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The Coulson Boys (Adam)

Page 10

by Karen Lamb

  Adam had enjoyed my many fashion shows exhibiting my latest purchases; his favourite was when I dressed in a see-through nighty with my new Hunter wellingtons, that was definitely a look he enjoyed, although running around the cottage to evade his capture was a bit tricky, but I don’t recall trying too hard!

  Laura and Frank were coming for the first week then Adam and I had three whole weeks together, my preparation for a month away was almost complete and I couldn’t wait!

  So, what do they say about counting your chickens before they hatch! In the space of the next four days all my plans would be in tatters!


  One of our guilty pleasures was to snuggle up together on the sofa, watching a movie when Adam’s phone rang. Usually he ignored his mobile after 10pm but the ringtone made him pick it up immediately.

  “Hello mum, is everything all right? Mum calm down, take a deep breath, that’s it, now slowly tell me what has happened.” I saw a worried look on his face, after a minute or two more he asked to speak to Daniel. “Hi Daniel, how bad is it? I’ll get the first train down and be with you in the morning, give mum a big hug from me and keep me posted”. Adam put his phone down. “It’s my dad he’s had a heart attack and is in intensive care. The boys are taking mum in shortly and then rotating shifts between the farm and the hospital. Sweetheart, I am so sorry, but I have to put our trip to Scotland on hold”. For the briefest of moments my heart sank, before a less selfish part of me jumped in.

  “Adam your family comes first, please don’t give it another thought, the main thing is to you get you to the farm straightaway”.

  He took me in his arms.

  “Thank you for being so understanding, I know you must be disappointed, hell I am, let me get down there and then I can assess the situation better and see exactly what I can do. I just know that at the moment mum really needs me”.

  “Of course, she must be worried sick about your dad, you told me how close they are”. The reality suddenly dawned as I fully grasped how his mother must feel as I recalled the phone call I had received telling me Will was dead!

  Adam nodded. “She would be lost without him. Can I borrow your laptop to look at the train timetables”?

  “Of course, let me get it for you”. Ten minutes later and it was clear that there weren’t any trains stopping here till the morning. As soon as I saw the concerned look on his face I knew what to do,

  “Adam, I have a suggestion, why don’t you take the Jag, I can drive up to Scotland in the Mini”.

  “I didn’t know you had a Jag?”

  “That’s because its tucked away in the garage, its Will’s car, I haven’t driven it since his death, but I had thought it might be fun to drive up to Scotland in it and I had it serviced last week so it was ready for the trip, so please, if it helps, take it”.

  “Claire you’re a lifesaver, but I tell you what, could I borrow the Mini, and then you can have the Jag”.

  “Yes of course, whichever is best, she’s not just any old Mini, she can go really fast”. Adam grinned,

  “I suppose “she” has a name?”

  “Maybe,” I said in a secretive tone, “but I’m not telling! Go on, I’ll make a flask of coffee and some sandwiches, you pack then you can be up and off straightaway”.

  “Thank you Claire, you’re amazing, I promise I will make it up to you”

  Ten minutes later Adam had grabbed some clothes; he had recently moved some of his clothes into the cottage and now shared space in my wardrobe, I enjoyed seeing his things next to mine, it felt good. I prepared a selection of sandwiches and biscuits plus a flask of coffee and a bottle of water. I grabbed my car keys and passed them to him.

  “She’s full of petrol and don’t worry about insurance, she’s fully comprehensive so anyone can drive her”, Adam smiled at me.

  “I feel honoured” he said, “I promise I will look after her, I feel stupid that I haven’t gotten around to buying a car, I suppose I was enjoying the minimalistic life a bit too much. By the way, you do know how much I love you”, his hand gently stroked my face, “and I promise I will call as soon as I arrive.”

  “A text will suffice, you just focus on your family”. He gave me a deep, slow kiss and it was I who had to break us apart, “go” I said as I gently pushed him out the door, but not before he asked.

  “Anything you might have forgotten?”

  “Hmm, let me think, oh yes, I love you, now go and good luck”.

  “Love you too gorgeous” and then he was gone.

  I slumped down into the armchair, my plans for a romantic getaway had vanished. I tried not to feel too sorry for my self-realizing that it was an exceptional situation and he needed to be with his family, never the less my bubble was well and truly burst.


  I received a text just after 4am; Adam had made remarkable good time and had completely fallen in love with ‘Mimi’, which was his pet name for my car. His father was in intensive care, they wouldn’t know more until a little later, an operation was likely and his mum was having a complete meltdown. He promised regular updates throughout the day.

  The text hadn’t woken me, I hadn’t been able to sleep, it was as if I wanted to stay awake for him on his journey, supporting him from afar!

  My thoughts had turned to the trip I wondered should I cancel it? No couldn’t do that, Adam would be furious with me. No, this was all part of my new life, I needed to start to take control of any new situations that hit me, no more running away.

  What I hadn’t anticipated was driving the Jag, I had only driven it a few times and that was for short journeys. Will had reassured me that it was easy to drive, automatic, had cruise control and virtually drove itself, it was the power that scared me, but I didn’t have to drive fast, so I’d give it a go and I would be following Frank, so I really had nothing to worry about!

  The trip had been designed around having maximum fun, taking time to enjoy delicious Scottish cuisine, as well as reigniting my passion for painting, learning how to fish, long cool walks along the Loch, and just because Adam couldn’t come, it should not stop me from enjoying a lovely holiday. I had Laura and Frank for the first week, and, maybe, Adam might be able to join me for a few days, I was determined nothing was going to sabotage my trip, including me!

  I’d decided to forego any further vain attempts in trying to get some sleep and began packing, in the end I decided I needed 2 suitcases, 4 weeks was after all a long time. I put the cases in the boot of the car along with my fishing gear and painting bits, I loved being organized.

  In the distance I could hear my phone ringing, I raced into the cottage to pick it up. It was not exactly what I was expecting as a very angry, weepy Laura launched into a 10-minute one-sided tirade. Once she finally stopped screaming out explicit words about what she was and wasn’t going to do to Frank after he had broken the bad news to her that the new merger, which was so vital to the business, had hit a snag and he now had to stay and sort out the mess, which hopefully would get things back on track.

  “That’s it Claire I’ve had enough, we are finished I am leaving him for good this time”.

  “Oh god Laura, I don’t know what to say, apart from that I’m so sorry it has come to this! So, what do you want to do now?”

  “Well as you can imagine I have had all night to stew over it, Frank thinks I’m bluffing and left at the crack of dawn to get a head start in the office. He said we’d talk tonight, but no way is that going to happen, so I’m packing and coming straight over to you, I can travel up with you and Adam, I think a bit of distance is the least I need at this moment!”

  “You’re still coming?” I asked.

  “Bloody right! Why the hell should I miss out because of Frank and his beloved company! I should get to your place about 7pm, I have some extra therapy shopping I need to do today, there’s nothing like hitting Frank’s credit card hard when he pisses me off like this!” I felt myself cringing inside; this had always been Laura�
��s reaction to one of her fights with Frank! “You’ve gone awful quiet Claire, sorry if I’ve spoilt your plans, I promise I won’t get in the way.” This was not the moment to tell her Adam wasn’t coming, there would be plenty of time tonight.

  “Don’t be silly, of course you must come, we can chat tonight.”

  Could the last few hours really have been any worse? Now what did I want to do?


  Laura arrived by taxi about 7pm, with her suitcase in hand; I hoped she wasn’t staying more than a week as I looked at the size of her luggage. Thank goodness modern suitcases came on wheels as I took it into the garage and just managed to lift it into the back seat of the car.

  Laura was at the kitchen counter opening a bottle of champagne,

  “Are we celebrating”? With more than a little hint of sarcasm, she gave me a dark look.

  “It’s Friday isn’t it, you love bubbles on a Friday!”

  “Well just a little one, I’m driving tomorrow”, she dismissed me with a waft of her hand and proceeded to pour 3 glasses, and then handed one to me, lifting her glass she saluted me.

  “Cheers” I raised my glass half-heartedly.

  “So where is Adam hiding?”

  “He’s not coming”.

  “What! you haven’t split up already?”

  “No Laura, he had to go to his parents place, his father has had a heart attack,” her attitude immediately softened.

  “Oh! I’m so sorry Claire, when did this happen?” as she settled herself down onto a sofa, I spent the next few minutes explaining the situation.

  “So, it looks like it’s just you and me kid”.

  That thought, right at this moment was filling me with dread!

  Laura made short work on the bottle of champagne before opening a bottle of white wine. Adam had called half way through the evening, his father had gone through surgery successfully, the damage to his heart wasn’t as bad as they thought and with a lot of care and time they thought he would make a good recovery. I had taken the call in my bedroom away from earshot of Laura, who was well on her way to getting drunk. I had decided not to worry Adam that my trip had now been reduced to just Laura and me, he had enough on his shoulders right now. He sounded so tired all I wanted to do was give him a big hug and hold him tight. After 10 minutes he wished me a safe journey for tomorrow, and told me over and over how much he was missing me and then blew a kiss into the phone. In spite of everything that had happened in the last 24 hours I felt so happy I thought my heart would burst, and I knew then I would be ok.


  The last 24 hours had been a crazy blur!

  For as long as I could remember, my loyalty was with my family first and then my work, in just a few short weeks Claire had changed all that! Now I was torn between my family and Claire. I couldn’t be with both when they needed me and that was killing me. She had been so brave to allow me into her life, and I understood she needed time to cement our relationship, trust would take more time, but I could be patient, I wasn’t going anywhere, Claire could take as long as she needed.

  I was initially devastated when she said she was going to Scotland for a month, until she made it clear she wanted me to go with her. Her excitement was infectious, and I had enjoyed getting caught up in the planning of the trip. I sensed this was just what she needed, Scotland would give her the time and space to heal and I would be there to support her, except now I wouldn’t! Events had taken over, the news about dad’s heart attack was exactly what my mother had feared, his need to oversee the running of the farm, had taken its toll!

  Claire had been so supportive, and she generously insisted I take one of the cars. In the end I had taken her Mini sport. My decision to be car free and reliant on public transport had been an over sight on my part. I would need to rectify that as soon as I was back in Northumberland. When I reached the hospital it was just after 4am, my brothers were sat in the visitor’s room with mum. Her face a pasty grey, I could see the tiredness and fear on all their faces. I hugged her tight.

  ”Oh Adam, thank god you’re here. I told you he was driving himself into an early grave, he just couldn’t help himself, always having to try and oversee everything, and his stubbornness has been making me so angry!” I did my best to calm her down, worrying she would be next!

  My brothers filled me in and as I suspected, none of them could persuade dad to ease back on the day to day running of the farm. Daniel, so like our father in temperament, was sitting quietly not saying much, Harry and Sean were in operational mode and reassured me the farm was in good hands, which I never doubted. Now I had arrived they left for a couple of hours sleep before beginning the daily tasks that needed to be done. Daniel went off to get some coffees leaving me with mum.

  ”How did you get here so quickly?” she asked.

  “I borrowed a car from Claire.” Mum and I had always had a connection; she could read me like a book.

  “Claire is your friend?”

  “Yes,” I answered, as she scanned my face with a mother’s insight.

  “I sense she‘s a bit more than that?” she asked questioningly. I nodded and smiled.

  ”Yes, she is a very special lady mum, someone I want you to meet when things settle down.”

  “Hmm! I look forward to that,” she said.

  Mid-morning and the doctors had ordered various tests to be carried out on Dad, it was decided they needed to do an operation to clear a blockage in his heart and carry out any repairs necessary. The operation would take some time and they suggested we go home and get some rest before returning later, when hopefully we could see dad. It took some persuading to get mum to leave, in the end she agreed but hinted she would be back sooner rather than later.

  “That stupid old buggar needs me here to keep an eye on him.” I looked forward to the dressing down dad would receive as soon as he was better, my mother was a formidable woman and loved us all, but didn’t tolerate unnecessary stress and worry in her family.

  Dad was a lucky man, his operation had gone well, the surgeon was very hopeful he would make a speedy recovery, and with a few life style changes he should lead a full and active life for many more years. The news was a relief to us all, now we just had to wait and see if dad would retire and let the boys run the business.


  We arrived at Loch Lomond at 12.30, the journey was trouble free and I was surprised how much I had enjoyed the drive. Will was right, the car did virtually do all the work, I decided from now on, I would take time to enjoy driving the Jag more often. The trip had been mercifully peaceful as Laura snoozed next to me.

  I had decided to break up the journey by stopping half way, staying at the beautiful Cameroon House Hotel overnight. The plan was to enjoy a lovely dinner together, before heading up to Skye the next day! Instead Laura had wasted no time and had gone straight to the bar and ordered us both a glass of wine. Our conversation had been a little ‘brittle’ as I asked unsympathetically.

  “So, has your hangover gone?”

  “Nope and that’s the way I intend to stay!” My patience was fast running out.

  “So, you’re telling me that you intend to be in a permanent alcoholic fog on MY holiday?”

  “Pretty much” said Laura in a bitter tone.

  “I’m sorry Laura, but if this is how you want to deal with your broken marriage then I am putting you on the first train back tomorrow.” Laura looked at me with a look of shock;

  “I thought you were my friend?”

  “I am, that’s why I am telling you straight, Laura this isn’t the way you will resolve anything, and in all honesty, I haven’t come on holiday to hear you whingeing all the time, and seeing you in a permanent state of drunkenness”. Oops! where had that come from? I looked at Laura’s face, which was pale and tired, her eyes puffy.

  “Sorry Claire, I didn’t mean to spoil your holiday, I am a spoilt selfish bitch, aren’t I? I need to face my problems properly and not turn to alcohol to numb my

  “I’m sorry too Laura,” as I leant in to give her a big hug. After a few moments Laura had regained her composure, while I ordered some sparkling water to help rehydrate her.

  “Let’s order something to eat and talk this through calmly and quietly.”

  “Okay” sniffed Laura. I ordered some smoked salmon and cucumber dill sandwiches, and just a few minutes later a beautiful platter of open-faced sandwiches with salad and hand cut crisps came to our table.

  “I have to say Laura I’m not convinced you and Frank are over, he absolutely adores you, however, I can see your point of view, he’s such a workaholic and that leaves very little quality time to enjoy as a couple”. Laura had been quiet for some time.

  “Maybe we could go to a marriage counsellor for some advice, someone who can see the situation from both sides, what do you think?”

  “I think that’s a very good idea, why not call him and discuss the idea?”

  “Sounds like a plan,” agreed Laura, “but I think I’ll let him stew till tomorrow.” I shook my head in exasperation.

  “Up to you, just don’t leave it too long! Do you fancy a walk along the Loch, a bit of fresh Scottish air will clear your head?”

  “OK, just give me a minute to change into my walking clothes,” agreed Laura.

  “Your walking clothes?” I asked, surprised that Laura would even own such attire.


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