Book Read Free

The Men of Ramshire

Page 17

by Diane Lennox

  Leander nearly dropped his glass. By the fucking gods, he was being propositioned. Probably in the sweetest, non-threatening way possible, but still!

  “I…” What was he was supposed to say?!

  “I’ll walk you back home after too, even if it means getting torn apart by your father,” Dimitrius said with a little smirk.

  “B-but I’ve never…”

  Dimitrius cocked an eyebrow at him. “Never what?”

  “Anything!” Leander exclaimed.

  “Then like I said, we can just sit and hold hands.”

  “But why? What’s in this for you?” Leander asked before he could stop himself.

  “A chance to be with someone like you for just a night.”

  Leander shook his head. “I’m nothing special, I assure you.”

  “We’ll just have to agree to disagree on that one,” Dimitrius said and reached for his beer again, taking a sip. “Just so you know, the next dance is gonna come on soon and they don’t like people leaving during a performance. You don’t have to decide right away, but I just wanted you to know in case you didn’t want to stay for another dance.”

  Leander bit at his lip. Simon told him not to run off with any strange men, but he knew if he went home still feeling restless he was going to end up taking it out on Simon again, and he didn’t want to feel resentful towards him knowing he could get the sort of attention Leander needed right now from Alexei while Leander had no one.

  “I have two requests,” Leander said.

  “What are they?”

  “One, I’m allowed to give my brother your address so he knows where I am. Just him though, not my father, grandfather, or older brothers,” Leander said. “And two, you walk me back home like you offered.”

  Dimitrius nodded. “I can live with that. Why pick the one brother though?”

  “He’s the most important,” Leander said with a fond little smirk. “Just one second though, I should text my older brothers and tell them I’m leaving and not to worry. The other one is a security guard here so he may see me leave with you.”

  Dimitrius chuckled softly and downed the last of his beer. “I’m so gonna die tonight.”

  “You’re not going to die,” Leander said, grinning a little himself as he pulled out his phone and quickly texted both Jamie and Amos in the same message. He wasn’t sure if Amos would be able to check his phone while on duty, but he knew Jamie would get him the message somehow. “Alright, I’m ready.”

  “Then let’s go,” Dimitrius said then stood, put on his jacket, and offered Leander his arm.

  Leander stood and blinked a little in surprise as he took Dimitrius’ arm. He’d momentarily forgotten that there was such a large height difference between them. He had to be at least six inches taller than Dimitrius, probably more.

  However, Dimitrius didn’t seem to mind in the least as he confidently exited the Ruby Room and the casino itself, leading Leander southwards through the downtown core.

  “Is your place far?” Leander asked, trying not to get nervous now that he was away from the relative safety of the casino and the reality of what he had just agreed to was sinking in – he was going to a strange man’s home with the intention of doing not entirely appropriate things. Dear gods, what in the hells was he thinking?!

  “It’ll be about a fifteen minute walk to get there. I’m just on the south edge of downtown,” Dimitrius said. “And remember you can bail on this at any time, okay? If you want to go home right now I’ll walk you home like I promised I would.”

  “Okay,” Leander said, relaxing almost immediately at his words. He wasn’t quite sure how Dimitrius knew what to say to calm him down, but he was shockingly good at it.

  “So what do you do, Leander? Are you in school? Working?” Dimitrius asked.

  “I’m studying art at the university, mostly literature and theatre,” Leander replied, glad that Dimitrius wasn’t letting any awkward silence fall between them. “What about you?”

  “Working construction right now. I’m part of a team fixing up some of the older buildings in the south end.”

  “Do you enjoy it?” Leander asked, not all that surprised that Dimitrius was some sort of labourer judging by his build, the tattoos, and his roughed up clothes.

  “I do, but I’m sorta torn right now. I love being outside and doing physical work, but my other passion is computers, so I’m trying to figure out how I can balance the two,” Dimitrius replied.

  “Computers?” Leander echoed, surprised by that revelation. “What do you mean by computers? Like building them? Programming? Digital arts?”

  Dimitrius chuckled. “All of the above? I think it would be pretty awesome to work on a computer game or perhaps help build new video editing software.”

  Leander grinned brightly. “That’s amazing! Have you gone to school for any of it?”

  “All self-taught by doing my own research and tests. I don’t do well in school, I get impatient.”

  “School is definitely not for everyone. Have you ever thought about doing construction part time and using the rest of the time to build your own editing software?”

  “I have, but, well, I guess I’m sorta nervous to take that leap and go for it. I’m worried I’ll invest all this time into a project and someone will beat me to the punch and put out something better than what I could do.”

  “Then just take their idea and improve upon it.”

  Dimitrius let out another soft chuckle. “I suppose you may be onto something there. And what about you? You planning on becoming a big time writer?”

  “I’m not sure yet, to be honest,” Leander said then bit at his lip. “I do have delusions of grandeur sometimes though and imagine writing a play that the Gardenia would put on.”

  “Then you should go for it. If you think I can make an editing program that people would actually like then I think you can write a play for the Gardenia,” Dimitrius said then looked up at Leander. “Maybe the pair of us need to make a pact of some sort so we’ll actually go for our dreams instead of just thinking about them.”

  “Maybe we should,” Leander agreed. “But not yet.”

  Dimitrius cocked an eyebrow. “What has to happen first?”

  “We need to get to know each other better. I need to know if you’re worthy enough to be making a pact with,” Leander said teasingly.

  Dimitrius let out a low whistle. “Come on now, don’t you be getting my hopes up here. I’m expecting this little tryst to last for one night only.”

  “Is that what you’d like?”

  “I’m not sure what I’d like yet. Let’s see how this night goes first,” Dimitrius said and sent Leander a little wink.

  Leander blushed brightly and looked away, enjoying the wink far too much. Dimitrius was becoming more and more intriguing the more Leander learned about him.

  They talked a little more about what classes Leander was taking at school until they stopped at Dimitrius’ apartment complex which sat just on the cusp of the nice side of town.

  “You still want to come up?” Dimitrius asked as they approached the door.

  Leander nodded. “Yes.”

  “And would that answer change if I admitted that I’m a total nerd and may or may not have fantasy pictures and figurines all around my place?”

  Leander started to giggle, trying to imagine it. “That only makes me want to go up more.”

  Dimitrius grinned up at him. “If I had known you were into that sort of thing I would have told you sooner,” he said then pulled out his key and got them inside.

  The building itself was very well maintained, at least what Leander saw of it was as they made their way to Dimitrius’ apartment on the second floor.

  “Wait,” Leander said before Dimitrius opened the door. “Tell me the exact address of your place so I can text my brother.”

  “Right. It’s apartment number 204, 10 Violet Drive,” Dimitrius said.

  Leander nodded then pulled out his cell phone and quickly t
yped away to Simon.

  Hi Simon, I hope you’re having a good night. Um, so, I went against your wishes and have gone home with a strange man, but don’t worry, I’ll be home tonight. His address is 204 10 Violet Drive, and I’m only telling you this to be on the safe side, please don’t come marching over here unnecessarily. I’ll tell you about it later. Love you.

  “There,” Leander said and put his phone away in his pocket. “Now we can go inside.”

  Dimitrius opened the door and Leander followed him in, the two of them taking off their coats and boots at the door.

  “Oh wow,” Leander said, walking into the space. It was a small, studio apartment, covered in everything fantasy related just like Dimitrius had warned him. However, Leander had expected it to be a little childlike or tacky, but Dimitrius had some serious style. All the shelves that held the little figurines and myriads of books were a matching warm, dark wood colour as well as the frames around the various pictures depicting beautiful otherworldly landscapes and castles. Even his desk which held a very impressive computer setup was very fantastical with runes burnt into the legs and around the edges. His bed, however, was definitely the highlight of the room. It was a huge four poster bed with beautiful embroidered drapes all around it, making the space feel even more like it was in some fantastical castle.

  “So, um, what do you think?” Dimitrius asked, sounding a little nervous.

  “It’s beautiful!” Leander said, spinning about and giggling.

  Dimitrius grinned widely up at him. “See, I knew you were special. Takes a different sort of man to appreciate the childlike whimsy of my home.”

  “I wouldn’t call this place childlike at all. Whimsical, yes, but not childlike. I think it’s very tasteful,” Leander said, making his way around the place to look at all the pictures and figurines up close. “Or maybe I’m just a big child myself.”

  Dimitrius just chuckled in response. “Perhaps we both are. Would you like anything to drink? Water? Juice?”

  “Water, please,” Leander replied and watched Dimitrius grab a fancy looking glass mug out of the cupboard and pour him some water from a jug in the fridge.

  “Even your glasses look like they belong in a fantasy movie,” Leander said as he took the mug from Dimitrius and took a few a sips.

  “I find ‘real life’ to be boring and pretty uninspiring most of the time. I like to surround myself with stuff that makes life feel a little more magical.”

  “It’s wonderful,” Leander said and wondered where he should sit. There wasn’t really a living room area. All there was for places to sit were the kitchen table, his bed, or the computer desk. He also noticed there was no television. “Do you not watch TV?”

  “I watch everything on my computer,” Dimitrius replied. “Why? Did you want to watch something together?”

  “Well, maybe? I’m, um, not really sure what to do now that we’re here…” Leander admitted, fidgeting with the glass of water in his hands.

  Dimitrius walked up to him and gently took the glass from him, set it on the table, then took Leander’s hand and led him to the bed. There he pulled on a heavy looking rope and the curtains pulled back, giving the two of them space to sit on the edge of the bed together.

  “Just tell me what you’d like to do and we’ll do it. You can say anything at all. I promise I won’t find anything too forward or too strange,” Dimitrius said, his voice warm and reassuring just like it was back at the Ruby Room.

  Leander giggled a little, his nerves getting the better of him. “Is that what you say to all the men you bring back here?”

  “Well, for one, I don’t usually bring men to my place, I usually go to theirs,” Dimitrius said with a smirk, gesturing to all the fantastical things in his apartment. “Secondly, I don’t do it all that often. And lastly, I can’t honestly imagine you saying anything so strange that I wouldn’t do it, so I feel pretty safe in saying something like that to you.”

  Leander bit at his lip. “I still don’t really understand why you would ask me here knowing you might not get anything from me. I’m a poor one night stand.”

  “Because you intrigue me, and I think a night with you would be in many ways far more satisfying than a more steamy night with another man, even if all we did was sit here and talk.”

  “May I ask you something?” Leander asked.

  “Go ahead.”

  “How old are you?”

  “Twenty six. How about you?”

  “Twenty,” Leander said, not expecting Dimitrius to be quite that much older than himself.

  “Am I too old for you?” Dimitrius asked.

  Leander shook his head. “I was just curious. I mean, it is a decently large age gap, but it’s not that bad.”

  “Do you not like older men?”

  “I’m not sure,” Leander admitted. “I’m not really sure what I like.”

  “Well you obviously don’t mind short men,” Dimitrius said with a little smirk.

  Leander tilted his head, considering the statement. “I think I don’t mind with you because you’re quite built. I’m not sure if I’d be attracted to a smaller man who was as thin as I was.”

  “That’s fair,” Dimitrius said with a little nod.



  “Do you really mean it, about you doing anything I asked?”

  “Within reason, yes.”

  “Would you… would you pick me up? And carry me like a flower prince?” Leander asked, feeling a little silly asking, but it was something he had always wanted to try and it seemed like a very safe thing to ask for.

  “Of course,” Dimitrius said and in one smooth movement stood and picked Leander up off the bed like he weighed nothing at all.

  Leander gasped, not expecting it to happen so fast, and instinctively wrapped his arms around Dimitrius’ neck and shoulders.

  Dimitrius chuckled softly, his hazel eyes twinkling in a very pleasant way as he looked to Leander. “You’re so light!”

  “You’re just strong!” Leander shot back, giggling a little himself. “Carry me around the table?”

  “Of course,” Dimitrius said and took Leander on a little tour around the kitchen. It was somewhat amusing, being quite lower to the ground than what he was used to, but he felt very secure in Dimitrius’ large arms. And now he could finally understand the appeal of being carried, especially by a strong man. Leander felt safe, doted on, and just in general cared for.

  He started giggling though as an idea came to him.

  “What is it?” Dimitrius asked.

  “I’m scared to say, I don’t want you to be offended.”

  “It’s about my height, isn’t it,” Dimitrius said, already sounding unimpressed.

  “It is, but I don’t mean it badly at all.”

  “Just say it.”

  “I feel like an elven prince being swept off my feet by a dwarven warrior,” Leander replied, giggling again and letting go of Dimitrius so he could hide his face in his hands. “Please don’t be mad, I truly didn’t mean it to be insulting in any way.”

  Dimitrius, however, didn’t say anything in response. Instead he carried Leander back to the bed and gently lied him down before climbing up on the bed with him, kneeling beside him.

  “Are you mad?” Leander asked softly, trying not to be nervous about the fact that he was now lying in another man’s bed with said men staring down at him with an expression that Leander couldn’t read.


  Leander tilted his head. “Then what is it? You’ve gone very quiet on me.”

  “I’m not sure if I should say what I’m thinking.”

  “I’d like it if you did, I’m still not convinced you aren’t mad at me.”

  Dimitrius let out a long, slow breath before reaching down and gently running his thick, callused fingers along Leander’s cheek. “I’ve had a lot of men make fun of me for my height and my love of all things fantasy, yet you managed to appeal to both of those things in
a really sweet and surprisingly sincere way. So I suppose I am a little mad at you, but I’m mad because you’re becoming pretty damned attractive to me and I’ve got no chance in hells with you.”

  Leander shivered at the gentle touch and at those hazel eyes that were now looking at him with an open appreciation. “I can’t promise you anything, but I think no chance in hells would be rather inaccurate.”

  “Don’t,” Dimitrius said, his fingers running down Leander’s face to brush against his lips. “Just let me enjoy right now and tell me what else you want from me,” he said then smirked, his eyes twinkling in a way that made him look both teasing and pleased. “This dwarven warrior is at your service, my prince.”

  Leander could feel tendrils of his dark ambition try to climb out of the depth of his gut at those words. Why was everyone so willing to take care of him and do whatever he asked? Even his older brothers had seemed so eager to help him tonight. He supposed it was normal for family, but why Dimitrius? He supposed Dimitrius was getting something out of this too, at least a little bit, but it still didn’t make sense to Leander. And the problem was now that Dimitrius seemed to be under his spell it made Leander want to see how far he could push it, how much he could ask Dimitrius to do until he was at the limits of his gentlemanly resolve.

  Dimitrius’ hand stilled against his cheek and suddenly there was mistrust back in his eyes.

  “What is it?” Leander asked.

  “I think you should be telling me that. What were you thinking just now?”


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