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The Books of Kaltar Farsara Boxed Set - Books 1 through 3 (The Kingdom Kaltar Farsara Built)

Page 2

by Ivan Bridgewater

  "It is my Uncle's home," I replied.

  The Master took his hand off the door. He looked at his hand oddly, and then asked, "What is your Uncle's name?"

  I said, "It looks like my Uncle Carr's house."

  Master Valcar seemed to freeze for just a second. Then he said, "Your Uncle is Carr Hammond?"

  I smiled openly. Pleased that the Master knew Uncle Carr. I said, "He is my favorite Uncle."

  The Master paused for a moment, and then said, "Now I see why they brought you to me." He saw the confusion on my face, and said, "Don't worry Bean. It's just one more reason for me to help you." Then he pushed the door open the rest of the way.

  We stepped through the door into a large entrance hall. The place was beautiful and immaculate, just as I remembered it. In front of us was a long hallway that led deeper into the building. On either side were stairs that went up to other parts of the home.

  The Master said, "I've been here before. You missed some things." He waved his hand, and a table appeared next to each staircase. He waved his hand again, and a doorway appeared under each staircase. Then he said, "That looks better, let's check up here first." Then started up the stairs to the right of the door.

  I followed him, and soon found myself at the top of the stairs, looking down a long hallway. It appeared odd. I realized there were no doors. I said, "I was never up here before."

  The Master said, "This isn’t important. You can fix this later." He looked around and said, "Here is what I remember." He waved his hand, and five doors appeared in the hall. He looked at me and said, "Pick one."

  I picked the closest one, and opened the door. The room was empty. I asked, "Can you make this room appear too?"

  The Master shook his head no, and said, "I've helped enough. This is your world. You must learn to make it as you wish. Close your eyes, and imagine the room."

  I did as he said, and a few seconds later, I opened my eyes to find my room as I remembered it from home. It felt so good to be home. There was an image of my Mother on the table. I felt so happy, I forgot where I was.

  Feeling a hand on my shoulder, I turned to find the Master with a large smile on his face. He said, "You've done well little Bean. For now you must rest." I wanted to continue. But the Master said, "There are limits to these powers. You must rest, or you might be injured."

  I felt fine, but I was told to rest. My mind was racing so fast, that I had a hard time getting to sleep. I seemed to just lay there, waiting to drift off. I suppose I finally dozed, and slept.

  Chapter 2


  When I woke up, the Master was standing over me. He looked down at me and said, "It's time to get up little Bean. There is much to do today." Then he turned, and walked out.

  I got up and dressed. I went downstairs to find the Master sitting on the front steps to the house. I asked, "What shall I do today Master?"

  He looked up at me and said, "You are the Master here. From now on, you shall call me Rock. I am a teacher and your friend, but not your Master. Do you understand?"

  I nodded yes, but still felt a little confused. I said, "My Father said I was to call you Master."

  He stood up and smiled at me. Then he said, "Call me what you please. But I would prefer you called me Rock."

  I nodded and said, "As you wish. What am I to do today?"

  Master Valcar looked up at the sky and said, "Your world will need rain soon. You need to bring the weather systems to life on this world. Do you remember how you felt on a rainy day back home?"

  I nodded my head yes, and thought back to how it felt when it rained back home. Clouds began to form and rush by overhead. The sky darkened, and soon I felt the drops of rain begin. It felt cool, and I just stood there as my clothes dampened from the rain.

  After a few seconds, Master Valcar said, "Even a wizard can catch a cold. We need to get under cover."

  A few seconds later we were standing in the doorway to the house. The rain was really starting to come down. I said, "I like the rain, but I don't know much about the weather. Do I have to learn a lot to do this?"

  Master Valcar stood in the doorway looking out. Over his shoulder he said, "The weather is a force of nature. Once you start it, there is no need to control it. Just remember the feeling of the weather as it changed. Remember the flow of the energy in the atmosphere. You need to learn how to draw on that power."

  I was looking past him at the rain. There was a flash of light, and a peel of thunder. He raised his hand as though to touch something I couldn't see. As I looked at his hands, I saw small arcs of electricity dance from his fingertips.

  I asked, "Why are you helping me? I realize you know things I'll never understand. I don't understand what I'm doing here."

  He looked at me and said, "You have a natural talent. It is not something that can be taught. I can only help you learn to control it."

  I sat thinking about what he had said. Then I asked, "How long will it take for me to learn all I need to know?"

  He turned to look at me with a smile. He said, "I've lived longer than you can imagine. I still don't know everything I need to know." Then he turned around, reached out with his hand and said, "Stop now!" In mere seconds the rain had stopped.

  My Father would have loved that trick on the farm. We always seemed to need rain. When we finally got rain, then we always seemed to get too much. The ability to control it would have been helpful.

  I remarked, "If I had known I could make it rain, I would have made my Father happy back home."

  The Master said, "You were too weak back then. You'll find this world much easier to control." He paused, and then asked, "Have you named your world?"

  I had never thought about a name for the place. Without thinking, I said, "I will call it Remaca. It is what Father called Mother, and it will remind me of home."

  That seemed to please Rock. He said, "That is a perfect name, and a perfect reason to use it." Looking at me for several seconds as if deep in thought. He finally said, "You are an amazing young man, Kaltar. I hope I can help you reach your full potential."

  I was so pleased he called me Kaltar, I didn't understand what he had said at first. As it sank in, I said, "I have great faith in you Master. You are a great teacher."

  My Master scowled at me and said, "You are to call me Rock from now on!"

  "Yes Master," I said without thinking.

  I cringed, but the Rock merely smiled, and quietly said, "Don't worry. You'll get used to it with time, boy." He looked up at the sky, and said, "There is time for one last lesson for today." Then he put his hand on my shoulder, and everything changed.

  We were no longer on Remaca. I could tell at once we were in a different place. As we stood there, I began to realize how different this place really was.

  The sky was a dark purple. The air felt warm and sticky, and there was a sickly sweet smell that reminded me of a rotting plant. The Rock said, "This is Oglastras. It is a world far from Remaca. It was created by a great Magi long ago." As he spoke, the Rock waved for me to follow. He walked up a dozen steps into a large stone home. He simply walked in the front door, as though he lived there.

  I ran to catch up with him. The home was very nice, and very large. Inside the home was beautiful furniture and carpets. I had never seen such fine things before, and I'm sure I looked silly with my mouth hanging open.

  Then suddenly we walked into a large room filled with books. I don't know much about books, but many of them were sitting on shelves all around us. We walked for several minutes past row after row of shelves covered in books. Then we turned a corner, and a man was sitting there in a chair.

  I had never seen a man that old before. He sat transfixed, looking out a large window at the sky. It slid past the window in large angry looking purple clouds.

  The old man didn't move, or seem to know we were even in the room. He didn't look around, or say a word. We stood there for several seconds, and then the Rock waved his hand in front of the man’s face, and
said, "This is Havasta. He is a great Magi, or at least, he was. Long ago he overextended his reach as a Magi. He lost touch with reality, and lost his way. Now, he is a hollow shell of what he was."

  I looked at him sitting there, and asked, "How long has he been sitting there like that?"

  "A very long time," said the Rock. "He is lost in his own reality. In his mind, he moves through this world as you and I. Yet he is frozen in place. He chose long ago to leave us, and be alone in his world."

  "How did he come to be this way?" I asked as I looked at the ancient Magi.

  "He overextended his reach, and grew too weak to maintain his reality," Rock said. "We require energy to create and modify atomic structures. If you don't stay focused, and grow too weak, your mind can become lost to reality. You don't realize it happens till it's too late. He is totally in his own world, and has no concept we are here."

  "What keeps someone from harming him as he sits here?" I asked.

  My Master looked around and said. "There are defenses built around any Magi. I suspect it wouldn't go well for anyone who tries to harm him."

  "He doesn't starve?" I asked.

  "He is locked in time," Rock responded. "He requires no food or rest. I suppose some might argue he is better off than many people. I don't believe that, but many of the Magi do."

  The Rock's voice had grown sad, and I could see his mind was troubled in the link. "What bothers you?" I asked.

  “I knew this man long ago." Rock replied. "He was a good friend to me, and I miss his company." I could tell my Master had become very upset. He looked at me and said, "I would lose no more friends this way Bean! You must stay focused on our reality. Don't overextend, and don't weaken yourself beyond safe limits."

  "How will I know those limits?" I asked.

  The Rock laughed and told me, "That will be easy! I'll be next to you screaming, stop that, or I'll give you such a slap!" The old man had a huge smile on his face, and I decided he was joking. His voice softened, and he said, "I will watch over you for now young Magi. Just try to be careful as you grow in strength.” Rock gestured at Havasta and continued, saying, “Remember! Everything we do comes at a price we pay with our own bodies. Overreach, and you can die." The smile slipped from Rock's face, and in a quiet voice, he sadly said, "Die... or worse!"

  I stood taking in the scene for a moment. Then the Rock said, "We should return to Remaca. You've seen enough of this dark place for one visit." The Rock put his hand on my shoulder again, and we were instantly back on Remaca. I could tell at once from the smell and feel of my surroundings that I was home.

  It was a good feeling!

  That night, as I laid out my bed roll, I realized how much I enjoyed being here and learning from the Rock. I've never been so happy. I have seen many wonders since I arrived.

  Yet I get the feeling something is bothering the Master. He is often distant, and I can tell in the link that he is worried about something.

  The next day I awoke, went downstairs, and found the Rock standing out in front of the house. As I watched, he cupped his hands together for a moment, and when he opened his hands, a small creature appeared. It had beautiful colors, and started to sing out a wondrous song. Reaching out in the link, the words, ‘song bird’ came to me from the Rock’s mind.

  He looked over and saw me. The small bird hopped from his hand onto his shoulder. There it settled, and sat looking at me, chirping softly next to Rock's ear.

  The Master said, "Today, we talk about life and death. Are you ready to begin?"

  My stomach growled, and I said, "I'm hungry. May I eat first?"

  Again, the Master cupped his hands, and a small object appeared. He handed it to me, and said, "Try this. It is called a Plum. I find them to be delicious in the morning when I wake up."

  I bit into the food, and juice ran down my chin. It was truly delicious. I asked, "Where did you discover this?"

  "It comes from a place called Earth," said the Rock. "It is a wicked place where the people suffer from a madness. They can no longer link, or use their minds as we would. Instead, they kill each other in droves. They build maniacal devices to kill each other faster and faster. It is a world of countless nightmares."

  "Then why would you go there?" I asked in wonder.

  With a patient smile, the Master said, "It wasn't always like this. Once it was a place of beauty, and one of my students lived there." I saw his eyes sadden for an instant, and then he said, "Then the Darkness came, bringing the Madness, and destroying everything in its path. We stood against it, and stopped it. Yet, after that, nothing was the same."

  The small bird on the Rock's shoulder gently nudged his ear. It seemed to draw him back from the dark place he was going. Instead, he looked up at the sky, and said, "The Earth holds many fine things. You will see it soon enough. For today, we will talk about creation here on Remaca. That will give you enough to think about for one day."

  "What shall we create?" I asked.

  "Not we! You!" corrected the Master. "Just tell me what you plan before you start."

  I had no concept what to do. I said, "I don't have any idea what to create."

  Rock smiled and said, "Pick some small creature you've seen in your life that brought you a happy thought. Then close your eyes, and focus on the creature. Make it something small and gentle. I don't wish to contend with some wild beast."

  I closed my eyes, and focused my thoughts. I felt air move on my face, and when my eyes opened, a bird hovered in flight in front of me. Reaching out my arm, the bird landed and ran up onto my shoulder. There it nuzzled my neck, and sat quietly whistling a small tune. I could barely hear it, and the small creature tickled my neck as it sat there. Yet, I must say, it gave me great joy.

  My Master asked, "Have you had enough? Should we undo these creatures and start fresh?"

  I was horrified at the comment. The small, soft, creature, nestled into my neck, and I really didn't wish to harm it. I said, "I don't wish to harm the birds. May we keep them?"

  My teacher smiled, and said, "Respect for life is very important Kaltar! The Magi never kill for fun or sport. We are a Creator Species. It is not in our nature to destroy. Self-defense is the only reason we strike out at others."

  I was just relieved I could keep my new little friend. The small creature kept rubbing against my neck, and it was a very pleasant sensation.

  “What shall I create next?” I asked.

  My Master said, "The creatures on this world shall be yours to devise. I warn you not to create dangerous creatures such as dragons, bears or tigers. They might eat one of us before I can resolve the issue. I suggest we would find that unpleasant, and that we avoid it happening.”

  I nodded my head in ready agreement, I had no idea what a dragon, bear, or tiger was, and I didn't want to find out. I got the impression of some fierce creature. I felt pretty sure I'd hate being eaten by any monster, no matter what you called the thing.

  For the rest of the day, the Rock taught me about creation and balance. The bird I created required seed to eat. I had to create plants for a food supply. One thing led to another, and before I knew it, the day was drawing to a close. I was exhausted, and as soon as I laid down on my blanket, I fell asleep.

  I dreamed that night of a great battle. The Rock was there, and worlds were burning. Countless creatures were dying and fleeing in fear. Creatures of light stood all around my Master, waiting for the battle to reach them. On the horizon, coming toward us, was a huge, dark, shadow. Shapes moved inside the darkness, and I was afraid.

  My eyes adjusted to the light, and I realized the creatures with the Rock looked much like me. They were warriors of some sort. I know little of war, but I know these beings were some form of fierce warrior. They stood with the Rock, waiting for the approaching darkness.

  The army of warriors massed tighter and tighter around my Master. Then, the group broke open, and started to charge toward the darkness.

  From the darkness charged dark beasts with sharp h
orns and teeth. The enemy ran forward on all fours, and then stood up to fight as the armies met. The first contact was fiercely violent. Screams could be heard as the two sides went after each other, killing and dying.

  With a snap. I realized I was back in my room, rolled up in my blanket. I practically jumped up and looked around. A few seconds went by, my room's door burst open, and the Rock stepped in. He looked around, and said, "I sensed your fear in the link. Are you alright?"

  I nodded and said, "I had a vision in a dream. You were there, and a great battle occurred. Can you tell me? Was it from the past, or the future?"

  "It is the future," said my teacher. "It is far away, and you need not worry. What you saw is my fate, not yours. Now, go back to sleep!"

  I laid back down, and the Rock left, closing my room's door. I laid there awake for a while thinking, but before long I was waking up, and it was another day.

  Chapter 3

  Visiting Earth

  Upon awakening, I went down to find my Master watching the sunrise. He smiled when he saw me, and said, "The sunrise of your world is a beautiful thing. Remaca is turning into a lovely place."

  I smiled at his comment, and asked, "What shall I learn today Master?"

  "Today you shall learn about a place called Earth," said the Rock. I got the feeling his comment had hidden meaning, but I couldn't pick up what within the link.

  I was a little concerned. My Master had given me the impression that Earth was a bad place. For an instant, I was actually frightened. Then I realized that the Rock would be with me, and he would keep me safe.

  Rock put his hand on my shoulder, and we teleported to Earth. It always startles me when he does that. I am unable to fold space, and had never seen it done before I met my teacher.

  My Master said, "We are in a place called Cleveland, and this place is called a park. Don't ask me why they call it that. I don't know."

  It was the first time I realized the Rock didn't know everything. As we stood there, I noticed a man standing close by behind a bush. He appeared to be relieving himself. He stood transfixed, staring at us. After a moment, his eyes rolled up in his head, and he fell down. The Rock said, "Drunken idiot!" and we walked away from the man.


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