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Blood and Snow 10: Eye of Abernathy

Page 2

by RaShelle Workman

  “Christopher Charming, this is my wife, Mulan.”

  Christopher rose, and bowed. “Lovely to meet you. And may I say you’re more beautiful than the stories tell.”

  She snickered. “A sweet talker, huh.”

  Christopher’s face flushed, the tips of his ears turned red.

  I hid my surprise, highly entertained at how much meeting the Mulan affected him.

  Then Kenmei introduced me.

  “Snow White, this is Mulan,” Kenmei said.

  I bowed. “Nice to meet you,” I said, realizing she must be thousands of years old. And, how was that possible? Was she a vampire? Or… a chayot?

  Mulan returned my bow and said, “It is a great honor, Snow White.”

  Nervous, I smiled.

  Anyone would be hard pressed to get something past her, I thought, taking the cup of tea she presented.

  After she left, Professor Pops and Christopher told Kenmei what happened. I let my mind wander. Occasionally sipping the tea. It wasn’t bloodlust, thankfully. This smelled like lemons.

  “Snow?” Kenmei asked, bringing me back to the conversation

  “Hmmmm?” I answered, and then flushed. Kenmei must’ve asked me a question because Christopher and Professor Pops were staring at me. “What did you say?”

  Kenmei smiled. “I asked if Christopher’s blood tasted different when you drank from him?”

  I thought about it. “No. It tasted the same.” I gave Christopher a glance. But, if my blood tasted different to him, I wondered if his blood might taste different. He smiled.

  Kenmei said, “I think we should try an experiment.”

  “Okay,” I said, but was nervous. “What do you need me to do?”

  “You healed Christopher with the power of the Seal. Yes?”

  I nodded.

  “And before you healed Christopher, your blood burned him?”

  Christopher answered this time. “That’s right.”

  “But you drank from her since she healed you, and it didn’t burn.”

  “Yes,” I said, seeing his mind was on the same metaphorical page as mine. I knew what he would request, but I wasn’t sure now was appropriate.

  Kenmei continued, “I want you to taste his blood. Tell us if it’s different.”

  “Right this second?” I asked, my face flushing. When Christopher and I drank from each other it was very intimate.

  “Don’t be a child, Shiryo-san,” Kenmei scolded. “Take his wrist.”

  I swallowed, and my heart rate jumped. Christopher turned, his face unsmiling. I sensed his tension. I think a part of him worried I wouldn’t like his blood anymore. “Are you sure this is necessary?”

  “It is. We must test the theory.”

  I gulped down on my fear, ignoring the feverish dancing of butterflies in my stomach.

  Christopher lifted his wrist to my mouth. He caught my gaze and held it. I extended my fangs, and sank them into the tender, inner part of his wrist. I sucked slowly at first, but his blood was like liquid pleasure. Magic blended within his blood. I wanted more, and sucked harder. I couldn’t get enough. I didn’t want to.

  Finally Kenmei said, “Shiryo-san, stop.”

  I withdrew. It took great effort not to attack Christopher. I wanted more. His silvery-violet eyes raked over me. He didn’t want to be done either, not by a long shot. And my insides quivered with the knowledge.

  “I take it from your furious drinking his blood is pleasing?”

  I blinked several times, trying to focus. “It tastes better than any blood. Ever.” I wiped my mouth, and cleared my throat. “Also, I feel…” What was a word I could use without it sounding sexual? “Incredible,” I said.

  Kenmei clapped his hands, and sat back in his chair.

  Professor Pops leaned forward, a grim line on his lips. “What does this mean?” As he spoke, he waved a hand in my direction.

  I watched Christopher absently stroke his wrist. The holes had already vanished, but the feel of his skin against my mouth lingered. Leaning forward, I sipped some tea, desperate to be rid of Christopher’s blood in my mouth. Hoping that doing so would calm my desires for my Hunter. After I couple more drinks, I placed my teacup on the saucer.

  “Yes, what does it mean?” I prodded. I knew what it meant for Christopher and I. Private time, exchanging blood, kisses, and more. But what did it mean where everyone else was concerned?

  Chapter 4

  Kenmei took a turn glancing at each of us, and I couldn’t help but shudder at what I saw in his eyes… endless horizons, stars, the Universe. They were as vast as eternity.

  He said, “I believe it means we have a shot at destroying the Vampire Queen.”

  “Really?” Professor Pops asked.

  “How?” Christopher asked.

  “Well, it’s simple really. When the Vampire Queen tries to take over Snow’s body, the magic of the Seal will destroy her. Burn her, as it did Christopher. And I’m guessing Snow’s blood would kill any one of us, except of course, Christopher.”

  “Why, exactly?” I was happy about it. I didn’t want to kill my Hunter.

  “The magical combination within the Seal, along with the dying essence of Silindra has sealed Sharra’s fate. When you healed Christopher, you gave him some of the Seal’s power. We agree on that?”

  I nodded, but was still confused. “But if the Queen enters my body, won’t I be giving her the Seal’s power?”

  Kenmei smiled. “The secret to my theory has to do with transference.”

  “Huh.” I picked up my cup again.

  “The way the power is used by you, dear Shiryo-san.”

  I stared at him blankly.

  “Let me ask you this. Right before you healed Christopher, what were you thinking?”

  “I don’t know,” I said quickly.

  “Take your time. Think about it,” Kenmei said, sipping his tea.

  Christopher watched me, an amused smirk on his lips.

  I sat back, crossing my arms.

  What was I thinking about?

  I’d been upset, angry. Then Professor Pops said Christopher was going be all right, and my anger turned to relief, happiness… love.

  Relief. That he would survive.

  Happiness. That he wasn’t going to die.

  And, love.

  Like the summer blossom of a scented rose, my mind bloomed with understanding.

  I loved Christopher. Not the kind I felt for my dad, Cindy, the brother’s, or even Gabe. It was a heart smashing, tear jerking, and soul crushing kind of love. I gulped more tea, buying myself some time. The cup trembled against the saucer when I set it down.

  Kenmei seemed to understand whatever was happening on my face because he said, “Go on, and tell us.”

  I swallowed. “I was happy Christopher wasn’t dying. I-I… do I have to say it?” I glanced at Christopher. His face was serious. The smirk gone. I wanted to tell him I loved him, but I wanted to say it when we were alone.

  “This piece of information is significant,” Kenmei said softly.

  I nodded. “I realized, I love Christopher,” I whispered, and shrugged. Tears stung the edges of my eyes.

  Christopher turned, grabbing my hand. Kissing my knuckles. Turning my hand over and kissing my palm.

  “Excellent.” Kenmei paused, taking a drink of his tea. Christopher’s eyes never left mine.

  “Now, when you touched the Vampire Queen, what thoughts went through your head?”

  That was easy. I blinked, breaking the connection between Christopher and I, and turned to Kenmei. All I wanted was to destroy her. I gritted my teeth. “I was thinking I wanted her to be nothing but ash.”

  Kenmei sighed. Professor Pops sucked in a breath, and Christopher winked. A quivering jolt shot through my abdomen. My Hunter’s eyes seemed to say I would pay for loving him. My body wanted him to start collecting now.

  Professor Pops took a deep breath. “Are you certain? You believe the power of the Seal can be used to heal or ki
ll, depending on the intent of Snow?”

  Kenmei nodded. “Precisely.”

  Professor Pops crossed his arms. “Sharra has a lot more power than Christopher, you, or I. She’s been collecting it for seven thousand years. And you’re basing a lot on one little test.”

  Kenmei turned to Professor Pops. “Agreed.” He paused and I noticed a glimmer of mischievousness. “The Seal of Gabriel has been around seven thousand years as well. I believe Snow is our best and only hope in destroying the Vampire Queen, ending her tyrannical rule, and restoring balance.” His gaze found mine. “There is one way to be certain. You must speak to the dragon, Abernathy. The sooner the better.”

  “And how do you intend her to get there?” Professor Pops asked. Ever the father figure, he was concerned.

  “Christopher can take her. I’ll give them directions.”

  Professor Pops shook his head. “She’s too young to go alone.” He avoided Christopher’s gaze. It seemed Pops forgot what I still hadn’t wrapped my brain around. I was eighteen. No longer a child, but an adult.

  “Whatever you decide, make it soon.” Kenmei nodded to me. “You are brilliant. I always knew the Seal was created for you, but to know you actually helped Silindra create it. It’s the most amazing thing.” He smiled.

  “It was an experience I won’t ever forget. That’s for sure,” I returned.

  “And you shouldn’t.”

  To Professor Pops, he added. “When you go, please let me know.”

  Professor Pops nodded.

  Chapter 5

  The three of us left Kenmei’s and took the train back to Salem. We were quiet, each lost in our own thoughts. I sensed Professor Pops needed to talk to me alone. And I perceived Christopher wanted me all to himself. What my Hunter might do made my pulse quicken.

  When the train stopped, Christopher got off first. He watched me descend the stairs, a seductive gleam in his hooded eyes. Full of endless possibilities—kissing, trading blood, our bodies tangled together. I shivered. My entire being longed to follow him.

  “I need to speak with you,” Professor Pops said.

  “I know,” I returned.

  Pops gave Christopher a hard stare. “It’s important I speak with her.”

  “I understand.” Christopher grabbed my hands.

  I sighed, forcing out a breath. Brushing my thumb over his inner wrist, at the place I’d just tasted his blood, I said, “Will I see you tomorrow?”

  His eyes grew wide. “Wild trolls couldn’t keep me away.”

  He released my hands, and turned to Pops. “Thank you, Adam Henry.” Christopher stuck out his hand.

  Reluctantly, Professor Pops took it and shook. “I expect you to be a gentleman. In all things. In all ways. And in all places, where Snow is concerned.”

  “I will,” Christopher said.

  Professor Pops gave him a quick nod.

  My Hunter glanced at me. “See ya, Frosty.”

  I waved as he took off.

  Professor Pops and I stood in silence several moments, and I guessed he was collecting his thoughts. Whatever was on his mind, it was important. We walked to the car, and drove back to his house. When we were in the garage, he turned off the black Mercedes, but left the keys in the ignition.

  I waited.

  “I know you’re eighteen. Legally an adult. I’m not your father and I have no right to tell you what to do. But somewhere between my brain and my heart is a communication error.” He smiled.

  “It’s okay, Pops. Your opinion means a lot.”

  He nodded. “Good.”

  I fiddled with some fray on my “new” jeans. Each leg had a dozen holes in them.

  “Christopher seems like a good guy. He risked a lot for you. And freeing himself from Sharra wasn’t easy. I know from experience.” He rubbed his jaw, making a scratching sound. “But love?” He blew out his breath. “It’s a powerful emotion, and closely related to hate.” He gripped the steering wheel. “Be careful.”

  I waited for him to say more.

  “Tomorrow I’ll start making arrangements with the college so I can take time off from teaching my classes to accompany you to see Abernathy. It shouldn’t be longer than a month before we go. Can you take the GED test? Get high school out of way?”

  “Of course,” I agreed. Anything I could do to appease him, help him to see I wanted what he wanted.

  “Good.” He opened the door. I opened mine. As I got out he said, “Your mother would be so proud of you.”

  I stopped, falling back in the leather seat. Was he saying he knew my mother? And why hadn’t he mentioned her before? Apprehension filled my stomach, making me queasy.

  After several minutes I got out of the car and followed Professor Pops in. I wanted to ask him more. What he knew? But he was nowhere to be found. Not in his office, the kitchen, or the piano room. His bedroom door was closed so I figured he went to bed. We’d all been up more than twenty-four hours. I’d ask him more about my mother later.

  Chapter 6

  Time was a flighty fiend. Its seconds seemingly flickered in slow motion until the special moment. It arrived and an instant later was gone, passing by without a backward glance.

  That was how the next couple of weeks went.

  I tried several times to bring up my mother to Professor Pops, but he was always running an errand, talking secretly to Gabe, or off somewhere. I could never get him alone. And perhaps I didn’t try as hard as I should have.

  I took my GED the next day. Aced it, of course. Pops and the brother’s were right. The human part of my life became an afterthought. Something I’d once been. No longer who I was, only a reflection. About a week later my diploma came in the mail. It paid, in more ways than one, to have Harvard’s Professor of Religions as a guardian.

  Cindy came over several times, and we hung out. I told her that Professor Pops and I were going to see Abernathy. The prospect thrilled her. She wanted to come. Meet the first dragon in person. I was okay with the idea if her mom and dad agreed.

  Sometimes things got awkward when she came to see Gabe. It wasn’t as bad as I thought it’d be. The worst was when they kissed while I was around. A strange pang entered my heart. I told myself it wasn’t because I wanted to be with him, but because it was hard to see him with someone else. I wondered if Gabe felt the same when I kissed Christopher, so I tried to avoid any public displays of affection.

  Then there was Dorian.

  I didn’t know what to make of him. He acted as though I hadn’t bit his neck, and sucked his blood, as though we hadn’t shared a moment when I first woke. A few times I thought about going to his new room, once the other brothers were asleep, but then Christopher would show up at my window, and nothing and no one else mattered.

  He was my sun, my moon, each planet, and stars. And those rare moments he wasn’t around, my body ached at his absence.

  One day, Christopher came by. Instead of heading straight for me, he went into Professor Pops study. I followed, listening to his low voice speak, though I wasn’t able to hear what he said. Professor Pop’s response was less than cordial.

  “Fine, but if anything happens to her, I will hunt you down and finish what the Vampire Queen started.”

  I felt my eyes grow wide, and contentment filled my heart. I was loved. It was a feeling I cherished beyond belief.

  “If anything happens to her, I’ll expect nothing less,” Christopher answered.

  Those two, and their testosterone filled bullheadedness. Sheesh!

  Christopher left the study, nearly running me over. When he saw me, his face lit up. “Hey,” he whispered, placing my hand in his. “I want to take you away for a few days—just the two of us. What do you think?”

  Him and I alone? For a few days? The idea sounded like heaven, but it also made me nervous. Christopher and I spent several nights together, his body snuggled next to mine as we slept, but we didn’t go further than kissing. Did he want us alone so we could go all the way? I knew I was eighteen, and
I knew I loved him more than my own life. But sex, making love, it felt like the final gift. Once he possessed me in every way, would he want me anymore? I needed to speak with Cindy.

  “Snow?” Christopher lifted my chin with a finger, his beautiful eyes searching my face. “If you don’t want to go, we don’t have to. I just thought…” he trailed off, and drew me to his chest, his perfect arms encircling me. “I love you, Snow. More than I believed possible, more than I’ve ever loved anyone. If you need time, you can have it.”

  My stomach fluttered at his words. I looked up. “I love you too. And, I do want to go away with you.” His eyes lit up. I traced the outline of his chest muscles through his black button up shirt. “But not yet. I need one more day. Can we go tomorrow?”

  I watched different emotions flicker across his features, and heard a low rumble in the back of his throat. “Tomorrow then.” He smiled, but it was more than a smile. It was a seductive promise.

  Working to gain control of my desire, I said, “Okay.”

  He pressed his lips on mine. Gently at first, his lips caressing, encouraging. I opened my mouth, and he deepened the kiss, changing sweet to sexy. I felt his longing low in my belly. And almost changed my mind.

  When his lips left mine, he blazed a trail down my chin, to my jaw, and down my throat. I sighed, “Christopher.”

  Professor Pops broke the spell. “Can the two of you move away from my office? The further the better, please. I’ve got work to do.”

  We both froze, having momentarily forgotten where we were.

  I cleared my throat, and said, “Sorry, Professor.” Grabbing Christopher’s hand we ran down the hall, through the kitchen, and to the front door. My feelings were conflicted. When his lips were on mine, our bodies touching, I didn’t want to stop, but I couldn’t allow myself to move to the next intimacy level either.

  Christopher watched my face, his eyes dancing with amusement. “I know you’re confused. Your body telling you one thing and you mind saying something else. And that’s why I’m going to leave. Make it easy on you. Because, I want you certain. I want your body and your mind on the same page. K?” He opened the door. “I’ll see you tomorrow.”


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