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Coming Home: An LA Lovers Book

Page 20

by Jourdyn Kelly

  “I’m so happy to have earned your approval,” she said dryly.

  “Baby, you’ve earned a lot more than just my approval,” he drawled sexily, leaning in to kiss her.

  “Yeah?” she asked against his lips. “Like?”

  “My admiration for your skills, my lust, my complete and utter need to have you again.”

  She grinned. “All that? Damn, I’m good.” Blaise made a show of pushing him away, blowing on her nails and buffing them on her shirt. He barked out laughter, and she smiled sweetly at him. “And, as much as I would love to help you out with that need you have, it’s getting late.”

  Greyson looked up from his food, and frowned. “Stay with me.”

  This is what Blaise had been dreading. “Greyson, I have no clothes here.”

  “You don’t need clothes for what I have in mind for you, doll,” he countered with a devilish grin, making her want to give in and stay.

  She took a breath, hoping it would help her be strong. Normally, she wouldn’t have any problem leaving a man after sex. But this wasn’t just any man, and that wasn’t just any sex. “I have to work in the morning.” She saw the disappointment flicker across his features, and softened. “Honey, this is still new. For both of us. I’m not running, but you’re going to have to give me time to get used to this. Okay?”

  He nodded, a bit sullenly. Still it was a good sign that he was on track with her.

  “Besides, I’m not sure I want to sleep where…,” she paused, looking around the obvious bachelor pad.

  “I’ve never had anyone spend the night, Blaise,” he interrupted.

  “This has been in the family for a while now, right?” At his nod, she continued. “Has this place ever been used as anything more than a fuck pad?”

  Greyson opened his mouth to say something, and closed it immediately. After a brief hesitation, he said, “Do you think that’s what I use this place for?”

  Blaise raised an eyebrow. “Don’t you? Greyson, I’m not judging you. You told me yourself that you didn’t do relationships before me…” She trailed off, sensing that Greyson didn’t like the direction this conversation was going. So, Blaise decided a change of subject was in order. She took a bite of an eggroll, a blurted out the question that had been bugging her all night. “Do you want to talk about what happened today that made you show up at my doorstep like that tonight?” As soon as the words were out, she wanted to take them back when his mood darkened even more.

  “Just family and business stuff,” he said stiffly.

  It was Blaise’s turn to get irritated. She frowned at Greyson, and plunked her food down on the coffee table with a thud.

  “And, I couldn’t possibly know anything about either one, right?” she asked sharply. “I do own a business, Greyson, no matter how small and insignificant you think it is. And, just because I don’t have family to speak of, doesn’t mean I don’t know the dynamics of a family.”

  “That’s not what I meant, doll.” He put his own container down, and turned to face her fully.

  Even though he sounded contrite, it didn’t dampen her temper. Blaise crossed her arms, tapping her fingers while she waited for further explanation.

  Greyson dragged his hands through his already mussed up hair, then scrubbed his face. When he scratched at his beard, her heart melted. Whatever had happened, it wasn’t over. She could see that much by the tension radiating off him.

  “I—I haven’t really wrapped my mind around what’s going on at the company, or what my family had to do with it. I’m not even sure I know the full—or true—story.”

  Blaise took his hand in hers, squeezing lightly. “I’m sorry.”

  He shrugged a bit, bringing her fingers to his lips and kissing her knuckles. “I don’t think your business is insignificant, Blaise.” Greyson tucked her hair behind her ear in a gentle gesture that she felt deep down in her soul. “Will you tell me what happened to your parents?” he asked quietly.

  She recognized the change in subject, and would allow it for now. Unfortunately, the new subject wasn’t great for Blaise. The anxiety she always felt when she thought about her parents hit her hard. Was she ready to share this with a man she hardly knew? Blaise studied him for a moment, contemplating how much to tell him. When she saw only concern in Greyson’s grey eyes, she made her decision.

  “They died in a car accident when I was young.” Her voice was barely a whisper, but she knew Greyson heard her when his grip on her hand tightened. “They were my world. One day, I was happy and carefree with my parents by my side. The next, everything changed. I lost everything that day.”

  Blaise felt Greyson cup her cheek, brushing away a tear she hadn’t realized had fallen. “I’m so sorry, baby. What happened to you after that?” he asked gently.

  “I was sent to my next of kin.”

  Greyson’s eyebrows shot up in question and confusion.

  “I said I didn’t have family to speak of, Greyson. Not that I don’t have family at all.” Blaise sighed deeply. “I guess my family isn’t that much different than yours when it comes to money,” she said, not unkindly. “My parents had left me a small inheritance, and that seemed to be the only thing anyone was interested in. They didn’t love or want me, they wanted what I had left of my parents.

  “As soon as I could, I left and came here to go to University. That was the first time I had felt any kind of happiness in the years since the accident. I, stupidly, went back to New Zealand after I graduated. I missed my parents, and I thought that if I went back there I would feel closer to them.” She sniffed, thanking Greyson when he handed her a tissue. “I finally realized that I wasn’t happy there, and they would follow me, be in my memories, no matter where I was. So, I came back. I just hope they’re proud of the decisions I’ve made in my life,” she finished softly. The only other person that knew this story was Ellie, and Blaise felt just as exhausted as she did after she had confided in her best friend.

  “Doll, I have no doubts that your parents are looking down on you with huge smiles. How could they not be proud of the amazing woman you’ve become?”

  Blaise blinked at him. In her experience with men, they had never been attentive or particularly sweet. Perhaps that’s the type of men she chose so that she wouldn’t fall for them. She knew Greyson was different, and that was why he scared her so much.

  “I hope they’re not watching now,” she smiled, and straddled him. She kissed him deeply, her tongue slipping between his lips, meeting his eagerly. His excitement was pressed against her center, and Blaise rocked her hips against him. Reaching down, she began slipping her hand down past his waistband. “Since the condoms are too far away, this is going to have to do, stud,” she said huskily, wrapping her fist around him.

  “End table drawer,” he managed to growl.

  Blaise’s hand froze. “You have condoms in the living room?”

  Greyson put his hand over hers over his sweats, and began moving it again. “In case of emergencies, which this happens to be. And, just to make it clear, doll, this is the first emergency I’ve ever had.”

  She smiled at that. “Good answer.” Blaise glanced down at their hands. “Either you’re going to have to get the condom yourself, or let me go.”

  “Don’t want to let you go,” he rasped, his voice hoarse with need and emotion. Greyson tipped them both in the direction of the end table. With his eyes locked on hers, he opened the drawer and fumbled around for protection.

  Once again, she took the foil packet from him, rolling the latex down his impressive erection. Sleep is overrated, was the last coherent thought she had before lowering herself onto him.


  Blaise rested her hand on his thigh, and Greyson felt himself respond immediately to her warm touch. He couldn’t remember ever being this insatiable before. One taste of Blaise, and he was addicted. The woman was the epitome of sexiness and passion. She was as fiery in bed as her name would suggest. And, on the couch, the floor,
the kitchen counter…

  Greyson cleared his throat. Since he was taking Blaise home, he was going to have to stop that line of thinking now. “I’m not pouting.”

  “You are, too.” She leaned her head back on the headrest and closed her eyes.

  A small smile played at her lips, making Greyson stare a little too long at her to be driving safely. Just as he forced his eyes back to the road, she spoke again.

  “Tonight was wonderful.”

  Greyson grinned for the first time since they got in the car. He placed his hand over hers on his thigh, and squeezed. “Best night of my life, doll.”

  She opened one eye, rolling it towards him. Her smile brightened. “Good to know,” she said saucily before closing her eye again.

  “That’s it?” Greyson asked in mock insult. “I tell you it was the best night of my life, and all you have to say is ‘Good to know’?”

  Blaise laughed softly. “Aww, did you want me to tell you it was the best night of my life, too, Mr. Steele?”

  “Only if it’s true,” he grumbled making her laugh harder.

  “It’s true,” she said finally. Blaise turned her hand palm up, and interlaced her fingers with his. “I hope to have more.”

  Greyson knew that he was grinning goofily. He just didn’t care. Knowing Blaise wanted to continue this with him made his heart soar. “There will definitely be more, doll. I owe you a seduction. Or four.” He brought her hand up to his lips, kissing her fingers one by one, then sucking her index finger into his mouth.

  “Keep doing that, and you’ll have to pull over to put out the fire you’re creating in a certain place.”

  Greyson’s answer was to suck harder, nipping at her finger with his teeth when she gasped.


  Hearing the hitch in her voice, he decided to stop teasing her. It wasn’t helping the tightness in his jeans, at any rate. Much quicker than he preferred, Greyson was pulling into her apartment complex. “Here we are,” he said unnecessarily. He wasn’t sure, but he thought he heard Blaise swear under her breath.

  “Thank you for tonight.” She leaned over to brush her soft lips against his.

  “I’ll walk you up,” he said against her lips.

  “You don’t have to…”

  Greyson silenced her with another kiss. “I’ll walk you up, doll.” With that, he was out of the car, headed for the passenger side.

  Blaise slipped out of the car when he opened the door for her. The sight of her—in simple jeans and a t-shirt, and hair slightly disheveled from their lovemaking—knocked the breath out of him.

  “Are you okay?”

  Obviously he wasn’t hiding anything from her. Good thing she wasn’t the enemy. Greyson would be in serious trouble then. He was already a bit startled that the Kiwi spitfire had seemingly captured his heart. He smiled down at her. “Perfect.”

  He wrapped his arm around her waist as they waited for the elevator. This was not how he wanted the night to end, but he respected Blaise’s need for time. Greyson just hoped it wouldn’t take her too long to get used to having him in her life. All the way in. He had made the decision tonight that Blaise was his, and he wasn’t about to let her go. Whatever he had to do to convince Blaise that he was it for her, he was up for the task.

  After Blaise pressed the button for her floor, Greyson pulled her to him. “I’m going to miss you tonight.” He kissed her tenderly, trying to convey his emotions without the actual words. No need to scare the poor woman even more before she’s even invited him into her home.

  She smiled up at him, smoothing her hand down his rough cheek, scratching his beard lightly. “I’m going to miss you, too.”

  Greyson wanted to deepen the soft kiss she gave him, but didn’t think he would be able to leave her if he did. He was seriously considering hitting the stop button for a quickie. I wonder if there are cameras in here, he mused, trying to discreetly check.

  “No way, stud.”

  He glanced down at her with a sexy smirk. “No way what?”

  “Don’t try to act all innocent with me. We’re not having sex in the elevator.” Blaise pressed lightly against his chest with flat palms. She wasn’t really trying to get away from him, he knew. It was just a playful signal that she wasn’t about to drop her panties for him right now.

  “Come on, doll. Not the adventurous type?” he teased.

  “Oh, I’m extremely adventurous, honey.” Her voice was dripping with a mixture of sweet and seductive. “However, I’m not about to have my naked tits and ass on video for security in my building to see.”

  “But they’re such delicious tits and an amazing ass. You’re going to deprive the world of such wonders?” In reality, Greyson would pummel anyone who tried to get a glimpse of what he now considered his. And, when she raised a perfectly arched brow, he knew she had his number.

  “Hmm. I didn’t know you were into sharing. In that case…”

  Blaise’s words were cut short by a hard kiss. “No sharing,” he growled just as they reached her floor.

  Greyson could feel Blaise tense when they stepped up to her door. He suppressed the automatic annoyance at her reluctance to invite him into her home. He told her he would give her time, and Greyson would abide by that. The last thing he wanted to do was force the feisty woman into doing something she wasn’t comfortable with.

  “Would you… like to come in?”

  Greyson smiled, tucking a strand of silken hair behind her ear. “Perhaps when you can ask me without looking like you’re going to pass out, I’ll take you up on that.”

  “I’m sorry.”

  Greyson could see genuine struggle, and softened. “Don’t be, doll. One day at a time, yeah?” He kissed her gently, brushing his lips across hers. Already dreading having to leave Blaise, Greyson was, again, reluctant to deepen the kiss. “Goodnight, Blaise,” he whispered, his lips still close enough to her to feel her breath caressing him.

  “Goodnight, Greyson.”

  His heart beat a little faster each time he heard her say his name, and he wondered if it would always do that. That’s something I’d like to find out, he silently mused, then forced himself to walk away from the one woman he didn’t want to be walking away from.

  WOULD HAVE LOVED waking you up with my mouth this morning. Your taste is all I wanted. I may be addicted. —Stud

  Greyson grinned as he sent the text, picturing the sexy blush that creeps up Blaise’s chest when she’s aroused. His grin turned into laughter at her response.

  I guess that makes me your dealer. Can’t say that I mind. Hopefully I’ll be able to supply you with what you need soon. —Doll

  “Real soon,” he answered out loud, as he texted her the same response. With plans made to call later, Greyson slipped his phone into the pocket of his suit jacket. He had been ignoring calls from Nora and Preston all morning, opting not to go into Steele Industries today. He needed more answers before he could fully assess the situation, and find the best course of action.

  Greyson was looking at this like one of his marks during his time in the army. They would gather all the intel they could get, then make a clear attack plan. It just happens that one of his ‘marks’ was his family. He rolled his aching shoulders, and pushed his way into Drake & Associates.

  “Mornin’, Shari,” he greeted the attractive, young receptionist. Cade seemed to surround himself with beautiful women, but to his credit, he never mixed business with pleasure.

  “Good morning, Mr. Steele,” she answered sultrily, as usual making it clear that she was interested.

  He gave her a onceover behind his sunglasses that he had yet to take off. Short blonde hair, blue eyes, and generously stacked, Shari was certainly nice to look at. Perhaps if she were a little older, a little more refined… nope, not even then, Greyson thought. After meeting Blaise, and especially after making love with Blaise, no one else held a candle. Damn. Blaise Knight has certainly done a number on him. Not that Greyson was complaining.

>   “He in?”

  “Yes, sir. Can I get you anything? Coffee? Tea? My address?” She smiled brightly, as though she were the first one to ever think of that tired line.

  “Coffee. Black,” he answered tersely. This little flirtation that Shari had started since meeting him, needed to stop now. It made him feel like a dick, but he turned his back on her, and escaped into Cade’s spacious office.

  “Hey, brother.” Cade covered up some of the papers on his desk, and stood to greet Greyson. “Playing hooky today?”

  “Nah. I need intel, man. Until I have that, I’m not sure I want to face Nora and Preston.”

  “Gotcha. But it may be the best place for you, G. You know the saying. Keep your enemies closer,” Cade offered. He gestured to the leather chair in front of his desk, and Greyson sat down. “I don’t have much on EK Enterprises right now. But I just started looking. I may have to dig a bit deeper, and if I do, you can’t be involved. Good news is, all the info they have on Steele Industries’ board members is embarrassing, yes, but not particularly illegal. Preston is the exception with taking money from the company, but I don’t see that being too terrible.”

  Greyson nodded his acknowledgment as Shari walked in—rigidly—with his coffee. “Enjoy your coffee, sir.” Before he could apologize, or even thank her for his coffee, she was gone.

  Cade laughed. “Let me guess. You told her about Blaise?”

  Greyson couldn’t help the involuntary smile that came to his face every time Blaise was mentioned. He chuckled. “Didn’t get that far.”

  “Shit, brother, you actually light the fuck up when you hear her name,” Cade taunted.

  “Nothing wrong with that,” Greyson answered a bit defensively as he sipped his coffee.

  Cade smirked. “Didn’t say there was. Hell, man, if you’re like this before getting her into your bed, I can’t imagine how you’re going to be once you…” His voice trailed off when Greyson couldn’t hold back a smile. “Shit! You finally hit that?”


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