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The Books of Kaltar Farsara Boxed Set - Books 1 through 3 (The Kingdom Kaltar Farsara Built)

Page 42

by Ivan Bridgewater

  "Tersa!" I called out loudly. She stopped, turned, and gave me a dirty look, before I added, "I believe you, and trust you. I just wanted to say the words out loud, so there would be no doubt." She stood there silently for a moment. Then she turned back, and finished going on out the kitchen door, without another word.

  April was right. Tersa was really pissed.

  For the rest of the night, events were a blur of activity. Magi, Guardians, and converts from the Chosen, swarmed through the area. The contents of my home literally disappeared within an hour. All signs of the battle were removed not long after that. Halfway through the night, I went out, and noticed the leaves were back on the tree in my front that had been burned. I saw Selena, and when I asked about the leaves, she smiled, and said, "Tersa did it." After a moment’s hesitation, Selena added, "She acts really pissed. What did you do?"

  "I let a vicious killer live, and go free," I admitted. "Tersa wanted to disassemble the guy, and I stopped her." I looked closely at Selena, and quietly added, "I came between a hunter, and her prey."

  "Right in the line of fire," Selena pointed out. I just nodded my acknowledgement of the obvious, and went back to work. By the time the sun came up the next morning, the entire operation was complete. April and the twins were safe on Drevins Spraug. All I had to do was keep Tersa from killing me, and I would be doing fine.

  I stood there in my front yard as the sun came up, and it occurred to me, it might be the last dawn I ever saw on Remaca. I tried to etch every detail into my memory. A slight breeze was blowing, and the sun felt warm on my face as it appeared to raise higher into the sky. I was so wrapped up in the sunrise, that I was slightly startled when Tersa quietly asked, "Are you ready to go?" She was standing right behind me.

  "I'm sorry I yelled at you," I said aloud, without turning around. "I don't mean to make you angry."

  "Don't start being nice now!" Tersa advised me as she slowly stepped into my field of vision. "You were just starting to sound like a commander for the Magi warriors."

  "You're far better suited for that job," I told her explicitly.

  "If only I wasn't so violent," Tersa chided me sarcastically. "I get the concept. A little less killing, and a little more talking."

  "Aprils right," I found myself saying. "It's becoming too easy for me to kill. I've got to be careful not to become worse, than the monsters I'm supposed to be fighting." I looked closely at her, and added, "We both need to be careful Tersa. And I want you to take steps to stop me if you believe I've run amok."

  "I don't understand, what are you talking about?" Tersa asked me, slightly confused. "I thought we were talking about my anger management issues, not yours. You're not the violent sort Kaltar. That's more my line of specialty."

  "When Morgan had April by the throat, for that instant, I lost control," I explained. I stopped for an instant, trying to find the words. Then said, "I would have done anything to save her. Even something I knew was wrong. Something horrific that would shame me." I looked her deeply in the eyes, and whispered, "When that day comes, you must stop me."

  "You probably saved April’s life," Tersa pointed out. "And there is a small chance that you got through to Morgan." I scoffed, and she laughed slightly as she sarcastically joked, "Hey! It could happen!" A few seconds passed, and Tersa went on, quietly saying, "Don't worry Kaltar! I'll watch out for you!"

  Reaching out, I scanned the life forms around me, and accounted for the creatures we were leaving here on Remaca. The students would watch over them until better, longer term, arrangements were made. I would miss my world, but April's safety was my biggest concern. This was what was needed to insure that she and the twins were as safe as possible.

  After a few more seconds, I finally said, "It's time to get out of here." I folded space for Drevins Spraug, and Tersa was right behind me.

  Chapter 13

  A New Home

  We arrived to find our new village a busy place. Almost fifty people had moved with us, including Cindy, and several dozen students from the school on Remaca. I got the feeling Tersa had requested them to escort us, almost like a personal guard. There was a happy emotional undertow flowing through the link. Almost a party atmosphere in many ways.

  By the time it was midday in our new home. I found April asleep in bed, taking a nap. With the twins asleep under guard, I decided to join my beloved for a short nap. I snuggled up behind her, and she folded into my arms with a deep sigh. I laid there holding her close, till I finally dozed off.

  I awoke with a feeling of confusion. April was leaning over me, and she whispered, "Wake up Kaltar. You've got company here to see you." I sat straight up in bed, as April stood back up.

  "Who is it?" I wondered aloud.

  April gave me an odd look, and walked over to the door. She stood there for a moment, and then just said, "Get dressed and come down as fast as you can." Then she stepped out the bedroom door. I took her advice, and got dressed as fast as I possibly could. April stood waiting for me when I came down the stairs. She just waved me toward the front door. I stepped over, opened it, and found a mob waiting for me.

  Most of the faces weren't familiar, but a few were. Madias, Jasmin, Vandahar, Selena and a dozen other faces were old friends. It was Dona Carter, the policewoman from Earth, who stepped across the porch, and spoke to me.

  "There have been some developments on Earth," she announced quietly. The link was almost electrically charged as the crowd listened. "Morgan has begun shutting down a lot of his operations," she informed me. "The resistance to Carl's plans is fading fast. It will still take years, but this battle appears to be over." Even as she said the words, it was hard to absorb.

  Jasmin stepped up onto the stairs, and said, "My Father sends his respects. He's very pleased you succeeded, where he failed. He wished to be here himself, but feels he can't leave the combat zone."

  It was beginning to sink in. Morgan and his forces were standing down. The emotions from the crowd were overwhelming in the link. Many of these people were from Earth. This meant something personal to them. Many of them had lost friends and family in this fight.

  Still half asleep, the sea of faces swarmed around me, and it was a good feeling. I had lucked out, and done the right thing. I saw Tersa at the back of the crowd, and even she was smiling. It was finally Vandahar that pulled me out of the crowd, and back into my house. He shut the door behind us, and I could hear the crowd outside start to disperse. Most of my closest friends, were now standing in the room with me

  "There is going to be a celebration party tonight," Vandahar informed me. "They just wanted to see you for a minute this morning, and be here when we told you what was happening."

  "My father says its proof that there is always hope." Jasmin told me. "He's really very pleased with you. His past dealings with the Clovis didn't work out so peacefully."

  "Perhaps that's why my threats were so effective," I ventured aloud.

  "They were effective, because you, are you," Madias noted quietly. "What's important is, it worked, without the need for actual violence."

  "Do you really believe it's over?" April asked Madias.

  "It's a big step in the right direction," the old Magi responded. "The Rock trained you well young Magi! I'm proud that I can call you my friend."

  "There is going to be a small celebration just outside of town at sunset," Vandahar loudly reminded everyone. "Now, let’s all give Kaltar a chance to have a few minutes with April, and the twins." The small crowd started to mill out the door. Everyone was talking at once, and there was a lot of noise. One by one, the group filed out the door, and the house finally returned to some sort of quiet. Vandahar was the last Magi to leave, and he made me promise to be at the celebration that night.

  The front door finally closed behind the last visitor, and I felt exhausted. I hadn't been awake two hours, but I was ready to go back to bed. The entire concept was hard to take in. April was smiling ear to ear, and as it idea sank in, I started feeling pretty good
about the whole business.

  April and I spent the next few hours with the twins, and it was a lot of fun. They had the bodies of small babies, but their minds were surging forward. Their presence in the link was strongest when Jasmin was close by. It appeared they were sensitive to her mind. The fact that she was a twin might have made some difference.

  As early evening approached, Madias came to see me. I could tell in the link that he was hesitant to talk to me, but felt compelled. He asked me to step outside when I answered the front door. We stepped out into the yard, and both looked up at the glorious sky that hung over us. The colors were truly amazing.

  After a few seconds, Madias quietly said, "I've been told you threatened to undo the remains of the species known as the Clovis. Is that correct?"

  "You know it is," I replied. We both stood there for several seconds in silence, before he looked over at me.

  "Have you ever wondered where the Darkness came from?" Madias asked. After debating for a moment, I shook my head no. He looked back up at the sky, and whispered, "Some say it was an evil Magi, that had the power to undo others." My mind spun around once, and I felt a little woozy.

  "I'd never heard that," I responded truthfully. "I never heard any evil Magi stories before."

  Madias abruptly almost laughed openly. He caught himself, and said, "That doesn't surprise me a bit Kaltar. I'm concerned that you might not understand the power you're displaying. It's not a normal Magi trait. Even our most powerful Grand Masters can't touch what you're doing."

  "I've already spoken to Tersa of this." I told him. "She has instructions to intervene if I step out of line."

  "You're able to undo people, and Tersa is supposed to stop you?" Madias wondered aloud. "You're too smart not to see the lack of logic here." He was right of course. The issue glared in my mind.

  "I don't know what to do." I told him with growing concern. "How big a threat am I?"

  "Your powers are doubling twice a month," he reminded me. "How long before you could undo a Galaxy?"

  I almost got sick instantly.

  Madias stepped close to me, and said, "If it was anybody but you, I would be worried." He patted me on the shoulder lightly, and went on, saying, "Many of the Magi on the Council have been following your growing ability to convert pure energy with anxious concern. Several of them wonder if you have limits. Those of us who know you, aren't worried."

  "You should worry!" I confided. "It scares me to death! I'm constantly worried I'm going to make a mistake."

  "You will be fine young Magi," Madias assured me. "It's the Magi who isn't nervous that worries me." He glanced back up at the sky, and said, "Rock said to remind you that your time here is short. He said to spend as much time as you can with April and the twins."

  "He is my Master," I observed without thinking.

  "He would be mad if he heard you say that," Madias chided me.

  "I try to remember, but the words are there before I think them through," I confessed. "The Rock is my teacher, and greatest mentor. I owe him my life, and consider him a second father."

  "Someday I'll tell you stories of your Master that will curl your hair," Madias informed me. "He has made plenty of mistakes Kaltar. He's not perfect." The old Magi's smile had changed, and I could tell he was reaching back through memories of long ago. He grew a little more sober, and again said, "Your time with your family grows short. We will need you soon."

  Two minutes later, Madias folded space, and left. The sun was just setting, and it was time for the first celebration ever held in Tersana. I went in the house, and April and I prepared to go out.

  Ten minutes later, April and I stepped out to find the night sky alive with fire. The dragons had begun their celebration party, and they filled the warm evening air above us everywhere you looked.

  The real surprise, was that the streets were full of people. Word had spread through the Magi, and hundreds of them were here. Guardian combat uniforms could be seen everywhere as well. There appeared to be a regular army of them here.

  April and I walked out the east gate, into the open field that laid just beyond. Tents were set up, and I could see that several thousand people were present. For the next hour, we attended the largest party I had ever been to. I drank something called Grog, and April was vastly amused when I spit the drink out. Many of the Magi were showing off card and teleportation tricks.

  At the far end of the tent encampment, we found Bitsy telling stories to a large crowd of several hundred people. They listened intently as the extremely articulate dragon told a story about the many great Magi from recorded history.

  The first thing I realized, was that she was talking about me. The second thing I noticed, was how closely everyone was listening to her. They hung onto every word she said, and I abruptly realized they were all linked to her mind. They were seeing her memories, and reliving them with Bitsy.

  It was by far the largest link I had ever seen. It was a deep link, and you could feel the emotional strain as the story progressed. Some of my memories of the same events seemed different, but I soon realized it was just the way Bitsy had seen the events in her mind.

  April had stepped away to speak to some friend she had seen, as I stood watching Bitsy tell her stories. About a minute later, I heard Tersa say, "First you save the dragons, and then managed to protect Earth from the Clovis. You're doing great Kaltar." She was right behind me, and I turned to find her looking a little sheepish.

  "I'm sorry I gave you a rough time," she apologized. "I'm really glad you were right about this one."

  "I really doubt it's over," I noted aloud, almost to myself. "I would love it if we had seen the last of the Clovis, but for some reason, I somehow doubt it."

  "It was worth it to give peace a chance," Tersa told me. "We can always go back to killing later." For a moment, I thought she was kidding. Then I realized she was serious.

  "What's the matter?" I asked. "Do you have some reason to think we're being deceived?"

  "Not at all!" she blustered slightly, seeming to search for her words, "I guess I've just come to expect the worst from outsiders." I thought of Madias, and his concerns over my ability to do away with the Clovis.

  "Madias is concerned with the way my powers and abilities are progressing," I informed Tersa. "I told him, I asked you to watch over me, and he laughed." I paused, debating how to express myself. Then went on, saying, "I can't stand the thought that I might create a threat to those I love."

  "We talked about this," Tersa reminded me. "I'll be there for you Kaltar."

  "That puts you in direct danger because of me," I tried to explain. "I'm just beginning to realize how quickly this could get out of hand."

  "I won't believe that!" Tersa commented, almost angrily. "Those of us who have spent the most time with you know better. I don't understand how, but you just naturally seem to know the right thing to do. You're selfless to a fault, and just want the best for everyone around you. In all my years, I've never seen such a natural leader."

  "Things are changing so fast," I said. "It's so overwhelming at times." My emotions finally crashed down over me, and I stopped speaking, unable to go on. Tersa scanned me, and we just stood there without speaking for a moment. Then she put her hand out, and laid it on my shoulder. For just an instant, I saw into her deepest mind. Her love for me was consuming her. I was shocked how blindly she cared.

  "Don't let me hurt you Tersa!" I blurted out. I fumbled madly, trying to find the words. "You're a very beautiful woman, and deserve to be happy." I sounded so foolish. Tersa could have laughed, and I wouldn't have blamed her. Instead, she grew very sober.

  "You're the greatest Magi I've ever known!" she told me emphatically. "You are far more than that. There is something about you, that goes beyond logic and reason. It's as if you are destined to be here, and I believe it's time you stopped fighting it. I trust you totally, and I'm not the only one. Don't worry about me. Fulfill your destiny, and be the leader we need. Embrace your powers, an
d don't worry about doing the wrong thing, or harming one of us."

  Again, we dropped into silence. I saw April returning, and could easily see the delight in her face. Her smile faded just slightly as she scanned me, and when she stepped up next to me, she quietly said, "You two need to lighten up. You look far too serious for a party."

  "Kaltar is worried about making mistakes," Tersa commented dryly. "For a guy who always comes through with what we need, he's awful insecure." I could tell she was having some fun at my expense, but I could see in the link, she was also half serious. I was quickly getting badly embarrassed, and once again, grew silent.

  As the three of us stood there, I looked up, and saw Vandahar standing with Cindy. They were watching the dragons. His right arm was around her waist, as he pointed at the dragons with his left. When he dropped his left arm a moment later, his right arm remained around her waist. For just an instant, I reached out, and scanned them.

  They were falling in love.

  I was speechless. Vandahar had once confessed that it had been many centuries since he last fell in love. I scanned them again, and could easily see they were involved in more than just a casual friendship.

  Seeing my thoughts in the link, Tersa said, "Don't be so shocked. People often fall in love more easily when threated with death."

  For just a moment, a wave of anger washed over me. I really wanted them to be happy. Scanning me, April smiled to herself

  "That's why we trust you," she said softly. "Because you care so much for those around you!" She took my hand, saying, "We need to get back to the house soon. The twins will be waking up, wondering where I am." I recalled we had left Selena and Jasmin with the babies, and they would probably love to attend the party for a while as well.

  April and I started to say our goodbyes for the evening to our friends, while working our way back toward the main gate. Tersa seemed to remain close, and the three of us walked through the huge gate together. A large fireworks display started behind us, and the ground began to shake from the serious of detonations. I was aware it was just from the celebration, but it still put me on edge as the colorful explosions went on and on.


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