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The Books of Kaltar Farsara Boxed Set - Books 1 through 3 (The Kingdom Kaltar Farsara Built)

Page 18

by Ivan Bridgewater

  The look on Tersa's face made me wonder.

  Several hours went past, and I started to worry. Between the arriving Magi, and the Chosen security people, the building my home was in on Earth was growing into an armed camp. At least fifty people were here, and more were arriving with each passing minute.

  Carl had been sitting on the couch so quietly, I thought he was asleep. He suddenly opened his eyes, saying, "Dona Carter has just returned to Earth, and is now approaching this building on foot!"

  Everyone in the room looked around, tensing again. Tersa pointed at two of the Magi, and they folded space, disappearing. A minute later, there was a tap at the door, and I opened it to find Dona escorted by the Magi I had just seen leave. She smiled, and said, "Long time no see!"

  I invited Dona in, and Tersa sent the rest of the Magi in the room out to recon the local area. As the last Magi left, I said, "We are having some issues here, and have sent for reinforcements. Don't be surprised if you see a lot of activity happening for the next few days!"

  Nodding here head, Dona said, "I've been talking with my friends within the Chosen. They've seen my memories of our conversation in the link, and are impressed."

  There was a slight flash, and the Rock appeared with Vandahar, and two other Magi I didn't know. The Rock looked around the room. Then he waved at Vandahar, and with a nod, the three Magi that arrived with my teacher folded space, and disappeared.

  I could sense in the link that the Rock and Dona were scanning each other. After a few seconds, the Rock said, "I see you've been making friends Kaltar! Once again, I'm awed by your natural ability to deal with new problems as they appear."

  "Kaltar is simple," said Dona, still scanning the Rock. "You on the other hand, are deep! I'm still not used to the concept of a living being over a million years old!"

  "Old people make you nervous, do they?" asked the Rock.

  Dona dropped the scan before saying, "Old people that can shift shape at will make me nervous!"

  The Rock smiled, noting, "You're very sensitive young Earther! Few telepaths can see past my projection."

  Dona turned back to me, and said, "There is a possible problem. I'm here to ask for your help."

  I could sense at once something was wrong. There was something in the link that felt twisted around. I told her, "I'll help if I can!"

  Images flooded my mind in the link as Dona fed me information. The Chosen had a woman named Maggie Benson that was in danger. She was pregnant with a child, and as that entered the link, I felt the Rock become alert. There was a flurry of information going back and forth. Then the information transfer stopped abruptly.

  The room seemed to freeze as the Rock said, "It is vital this child survive!" I was beginning to mentally go over the information I had seen in the link. I didn't understand what they were seeing, but it seemed obvious to them that there was a problem.

  The Rock focused on Dona, and said, "We shall monitor this closely. I can see this will reach its head soon."

  The comment came out sounding like a dismissal, and Dona seemed to take it that way. She glanced at me, saying, "Please keep us appraised. We can see a convergence coming soon. Something major is happening! We just can't figure out what!"

  I nodded to acknowledge the comment, and Dona left, apparently satisfied with our responses. As soon as she was gone, the Rock turned to me, and told me, "There is a problem here!"

  I could tell he was deep in thought. "Is this the woman we talked about in the Council meeting?" I asked.

  "Yes," replied the Rock. "We have been following her progress." His mind was running over variant possibilities. He suddenly said, "Something is wrong! Remain here!" Then he folded space, vanishing abruptly.

  April and Cindy had been quietly talking in the kitchen, and they now stepped into the living room with us. April said, "We're going up to my apartment. Are you going to stay here with Carl?"

  I looked over at Carl. He just smiled, saying, "I'll be fine."

  I hesitated, and then told him, "We'll be back to check on you soon. Holler if you need us!"

  His smile widened slightly, and he said, "Don't worry about me. I've seen the light."

  "When the Rock returns, tell him we went upstairs," I instructed. Carl just nodded an acknowledgement. We left him sitting as we had found him, quietly in his own little world.

  We each went to our own apartments. I noticed that security personnel linked to the Chosen were making themselves obvious in the building as we walked. There were at least two of them on each level of the building, and a half dozen more people outside.

  April, Cindy, and I, each went to our own apartments. As I shut the door on my home, and was alone, I must say it was a good feeling. Within seconds, the Rock appeared. He looked right at me, saying, "It is time! Prepare!"

  I had no idea what was going on, but within seconds, I felt an unseen presence in the link. Then I heard the words, "I summon you Rock! Your powers are needed here badly. Appear before me! I will pay the price. I am ready!" The voice roared the words in the link, and I knew at once that the voice belonged to Madias.

  Under his breath, the Rock said, "It's about time!" We folded space to where Madias awaited. We arrived to find pandemonium.

  The woman they called Maggie was unconscious in a bed. I could sense in the scan that her blood was poisoned. The child she carried was incompatible with her system. It was killing her! In the link, I heard Madias begging the Rock to do something. He only said one word aloud. "Please!" With growing horror, I realized the Rock didn't have an answer.

  But I did!

  Both Madias and the Rock turned to me. They could see my thoughts in the link, and the Rock mentally pinged, "If you can help her in any way, do it!"

  I turned to the woman as she laid before me. Her aura was blinding. I could see why the other Magi called her the Lady of Light. I could sense the small child within her. It was aware of me, but it too was poisoned, and in agony.

  I took its pain at once, and could feel it relax in the link. For the first time I realized it was a baby girl. Like her mother, her aura was brilliant in the link. I took the poison from her, and felt waves of nausea flow over me. Ignoring the temptation to vomit, I remained focused on the mother and child. Within seconds, I saw this wouldn't be enough.

  A fellow empath was already in the room. I could sense he was a powerful healer, but it hadn't been enough. His name was Todd Benson. This woman was his Aunt Maggie. His emotions flowed over me like water. I became even more determined to help the woman.

  I was already weakened by helping the woman and her child. As I started to pull up power from the Earth, the Rock sensed what I was doing. He and Madias began to chant quietly, feeding me more energy as I stood there. I created an energy stasis capsule. It would draw its healing power from the Earth itself. The woman and her child would be safe, growing stronger with each passing day. As I finished, I realized I was shaking all over. I bowed to the Rock, and prepared to return to April, and my home. I was weakened, but felt I could make the jump home safely. As I folded space, I knew something was wrong.

  Upon arriving at my home, I promptly collapsed on the floor. I crawled a few feet toward the couch, but finally realized I was in trouble. I reached out in the link, and started pinging for help.

  In seconds I heard yelling, and voices in the hall. My front door flew open with a crash, and Carl came through with several people I didn't know right behind him. I suppose then I passed out. I just remember quiet voices in the darkness. That, and hearing April crying.

  Chapter 3

  Losing April

  Gradually, I started to wake up. It was like walking through a heavy fog. There was a fever burning through my system. I could sense it, but couldn't stop it. Racked with pain, I just wanted to die, and end the pain.

  I finally woke up to find Tersa sitting next to me in the bed. I awoke screaming from the pain, and heard Tersa saying, "Shhh! It's okay! We got you!" Almost at once, the pain subsided. Then anothe
r wave of pain hit me, and I screamed again. For a moment, I saw April and Cindy standing in the rooms doorway. Their faces etched in fear as I fought the pain and nausea.

  I suddenly realized Tersa was standing over me because she was lifting the fever from me. I screamed, "No!" fearing she would be infected by whatever had me. Tersa ignored me, and continued on.

  The Rock leaned into my field of vision. He quietly said, "Let Tersa help you, Kaltar!"

  I was too weak to struggle, and must have passed out again. The fever seemed to subside, and I must have slept. When I woke up the second time, the room was darkened, and I could sense a woman asleep in the bed next to me. I took for granted it was April, but as I reached out in the link, I realized it was Tersa. She was asleep, fully dressed, and resting quietly in bed next to me.

  Right then, the door opened, and April stepped in. Our eyes met! She looked at me lying there with Tersa, and immediately turned, stepping back out. In seconds she was back with the Rock. They stepped in, and April came around to my side of the bed and sat down. As she did, Tersa started to stir.

  I was weak, and very confused. I asked, "What is going on here?"

  The Rock quietly explained, "We have recently found out Tersa is an empath! She hasn't left your side in three weeks. Her, and two other empaths from the Chosen, have been keeping you alive as this thing ran its course. It was meant to kill the Earther woman and her child. It almost succeeded with you."

  Tersa sat up half asleep, saying, "If you're all going to sit here talking, I'm going to sleep in the other room!"

  Both the Rock and April smiled at her, as April told her, "Thank you Tersa! We owe you more than words can express!"

  Smiling slightly, Tersa joked, "Wait till you get my bill." She managed to get up, and stagger down the hallway toward one of the spare rooms. In a few seconds, I heard her footsteps recede down the hallway, and then heard a door softly close as she went off to get some sleep.

  We all sat silently for a second. Then the Rock said, "She saved your life, Kaltar. She refused to give up on you."

  April, close to tears, whispered, "It almost killed her Kaltar! I couldn't help you at all! I was so frightened you would die. She just wouldn't let you go!" April's voice trailed away, but I got the idea.

  As I slowly started to really come around, I asked, "What of the Earther woman, and her child?"

  The Rock's smile covered his face as he said, "She is doing fine. You've created a legion of followers by helping her. It appears she is their defacto leader, and they’re very happy you kept her alive!"

  I was still ill, and very confused. I said, "I don't understand what you mean about followers!"

  "I mean that you just saved their leader and her child," explained the Rock. "The Chosen were aware you might die for that, and they have been helping make sure that didn't happen." He paused, and then said, "You are amazing! You saved a woman and her child, creating an army of allies, all by just doing the right thing. I never saw this coming!"

  April laid on the bed next to me. As I dozed off this time, I realized how lucky I was to be alive. I laid there holding April close as I fell asleep again. This time I slept, instead of falling unconscious.

  When I awoke, the Rock was standing in the doorway talking to Tersa and April. Tersa realized I was awake, and said, "Good to see you with your eyes open!"

  April stepped into the room, and sat on the edge of the bed, she quietly told me, "You can get up any time you get tired of scaring the you-know-what out of me."

  As I laid there, I weakly asked, "Since when is Tersa an empath?" I could tell Tersa was embarrassed, and she quickly disappeared down the hallway. As soon as she was gone, the Rock stepped into the room, and sat down in a chair next to the bed.

  "It appears she has been an empath all along, but was afraid to use her powers," observed the Rock. "Many empaths are afraid of dying while helping others. It is a very realistic fear, and it's not uncommon for an empath to remain unknown. In this case, it appears Tersa found someone worth dying for!"

  The implication within the words slowly sank in. It was a little overwhelming. I quietly said, "I'll have to thank her!"

  "I wish you luck," commented the Rock. "I tried to talk to her about it. She ignored me totally, and that's not like her!"

  I said, "I'll talk to her about it later!"

  April quietly told me, "She's in love with you Kaltar!"

  I was shocked at the comment. I corrected her, saying, "She is a good friend! It's not the same as love April!"

  "I've seen the way she looks at you Kaltar!" April noted. "It's not a look most women throw around lightly!"

  Caught off guard, I told her, "I would have sensed it in my scans!"

  "You've been kind of unconscious for that!" said the Rock.

  "You too?" I asked.

  "I've known it ever since she kissed you at Krashure Maug!" he reluctantly replied.

  "She kissed you?" The question exploded from April like a gunshot.

  "Well, yes," I replied. "She told me she thought it would be her only chance, and that she just went for it." I laid there thinking for a moment, and then said, "My mother warned this would happen!"

  "I'd like to speak to your mother," muttered April. I got the feeling it was a sarcastic remark, as opposed to a real request.

  I quietly asked, "Are you angry at me April?"

  She paused a moment before saying, "I guess not! Just knock off kissing every woman you meet!"

  Now really confused, I corrected her, saying, "I haven't been kissing every woman I meet. Just you and Tersa!"

  The Rock said, "If you're smart, you'll shut up now!"

  April nodded in agreement. I took it as a sign that I should shut up and stop talking.

  The rest of the day was uneventful. I was very weak, and lucky to walk to the bathroom without assistance.

  It was the next day when I next saw Tersa. She stepped into the room as I lay half asleep, and I could sense she was scanning me. She started to turn to walk away. I called her name in the link, and she paused, stepping back into the room.

  She stepped up next to the bed, and asked, "Should I get April or the Rock? Are you okay?"

  "I wanted to say thank you," I observed.

  "No problem," she replied with a slight smile.

  As I laid there thinking about April's comments, Tersa must have been scanning me. She quietly said, "April told you, huh!"

  I asked her, "Do you want to talk about it?"

  "What's to talk about?" Tersa responded. "I finally fall in love after thousands of years, and the guy is in love with somebody else. It's just the way my luck goes."

  "I care for you as a friend," I told her. "I love you for the beautiful person you are."

  "It's not the same, Kaltar!" She took a deep breath, and then said, "Don't worry Kaltar! I won't be a problem. We can just be friends, and I'll be fine!"

  For some reason, I felt I was missing something here. As I started to ask Tersa if she was sure of that, the Rock stepped into view from out in the hallway. He said, "Well! Awake again eh! Are you feeling any better?" I could tell he was scanning me as he stepped farther into the room. "April is asleep at her home. Should I go get her?" He asked.

  "No," I replied as I sat up in the bed. "Let her sleep."

  Tersa said, "Excuse me." Then left the room. I managed to get up, and slowly worked my way to the bathroom. Ten minutes later, I was taking a shower, and starting to feel much better.

  When I came out of the shower, I dried myself, and put on a fresh robe. The pain was slowly subsiding, and I started to feel much better. I stepped back into the bedroom, and seconds later, April showed up with Cindy and the Rock.

  The Rock said, "There has been a slight development!"

  "I can read your mind!" blurted out Cindy.

  "Me too," noted April in a far more subdued voice. A moment later, she started to cry, saying, "I'm scared Kaltar! I keep hearing voices!"

  I felt so overwhelmed at that mome
nt. My desire to protect April was conflicted with her fear. I instantly knew this meant that April was shaking off the Madness. She wouldn't die of old age as so many humans would. She would live! I wanted to yell out the words! April would live!

  Her tears told a different story. She needed to be comforted. I was weak, and could hardly respond as I should have. I tried to focus on April and Cindy. I could sense them in the link. Their confused minds were casting around wildly. There was fear heavily mixed in the link. I could tell most of it was coming from April.

  The Rock said, "I believe it's from contact with the Chosen in the last few weeks. They are both definitely converting!"

  Humans develop traits to defend their minds from shock. Earthers with the Madness can develop very deep issues to protect their minds from damage. As I scanned April, I knew there was a problem. Her eyes rolled up in her head, and she started to collapse. I caught her, but couldn't hold her. We both collapsed onto the bed. She was unconscious.

  I scanned her, getting nothing. I scanned again, now desperate to find her mind. It wasn't there. My body charged with energy, and I stood bolt upright next to the bed. I don't believe I've been really afraid before. I scanned April, and nothing was there.

  The Rock was scanning her now as well. I heard him bellow, "Tersa! We need your help!"

  In a split second, I heard a door snap open, and Tersa appeared. She looked around the room, quickly focusing on April. She stepped closer, asking, "What happened to her?"

  I just kept scanning her. I couldn't understand what had happened. Her mind couldn't just be gone. Blanked like some hard drive in a computer. There had to be something there.

  Cindy was sobbing now. Alarm spread through the link, and in seconds Carl arrived. He took a broken Cindy away. She couldn't understand what had happened. She kept asking, "Why won't she wake up?"

  I wanted to know that myself. I was scanning April for the tenth time when Dona arrived. She scanned the room, and then pulled the Rock out into the hall. I was focused on April, and as the Rock stepped close, I didn't hear him. He quietly said, "I want you to come with me Kaltar!"


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