she was embarrassed about it when really I was impressed. I knew she had it in her. But she’d gone to bat for me.

  When everything was done and Ella was tucked into bed after a busy day I asked, “Wanna watch a movie?”

  She leaned against the kitchen counter and smiled. “I think I better head home. I’m beat and I have school tomorrow.”

  “Or you could just stay the night here?”

  Her pink cheeks smiled. “Sweet baby Jesus, you are such a flirt.”

  “Thank you.”

  She grabbed her pocketbook off the counter, and my heart fell. Fuck, she was leaving and I couldn’t make her stay. I had to give her time. It had to be her decision. I could be patient, I told myself.

  I walked her out the front door and stood on the porch and noticed it had started to drizzle. “Do you need an umbrella?”

  “No, it’s only a little rain. I won’t melt,” she said from the top step. I wanted to beg her to stay. I wanted her to fucking kiss me. I’d never wanted to kiss a woman more than I did in this very moment.

  She’d just hit the sidewalk from the bottom step when I called out, “Red!”

  She turned around, a big smile on her face, the rain sprinkling on her. “Yeah?”

  And then it struck me. Her standing at the bottom of the steps and me standing at the top. It was just like that evening all those years ago, except in reverse. Now I was the one standing on my momma’s porch with worship in my eyes, begging for just one kiss.

  And man, did I want to ever beg. “Kiss me!” I wanted to shout. But I promised myself I wouldn’t. I promised myself I’d let her come to me. I promised myself that she would because I knew in my heart of hearts that she wanted us, too.

  So instead of begging for a kiss, I said, “Thank you.”

  Her smile grew. “For what?” She pushed her wet hair off her forehead.

  She didn’t even get it. She didn’t even know how amazing she was. And that made her all the more special. “For everything. For the picture. For having my back with Merline. For being you. Just thank you. You mean so much to us.” And it was the truth. We wouldn’t have made it through this without her. And I felt like we were finally coming out the other side. It wasn’t what I wanted to say. Because I wanted to say I love you. But it didn’t make what I did say any less true or meaningful.

  Her smile fell from her face, as serious green eyes ate up mine. She looked like she wanted to say something, do something. Anything. And I stared back, willing her to walk up the steps to me. That’s all she had to do. If only she would just take the first step, I’d be here waiting. I’d put in the rest of the work. I’d make us happen. I’d make us happy. She just had to meet me and I wasn’t even asking for halfway.

  “You’re welcome,” she said softly, giving me one more loo
k over before turning slowly and walking to her car in the driveway.

  My heart sank as defeat sat heavy in my chest. I swallowed down the huge lump of emotion in my throat as I watched her make that walk. Fuck. Just fuck.

  But nevertheless, I still watched to make sure she made it into the car safely, but once she got to the vehicle she paused, her hand to the handle. I almost stepped off the front porch thinking she’d locked her keys in or something when she slammed the palm of her hand against the driver window and yelled, “Screw it!” She turned quickly and came running back up the driveway and then up the sidewalk and finally to the stairs before launching herself into my arms and wrapping her arms around my neck and her legs around my waist, her purse an afterthought, she’d dropped to the porch. She wasted no time pressing her cool, wet lips to mine, and my eyes fell closed.

  She sucked my top lip into her mouth and then the bottom before finally sliding her tongue along mine. I groaned in shock and palmed her ass cheeks, damp jeans and all. Sucking and biting at my lips, she hummed lightly like she was enjoying a good snack and the sound drove me insane. I’d been waiting too long. I’d wanted this too much. She was going to make me come in my jeans on my mother’s fucking front porch. I’d waited so long and it had been worth every second.

  My shock wearing off, I finally kissed her back, tasting all corners and edges of her mouth, enjoying the flavor of her tongue. Lightning flashed in the sky behind her as I nibbled her jaw and kissed the corner of her mouth. I wanted to take her inside and put her in my bed and keep her there for at least a month, but I needed to know she was ready.

  “What now?” I said, licking the pillowy softness of her bottom lip.

  She ran her nose along the side of mine. “Take me to bed, Mister Quarterback.”

  Lord have mercy. What was I doing? But how could I not? He’d been standing there on that porch so sweetly, so patient. And there was no one in the world I wanted like this other than him. He’d scooped my pocketbook off the porch and thrown it in the entryway, carried me all the way to his room quietly and careful not to wake Ella, eating my lips like the starving man I knew he was. Because God, I was hungry for him, too. His kisses now were so different than that chaste sweet kiss on my porch all those years ago. No, they were fueled by need, passion, want. And I was on fire.


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