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Knocked Up- The Complete Box Set

Page 16

by Lilian Monroe

  I can feel my eyes crinkling as the smile breaks my face open. If I felt like happiness was bursting through my chest before, I had no idea what I was in for. It feels like I’m about to float away, and the only thing holding me down is the weight of Zach’s body over mine. My vision goes blurry as the tears of joy flood my eyes. All I can do is nod.

  “Yes,” I croak.

  Zach’s kiss is more ardent than ever before. Suddenly his lips are on mine, his hands are over my body. He strokes my stomach gently and then runs his fingers down over my mound to my aching centre. I wrap my arms around him and my legs fall open as his hand inches closer.

  Every night we spend together is better than the last. Every touch is more intimate, every kiss is more passionate. I’ve never been this happy. That feeling reaches a new peak this morning. It feels like I’m vibrating with love, with emotion, with passion. I let myself be taken away by it, letting my hands sink into his flesh and my lips explore his body.

  Our bodies start an intricate dance that only instinct can explain. His movements are my movements, his touch is electrifying and comforting and exciting and intoxicating all at once. My body spasms and contracts and his does the same. My hands roam over his skin, hungrily touching every single inch of him. I can’t get enough.

  We grab and grope and touch and moan as we let ourselves be carried away. It’s passion on another level. I throw my head back and listen to myself moan and say his name over and over. Zach, Zach, Zach.

  I’m panting, he’s groaning, I’m moaning, he’s grunting. The sounds of our passion fill the room. I’m riding an indescribable high. His hands are everywhere, our bodies are fused together until finally we both fly over the edge together. I grab onto him and he grabs onto me and we don’t let go until our heartbeat has gone back to normal. Even then, our legs stay intertwined and our arms are thrown over each other. My lips are near his and our breath mixes as we recover.

  “I love you,” I whisper.

  “I’ve never loved anyone as much as I love you,” he replies. He kisses the tip of my nose and I close my eyes. The baby kicks and Zach makes a noise.

  “We love you too,” he says, sliding his hand over my growing bump. His words send another shiver down my spine and I nuzzle my chin into his chest. Zach wraps his arms around me and I sigh contentedly.

  I’ve moved into a new house and I’ve found a home, a husband, a family. I smile as I think of the doctor who told us we were pregnant. Miracle baby, he’d said. I’m starting to think he was right.

  Grab your own exclusive bonus chapter to see how Harper and Zach are doing when their baby is born:

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  xox Lilian

  Knocked Up by the Single Dad

  Book 2



  “Come on, Harper, stay!” I plead, holding out my hands in front of me. Harper’s jacket is almost on. She’s got one arm through the sleeve and is reaching for the other one. “The babysitter can stay a little bit longer tonight. It’s my birthday!”

  “Yeah, Harper, stay!” Jess says, standing next to me and staring at Harper. Both of us are a good six inches taller than her but she doesn’t seem phased. Harper sighs and purses her lips at me, but I can see the smile in her eyes. She puts her hand up, pointing her finger at me.

  “Fine. One more drink. But only because you’re my best friend and my daughter’s godmother.”

  “Yay!” I exclaim, wrapping my arms around my best friend. Ever since she had a kid she always smells like babies. It’s a comforting smell, sort of fresh and homely at the same time.

  “So, Rosie,” Jess says as she waves the bartender over. “How does it feel to be another year older.”

  “Feels like I was stabbed about six times,” I respond.

  They laugh, and then Harper looks at me with pain in her eyes. I know she still blames herself for what happened to me, but she shouldn’t.

  A year ago, our ex-coworker kidnapped Harper and came after me. He held her hostage and came to my house and stabbed me in the chest and stomach six times. He was delusional and obsessed with Harper and thought I was trying to keep them apart. I was, in a way, but only as much as a someone trying to protect their best friend. He’s locked up in a mental institution now, but it’s still fresh in everyone’s memory.

  “At least you got some wicked scars,” Jess says with a grin. I brush my hands over my rib, where the biggest jagged scar cuts across my body.

  “They’re fading now. You can hardly tell they’re there!” I say, glancing at Harper. Her face relaxes and she smiles back.

  It’s a lie, of course. When I was getting dressed this morning I saw the same six angry red scars all over my chest and stomach. They mar my skin as a constant reminder of how close I came to death. I tug at the neckline of my shirt, pulling it up to make sure the scar above my heart is still concealed. It’s become almost an unconscious movement now.

  I smile at my best friend and she squeezes my arm in thanks. I know Harper is still struggling with the memories of it all even over a year later. I know she still struggles with being at home alone and with people coming up behind her. She hates surprises now. That’s why I’ve never told her how much I’ve suffered over the past year, both physically and mentally. She has a new baby girl and she needs all the strength she can get. Besides, I can take care of myself.

  Jess pulls me from my thoughts with a fresh drink, presented to me with a wink. I take it and smile, tucking a strand of my fiery red hair behind my ear before lifting the glass and tapping it gently against hers.

  “You’re far too serious for your birthday,” Jess says. “This is the first time we’ve been able to celebrate in weeks! Months, even!”

  “You’re right,” I respond with a smile. I shake my head and my red curls brush against my cheeks. I need to snap out of it. If not for my sake, for Harper’s. It may be my birthday but she deserves a night away from the baby.

  “We need to find you a man, is what we need to do,” Jess announces. She spins around, surveying the room like an expert judge. I laugh.

  “That’s the last thing on my mind right now.”

  Jess shoots me a look and rolls her eyes. “Don’t lie to me, Rosie.”

  The three of us laugh and Harper pokes me in the ribs with her elbow. I throw up my hands. I haven’t been out in months and haven’t had sex in who knows how long. Call it residual fear of people, or stress, or whatever. I’ve just been saying I’m busy with work, but the thought of letting a strange man into my apartment still makes me uneasy. Ever since the incident last year I haven’t been the same.

  “Fine! Fine! Yes, I need to get laid. But I’m not going to just jump into bed with anyone.”

  Jess turns those dark brown eyes towards me. She lifts an eyebrow and even though she looks sarcastic I know it’s coming from a place of love.

  “Rosie, not only do you need to get laid, you need to get royally Fucked with a capital ‘F’.”

  Harper laughs and I can’t help but join in. I shrug and nod my head, giving in. Jess dips her chin and turns back towards the bar.

  “Now, who’s gonna be the lucky man,” she says almost as if she’s speaking to herself. She taps her fingers against her chin and swings her eyes around the room.

  “Come on, Jess, don’t force it,” I laugh.

  “What about him?” She says, pointing across the room.

  “Can you be more obvious?!” I protest, laughing. Her arm is extended and she’s pointing straight at a group of men. “No. Definitely not,” I say after glancing at the man. He looks over at us and our eyes meet for an instant. My cheeks immediately start burning. I look away and stare at Jess with my eyes wide. She grins.

  “Okay, fair enough. I don’t like his shirt anyways. What about him?” She asks again, pointing to another man.

  Harper laughs. “Or him?” Now she’s pointing to another man, both of them grinning from ear to ear.

  I swat at the
ir arms, laughing. “Guys, stop!”

  “Well it’s never going to happen with that attitude,” Jess says with an exaggerated eye roll. She cracks a smile and shrugs, turning back to her drink. “You’re just destined to be an old maid. I’m just trying to help.”

  “Nothing wrong with being independent,” I respond, relieved that she seems to be distracted for now. I have no doubt she’ll be back on the prowl for me in a few minutes. “I’m going to get us some drinks.”

  I breathe a sigh of relief when they let me go, still laughing and glancing around the room. I know for a fact there isn’t a man in here I want to sleep with tonight, but I’ll play along for now.



  I slide my way to the bar and try to catch the bartender’s eye. I lean over and glance towards him, ready to tell him my order. I’m so focused on getting an opportunity to order that I don’t see the man slide in beside me until he speaks.

  “Buy you a drink?” He asks in a low growl. I almost jump out of my skin and whip my head around. It’s the man with the awful shirt that Jess was pointing to. Great.

  “No, I’m okay, thanks,” I respond, turning back towards the bar.

  “I saw you staring at me earlier.”

  My spine stiffens. I already said no, and here he is still talking to me. I swivel my head slowly and stare at the man. He’s got dirty blonde hair and his shirt is a short-sleeved muddled brown and green plaid. He’s got one too many buttons unbuttoned and I can see his unruly carpet of chest hair. It truly is one of the most revolting shirts I’ve ever seen.

  “First of all, I wasn’t staring. My friend was just commenting on your shirt. Second of all, I told you I’m not interested. Please leave me alone.”

  “My shirt?”

  My jaw almost drops. Once again, this guy has ignored my blatant comment about not being interested. He’s more concerned about his shirt than he is about the fact that I told him to leave me alone. I feel that familiar sense of panic rising in my throat.

  Ever since the incident last year, strangers stress me out. Unfamiliar places stress me out. I glance around at my friends and see Jess and Harper deep in conversation. The man is still staring at me and the faint stench of his body odor starts making its way to my nostrils. My heartbeat is getting faster and faster as I turn back towards the bar.

  “You were saying something about my shirt? What’s wrong with it?”

  My fear intensifies. He’s not leaving me alone. I can almost feel the scars on my chest starting to burn, like a beacon warning me of danger.

  This is why I don’t go out! This is why I don’t talk to strange men! They just can’t take no for an answer and I’m left feeling vulnerable. The words catch in my throat and my body stiffens even more.

  “You got those drinks yet?”

  Jess’s voice is the best thing I’ve heard in my life. It’s like a lifejacket when I’m about to go under. She slides in between me and the man and turns her back to him. I glance over her shoulder and see the beginning of anger in his eyes, and I pray that he’s not the type to get upset. I turn back to Jess.

  “No, not yet. The bartender is pretty busy.”

  She nods and waves her hand. Within seconds, she has our drinks ordered and paid for. They arrive a minute later and we grab them, heading back towards Harper.

  “What was that about?”

  “He came up to me at the bar and asked why I was staring at him. I told him I was staring at his shirt and to leave me alone but he wouldn’t take a hint,” I respond. My heart is still pounding in my chest.

  Jess puts an arm around my shoulder. “I’m sorry, Rosie. I was just trying to have a bit of fun. If you’re not ready to be with a guy then you’re not ready.”

  She hugs me and Harper puts her arm around me too. “We’re here for you. However long it takes you to feel comfortable around people is fine. The fact that you’re out in a bar is a big deal!”

  I feel the tears gathering behind my eyelids. “Thanks Jess. I just don’t think I’m ready to let a man into my house or into my life. I still start freaking out whenever someone talks to me.”

  She squeezes my shoulder and Harper clears her throat. Her eyes are filling with tears. I shake my head as a pang passes through my heart. The last thing I want to do is make Harper feel bad about it!

  Jess shrugs. “I wouldn’t worry about it, Rosie. His shirt truly is one of the ugliest things I’ve ever seen. It was even worse up close.” She takes a sip of her drink and I start chuckling. Harper cracks a smile and Jess brings her drink down again. “And that chest hair! God! At least a trim! I’m not a fan of waxed chests, you know, I like a bit of chest hair on a man but even I have my limits!”

  Jess shakes her head and now both Harper and I are laughing. My shoulders relax and I let the air out of my lungs. I know I was overreacting, but both Jess and Harper understand. Harper starts telling us about her daughter and the panic inside me dissipates completely. I know there won’t be any more talk of men or getting laid tonight, and I’m glad.



  “You sure you don’t want to come out? It’s your last night!” Max is looking at me expectantly, one eyebrow raised as he gauges my reaction. I try to smile but I think it might look like a grimace.

  “Nah, I’ll just take a cab to the hotel. Early flight tomorrow.”

  Max shakes his head and grabs his jacket. “Your loss, man. There’s a lot of great women in New York City.”

  “Thanks, Max. I’m just tired tonight. Want to hit the ground running with this stuff when I get back to LA.” I wave my hand across my desk at the neat stacks of paper that are ready to be packed into my bag. Max shrugs.

  “Alright, well I’m going to head out. We’ll be in touch later in the week for the launch.”

  “Have fun,” I say as Max turns around and walks out. I sigh in relief. I couldn’t think of anything worse than going out drinking tonight. His promise of ‘great women’ just makes me think of loud bars and loud women and people rubbing up against each other. I haven’t met any ‘great women’ since my wife died, and I’m not sure they exist anymore. I just want to sleep.

  I rub my eyes and run my fingers through my hair. My body is aching and I haven’t even been to the gym all week. It was supposed to be a short business trip, over and back in two days, but it’s stretched out to ten days, twelve to fourteen hours in the office every day.

  We’re launching my client’s new music album in a week, and Max’s advertising firm is the best in the country. I glance at the advertisement mockups and the schedules laid out in front of me and take a deep breath. The next few weeks will be completely manic, but they’re crucial if we want this album to top the charts.

  My phone buzzes and I smile as I see the name pop up.

  “Hey kiddo,” I say into the receiver.

  “Dad! I got 98% of my math quiz today!”

  “Wow!” I exclaim. “That’s amazing!” I mean it too. I lean back in my chair and listen to my daughter as she tells me about her day. I smile and close my eyes.

  “So you’re going to be back tomorrow?”

  “Yep, tomorrow afternoon. Can’t wait to give you a big hug, Allie.”

  “Me too!” Her voice is full of energy. “I have a surprise for you!”

  “A surprise!” I answer. “What is it?”

  “I can’t tell you, then it wouldn’t be a surprise!”

  I feel my shoulders relax and the smile spread from my face through my whole body. Ten days was far too long to be away from my little girl. She giggles and I feel that familiar warmth spreading in my chest whenever she makes me laugh.

  “Okay, I gotta go, kiddo. I have to pack and get ready for my flight. I’ll see you tomorrow.”

  “See you tomorrow, love you Dad!”

  “I love you too, Allie.”

  We hang up and I sigh. Hearing her voice was exactly what I needed. Whenever I feel like I’m too focused on work she always reminds me of wha
t’s important, and tomorrow I get to see that little grin and kiss her cheeks. I stand up and start stacking my files. I slip them into my briefcase and then pack up my laptop.

  I flick off the lights and look back at my temporary office. Hopefully I won’t have to be back here for a long time. I’ll get this album off the ground and take a few weeks off to spend with Allie.

  When I step outside, the cool night air hits my face and I fill my lungs. I take a deep breath and smile. I’ll be back home tomorrow.

  I glance up and down the street and frown when I don’t see a cab. I turn towards the nearest main road and let my feet take me there as my mind wanders back to LA, to our little house in the suburbs and to Allie’s smiling face.

  Ninety-eight percent! I think as I shake my head. She’s smarter than her old man, that’s for sure. I smile and turn my head just as a cab turns down the street. Perfect. I extend my hand and watch as he puts his indicator on and starts to pull over.

  I glance down and see my shoe is untied. I wave at the cab until it starts to pull over and then bend over to tie my shoelace. I hum to myself as I tie my shoe, not paying attention to anything except the lightness in my heart. I’m going home, finally.

  I hear a car door slam and I glance at the cab. He’s still there, so I stand up and start jogging over to it. Just a few more hours and I’ll be with my little girl and out of the chaos of New York City.



  “See you in the morning for brunch!” I call out as Jess and Harper head off in the opposite direction as me.

  “Definitely!” says Jess. “Maybe the waiter will be hot and you’ll have more luck getting laid tomorrow.” She winks and I roll my eyes, laughing. She’s relentless. I hope the waiters are all women and I won’t have to deal with her jokes all day tomorrow. One night interacting with strangers was more than enough.


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