Book Read Free

Complete Nothing

Page 14

by Kieran Scott

  Kissing someone else.

  God. I was gonna hurl. I was gonna hurl right on Gavin’s new kicks.

  “And now! Your starting lineup!” Liza announced into the microphone.

  Was he on the team? Was he good? Was he good-looking?

  “First, your defensive line, starting with number fifty-six, junior linebacker Josh Moskowitz!”

  Josh broke through the crowd, yanked open the door, and disappeared. The roar of the crowd was deafening. I imagined Veronica Vine cheering for him. Him finding her in the crowd and smiling. That kid was so lucky. He had his girl. He knew where he stood. And he wasn’t thinking about how this was his last first pep rally, because it wasn’t. At that moment, I would have killed to be Josh Moskowitz.

  As Liza announced each member of the team, the crowd around us thinned out. Finally it was just me and Gavin left. He clapped his monstrous hand on my shoulder.

  “Don’t think about her right now, man,” he said. “This is our thing. Enjoy it.”

  “And now, the captain of the defense! Number sixty-seven, senior defensive end Gavin Dunnellon!”

  Gavin gave me a tight smile and ran out. Suddenly I was alone in the locker room, and my head was filled to bursting with images of Claudia. Claudia standing out there waiting to cheer for me when she was really thinking about some St. Joe’s tool. Those pitying faces on the guys a few minutes ago when Mitch had made his announcement. My fingers curled into fists. I wasn’t some loser whose girlfriend went out and dated other guys. I wasn’t some dork who got left behind. I wasn’t pathetic.

  “And now, the moment you’ve been waiting for! Number eleven! Your senior quarterback and captain of your Lake Carmody Rams, Peter Marrott!”

  I yanked open the door and jogged out, grinning as widely as humanly possible. I ran right by Claudia and didn’t even give her a glance. Then I did something that surprised even me. I took a left, grabbed Josie out of the line of cheerleaders, and kissed her in front of the entire school.

  Josie let out this surprised squeak before she sank into me, and the crowd went freaking crazy. The whole thing took about five seconds, but it felt like the best five seconds of my life. I was Peter Marrott. King of the school. And I was living in the moment.

  * * *

  Later that afternoon, I lay on my back on the weight bench, pressing, pressing, pressing. Sweat poured down my temples and puddled behind my ears. I clenched my teeth. My muscles quivered. Just five more reps. Four. Three. Two. I let out a huge grunt and hit the last one, then dropped the weights on the ground, gasping for air.

  It was already after six, and most of the guys had bailed hours ago. Coach had told us not to work too hard. He didn’t want to wear us out before tomorrow’s game. But I couldn’t go home. Not yet. I was too pent up. Too pissed off. I crooked my arms and lay the back of my hands against my forehead, staring at the lights sunk into the ceiling while I tried to catch my breath.

  I wondered what Claudia was doing right now. Was she really out with some guy from St. Joe’s, or was that just a rumor? Maybe she was actually at home with Casey, baking something for my spirit basket. If she was even still making me a spirit basket.

  I laughed under my breath. Who was I kidding? Of course she was. Claudia would never back out on something she said she’d do. Even though I’d broken up with her, I couldn’t imagine her dissing me like that. She was too good for that. Unless maybe she was busy baking for this new guy she was going out with.

  The idea made my fists clench and I bit down on my tongue. “Sonofabitch!” I shouted, sitting up. Josh Moskowitz and Trevor McKay looked over at me from the corner, where they were spotting each other. “Sorry,” I said. I couldn’t believe that the second I’d stopped working out I’d started thinking about Claudia. It was like there was some kind of malfunction inside my brain.

  “Everything okay?”

  I glanced at the door. Josie had just walked in, wearing the tiniest cotton LCH shorts imaginable and a white tank top. Her hair was in a ponytail. She’d clearly just come from cheerleading practice, her chest shimmery with sweat. I was instantly turned on.

  “Yeah. M’fine,” I said, reaching for my towel. I wiped off my face and tossed it aside.

  “Good.” Josie straddled the weight bench in front of me. Our knees touched. “Because some of the guys were saying you’d had a bad couple of days. I thought I’d come in here and see if you needed some cheering up.”

  Her eyes traveled up and down my body as she said this, then over my arms and down to my hands.

  “That was some kiss at the pep rally,” she said.

  “Uh, we’re gonna go get some Gatorade. You want anything?” Josh asked, hightailing it for the door with Trevor on his heels. McKay stared at Josie’s breasts the whole entire way.

  “No thanks, man.”

  They slammed the door to the weight room—the door that was always propped open—behind them. Josie and I were very, very alone.

  “So.” Josie took my hand and placed it on her thigh. Very high up on her thigh. Then she did the same with the other hand. “Do you need some cheering up?”

  My pulse pounded in my ears. My lips throbbed. “Um, maybe.”

  She slid forward onto my lap in one motion so quick I never even saw it coming. Just like that, her legs were wrapped around my waist and her breasts were pressed up against me and thoughts of Claudia were obliterated from my mind.

  “I’m gonna take that as a yes,” she said.

  And then she kissed me. And it didn’t matter who Claudia’s new guy was or what I would do to him if I ever met him. All that mattered was the hot girl in the tiny shorts with the grabby hands who clearly wanted no one but me.



  “Do you think he’ll come to the door?” Casey asked, leaning sideways to peek out the window while letting only a very minimal part of her body show. “Peter always came to the door.”

  “Of course he’ll come to the door. He’s a gentleman,” my father said, still in his shirt and tie, though he’d lost the suit jacket. He cast me a sidelong glance, his blue eyes teasing. “He is a gentleman, right, Claudia?”

  “Very polite,” I replied. I looked around at my family, remembering the first time Peter had come to pick me up. They’d hovered that night too. They were pretty good at hovering in general.

  “I don’t know about this,” my mother said. “Going out with some boy so soon after breaking up with Peter. I don’t like it.”

  “It’s just one date, Tanya,” my father said in a placating way. “It is just one date, right? Not planning on running off and marrying the boy.”

  I rolled my eyes and laughed. “No, Dad.”

  “Now, Peter. He was marriage material,” my mom said, fiddling with her pearls.

  “Mom!” I blurted.

  “Bet you wouldn’t say that if you’d seen what he did at the pep rally today,” Casey said under her breath.

  My stomach turned just thinking about it—Peter’s tongue shoved down Josie’s throat for everyone to see—but I pushed the image away as quickly as it had come. This was going to work. Somehow or other Peter was going to see me with Keegan tonight and remember what we had. What it meant. How good it was. That plus the insane spirit basket I’d left in front of his house earlier today were going to do the trick. He was going to dump Josie Big Lips on her perky butt and come running back to me.

  “What?” my mother asked Casey.

  “Nothing!” we both replied.

  “Does your heart actually break when you get dumped?” my brother asked, looking up from his iPad, his red hair sticking out like he’d shoved a fork in an electrical socket as he sat on the bottom step of our curved staircase. “And like, how much does it break? Do pieces fall off? And how many pieces are there? Can it break so much that you up and die?”

  “It feels like it can,” I replied.

  “Corey, go upstairs and wash your face,” my mother said, dragging him up by the elb
ow. “You look like you’ve been rolling in ketchup.”

  My brother barreled up the steps, tripping once before making it to the top.

  “There he is!” Casey squealed, then flattened herself against the wall so he wouldn’t see her. She widened her eyes at me in a meaningful way. “Killer car.”


  I glanced out the window and saw a black Mustang with a double royal-blue stripe painted from its nose to its windshield, across its top, and down to its tail. It shone in the waning light of day as if it had just been washed and buffed, and the engine made a deep growly noise as he eased it toward the curb in front of our house.

  For a long moment no one moved. I looked at my mom. She looked at my dad. He stood in front of the tall skinny window next to the door and pushed the curtain aside.

  “He’s not getting out of the car,” my father said. “If he’s one of these kids who thinks it’s perfectly acceptable to honk the horn—”

  Then the engine died, and we heard the door open and close. Relief flooded through me. It didn’t really matter what my parents thought of Keegan, because it wasn’t as if I was going to go out with him forever, but it would make this one night easier if they approved.

  “Everyone get out of here!” I whispered. “You can’t be waiting by the door when he rings the—”

  The doorbell rang. My mother and sister scurried toward the kitchen. I was surprised by how nervous I felt when I knew this was not a real date. What if he didn’t like me? What if we had nothing to talk about? But there was no going back now. My dad waited a couple of seconds, then opened the door.

  “You must be Keegan!” he said, offering a hand.

  “Yes, sir, Mr. Catalfo.” Keegan sounded completely confident and at ease. “It’s nice to meet you.”

  “You too. Come on in.”

  My mom and Casey peeked out from the kitchen as he entered, then disappeared the second he turned toward me. When my eyes met Keegan’s, my nervousness swelled, closing off my throat and prickling my palms. I swear it was like somehow, between Wednesday afternoon and Friday night, he’d grown exponentially better-looking. And he’d already been gorgeous on Wednesday. He was wearing his St. Joe’s varsity jacket over a button-down shirt and jeans, and green was 100 percent his color. He was clean-shaven, and when he smiled his teeth were so straight it was almost wrong.

  “Hi! Good to see you,” I said, feeling awkward in front of my dad.

  “You too,” he replied. “Ready to go?”

  “Oh, um . . . yeah.”

  We stepped outside together and it was weird, just doing that with someone who wasn’t Peter. Everything about this was weird.

  “Where’re you two off to?” my father asked, leaning against the doorway.

  “Dad!” I hissed.

  “I thought we’d hit Dave and Buster’s at the mall, if that’s cool with you,” Keegan said, smiling my way.

  “Definitely! Sounds like fun.”

  I’d been to Dave & Buster’s with Lauren’s family once, and we’d had the best time challenging each other on the random video games. Plus, they had good salads there, unlike most of the other chain restaurants. I could rank the salad selection of every establishment within a twenty-mile radius of my house.

  Keegan led me to his car and walked around to the driver’s side. Peter always opened the passenger door for me, but it was no big deal. I slipped into the seat and took a deep, calming breath. The inside of Keegan’s car smelled like leather, fresh-cut grass, and french fries. I knew instantly that I was always going to associate those scents with this moment. My first date with someone other than Peter. As Keegan got in next to me, I whipped out my phone and texted True.


  I hit send and shoved my phone back in my bag, saying a silent prayer that True would come through and find a way to get Peter out of his house.

  “Have fun!” my dad called out with a wave. When I looked up, I was mortified to see my entire family, even Corey, gathered around him.

  “Sorry about them,” I muttered, buckling my seat belt.

  “Eh. They’re not so bad,” he replied.

  I smiled as he gunned the engine and started down my block. If everything went according to plan, by this time tomorrow—maybe even later this evening—Peter and I would be getting back together. As Keegan started to ask questions about my family, I tried not to feel guilty over misrepresenting myself as someone who was on the market. Keegan wouldn’t mind that we’d have only one date. It wasn’t like he was invested in this. He barely knew me. For him, tonight was just about having fun.

  For me, it was about so much more.



  That night I was at the mall with Wallace and Lauren as we waited for Claudia’s text, discovering the hands-down coolest thing about cell phones—the huge variety of pretty cases. We had rounded the kiosk at the center of the wide marble hallway fourteen times as I pondered which of the many colors, patterns, and materials I wanted for my new phone.

  If someone had told me a week ago that I’d be on this particular shopping errand, I would have exterminated them on the spot, but after countless millennia of the same old routine, I was starting to think that change was good.

  “I don’t know,” I said, musing over my top three choices—a red-and-pink stripe, a purple plaid, and a blue with white polka dots. “I’m not sure any of them are me.”

  “Oh my God, will you just pick one already! I’m starving!” Lauren groused.

  “This is a very important decision,” Wallace told her calmly. “The case your cell wears means everything.”

  Lauren widened her eyes at him, then let her arms and head slam into the top of the glass case dramatically. She turned to the side, so that her cheek was pressed into the surface. “This is my least favorite trip to the mall ever.”

  I glanced up at the proprietor of the stand, who was busy texting on his own phone. “Do you have anything with a heart on it?”

  He finished his text and then, silently, opened a cabinet and pulled out a white case. He dropped it in front of me and I gasped. It was decorated with a fat pink heart made out of glittering rhinestones. I whipped out my wallet.

  “I’ll take it.”

  “See? When you know, you know,” Wallace said with a satisfied smile, pushing his hands into his pockets to draw out his own phone. His case was gray-and-black argyle—the only two colors the boy ever wore.

  As the proprietor rang up my purchase, I took the case out of its plastic wrap and snapped it onto my phone. Right then, the screen lit up with a text from Claudia.


  “They’re coming here!” I said, my heart starting to race. This was a sign. It had to be. “What’s Dave and Buster’s?”

  “It’s this huge place with tons of video games and prizes and awesome desserts. Only the perfect place for a first date,” Wallace replied. “This guy is good.”

  “And they have the best fries in the world.” Lauren grabbed Wallace’s hand and my arm and started to drag us toward the escalator, nearly tripping a woman with a walker on her way. “Let’s go!”

  “Wait! Wait! Wait! We have to text Peter and get him over here,” I reminded them. I yanked my arm out of her grasp and paused by the fountain in the center of the mall. “It’s kind of the whole reason we’re here?”

  “Oh. I guess I forgot during the marathon case-browsing session,” Lauren sniped, rolling her eyes as she sat on the edge of the fountain. Then she grimaced. “Sorry. I get bitchy when I’m hungry.”

  “Understood. Let’s get this over with, and then the fries are on me,” I said.

  “Sah-weet!” she sang, perking up considerably. “Okay. What’s the plan?”

  “Wallace? Can I borrow your phone?” I asked.

  “What for?” he said, actually angling the pocket that held his phone away from me as if I were going to pickpocket him. Perhaps my reputati
on as a klepto had swelled. A pair of kids with wheels on their shoes parted to scoot around him.

  “I’m going to text Peter, and I don’t want it to be traced back to me.”

  “Well, maybe I don’t want it to get traced back to me,” he replied. “Peter Marrott could pound me into oblivion with his pinky toe.”

  Lauren and I exchanged a glance. “Wallace, let me explain,” Lauren said patiently, rising from the stone frame of the fountain. “If this whole thing works and Claudia and Peter get back together, then Peter is eventually going to program True’s number into his phone, because True and Claudia are friends. Once he does that, he’ll be able to tell that tonight’s text came from her, and he’ll realize that this whole thing was one big setup. But if the text comes from you . . .”

  “He’ll never trace it back to me, because there’s no reason that the great Peter Marrott would ever get the number of a dorkus like me,” Wallace finished flatly.

  “I wouldn’t have put it that way, but . . . yeah,” Lauren said.

  Wallace shrugged and handed me his phone. “Makes sense.”

  “Thank you!” I cried. “What’s Peter’s number?”

  Lauren read it to me and I dialed it into the text box, which took way longer than I expected, since every number I hit came up as another number. I groaned in frustration. The one thing I couldn’t stand about this damn phone was the touch-screen keypad. If I could only use my powers . . .

  “It takes a little while to master it,” Wallace said, patting me on the back. “Patience, Luddite.”

  I gave a tense laugh, turned away, closed my eyes, and pictured the number. When I opened them again, the digits had appeared on the screen. It was just a small thing. Nothing Zeus would ever notice. I hoped.

  “Okay. Here goes. Let’s pray he has his phone on.” I typed in my message.


  My lips pursed. Screw it. Sometimes a girl just had to use her powers. And until I had time to practice with this thing, this was a necessary evil. I kept my back to Wallace and Lauren, closed my eyes again, and pretended to text. When I opened them, the message was clear.


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