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The Coulson Boys (Adam)

Page 4

by Karen Lamb

  On my return to the UK I sold my London assets realizing city life was not for me anymore and headed north to Northumberland. Life here couldn’t have been more different, but I’d never been happier. I quickly developed a growing network of yoga classes around the area and was, for the first time in a long time, at peace and loving my new life!

  The riverside seemed particularly beautiful today; the sun reflected its iridescent colours across the river creating a rainbow hue, I felt at one with my surroundings, however, that unfortunately was all about to change! As I looked up to view the ancient castle in the distance, I saw a figure up ahead, as I got closer I had a strong feeling it was Claire from my Yoga class. I couldn’t quite identify why, but there was something about her that bugged me, she was different. I guessed she was maybe 10 years older than me, which didn’t bother me, in fact that made her even more interesting! I tried to remember the last time I had wanted to be with a woman. Women chased me, and I know this probably sounds arrogant, but from the age of 16, I was aware women found me attractive, I could not actually remember actively pursuing a woman, until now, and Claire was quickly becoming the exception, and that could spell trouble!

  As I approached I stupidly thought it would be fun to creep up and surprise her, it would quickly became apparent that this was not one of my smartest moves. She was enjoying an ice cream that is until I startled her and it went all down the front of her jacket. The more I tried to make things better the more she rejected my help, to make matters worse I sensed she was not far off bursting into tears, and she took off as if a pack of hounds were after her!

  So here I am sulking in the local teashop nursing a cold cup of coffee, ‘Arghhh bloody hell fire!’ I cursed under my breath, ‘way to go Adam bravo!’


  Tuesday night came around all too quickly, I still wasn’t sure how best to handle my recent adolescent outburst, and the more I focused my attention on it, the more my anxiety and awkwardness intensified. I walked into the village hall, pausing for a brief second, I heard a voice in my head booming, ‘come on Claire, grow a backbone, it’s only an apology and then life can go back to the way it was’. As I laid my yoga mat out, saying hello to the others, I saw that Adam was lighting incense and candles next to his laptop, which once again was playing beautiful soothing music.

  Five minutes later Laura arrived and plonked herself down next to me.

  “I see you have chosen the back row, we wouldn’t be trying to hide from someone would we?” I ignored Laura’s remark because she was right!

  Despite my misgivings I really enjoyed the class and was beginning to remember the different postures, feeling the tension in my muscles melt away. There was no question Adam was an inspiring teacher, I had tried to shut out the fact that he was also incredibly good looking. Try as I would, when he came to correct a posture or move my arm or leg I felt electricity sparks throughout my body. I hoped I was giving the appearance of not showing any response to his touch, but I knew I was kidding myself.

  The hour and a quarter flew by and I was wishing it wouldn’t end just yet, when he called our attention.

  “Ladies before you leave I want to tell you about an upcoming yoga retreat I’m running in France in July, I have details and prices here, if any of you are interested please let me know”. There seemed genuine interest and at least 6 of the group took a leaflet, I was not one of them!

  Laura caught me starring in his direction.

  “Fancy a week doing Yoga with the dishy Adam” she whispered in my ear, “think about all that one to one yoga Claire and lazing by the pool, it could just be what you need” she giggled.

  “Behave Laura there is absolutely no way I am going on his retreat.”

  “We’ll see “she said with more than a hint of conniving in her voice.

  “Adam, oh Adam” Laura called out her arm waving from the back of the hall.

  ‘Now what’s she up to’, I nervously thought.

  “Claire was wondering if you would like to join us at the Black bull as way of an apology,”

  I stood rigid in horror as my mouth literally dropped open, what the hell was she up to? Adam looked at my reaction and laughed in that calm cool collected way, which only someone who is comfortable in his or her own skin can be and yet I found so annoying,

  “Why not” “Yoga does work up a thirst!”

  ” Lovely jubbly”, said an enthusiastic Laura, “you can tell us all about your retreat, can’t he Claire?” as her eyes sparkled with mischief.

  “I am going to kill you Laura so help me,” I said from out the corner of my mouth.

  The pub was a 5-minute walk from the village hall, once inside I asked Laura and Adam what they would like to drink. This at least would be a simple way to apologise, then I could put the ice cream incident behind me; a tiny voice inside my head cried out ‘chicken!’.

  Adam looked up and spotting I was struggling to carry the three drinks to the table, rushed towards me and grabbed one of the glasses,

  “There we go, not a drop spilt, you see I can approach you without us creating any calamities” as he gave me one of his sexy smiles, lord help me but that was all it took before I was again ‘totally undone’, what was this man doing to me and would he please stop it, once and for all. I felt like I was a star struck teenager, except I wasn’t.

  “What a gentleman” said Laura not missing a trick and grinning like a Cheshire cat? “I was just telling Adam that we were interested in going on his retreat, he has been telling me all about the week’s activities, it sounds fun Claire, I’m so glad you suggested we go,” she smiled sweetly. I went to open my mouth and then thought better of it, instead I took a big drink from my glass of wine, which gave me a moment to think.

  “Well” I stumbled “we will need to think it over before we definitely decide,” Adam nodded as he sipped on his cider.

  “Of course, no rush just let me know by the end of the month”.

  The rest of the evening turned out to be more fun than I had expected, Adam and Laura happily exchanged funny stories, which allowed me to just sit back and enjoy their entertaining company.


  As I lay in bed later that night I couldn’t believe my luck, I had racked my brains all day as to how I should react to Claire when she came to class, in the end I chose to pretend that nothing had happened and move on. When the class had come to an end I realized I wanted to catch a quiet moment with her, I wasn’t sure how I could delay her leaving I just knew I needed some kind of excuse to be with her! I needn’t have worried as lady luck was on my side. Laura and Claire invited me for a drink, I had my suspicions that it had been Laura who had plotted the whole thing, but I didn’t care. I couldn’t remember the last time I enjoyed a more relaxing evening and the fact that Laura was there allowed Claire to relax and drop her barriers. I felt that maybe, just maybe I could see the possibility of getting to know her better, and not just as a friend.

  I switched off the bedside light and closed my eyes; I wasn’t convinced the icy cold shower I had taken a few minutes earlier was enough to stop me imagining what I would like to do with Claire and her gorgeous body, so I rolled over and allowed my lustful thoughts to invade my mind and enjoy the ride!


  Two months later and I was about to board a Ryan air flight to Bergerac, I still wasn’t sure how Laura had successfully got me to sign up for the Retreat, but here I was, on my way to France and ready for my week of Yoga and Adam, quite which one was more appealing, only time would tell!

  Adam had worked his charms, 15 of his yoga ladies from across the four groups had booked onto the retreat. Laura insisted it was a much-needed get away, time for contemplation and inner reflection, allowing our bodies and souls to reconnect at a deeper level… I think she had bagged this quote from one of her many self-help books! Secretly I was feeling OK about the trip, plenty of other people to distract me, and lots of peace and tranquillity; yes this could well be exactly what I

  The flight was short but Laura still managed to squeeze in 2 small bottles of bubbles with very little help from me! An air-conditioned bus was waiting for us and 30 minutes later we had arrived at the beautiful property, it sat proudly on top of a hill surrounded by the most stunning views, row upon row of vineyards stretched out as far as the eye could see. This was to be our home for the next week; a large barn had been converted into a yoga studio with accommodations above and the main property next door was an ancient manor house, it had been lovingly restored by the current owners, this was their home and also where we would have all of our meals.

  Angela and Richard were lovely and the perfect hosts; they made us feel instantly at home. Richard gave us a brief history on the property and the surrounding land before installing us into our allocated rooms, which were all en-suite.

  “I think this will do nicely” declared Laura “which bed would you like?”

  “I don’t mind, you choose,” Laura glanced at me, one eyebrow arched in a disapproving manner.

  “Remember what we agreed, it’s time for you to be more assertive, take back control of your destiny no more Mrs doormat,” I threw a pillow which hit Laura squarely in the face.

  “Okay, that’s my first act of decisiveness, now how many ways can I think of to shut you up!” Laura gave me a pretend hurt look, and then threw the pillow back at me,

  “That’s more like it,” she giggled! “come on, let’s see if we can find some wine, I believe the local stuff is really good.”

  ”A glass on the terrace does sound nice, but I thought Adam wanted this week to be alcohol free”?

  “Well we can’t have Adam bullying us like that can we, this is France, it would be criminal not to drink wine in France, think of the local economy.”

  “Ok, ok” I held my hand up, “let’s check first with Adam and see if he agrees.”

  “Ooh would you listen to you, all little miss prim and proper, it’s a holiday.”

  “It’s a retreat!“ I replied defensively.

  “Hmm, well I think we can find a good compromise,” said a determined Laura as she ran a well-manicured hand through her hair and she swept out the door, I of course meekly followed in her wake!

  After a bit of negotiation with Adam, Laura agreed to drink detox water during the day and alcohol would be allowed in the evening in moderation. 15 minutes later the group was ensconced on the west facing terrace under parasols, which shaded us from the strong early evening sun, wine glasses filled we sat back and enjoyed the views.

  “Can I join you girls asked a contented looking Adam”, I was feeling more in control around Adam now and smiled up at him while waving for him to pull up a chair at our table.

  “Isn’t this the perfect venue to have a Yoga retreat”? He said and we all nodded in agreement,

  “Have you been here before” I asked.

  “No this is my first time, it was recommended by another Yoga teacher who comes regularly”.

  “It’s so peaceful”, Adam nodded his head.

  “Can you feel the healing energies wrapping around us” he asked me?

  “Well I don’t know about that, but I certainly can feel something” I agreed. In truth I had actually been imagining how it might be rather nice to feel his strong arms wrapped around me.

  “Careful” whispered Laura “even I can read your thoughts right at this moment!”


  Adam had decided that we’d start our morning Yoga at 7am, not a popular decision with the group! When the alarm went off on my phone at 6.45 I was immediately up and dressed, the early start was no problem for me, Laura however, was a different matter as she rolled over and mumbled, “don’t wait for me, see you down there”. I was tempted to dribble some cold water over her face but thought better of it, she wasn’t a morning person and in fact she would argue it was still the middle of the night!

  I made my way quietly downstairs and headed towards the Yoga room. Adam was sat legs crossed at the front his eyes closed, hell, I was the first to arrive, I wondered for a split second if I should leave and come back in 5 minutes but thought better of it and tip toed towards my mat.

  “Good morning Claire.”

  “Sorry, am I too early?” before a thought hit me. “How did you know it was me?”

  “I would know your scent anywhere,” he smiled, his eyes still closed, I felt a hot flush rise up from my toes.

  “But I’m not wearing perfume” I said.

  “I wasn’t talking about perfume I was talking about your natural essence.”

  “My what?”

  “Don’t you know,” he continued, “everyone has his or her own individual smell, yours is particularly beautiful”

  I closed my eyes avoiding his presence as best I could, I focused instead on my breath, which was short and rapid, I tried the technique Adam had taught us, with very little success.

  “Claire, take a slow……….deep breath in for a count of 4, good, hold it for 4, now, slowly…exhale for a count of 8, just keep working with it, don’t rush to change its pace, it will happen”

  Yeah like I was going to be able to concentrate with him in the same room. He could just knock me off balance, literally with one look, Lord have mercy, but I needed to control myself a whole lot better and quickly!

  After the others finally arrived, we enjoyed a 30-minute meditation, which was mind blowing, it concentrated on the breath and as we slowed right down it became easier to completely feel an increased spaciousness within myself. To have the time to dedicate this length of practice, rather than the five or six minutes in our weekly class was bliss. The rest of the session was an hour of stretching yoga and it felt great, no doubt my body would tell me otherwise tomorrow!

  We headed off for breakfast; Laura was already at the buffet table dishing up a bowl of yoghurt and prunes.

  “Hey where were you?” I asked.

  “I was too busy enjoying my dream with Brad Pitt, he is really good at Yoga, so technically I was doing my share” she grinned at me,

  “You are incorrigible.!

  “So how was Adam this morning?” she said in her best sexy tone.

  “Oh shut up and eat your breakfast, I refuse to be annoyed by you, that would undo all my good work from this morning’s session”, as I poured myself a glass of fresh orange juice.

  To be honest I thought I was becoming more at ease in his presence, this living in close proximity and seeing him around all the time was, however still freaking my body out! As a result, it was becoming increasingly difficult for me to be too near him, to make matters worse he seemed to know this and was enjoying toying with me. My appetite was suddenly gone, I drank my juice, grabbed an apple and decided to head off for a walk around the lake to clear my head.

  The sky was a beautiful bright shade of blue with not a cloud in sight, it was just 9am and the temperature was already a very pleasant 18 degrees, the forecast was promising a hot 35 later in the day, so now was the perfect time to go off for a wander and explore the lake.

  I followed the path down the hill until I reached the edge of the wood, the track was clear; the ground baked dry and large cracks had opened up in the earth. Ahead I heard a rustling in the trees, I proceeded softly hopefully I wouldn’t give myself away and suddenly, a few feet away stood a fawn, it looked up at me, indifferent to my presence; after a while it sniffed the air, before gracefully jumping over a log and bounding off, its white tufted tail quickly disappearing from sight.

  I continued on the woodland trail before turning a bend and catching my first glimpse of the lake, Richard had mentioned that originally it had been a quarry, some 50 years since; it was flooded and now used principally for irrigating the surrounding farmland. It was stocked with large carp and perch, but no one bothered to fish for them, apart from the odd guest.

  I reached the open expanse of water, the far side edge stretched out into a large area of vines and fruit trees, hands on hips I stared at the impressive vi
ew, oh how I wished I had brought my watercolours, this would be the most perfect place to paint.

  At the water’s edge stood three large boulders, remnants perhaps from the ancient quarry, they stood under an overhanging tree. I sat on one taking advantage of some shade from the early morning sun. The warmth from the stone radiated through me and it felt good. I closed my eyes and started to practice on my yoga breath, the sweet smell of summer rushed into my nostrils and the heavy negative energy was expelled from my lungs out towards the lake. I continued like this for a few minutes until I felt a complete stillness. Slowly, I became aware that I wasn’t alone, opening my eyes I saw Adam sat on a tree stump just a few feet away,

  “Its lovely and peaceful down here” he said gazing out across the water,

  “Yes it is, how is it I didn’t hear you approach?”

  “There are ways to walk softly without being heard” he said with an air of mysticism, “and besides, I didn’t want to disturb you, you looked at peace, and I admit I was enjoying watching you”.

  I wasn’t too sure how I felt about his voyeurism! My body however had a mind of its own and responded to this bit of information by quickening my pulse!

  His smile was incredibly infectious, like a child on Christmas morning, full of happiness and anticipation.

  “May I join you?” and before I could answer he was simply there next to me.

  “I noticed you leaving and I thought I would take the opportunity to join you,” a beguiling smile crossed his face as he looked out towards the lake, “I am finding myself increasingly keen to be in your company. You’re getting under my skin Claire and that bothers me, I am not sure how to react around you, my instinct tells me to take it slow, and yet, all I really want to do is grab you and kiss you and see what happens next. I sense your uncertainty and I respect that, but maybe it’s time to open yourself up to the possibility of being with someone. I would like that someone to be me!”


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