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Coming Home: An LA Lovers Book

Page 25

by Jourdyn Kelly

  “Shit, man. Do you have to make everything difficult?” Cade shook his head. “The person ordering backgrounds on all of Steele Industries people is named Richard Clark. He’s the,” he shifted through a pile of papers on his desk. “Chief Financial Officer of EK Enterprises.”

  “So, their CFO is doing all of the dirty work.” It was a statement, and Cade knew that Greyson wasn’t expecting a response. “With the bankruptcy and indiscretions, I’m sure they think they can acquire Steele Industries for a song.”

  “But Nora fixed all of that,” Cade interjected. “The only thing your company hasn’t done publicly is name you as the major shareholder.”

  Greyson nodded. “Which is to our advantage.”

  “Why hasn’t that become public knowledge?”

  “For exactly this reason,” Greyson explained. “Too many rivals are out for our blood. They see a wounded company. However, having Nora buying out some of shareholders, and sinking money back into the company, then handing the shares over to me, we’re able to turn the tables.”

  “But?” Cade prodded when Greyson paused, scratching his beard that was a little fuller than he usually wore.

  “None of the companies that came after us have made this kind of effort. It seems to me that EK Enterprises knows more than we give them credit for.”

  Cade turned back to his computer, tapping out a few commands. After a couple of seconds, the monitor filled with information. “The main shareholder of EK is unlisted. Silent partner.” Cade frowned, and started tapping again. “Shit. Records are encrypted.”

  Greyson leaned up in his chair, peering at the screen with a scowl. “Can you get past it?”

  “Legally? No. I have no reason to go in there. I’m not law enforcement, or the government. Anymore,” he added after a slight hesitation. “I’m private security, and technically I’m working for the company you’re asking me to breach. I’m toeing the line already, brother. Fuck, I’m practically kicking shit onto the line.”

  Greyson rose, and began pacing the length of the office. He knew what he was asking of Cade was wrong. Immorally, ethically, legally. EK was gathering their own information, but background checks, or even surveillance isn’t a crime. Hacking into encrypted, private records was. “Sorry, man. I just want to know what the hell is going on.”

  “I didn’t say I wouldn’t, Grey. Just that it wouldn’t be legal. But this is where you get off this ride.”

  Greyson thought about it a moment longer. He recalled how angry Blaise had been when she thought he had had Cade run a background check on her. What would she think if she knew he was cutting corners? Especially if he was doing it for the family that had tried to marry him off to the first available socialite? Would she think less of him?

  “No,” he stated finally. “Steele Industries isn’t worth the risk.”

  “And, if you lose it to EK?”

  Greyson shrugged. “Keep the office here open for me.”

  “That’s quite an about face,” Cade said smoothly. “You walked in here wanting answers. Now you’re ready to just let everything go. What changed?”

  “I won’t risk my relationship with Blaise over this.” His words were crisp and decisive, offering no room for debate.

  “You lost me, brother. What does Blaise have to do with this?”

  “I want to be the kind of man she can be proud of.” Greyson sank back down into the leather chair. “Cutting corners isn’t that man. Making my best friend do illegal shit? That isn’t an honorable man.”

  “This is business, brother. You don’t think she would understand that? She owns a business herself,” Cade tried reasoning.

  “I don’t want this, Cade. This shouldn’t be my fight.” Wearily, he ran his hands through his hair, then frowned. “I would have thought you’d be happy about me getting out of this.”

  “Hell, if it means you coming to work with me, I am. I’ve just never known you to give up on something.”

  Greyson shook his head. “I’m not giving up on anything. Steele Industries means nothing to me anymore. Preston saw to that.” He walked to the bookcase situated to the left of Cade’s desk. Grabbing one of the baseballs from its perch, he began tossing it lightly. He was a bundle of nervous energy. Greyson knew that his actions would cause a rift between him and his parents. He thought he should feel worse about that, and for a moment, wondered why he didn’t. His answer lay in whiskey colored eyes that he was sure could see inside his soul. “I want to fight for something I want for a change. That’s Blaise.”

  “I’m behind you 100%, brother. But you know that means going to Nora and telling her you’re out.”

  Greyson sighed heavily. “Yeah. I know.”


  The Steele’s long time butler held the door open for Greyson to enter.

  “Rupert, I’ve asked you not to call me that.” He shrugged off his jacket, opting to hang it up himself. Greyson should be used to this kind of treatment. He had grown up with it his entire life. But being in the Army had changed him. He knew now what it was like to sleep anywhere the bullets weren’t flying, eating full meals that came in packets, and not being able to shower for days. Coming home to this was almost embarrassing. Especially with the ridiculous names Nora insists ‘the help’ calls them.

  “Mistress Steele is in the study, sir,” Rupert replied, blatantly ignoring the reprimand. “She is waiting for you.”

  “Thank you.” Greyson stepped away only to turn back again. “Is this what you really want to do, Rupert? Are you happy here?”

  “Yes, Master Greyson. I’m very satisfied with my employment.” With that, Rupert spared a curt nod in Greyson’s direction, then disappeared discreetly.

  Greyson shook his head. He hoped it was true. He stood in front of the study for a moment, not mentally ready for this conversation. Greyson wished vehemently that he was with Blaise instead, but the beautiful brunette had informed him that she had plans. He couldn’t say he was exactly pleased by that; however, he couldn’t begrudge Blaise wanting to spend time with her best friend. Perhaps he could talk Blaise into a nightcap.

  With a brusque knock, Greyson let himself in the study, not waiting for an answer. He narrowed his eyes when Nora quickly closed her laptop with a distinct click.

  “Greyson. It’s rude to walk in uninvited,” Nora chastised stiffly.

  “It’s rude to bring me into a business you know is going to drown no matter what I do,” he countered.

  “That’s simply untrue. I’ve done all I can to ensure that Steele Industries is redeemable. You’re just not taking it seriously enough.”

  Greyson stared at her. “I have given two fucking years of my life to this damned company. The entire time, you’ve been lying to me.”

  “You will watch your language with me, Greyson.” Nora stood, making her way to the wet bar located in the far right of the room. She poured herself a healthy amount of an amber liquid Greyson knew was a pricey Scotch. He shook his head, declining a glass when she gestured. “If you were taking this seriously,” she sipped, “you would be marrying Pricilla.”

  “I’m not your gigolo. You can’t just sell me to the highest bidder, Mother.”

  Nora tsked. “Pricilla Chapman is a perfectly satisfactory mate. With her name and prestige, Steele Industries would be that much stronger.”

  “Do you hear yourself? A ‘perfectly satisfactory mate’? This is marriage we’re talking about, not a stud service.” He laughed mirthlessly at her appalled look. “What’s wrong? You told me yourself you needed an heir. Pricilla just happens to be the bitch you chose.”

  “Greyson Steele! I will not stand here and listen to you speak to me this way! That girl you’ve been… seeing has been a terrible influence on you. You’ve never been this disrespectful.”

  “Blaise has been a godsend,” he argued. “I’m thankful every day that I had the good fortune of meeting her. She’s shown me exactly what I want in life. And, it’s not this. I
want out.”

  Nora’s nostrils flared, and her lips thinned as they did when she was particularly pissed off. “It’s not that easy, son. You are part of this family, and with that comes responsibility.” She quickly changed tactics when Greyson turned to leave. “We haven’t even met her, yet,” she said hastily.


  “If you want to choose the woman you marry, I will respect that,” Nora said tightly. “But I need to meet the woman you have so obviously lost your senses to.”

  “You’re pushing it, Nora.”

  Nora lifted her hands in surrender. “She has refused to have lunch with us, Greyson. What am I supposed to think of her?”

  “She didn’t refuse. She postponed. And, I don’t blame her. This is all overwhelming for her,” Greyson painstakingly explained.

  “Dating someone with money?” Nora laughed, the sound unkind and strained. “I highly doubt that. A woman like that knows exactly…”

  “Stop. Now.”

  The crisp, angry tone in Greyson’s voice had Nora’s mouth snapping shut.

  “You’re right. I will reserve judgment until after we’ve met the young… lady.”

  “If you’re expecting to judge her at all, you can forget lunch. You don’t seem to understand that I don’t care what you think. Blaise is who I am with. I don’t give a shit what you do with Pricilla, but I won’t be involved.” He took a thumb drive out of his pocket, and tossed it onto the desk. “Whatever Preston did to corrupt this business, I want no part of that either. EK Enterprises is vetting you, and I’d say they’re doing a very thorough job. I want out. And, if that means letting the company fall into the hands of the enemy, so be it.”

  Nora’s hand fluttered to her chest. Greyson was sure that if she had pearls on, she would be clutching them. “You don’t mean that. You wouldn’t do that to your family.”

  “Oh, I would. Find a way to get me out, Nora, or I’ll find a way myself.”

  Greyson didn’t stick around for an answer. He knew Nora would only come up with more excuses—or guilt trips—to keep him tied to the business. In the past, it worked. Now, however, he had more important things to think about. His mouth creased into a small smile as he thought about Blaise. She was worth making these changes in his life. The thing that amazed him the most was that the changes made him feel good about himself.


  Blaise slipped her phone back into her pocket with a frown. She had received the text earlier from a number she didn’t recognize. While she was waiting for Ellie to finish preparing dinner, Blaise decided to do a little investigating with a reverse number search. Unfortunately, there were no results. It’s probably that skinny, blonde bitch, she thought with disgust. That was the only explanation that made sense. Who else would text her telling her to stop seeing Greyson?

  “Blaise?” Jessie waved her hand in front of Blaise’s eyes, snapping her fingers a couple of times.

  “Hmm? Oh! Sorry, sweetie. Did you say something?”

  “Mom said dinner is ready. Everything okay?”

  “Yes, of course.” Blaise punctuated the statement with a brilliant smile. It was okay, because she wasn’t going to let some bimbo, socialite dictate who she can and can’t see. “Let’s go eat, I’m starving!”

  Jessie laughed. “You’re always starving. I don’t understand how you stay in such good shape.”

  “She runs with me. Right, Blaise?” Ellie answered with a smirk.

  Blaise did her best not to groan, giving Ellie a small smile. “Right. And, yoga.” She wasn’t about to tell Ellie that she sometimes does yoga on her own at home. That would give her too much ammunition, and probably make her add more workouts to their time together.

  Jessie made a gagging noise. “I hate running!”

  So do I, kiddo. So do I. “It’s not so bad,” Blaise said aloud.

  Ellie snorted. “Don’t lie to my daughter! You hate it!”

  Blaise shrugged. “I don’t… okay, I do hate running. But I love spending time with my best friend.” She smiled smugly, sure that her friend couldn’t find anything wrong with her answer.

  “Mmhmm. You do it for the red velvet,” Ellie countered with a smug smile of her own.

  “That is not entirely true,” Blaise pouted.

  “Okay, okay. That’s enough, young ladies,” Jessie laughed. “Let’s eat before Blaise starves to death.”

  Blaise stared at Jessie, slack-jawed. “Wow. She really is your daughter.”

  Ellie smiled proudly. “Yes, she is!”

  BLAISE’S PHONE BUZZED as she was relaxing with a glass of prosecco, waiting for her turn to get a facial. Right now, Jessie was gooping a green, minty mask onto her mom’s face, laughing at how ridiculous she looked. Gotta look ridiculous sometimes to look good, she thought with a smile. As she took out her phone, she hoped it wasn’t another ‘warning’.

  Hey, doll. Can I see you tonight?

  The smile came unbidden, and her heartrate picked up its pace a little. Silly reaction, but Blaise didn’t find it as uncomfortable as she thought she would. Unfortunately, she was going to have to turn him down tonight. With a sigh, she got up, walking to the other room, and dialed his number.

  “Hello, doll.”

  Blaise could hear the smile in the low rumble of his voice. A voice that made her shiver with desire.

  “Hey there, stud. Miss me?”

  “You know I do. So? Can I see you?”

  Blaise sighed softly. “I would love to.”

  “Why do I hear a but?”

  “As you know, I’m with Ellie and Jessie. We’ve decided to have a girls’ night, which involves me staying over.” She heard a small grunt of acknowledgment, but Blaise still felt the need to explain. “I felt bad for missing our run day, and being late this morning.”

  “It’s okay. I understand.”

  Blaise could tell he was disappointed, and it broke her heart. She wasn’t used to caring about the feelings of a man. Of course, she never really had a man in her life of any significance. “Where are you?”

  “Outside your apartment building,” he said a little sheepishly.

  Now she felt even worse. Not only did she hear the disappointment, his tone had been subdued from the moment she called him. “Come over here.”

  “No, doll. I don’t want to interrupt your time with the girls.”

  “You won’t. I’ll meet you downstairs, and you can tell me what’s bothering you.” She was met with silence on the other end. “Greyson?”

  “How do you know something is bothering me?” he asked quietly.

  “I can hear it,” she answered just as quietly. “If I hadn’t already promised to stay here tonight, I would be there with you. But I can come downstairs, and see you for a little while.”

  She gave him Ellie’s address, which was only a ten-minute drive from her place. Greyson had mumbled something about them not living in the same building, making Blaise laugh. They had thought about it, but their tastes were different. Blaise enjoyed more modern architecture. Ellie was more traditional. So, they were happily able to find something they both liked that wasn’t too far away from each other.

  “I’m, um, gonna go get some air,” Blaise announced to her two laughing friends as she walked back into the living room. Each of them now sported a green mask, and Blaise resisted the urge to call out “Smokin’” a la Jim Carrey.

  “Do you feel okay?” Jessie asked, concern filling her eyes.

  “She’s fine, sweetie.” Ellie patted her daughter’s knee. “Did you tell Greyson to stop for more condoms?”

  Blaise sputtered with embarrassment as Jessie almost fell off of the couch laughing.

  “Ellie! Your daughter is sitting right there!”

  “I know. Don’t you think it’s good for her to know you’re being careful?” Ellie asked innocently. Blaise may have believed the innocence if Ellie’s eyes didn’t spark with mischief.

  “We’re just going to talk,” Blaise pouted.

  Ellie and Jessie looked at each other, then at Blaise. As if rehearsed, they both let out an extended “right”, and dissolved into fits of giggles again. Blaise felt her lips twitch, but she wasn’t about to give them the satisfaction. She turned abruptly, and stomped to the door.

  “I’ll be right back. Then, Jessie, you’re giving me a facial, and Ellie, you’re massaging my feet!”

  She shut the door when they laughed even harder, barely suppressing her own mirth. Blaise took the elevator down, and walked out the back of the apartment building. She had told Greyson to park back there so they would have more privacy. Not so they could have sex, she reminded herself, but so Greyson could talk to her without interruptions. That was her story, and she would stick to it. No matter what happened, all Ellie would know is that she and Greyson talked. Hearing a sharp whistle, she turned her head towards the sound, and smiled widely.

  Good lord he looks amazing. Greyson had changed clothes from when he left her apartment this morning. Now he had faded jeans and a plain white t-shirt on. The simple ensemble was sinfully sexy, and probably Blaise’s favorite that she’d seen so far.


  “Hello, beautiful.” He gave her the boyish grin she loved so much, and she felt her stomach flutter. It did a complete somersault when he opened his arms, beckoning her to him.

  Blaise melted in his embrace, gasping a little when he squeezed her tighter.

  “What’s wrong? Did something happen today?”

  Greyson sighed, then kissed Blaise on the crown of her head. “I told Nora I want out,” he said after a long pause.

  Blaise pulled back to look Greyson in the eye. “Out of the family business?”

  Greyson nodded. “Which will effectively put me out of the family.”

  “Baby, are you sure about this?” The endearment rolled off her tongue as though it was the most natural thing in the world.

  Greyson’s grin widened to a full out smile, and he pulled her hips until she was fused against him. “Baby?”

  “Don’t make me regret it, stud.”


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