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Chronicles of Benjamin Jamison 4: Empires at War (Part One)

Page 6

by Thomas A. Wright

  “Oh yeah, Dad,” she replied almost immediately, clearly stifling a giggle. “This is some crazy stuff. We’ve been listening and laughing our asses off.”

  “Did you hear? Your old man is better in the sack than three of those sons-of-bitches combined.”

  “Really, Dad? I heard it once. Did you have to burn my ears out a second time?”

  “I guess I’ll have to find three horny Cjittan males and find out for myself,” Adeen joked, or at least I thought it was a joke.

  “Snake, Genius, they just walked out the garden doors. Enjoy yourselves for a little while longer, then slip out and get back here,” I ordered.

  Angel was leading her target farther into the garden with Shawna not far behind. “Damn, honey, they had you locked away for a while. You’re gonna rub a hole in my dress,” Angel said in a playful tone.

  All I had was audio now of two horny assholes getting close to assaulting my girls. “Hey. You’re hurting me, calm down,” I heard Shawna say, trying to keep control. “I’m gonna give it to you so good, baby, it’s gonna blow your mind.” There was silence and then a thump. “See, I told you, you piece of shit. Sweet dreams. Mine is in the dirt.” She sounded relieved.

  “Hmmm, you’re strong,” I heard Angel say. “Turn around for a minute and I’ll reach around you. Believe me, you’ll like it.” There was a pause and then another thump. “Oh, what? I’m sorry, did that hurt? Night-night, freak show.” I couldn’t help but laugh at that.

  “Load and go, quickly now,” I said.

  “We’re on it,” Adeen said. “Ooh, ouch. Ok, Boss, they are loaded, courtesy of Imelda.”

  “She didn’t eat them, did she?”

  “No, she just reached out with her legs, snagged them both and threw them into the shuttle. There isn’t enough room for all of us, just so you know. We flew here with the ramp down and her big hairy ass hangin’ out.”

  “Ok, Adeen, it’s your show now. It’s a big garden. Just find a place, Imelda will follow. Then, if they did it, let Imelda do her thing. If they didn’t, then you can beat the shit out of them, dope them and dump them somewhere.”

  “Yes sir, your ruthlessness, your wish is my command. Or at least it used to be. I kinda miss it.”


  “Ok, sir, down to business. We will see you later.”

  “One last thing,” Angel said. “Are you sure we shouldn’t just turn them over if they confess?”

  “Let’s say we did,” I told her. “Maybe they would get what’s coming to them, but it’s a giant fucking maybe. We aren’t citizens, and Binda didn’t die. I bet they if they tried to kill us all, there are only a few who would care, and then they still couldn’t or wouldn’t do anything about it. Don’t forget, they strolled right in and attacked her without being seen. Do those two look like super spies, or even capable of stealth at all? I think there are others involved in this, so get to work and find out who helped them!”

  I cut the feed and watched the monitor for a while, curious as to what my other half would be doing. Beside me, Binda still slept, breathing evenly. I reached over and held her hand. Genius was still with Zora, both smiling. I had to wonder if she was running a con by getting close to the smartest person on my team. Snake and Crnana were holding drinks and talking easily while Crnana watched Taz moving around, talking to fellow partygoers. I didn’t see the other two, but that didn’t mean they weren’t there. The ambassador had found herself someone to talk to and she was almost sitting in his lap.

  This was all good, I thought. I was so glad they all hated each other, since it meant they wouldn’t be looking for the other two for a while. I couldn’t hear anything so I assumed Genius had removed the bug, wanting a little privacy. I was a little jealous that it wasn’t Taz and me dancing and smiling, holding each other, but I had to admit it wasn’t her fault. I really hoped Zora liked Genius. Maybe something could work out for them, but I wasn’t sure her mind was wired for a normal relationship.

  Star charts. That’s what I needed to be looking at, which way to go. Allond, Trillond, or maybe toward the Khalnalax. After all, there was still the dream that had started everything. I didn’t think I would get any help from Taz, but maybe Xamand would be interested after he heard the whole story. After all, they all could be in danger.

  “Benjamin, do you copy?” Angel asked. She left the mic open and I heard a pop in the background.

  “I’m here, go ahead.”

  “Adeen says to tell you there are lots of teeth on the floor, but they aren’t talking. One got angry and said he would rather die than tell us anything. I guess whatever we did to them was better than what would happen if they talked.”

  “Which implies they know something and aren’t innocent, right?”

  “Seems that way.”

  “Have they seen Imelda yet? Do they know she is there?”


  “Good. Take off their blindfolds and have Adeen pick the one she thinks will talk, then feed the other to Imelda. That should provide some inspiration to the one that’s left, and he may change his mind about who he is better off with.”

  “You’re gonna kill him anyway, though.”

  “Well yeah, I promised Imelda two and I can’t go back on my word now, can I?” Just as I spoke, a perimeter alarm started beeping. “Hey, I gotta go. Tell Adeen I want the info and to keep knocking out teeth till she gets it.”

  Now what the hell do those two want? I thought, watching Lemra and Romoc approaching the Claymore. “Claymore, activate protocol Andrea 2 dash 1 and upgrade to dash 5 on my command,” I ordered. Once a month, I reset all my codes after I had found out someone tried to hack them. I had come to terms with my loss and the others knew it, but we still didn’t talk about her and I didn’t think they would try her name if they were hacking my files. In a matter of minutes, I was off the ship, waiting for them at the bottom of the ramp.

  “You two look lovely tonight. Did you miss me?” I asked, holding my arms out for a hug.

  “We did,” Lemra said. “It’s a shame you won’t let us stay the night with you and our queen. Did it really affect you so much?”

  “Let’s not talk about that again,” I said. “You know how the three of you affect me. So what brings you out? I’ll need to check on Binda soon, so I can’t stand here all night.”

  “Have you left the Claymore tonight?” Romoc asked.

  “No, I’ve been here since we brought the doctor and Binda to the ship. Why are you asking?”

  “The queen misses you, so she asked us to check on you.”

  “Oh, I see,” I said. “So we’re friends, right? Me, you two, and Crnana.”

  “Yes, Benjamin, I feel we have all bonded in friendship,” Lemra said.

  “Good. I thought as much,” I replied. “So then why are you here now trying to bullshit me? She was here five hours ago and left pissed off. So tell her if she misses me that I miss her too and expect her here tonight when the reception is over unless she has other plans. Does she have other plans, Romoc?” I asked staring her in her big charcoal eyes.

  “I am not aware of any, Benjamin, but that does not mean she has none or that she will come here to you. You should not be surprised if you remain alone.”

  “Ok, so what do you want? And try it without lying this time!”

  “We are quietly looking for the husband of the ambassador along with the queen’s escort for the evening.”

  “Sorry, not my type or fans of mine,” I replied shortly. “I’m surprised they aren’t hanging all over Tazleaha. I thought they wanted in her royal panties.”

  “The process for the selection of a mate for the queen has been our tradition longer than your species has been in existence,” said Lemra. She couldn’t help smirking and looked at her sister.

  “Benjamin you know Tazleaha doesn’t wear panties,” Romoc said, trying to ease his foul mood.

  “So? It was stupid thousands of years ago and it’s stupid now. If you’re done wasting my
time, I have a crew member to care for. I hope you find those idiots, and don’t give Taz my message, all right? I changed my mind. I’m happy to be alone.”

  “Benjamin, we have been instructed to search your ship,” Lemra said and sighed, realizing their levity hadn’t worked. “The queen would rather we do it instead of Minister Zora’s soldiers or the palace guard.”

  “If I say no, what are you gonna do?”

  “We will leave and report back and then you can expect a visit of a different kind.”

  “You think a threat like that scares me? I bet I can kill them all, and I bet to win.”

  “Benjamin, please calm down. We are not here to antagonize you,” Lemra continued. “We realize there are things you still do not comprehend. Let us look and avoid the loss of lives and the loss of true love. If you start killing our people, it will end whatever it is you and Tazleaha share. There will be no hope for the two of you.”

  “She has a list of candidates and you both know it, so she will not feel the loss for very long.”

  “Does your species have eyes? Do you not see she has chosen you? There is no other, but until the time when you are able to join as one, you have to be patient and put up with those who are within their right to try to seek her favor,” Lemra chastised, though not too harshly.

  “Well said, sister, but he may understand me better,” Romoc added. “Just keep beating them till they are bloody, since that is one of your rights, to defend your position. They will tire of it and go back to easier pursuits.”

  “If I let you in the Claymore, Harry and Nedra go with you,” I told them, ignoring Romoc’s comment.

  “That is acceptable, as I am fond of them both,” Lemra said, looking thoughtful.

  “Harry,” I said into my com, “can you and Nedra come outside please? I need you to escort two of the terrible trio on a tour through the ship. They are looking for two missing citizens.”

  “On our way,” Harry responded.

  I had probably interrupted something, but hell, they could go back to it after they were done showing these two around. “They will be here in a minute,” I told Harry. “I’m going back to Binda’s room.”

  I met them in the corridor in passing. “You both know who they are looking for,” I told them. “Nedra, you take the lead in answering their questions. Get them the hell out of here as fast as possible. The others will be coming back soon.”

  “It will be fine,” she said. “They are not the enemy, Benjamin. They are doing as instructed and we know there is no one here.”

  “I’ll be in Binda’s room,” I replied. “Just let me know when they’re gone.”


  “What do you think is happening with the others?” Snake asked Genius. They stood together; their temporary partners had moved on, so they were holding up a wall near the bar.

  “I think we need to talk about something else,” Genius said, looking around. “We will find out soon enough.”

  “That Zora you were with, she sure is a fine-looking woman!” Snake said, changing the subject to one Genius wanted to talk about even less.

  “She is, and please don’t get crude. You tend to go on and on,” Genius snapped. “I can see as well as you.”

  “Ok, ok,” Snake said. “Well, Angel and Shawna looked damn fine too. It sucks they had to go. I thought at one time that Shawna and you might get together. Back on the Warhammer, you two seemed cozy at times.”

  “It had crossed my mind,” Genius said, “until that night you were drunk and talking about how you and her got together. You remember that, don’t you?”

  “Aww man,” Snake said, “it wasn’t anything! She had some ragin’ hormones or something going on. She basically used me for about ten minutes, then patted my cheek, slid off my bunk and left. There is nothing between us. I was the one violated.”

  “Snake, you bragged your ass off about that,” Genius said with a laugh. “You went on about being the man.”

  “You know better,” Snake scoffed. “I was drunk and I embellished it some. Why you gotta be like that? Not like you didn’t serve with us all these years. That’s what shore leave was for—drinkin’, fuckin’, and lying about fuckin’. The more drinking we did, the bigger the lies. Nothing changes.”

  “All right, shut up. We have incoming. I think it would be a good idea to go back to our rooms, so let’s say good night and get out of here,” Genius grumbled, still not happy with the conversation, but not really mad. Snake had saved his ass more times than he cared to think about, so he knew he would get over it. They both stood up straight, ready to leave.

  “Are you leaving? The reception isn’t even half over,” Crnana said, walking with Zora toward them.

  “Yeah, Ben wanted us to make an appearance but not stay long enough to embarrass Taz,” Snake replied.

  “You should refer to her as Her Majesty or Queen Tazleaha, or anything more respectful than the bastardized name you and your people have given her,” Zora said coldly to Snake.

  “Yeah ok, I’ll sleep on that. Hey Crnana, would you tell Taz thank you for the hospitality, and it was a great party,” Snake said in an easygoing tone, not letting Zora ruffle him.

  “You’re leaving as well?” Zora asked Genius, who was trailing Snake and looking back at her.

  “Yeah,” he said. “Maybe I can see you tomorrow, we’ll do lunch?”

  “Possibly, maybe,” Zora said, nodding, sparing a quick glance at Crnana and trying not to smile. She was beginning to understand what her queen saw in the humans. Genius was as his name implied, but he was also attentive, calm, and respectful. He looked her in the eyes when they talked. He didn’t have the air of superiority about him that so many of the male nobility demonstrated.

  “You are lucky, Zora,” Crnana said, watching her watch Genius walk away. “If you chose to, you could take him to your bed tonight. I have to be ever vigilant to the oath my family swore.”

  “Your family is proud of the dedication and loyalty you show the queen. The queen loves all three of you. Her mother could not have picked better guardians from anywhere in the Empire,” Zora praised, smiling at the other woman.

  Yes, we serve till we die, but it would be good to be a normal woman, living, loving and letting my desires run free, Crnana thought, watching the two humans walk away.

  Lemra’s voice crackling over the com brought Crnana out of her daydream. “Tell the queen we searched the Claymore and found nothing. Harry and Nedra were helpful and showed no hesitation in assisting us. Benjamin is not happy, but I believe she predicted he wouldn’t be. He also says for her not to show her face on his ship.”

  Crnana smiled at the last part of the message. There would be some excitement in the near future.

  Chapter 4

  “Natalia, the Claymore is clear of visitors for the moment,” I said over the com. “Make a high pass and scan before you come in to land. Did you clean up the shuttle? Blood, teeth, other bits and pieces?”

  “Yes, I took it out to the island on the lake and parked it on the beach. The others swam and I rinsed the back out. You should come out and meet us when we land. There are three half-naked women in the back.”

  “We can hear you, Natalia,” Adeen called out.

  “I got enough troubles, Daughter,” I answered. “See you soon.”


  Natalia let them out near the ramp of the Claymore and watched them hustle inside. Imelda had gone first and lay down under the ship, letting her meal digest. The ride back was crowded but short. Everything seemed about right. It had taken thirty days, give or take, before something happened. That was the story of her father’s life. She had hoped he would find some peace after the ordeal on Athena. He told her it was like when they used to be on patrol and didn’t sleep for days. Adeen would tell them you can sleep when you’re dead, and he told her that he would find peace when he was dead. It was most likely the truth.

  She found a spot in between two larger ships to land the shuttle. She enjo
yed being the pilot, and no one but her knew where she was putting it. The port patrol might run across it and find out it was the queen’s, but what were they gonna do? She turned off the cloak and shut it down to minimal power, slapped the button for the ramp, and waited for it to hit the ground. Halfway down she saw six to eight individuals waiting on her. She opened a line to her father on her com but didn’t say a word.

  “Natalia! What are you doing out in my shuttle at this time of night?” Tazleaha asked. Crnana and Zora were standing on either side of her.

  “I went to the lake for a swim,” Natalia answered.

  “Alone? Child, you shouldn’t be out alone. Is anyone else on the shuttle?” Tazleaha didn’t wait for an answer. Her nod sent Crnana and Zora up to look.

  “Yeah, I know. Someone might try to poison me,” Natalia said. Her answer was not what Taz expected.

  “There is no need for that attitude,” Tazleaha answered shortly.

  The lights in the shuttle came on. The two searchers looked around and both studied the floor.

  “There is water and some sand. It seems consistent with what she is telling us,” Crnana said, studying the floor.

  “Yet she is dry, and there are is no wet clothing or anything on the shuttle that would suggest a planned trip to the lake,” Zora said.

  “Did I say I was alone? No, she said I was alone,” Natalia said, coming up behind them. “The others took my wet things so I wouldn’t have to carry them back. Are we done here? I wanna go to bed—unless you are going to arrest me for borrowing your precious shuttle.”

  Zora grabbed Natalia’s arm and spun her around to face her. “We are done when the queen says we are,” she said.

  “If you don’t get your hand off of me, blondie, I’m gonna mess your pretty little face up.” Natalia’s hand rested on her knife as she began a stare-down with Zora.

  “Natalia, Zora, enough!” Tazleaha called out. “Natalia, do not threaten my people. You are all here as my guests. I would hate to have to confine you to the palace.”

  “Like that would stop me if I wanted to leave.”

  “Come, we will walk you to the Claymore.”


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