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Broken Silence

Page 14

by Jade Buchanan

  Rich laughed. Yeah, Andrew was definitely something else. “I don’t think your friend likes me.”

  He was glad Matthew didn’t immediately try to say something different. The other man grimaced instead.

  “He’s not always the nicest person. He just wants to protect me.”

  Protect him? From Rich? Did Matthew feel the same way? “And Andrew thinks I’m bad for you?”

  “They’re just worried.”

  They. Rich thought it was just Andrew, but apparently it was more than that. They probably had the right to be. Rich had done some thinking tonight. Maybe this wasn’t the best thing to do, but he needed to figure out what he wanted. He needed to figure out who he was, too, but one thing at a time.

  “Besides, I’m sure your friends have said some not-so-nice things about me.”

  It was Rich’s turn to grimace. Hell, Rich had said some things about Matthew a time or two. That was all before he’d gotten to know him, though. He realized how much he’d been part of the problem in the past. Hell, the last time Doobie had made a gay joke, Rich had actually chastised him for it. Shocked the hell out of his friends, but there you had it. He was changing, and it was all due to Matthew’s influence.

  “Yeah. My friends are idiots. I’ve never denied that.”

  “Especially Doobie. I think he was dropped on his head as a child.”

  “Ah, man. That dumbass is so stupid he could fall into a bucket full of titties and come out sucking his thumb.”

  “Nice one. That’s quite the image.”

  “I try.”

  Matthew shifted. “Are we okay?”

  Rich curled his arm around him and pulled him closer. He rubbed his chin on top of Matthew’s head. “Yeah, we’re okay. Well, maybe we could not spend every minute with your friends this week.” He wouldn’t mind spending some more time one on one with Matthew. He’d hoped to get that tonight, but Matthew had changed his mind and wanted to go back to the condo. Rich wouldn’t lie and say that hadn’t hurt a bit.

  Matthew pulled away enough to look up at Rich. “I have an idea. How about you pick something you want to do. Anything you want to do and we’ll do that tonight.”

  “Yeah, you said that yesterday and that didn’t happen.”


  “You said earlier that we’d walk down the Strip once we’d spent some time gambling.”

  Matthew tensed. “Shit, I did say that didn’t I? I’m sorry. I was just getting upset when Andrew was being a dick, so I completely forgot I said we could find somewhere else to spend some time. Okay, I’ll take you to Caesar’s tonight. You’ll love it. They’ve got a set of huge TVs and they just show sports.”

  “Aren’t we going to one of those fancy shows?” Rich was pretty sure he sounded a bit snarky, but he couldn’t help it. He wasn’t sure if he was going to like the show they’d picked. Hell, most of this week had already been planned in advance by the other men. Not that he should complain about it since he was just filling in for the missing friend who couldn’t make it. Maybe he should just accept that he wasn’t going to get to do something he wanted to do this week. Stop complaining about it and all. What was he, a fucking six year old? Geez.

  “Shit. Okay, tomorrow. We’ll do something tomorrow together. Whatever you want. I promise. Anything you pick, I’ll do it. No complaints. No nothings. I’ll tell the others that they’re not invited. Just you and me.”

  Rich laughed. Geez, Matthew was something else. “Actually, I kinda wanted to see Hoover Dam.”


  “Yeah. It sounds kind of fun.”

  “Okay. Yeah, we can do that. Just the two of us.”

  “Awesome.” Rich smiled. He was looking forward to spending some time with just Matthew. It was part of what he’d decided when he’d been walking around. This week was supposed to be for them to spend time together, after all.

  “So, what now?” Matthew asked.

  “Housekeeping. You want a mint for your pillow?” Rich teased.

  Matthew started to laugh. “Oh, wow, Big Dick. You wanna fool around?”

  Rich ducked his head, discomfited. “Don’t call me that.”

  Matthew snorted. “What? But it’s what all your friends call you.”

  “Yeah, but... it’s different when you’re saying it.”

  “I’m different? What’s that supposed to mean?”

  “No, I just... it feels weird when you call me that.”

  Matthew smirked. “Oh. I see. Okay, Big Dick. I’ll never call you Big Dick again.”

  Shit, he shouldn’t have said anything. He pushed Matthew away. “Stop it.”

  “Big Dick, you make me so horny.” Matthew let out a low moan.

  “I mean it.”

  “Big Dick. Please fuck me, Big Dick. With your big dick, Big Dick.”

  “Okay, I warned you.” Rich lunged toward Matthew, causing the other man to squeal and attempt to get away.

  They rolled around on the bed. Rich let him get the upper hand for a moment because he thought it was funny. They ended up with Matthew lying on his back with Rich leaning over him. Rich slid his hands down Matthew’s chest and stomach before grabbing his junk. He grinned when he realized Matthew was already halfway to hard.

  “God, baby, I love your little dick.” As soon as the words left his mouth, he realized it was the wrong thing to say. Especially after Matthew had just been calling him Big Dick.

  Matthew froze. “What? Little? It's not little.”

  “I didn't mean it like that.”

  “You think I'm little? Like, how little?”

  “It's gigantic, epic, titanic.”

  “Titanic? Like iceberg size?”

  “There's more under the surface.” Rich grinned.

  Matthew pushed him over so Rich was lying on his back. “What? I don't even know what that means. That’s it. Lay time is over.”

  “Lay time?” Rich laughed. He propped himself up on one elbow and looked down at Matthew. God, he loved having fun in bed. He’d never thought this would be possible. It was a great feeling to be able to laugh during sex. Matthew never put any pressure on any of their experiences. It was freeing. He loved it.

  “Play time,” Matthew said.

  “You said lay time.” Rich grinned, reaching out to tickle Matthew.

  “Yeah, that's over too. For ever and ever, amen.”

  “Come on, baby,” Rich said, trying to move over top of Matthew.

  “Don't call me baby, you jerk. And don’t do that. You’re going to stay over on your side of the bed.”

  “Matt. Come on.” Rich tickled him, gratified when Matthew let out a small laugh and squirmed halfway across the bed.

  “Please?” Rich whined.

  “Fine, but you mention the size of either of our dicks again and I might just freeze you out forever.” Matthew smiled as he said the words, letting him know he wasn’t mad.

  “Your dick is massive. Colossal. Extremely impressive.”

  “Yeah, impress this, lover boy.”

  Matthew slid down his body, ending up between Rich’s spread thighs. His lips followed the path his hands had taken, moving over every inch of Rich’s chest and belly. He played with his nipples, sucking them in, giving Rich just the edge of his teeth, before moving on. When he reached Rich’s belly button, he thrust his tongue in and out, making Rich squirm in place.

  Moving further down Rich’s body, Matthew glanced up and met his gaze.

  He couldn’t believe how nice this felt, to know someone the way they knew each other. Rich had never had this, not even with Jonah. He’d never had a lover that he’d gotten to spend this much time with. They knew each other, even after only a handful of times actually fucking. The last two months had been something different, something he’d grown used to. Something he wanted to experience more of.

  Matthew placed the flat of his tongue on the head of Rich’s cock, enveloping him with wet heat. Rich fisted his hands in the blankets.

Shit. Holy crap, that’s nice.”

  Matthew swallowed Rich down, taking half his shaft in one mind blowing move. Rich was almost afraid to breathe, the sensations were so incredible. Shit, Matthew could suck. He closed his eyes, afraid he was going to shoot off like a fucking teenager.

  Opening his eyes when he figured he had himself under control, wanting to see as much of this as he could, Rich murmured nonsense to Matthew. He couldn’t understand a fucking word he was saying so he had no idea if Matthew did, but the man didn’t seem to mind.

  “Fuck, Matt. Suck it. Yeah, just like that. Lick the head. Shit...”

  Sweet beaded on his forehead, and Rich grimaced. He wasn’t going to last like this.

  “Enough, Matthew. I want to fuck you.”

  Matthew complied readily enough, although he did linger at the head of Rich’s cock for an extra second or two.

  “Up you go,” Rich panted.

  Matthew reached over for the bedside table where they’d placed their goodies last night and grabbed the lube and a condom.

  “Don’t fuck around,” Rich warned as he spied the naughty look on Matthew’s face. “If you touch me for more than a second I might end this before it begins.”

  His nurse obviously took him at his word because Matt rolled the condom down Rich’s dick matter-of-factly before sending a wicked glance back at him. He poured a handful of lube out over his fingers before reaching back and teasing his own hole.

  Rich groaned at what he was missing. He reached down and pressed the tip of his forefinger against Matt’s ass, sinking his digit in alongside Matt’s fingers as the other man prepared himself.

  Finally, Matthew wriggled into the place Rich wanted him, straddling his hips and running his ass over and over Rich’s dick.

  “Please...” He didn’t care if the entire condo heard him begging, he just needed to get inside Matt, now.

  Matthew reached back, holding Rich’s shaft steady while he got into position.

  Slowly, drawing out every quivering inch, Matthew sank onto Rich’s cock. Finally he was seated entirely, and Rich couldn’t hold back his tortured groan. Fuck, it felt like heaven.

  He snapped his hips, unable to hold still. Matthew fell to his chest, whimpering, rocking his pelvis back and forth in tiny increments. It wasn’t enough.


  “Fuck me. Hard and fast. Rough. Make me feel it.”

  Rich actually felt his eyes roll back in his head. Christ, he didn’t think that was possible. His toes curled, pleasure zinging through his body. He grabbed hold of Matt’s hips with an iron grip and started thrusting hard and fast into Matthew.

  He wouldn’t last long. Reaching up, he fisted Matthew’s hard cock and let their movements thrust Matt’s dick through his tight fist. He was gratified when Matt groaned and started to come, shooting seed over Rich’s hand.

  The rhythmic contractions of Matt’s ass on his shaft were too much for Rich, and he followed him into orgasm.

  Their shouts of completion joined together, sounding like one voice.

  Rich dropped his head to the pillow beneath him, pulling Matthew in close to his body. Fuck, he was something else.

  Chapter Ten

  “Rise and shine, kiddies.”

  Matthew jerked awake as the sound of Nathan’s voice faded away. He looked over at a passed out Rich and smiled. He didn’t think he’d ever woken up before the other man. This was definitely a nice surprise. He studied Rich’s face for a moment, before getting out of bed and going to use the facilities. As he pulled on his sleep pants, he realized that Rich had just thrown all his clothes from the night before on the ground. Well, he didn’t quite blame him since he’d gotten in pretty late, but Matthew wasn’t going to let them just lay there.

  He picked up his shirt and jeans, feeling all domestic. He liked the feeling. It was different, something he could definitely get used to. Look at him. Geez, Andrew would definitely have something to say about that if Matthew admitted the direction of his thoughts.

  Deciding he might as well put some of their stuff in the laundry, since they’d packed so light knowing they’d have an in-room washer and dryer, he picked up his and Rich’s clothes from the closet floor and carried everything out to the living room to drop it on the coffee table.

  “Good morning, Nathan,” Matthew called out. “Coffee?”

  “Is the Pope Catholic?” Nathan poured an extra cup and handed it to Matthew. He looked more masculine than usual this morning, wearing a plain tee and cargo shorts with bare feet.

  “Thanks. Is Andrew still comatose?”

  “I believe he said something incredibly unflattering to me, before giving me the finger and burying his head under the pillow. He’s not a morning person.”

  Matthew laughed. “Yeah, Rich is passed out in our room, too.”

  Nathan propped a hip against the counter and sipped his cup. “What time did he get in?”

  “I think about two.”

  “Geez, what the heck did he do for four hours after he left us?”

  Matt realized he didn’t know. He hadn’t really asked. They’d done as promised and sat in the hot tub and swam in the pool until nearly midnight before Nathan had complained that he was one big prune. Matthew had tried staying up with a book, worried that Rich wouldn’t find his way back to their place, but he obviously fell asleep while he waited. “I’m not sure. He woke me up when he finally came back and I can’t believe I didn’t ask.”

  “Ah. Did he wake you up? No wonder you were distracted.” Nathan giggled.

  “Well, now that you mention it...” Matthew snorted into his coffee, before putting it aside and starting to sort the laundry.

  “You look happy, Matthew. I like it.”

  Matthew looked up at that. “Thanks. I feel happy. I know you probably have concerns about me being with someone like Rich, but he’s a great guy.”

  “I can tell. I like him. Just ignore Andrew. You know what he’s like. Half of it is jealousy that he’s not with anyone and the other half is just him not thinking anyone is good enough for you. He loves you, and just wants you to have the best. He did the same thing when I dated Tim last year.”

  Considering Nathan and Tim hadn’t worked out, Matthew wasn’t going to touch that one. He nodded instead. Emptying the pockets on his jeans, he shook his head when he uncovered a lip chap that he’d forgotten to remove. Geez, why did he keep doing that? The last time he’d forgotten they’d gone right through the wash and he’d had to re-wash everything. And buy a new lip chap.

  He picked up Rich’s jeans and turned out the pockets. He frowned at the piece of paper that had been folded in half. That would have shredded and gotten into everything if it had gone in the washer. He’d done that before too.

  Curious, he unfolded it and stared at the thick, black writing. Nathan looked over his shoulder to see what he was staring at.

  “That looks like eyeliner pencil,” Nathan said.

  Well, Nathan would know that. “Why would...” He couldn’t finish the sentence.

  Written on the paper was the words thanks for tonite, call me anytime. Tammy. 360-555-9854.

  “Who’s Tammy?” Nathan asked the obvious.

  Matthew shook his head. He had no idea. Picking up Rich’s grey shirt from last night, he froze when he saw the red lipstick print on the collar. What the hell?

  “Oh...” Nathan backed away before going back to the kitchen and grabbing the bottle of Bailey’s that had been left on the counter. “I think this calls for an Irish coffee this morning.”

  Matthew snorted as Nathan tipped some of the liquor into both of their mugs. He dropped the tee to pick up his doctored coffee. Well, this was a surprise. He wasn’t sure what to think. Sure, the evidence could be considered pretty damning, and if he was Andrew he was sure the other man would have already stormed through the condo and cut off someone’s balls, but Matthew wasn’t sure what had really happened.

  Coming on top of Rich’s story about tagging s
ome girl, though, this wasn’t something he wanted to see this morning.

  Sinking down onto the sofa, Matthew sipped his coffee and stared at the blank TV on the wall. He obviously had to ask Rich what had happened, but part of him didn’t want to know, just in case it was worst-case scenario.

  “You know,” Nathan said, “I have this friend, Manny. He drives a train? Anyway, one night he was working late and there was a little old Chinese lady who had all these bags and she was having trouble getting everything sorted. Since there wasn’t anyone else around, Manny helped her out. Carried everything to her car for her. The next day, it’s busy as all hell, and Manny spots the same lady. She yells out across the crowded platform, ‘thanks for last night’ and Manny was mortified. Everyone was staring at him like he’d done something else with the old lady.”

  Matthew turned to look at Nathan. What the hell?

  “The moral of the story is that sometimes when we see something or hear something, we immediately think the worst, but it could be quite innocent. Don’t think about what could have happened, you go in there right now and wake him up and ask him. If you sit for too long and let it sink into your mind you’re going to come up with all sorts of stuff that you probably don’t want in your head. Now, go on with you and I’ll wash these. I’ve gotten lipstick out of more clothes than I can count.”

  Nathan hugged Matthew from the side before turning away and continuing to sort the laundry. He flicked a hand at Matthew to shoo him when he just sat there.

  Snorting, Matthew figured he had a point. He probably would come up with something even worse if he just sat here and let himself think about all the things that could have happened last night. Rich had spent four hours doing who knows what before he’d come back to the condo. He’d obviously met some lady during that time, but Matthew wasn’t sure he wanted to know what he’d done.

  Matthew opened the door to their temporary bedroom and sighed at the sight of a rumpled Rich lying in the bed. The man was beautiful, that was for sure.

  He put a hand on the back of Rich’s head. “Rich?”


  “You awake?” Matthew asked.

  Rich rolled over and looked up at him. “I am now. Morning.”


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