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The Coulson Boys (Adam)

Page 17

by Karen Lamb

  “Yup! I love the idea of being courted and wooed, but there is one teeny tiny thing we need to address.”

  “Oh! what’s that?” said Adam.

  “Roxy, what kind of name is that for my lovely mini?”

  “Let it go Claire, she loves, it trust me!”


  The next morning the weather was perfect for exploring outdoors. We enjoyed taking time to be with each other and taking in the sights and sounds of our surroundings. Adam was in his element; he fully immersed himself in the stunning scenery, marvelling at the peace and tranquillity, which was only interrupted by the screeches of eagles, barking deer, and me, I was revelling in having someone to share all this with.

  By the time we got back we were starving.

  “Come on, let’s go to the castle for a drink and some lunch.” Adam’s stomach growled with hunger.

  “I would say that was a yes,” he said patting his belly.

  As we got closer to the castle Adam let out a whistle.

  “It’s certainly a stunning place that Hamish has here, isn’t it?” I agreed. As we approached the entrance a beaming Ewan was waiting to open the door.

  “Hello and welcome,” he said with a smile, are you here for some lunch?“

  “We certainly are, we’ve been walking all morning and built up quite an appetite.”

  Kathryn was at her usual post busy sorting out the bookings and arrivals for the day.

  “Hi Claire,” she said warmly.

  “Hello Kathryn, you look busy.”

  “Aye, we have a conference delegation arriving soon and I am just sorting last minute details.” I introduced Adam, who smiled and shook her hand, I watched to see the effect she would have on him as she returned his smile, as he turned to go to the bar, I saw Kathryn mouthing towards me ‘OMG, he’s gorgeous,’ and a thumbs up gesture, I was getting used to women ogling “my man” and a feeling of satisfaction that he truly never seemed to be aware of how attractive he was to the opposite sex! Apart from me!

  We sat at a table in the bar, Fabio rushed over making a fuss and introduced himself as he warmly welcomed us.

  “Hells bells Claire! I’ll say it again, you have made a big impression here, they love you.” I leant back and giggled.

  “It’s been easy, everyone is so incredibly friendly.” Adam nodded

  “They certainly are, it must be a highland thing” he added.

  We ordered drinks and looked at the menu, Fabio recommended the game casserole with herb dumplings, which suited Adam, I decide to have the seafood risotto. We sat back contentedly.

  “I could get used to this; I understand why you didn’t rush home!” observed Adam.

  “I am enjoying everything so much more now I can share it with you,” I leant forward to kiss him on the lips, we lingered for a moment.

  “Sorry to interrupt,” as I saw Hamish approaching, for some reason I felt a little awkward as I saw a brief pained look in his eyes. “I was hoping to catch up with you, I was wondering if you would do me the honour of dinning with me tonight, I have a wee business proposal I’d like to discuss with you,” he paused, “7.30 here in the bar?”

  “Tonight?” I jumped in.

  “Yes Lass, I believe time is of the essence.” Intrigued I looked at Adam who surprised me by shrugging his shoulders.

  “Fine by me,” he said.

  “Great. We need a spot of privacy, so we’ll eat in the private dining room, you remember it Claire?” he said cheekily.

  “Yes, of course,” I saw Adam flinch a little.

  “Perfect,” he said, wringing his hands, “see you both later. I have a group of Chinese business men arriving this evening for a weekend conference, so you must excuse me.”

  “Well, that all sounds a bit mysterious,” I said.

  “Hmm, I am not sure I altogether trust him,” he scowled.

  “Oh no, Hamish is a pussy cat underneath all that tartan gruffness!”

  “I‘ll reserve my judgement,” said Adam tentatively!

  The lunch was delicious as expected, and after the fresh air and rich food, we decided that an afternoon snooze was what we needed. Although I wasn’t too sure how much sleeping would be done!


  7.30pm and as we approached the Castle we noticed a lot of activity as the Chinese delegates began to arrive, the flurry of cars and luggage were unloaded and taken inside. The air was full of Chinese voices excitedly chattering at speed, all of which sounded so out of place in this remote Scottish haven. I wondered what could have interested them to visit this remote beautiful part of Scotland?

  There was much bowing and smiling from the group as we returned smiles and said good evening before entering the foyer. We headed straight to the bar; Hamish was dressed in his full Scottish garb and looked every bit the laird. He bent forward to kiss my cheek.

  “You look stunning as always,” he welcomed with a smile. I was wearing a satin blue dress with a scooped neckline, very simple cut, but it was a favourite of mine, pearl earrings and necklace finished the look. He continued to smile as he shook Adam by the hand. “In fact, you both look like your straight out of a fashion magazine!” Hamish’s comments were welcomed. I must confess that I was more than a little shocked and delighted when I had caught sight of Adam, he had brought a beautiful suit with him, it was a midnight blue which shone in a certain light, the material looked expensive as did the cut, the pale pink shirt and two tone blue and silver tie matched perfectly, this was the first time I had ever seen him in a suit and it was a gorgeous sight to behold. Maybe yoga pays better than I imagined?

  “Right let’s get this evening off to a cracking start,” said Hamish wringing his hands a little anxiously, “Champagne Claire?”

  “Yes please, Hamish.”

  “And you Adam?”

  “Is there a whisky you would recommend?”

  “Fabio has a number of specialist whiskies as you would expect, but I personally like our famous local Taliskers with a touch of water.”

  “Sounds great,” said Adam.”

  “Good decision, I think I’ll join you lad.”

  Hamish successfully entertained us with stories and interesting facts about the island, I could tell Adam was warming to him, I had decided Hamish was a desired taste and people didn’t necessarily take to his charm immediately, myself included. Hamish insisted we have a second round of drinks.

  “If I didn’t know better Hamish McDonald, I would say you were trying to get us tipsy!”

  Eventually we were taken upstairs to the private dining room, this time I was more relaxed and allowed myself to observe its unique shape, it sat inside one of the four turrets of the castle.

  “So, this is where you wined and dined Claire?” Adam asked Hamish.

  “Yes, it affords a degree of intimacy as well as privacy,” he goaded Adam. I glowered towards him.

  “Behave yourself,” I warned, “stop trying to torment Adam.”

  “Message understood,” said an apologetic Hamish as he held his hands up in submission.

  James was once again on hand, he served us a glass of chilled white Sauvignon blanc, I was so grateful we only had to walk to the lodge as I could already feel the effects of the alcohol, I was determined to slow down my drinking and keep a cool head, Hamish had an agenda tonight and until he shared it, I needed to keep my wits about me!

  We started the meal with a delicious lobster bisque, the rich smell of the sea and the decadent additions of cognac and cream gave us a taste of sheer luxury. I began to extoll the incredible culinary talents of Mario, I explained that once I had attempted to make this for a dinner party, the preparation took hours and the ingredients were extremely expensive, but in my opinion worth every penny, mine however wasn’t a patch on this!

  “It is another one of Mario’s specialities, have you had it before Adam?” Asked Hamish in a slightly aloof manner.

  “Yes,” replied Adam, ”I have been fortunate enough to enjoy it ma
ny times in Nice and Cannes in the past, but possibly this tonight is the best.” Well I wasn’t sure who was more surprised Hamish or me!

  “I think,” said Hamish, “that your man is a bit of a dark horse, we need to tread carefully!”

  “Don’t look so surprised Claire, I did have another life before Yoga” said Adam with an enigmatic smile. I was beginning to feel that tonight was going to be a revelation, as I looked at both men with renewed interest!

  The main course of stuffed Guinea Fowl with delicious buttery fondant potatoes, a medley of carrots broccoli and beans. The sauce was heavenly rich Madeira, which had been reduced down to a velvety jus and drizzled around the plate; I could feel my mouth salivating at the sight and smell of the dish in front of me. Adam looked with appreciation.

  “This looks amazing you certainly have a star in your kitchen.” Hamish beamed with pride.

  “Actually, it’s not my kitchen, it’s Mario’s and he does indeed have a Michelin star.”

  As our delicious dinner came to a close with coffees and cognac, Adam lent back in his chair and squared up towards Hamish.

  “I believe you said that you have a business proposition you want to discuss Hamish.”

  “I do, forgive me for keeping you in the dark, my wife would never allow business to be discussed until we’d eaten.”

  “A wise woman,” suggested Adam in a warmer tone. Hamish nodded.

  “More than I ever realized,” he cleared his throat before collecting his thoughts.

  “I get the impression Adam you are a bit more than a yoga teacher, and I believe you are more than capable of grasping the proposal I will present to you.” Adam listened without any comment. “Claire knows my situation; I lost my wife six years ago, and her death took a toll on my son and daughter. Sadly, we have grown apart and I have minimum contact with either of them. They have chosen different paths; my daughter married a young American last year, he is a very wealthy man in Silicon Valley and she is more than well provided for. My son has absolutely no interest in becoming the next Laird and taking on the family estate, he is at University studying law and would rather have the money without the responsibility. So,” sighed Hamish, “that leaves me in a predicament, I don’t have the passion any more to continue, and I think it’s about time I went off and enjoyed a spot of travel and adventure before I get any older.

  “So, here’s the deal. I am prepared to sell you the estate and everything that is entailed with it, for a knockdown price of 3.5 million. I need a decision in the next 10 days before you leave.”

  I was the first to react to Hamish’s offer.

  “I’m flattered that you would consider asking us, but you must realise that even if I wanted to respond in a serious manner, I haven’t got the money to be able to do so. My cottage and Will’s settlement money would only come to about 1.5 million, way short of your figure. It is a very generous price and I’m flattered you would think I could pay it.”

  “I haven’t just plucked this offer out of the sky Claire, your past is corporate entertainment, and I think you could easily step back into it, that and your flare and love of cooking, I could see you and Mario working well together.”

  “That may be so Hamish, but I couldn’t conjure up the remaining money.”

  There was silence, before Hamish turned to Adam.

  “I believe Adam could come up with the rest easily.” As he turned his attention to a calm and unresponsive Adam, before continuing. “Forgive me Adam, but I have done some homework and you could, if you wanted to, quite easily come up with the money. It depends if you want to continue with a simple life being a Yoga teacher or could you imagine owning this estate and working it alongside Claire. The estate needs new blood and reinvigorated with new ideas and a more dynamic business model. Trust me there is the business, I am not offering you a bad deal here!”

  To my added astonishment, Adam looked Hamish in the eyes and said.

  “Let me think about it, I need to talk to Claire first before I come back to you. How long is the offer on the table?”

  “I can give you till the end of the month, the Chinese contingent is keen to buy, they are looking to snap up Scottish estates, to feed their love of Whisky, golf, and fishing, their offer is very generous. However, the estate is worth more to me than money, it is a part of Scottish history, which I would rather be sold to people who have a more passionate approach than a cold blooded financial vision.”

  I sat looking at both men and to be honest, I didn’t quite believe what I had been listening to. As we prepared to leave Hamish took my arm.

  “I hope I haven’t been too bold in my offer Claire, the reality is I am running out of time and I needed to approach you with this offer sooner rather than later!” I nodded and smiled.

  “I understand, let me speak with Adam, I need to get some answers from him first.” He nodded,

  “It seems I continue to surprise you Claire, all I ask is you give it some serious consideration.” Hamish shook Adam’s hand. “I hope we can be friends, no matter what you decide?” Adam looked long and hard at Hamish,

  “That maybe a big ask, but I am nothing if not a fair man and I would like to think I give everyone a second chance.”

  The cold night air was welcoming, as we quietly strolled back towards the lodge.

  “I can hear all kinds of questions swimming around your head Claire.”

  “That’s an understatement Adam; I thought we had been honest with each other, when in fact I really don’t know very much about you.”

  “Claire, I ‘ve never lied to you, the fact that I have a lot of money means nothing to me, it’s a by-product of my past life, I just happen to be very good at making money, but it no longer defines me or my relationship with you. I love the fact that you love me for who I am and not what I have. In your world I am a yoga teacher, in my world you are a beautiful woman who has the biggest heart and accepts me as I am, and for me that is so refreshing. In the past women have seen me as rich and available, and that was a magnet to them, not one really wanted to get to know me for who I truly am underneath all the wealth and possessions. Not even my family knows how wealthy I am, I don’t want to be thought of in those terms.”

  “What exactly did you do that made you so much money?”

  “I was a broker for rich people, I had the ‘Midas’ touch, I knew how to get the best result with their money; in return I made big commissions and bonuses. When I left I had many company shares, they have doubled in value. My old boss wants to buy them back from me, if I do that I will have accrued around 45-50 million of assets. That in a nutshell is my worth, now I ask you, has that affected how you think of me? “ I stopped and took his hands in mine.

  “If you are hoping that I will love you more now I know you are rich, you are going to be disappointed, I simply couldn’t physically love you any more than I already do.” I lifted my face and softly kissed him long and slow.

  “So, you do feel the same?”

  “Afraid so, but I am in awe at your talents, I might ask for some financial advice,” I grinned.

  “Depends on the bonus payments!”

  “Oh, I believe I can think of some pretty good ways of showing my appreciation.”

  I was tired and my mind was in a whirl with all the information I’d heard tonight, but I knew I couldn’t sleep till I had done a bit of processing. We both changed into comfy clothes, Adam revved up the fire while I made a pot of tea. We lay on the rug, Adam seemed remarkably relaxed and I assumed he had totally dismissed Hamish’s proposal.

  He turned towards me with his adoring eyes,

  “Claire you know how I feel about you, right?” I nodded as his words once again hit me with a realization that I was loved so utterly and completely by this amazing man. “I know that I want to be with you always, and I don’t care where that may be, as long as you are there by my side. I remained quiet listening to his heartfelt words wash over me. “Hamish’s offer is worth consideration, don’t you think?

  “Really Adam, you would consider moving up here to this remote spot of the country and leave your simple life in Northumberland?”

  “Wouldn’t you Claire?” His question stopped me dead in my tracks, I didn’t know what to say! “Admit it, you love it here, and it would be a fresh start, we could build a new life here.” Words still refused to come into my mouth! “All right, let me ask you a few questions that might make it easier for you to decide! Could you image living here?”

  “Yes, I think I could.”

  “Could you leave your cottage and your past behind?”


  “Could you imagine working at the castle in corporate hospitality?”

  “Well, I’m a bit rusty, but I certainly use to be very good at putting together bespoke conferences. This place is secluded enough to offer businesses a space to do brain storming with a balance of leisure on the side.”

  “That is a definitive ‘yes’ I am hearing Claire, I could most definitely see you working alongside the staff; they already like you, and as for Mario, I think he would be overjoyed knowing he had your support. So once again I ask you Claire, would you be happy to live and work here?” I sat up straight as the full realization of what was on offer here dawned on me, I could visualise all of these things, and more!

  “Yes, yes, yes,” I giggled with happy tears filling my eyes. “But wait! It’s my turn to ask you! Do you see yourself living here?”

  “Yes easily! It offers peace and tranquillity, and a challenge! I have loved the last few months; it has changed my life for the better, with an added bonus of meeting you,” as he touched my face with a loving stroke. “As for my accumulative wealth, well I hadn’t been inspired to do very much with it, in fact I really enjoyed living without it, on a budget. This offer has sparked an avenue where I could see a good way of investing it. I could see a number of things working here, such as a health spa, which offered natural therapies. Coming from a corporate world, I saw the day-to-day stress slowly killing people, we could show ways of relieving their stress with techniques like yoga, meditation, Mindful Business, dietary information, and that’s just the tip of the iceberg. This could be the ideal space, where companies come regularly, to recharge batteries, and brainstorm ideas and projects.


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