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The Half Moon: Soulbond Series Book 2

Page 9

by Bella C. Devine

  “It's okay.” I assured her as much as myself.

  “I'm good. I think.” Her voice wavered.

  I pulled her next to my side, unwilling to let her go.

  “I'm good, Connor.” She stepped away, but twined her fingers with mine and squeezed.

  I smiled and returned her squeeze. Thankful for our connection. Happy to have her by my side and accepting my support and me. “Good.”

  “You going to tell her, or just stand there with stars in your eyes?” Mitch asked.

  The idiot.

  “Tell me what?” Aylin glared at Mitch, her hatred pouring into our bond like molten lava. Then her scowl moved to me. She took a cautious step back.

  “Aylin, hon.” I tried to pull her closer, but she resisted.

  “Don't hon me, Connor. What's going on?” She tilted her head, encouraging me to spill my guts.

  How did you tell someone that her home, her stuff were gone? Poof!

  “For goodness sakes! Your house burnt down,” Mitch spat out.

  Well, that was not exactly how I would have said it.

  “What?” She slapped her hand over her mouth, as if to hold in her gasp.

  “Hon...” I pointed in the direction where the black smoke rolled over the trees. The fading smell of smoked meat and burnt wood tickled the night air. “When I arrived, your house had been ransacked. I was checking the rooms to make sure no one was there when I noticed an odor of rotten eggs. Then Mitch appeared and practically shoved me out the door as the place blew up.”

  Aylin shoved Mitch. “You sonofabitch.” The words rolled off her tongue like dominoes toppling in sequence. “Why'd you blow up my house? It's not enough for you to try to kill me. Now, you destroy my house and everything in it?”

  “I didn't do it. He probably did.” Mitch pointed to the freckled-face boy, who quivered at Mitch's glare.

  “I...I... I don't deal in explosives,” the boy stuttered.

  “No, but I know dang well you make machines and magic spells with more power than bombs,” Mitch countered.

  Luna pushed between the two men. “Mitch, Thomas wouldn't do that. You know this. He's with us.”

  “You sure?” Mitch raised his shirt. “He tried to kill me tonight.”

  Luna eyed the scar and turned toward the bag holding Thomas's arrows. “That wasn't made by one of his arrows.”

  “What makes you so sure?” I asked. “He has the weapons, the opportunity, and the motive based on Mitch's actions. They don't appear friendly either.”

  “Because Thomas wouldn't hurt you. Would you, Tommy?” Luna asked.

  “Yes, I would.” Thomas's defiant his stance contradicted his shaking hands. “But, unfortunately, it wasn't me.”

  “No offense, guys, but I don't care about an arrow. I care about my house.” Aylin pointed toward the ruins. “I need to see for myself. God, Connor, is it all gone?”

  I wiped a tear from her face and nodded. “I'm so sorry.”

  “If I find out who did this, I’ll put an arrow in their heart myself.”

  The righteousness in her voice matched my own vow. I will protect her with my life.

  “I want to see my house, Connor. Liam can wait.”

  “Agreed. Luna, we need to take you to Liam's. You two”—I pointed to Tommy and Mitch— “should leave. I'm surprised the trackers haven't detained you yet.”

  Luna, Aylin, and I walked back to Aylin's house while Mitch and Tommy disappeared in the forest. Aylin's dread flowed through our bond, weighing down each step. Her hesitation slowed our progress. I placed my hand on her lower back, trying to support her. I would not stop until we figured out what was going on and who was behind the recent attacks.

  If it was Gabriel, I would deal with him, but Gabriel wasn’t a man to hide from a distance and attack so cowardly. He was a man who attacked from the front so you could see how powerful he was.

  Aylin and I would find our rhythm and we would fight. Together.

  Chapter Twelve


  I fought the darkness too many times tonight. The first time, I prevailed. Fighting the black char wrapped around my soul had been easy compared to witnessing the destruction of my home. The frame stood among the ashes. I choked on the smells of burnt wood and smoke that wafted through the air. My knees buckled, refusing to carry me forward.

  Everything gone.

  The loss smothered me and tamped down my spirits. I grabbed a handful of the ashes and sifted the ruins through my fingertips, leaving behind black marks on my palms. I wiped the smeared soot on my pants and fisted my hands.

  The glorious morning planned earlier had vanished — in its place, darkness. Hatred for the person responsible for the devastation before me branded my soul . Why was I being targeted?

  I snarled. Connor. Me. The imprint. My mark.

  “We'll figure it out.” Connor placed a comforting hand on my shoulder, his eyes boring into mine with a sympathy that begged me to listen.

  Will it be okay? I asked myself. “I've nothing left.”

  “Hey!” Connor pulled me into a tight hug. “When you and Drew came to this pack, you had nothing but the clothes on your back. You've built once, and you can do it again.”

  I inhaled. Smoke tainted his woodsy scent. Still, his essence grounded me and I wished away the blemish from the fire. He was right. But I was younger then. Ready to tackle the world. Now, in my late twenties, I didn't want to restart. I wanted the life that I was accustomed to.

  I kicked a charred, unrecognizable lump. Instead of flying through the air, the thing split into a million pieces with ashes flying. Had it been a piece of my house, the furniture? I didn't know.

  The golden embers of the fire sparked then died out. That's what I felt like. A dying fire. As if Connor sensed the darkness spreading through me, he ran his hands down my arms, sparking an inferno deep within my soul. When his hand stopped on my imprint, our connection ignited with new life. Our magic mingled as one. His hopefulness and love moved through my body, lighting my veins, chasing away the darkness. The molten lava reclaimed my sadness with a much stronger emotion —a physical desire that would make me forget about the ruins and concentrate on what we could create together.

  I cupped his chin. The light stubble of his beard scratched my hand. I looked into his eyes and the darkness vanished. He was mine. I might not have my house, my things, but I found something so much more precious. Love.


  That single word sent a shiver down my spine. I couldn't think of any other word to describe this thing between us.

  I moved my lips a breath apart from his and waited, feeling the connection, the anticipation. My body burned for this man. The one who would fight like hell to protect me and always stand beside me.

  “Aylin.” His ragged voice churned the butterflies in my stomach.

  I pulled Connor into a soul-reaching kiss and poured my feelings, my life into it.

  He moaned. His hands roamed down my back, taking control and changing the angle, meeting my fervor for one of his own.

  We broke apart to catch a breath… only to begin another assault.

  My body quivered under his touch. I needed him now. I had lost everything but this man and I wouldn't lose him. Our imprints glowed and circled around each other, the strands twining in an intricate braid.

  But it was the heat of his touch that had my knees buckling and my heart racing. I ran my hands under his shirt, feeling the rock-hard abs beneath.

  “Ahem.” A quiet voice fluttered through the crisp air.

  I moved my kisses along Connor's chin, then suckled the side of his neck. He inhaled an audible breath before pulling back. I reached forward, but another louder, “Ahem,” broke my lust-filled thoughts. Where was I?

  “Sorry.” Luna's whimsical voice barely registered over the pounding of my heart.

  “What?” I asked.

  “Hmm,” Luna flushed.

  Connor and I stood in each other's arms. I didn't want t
o step away from the heat of his touch to the cold reality that surrounded me. The destruction of the life I had created. I built.

  “Luna, kid, just spit it out.” I ran a hand through my hair and finally stepped away from Connor, but I placed a hand at his waist, desperate to maintain our connection.

  “We're getting company.”

  Connor tensed and looked around the empty yard. “Where? Who?”

  He was as dumbfounded as I was.

  “They're coming via a vehicle and will pull up in approximately thirty seconds.” Luna cleared her throat. “I - I didn't think you would want to be in a compromising position when the alpha showed up.”

  My cheeks flushed. Liam somewhat approved of our relationship, but that didn't mean I wanted to be making out like a teenager when he arrived.

  “Thanks, but how do you know they're coming?” I asked. Were Luna's eyes more silver than normal? They practically shimmered.

  A slice of lights spotlighted the surrounding destruction. I slipped my arm tighter around Connor’s waist, drawing from his strength to center myself. I silently chanted my mantra. I am tough. I am the enforcer.

  Liam and Bryn stepped out of the Hummer, followed closely by Drew, Bryn, and Mack. Each one eyed the damage with various degrees of worry, but Drew's sympathy broke my hold on Connor.

  “Aylin, I'm so sorry.” He pulled me into a tight hug. “I know what this place meant to you.”

  I returned his embrace, then moved back to Connor's side. With the highest-ranking members of the pack present, I fought the urge to reach for his hand.

  I'm here for you. Always. Connor's voice filtered through my mind as if he had spoken aloud. I smiled at him and when he returned the smile, I knew he always would be.

  Bryn waddled to our group, a protective hand on her rounded stomach. “And what happened here?”

  “Well, I went to Aylin's house and noticed a smell. I was searching the inside when Mitch pulled me out right before the whole thing blew up.”

  Connor continued to recount how the destruction became, but I was so glad he didn't mention the poison we fought. I was too raw to share those details yet, especially in front of everyone.

  “... and then we found Luna and Aylin and here we are.”

  This close together, the relationship between the sisters was startling. Bryn and Luna's similarities were as strong as their differences. Both women were short and had small frames, but where Bryn had dark hair and green eyes with tan skin, Luna had pale skin with platinum hair and silvery-white eyes.

  “Aylin, I'm sorry,” Liam said. “If you need anything, please let me know. Maybe you should take a few days off duty to get things in order.”

  “Thanks, but no. I need to work.” Work would keep my mind off certain things. I looked at Connor, who eyed me like a buffet. Yes, I needed to keep busy.

  “You can stay with me until we find you a place or rebuild,” Drew offered.

  Connor frowned. “No, she's staying with me.”

  Mack smiled. “She could stay with me.”

  “Fuck, no!” Connor and Drew said at the same time.

  I felt like I was in the twilight zone. Months ago, I was a loner, and now, I had more than one person willing to spot me a place to live. “Thanks, guys, but I think I'll stay with Connor until I make other arrangements.”

  Or you can just stay with me forever. Connor spoke through our bond.

  Behave. I need to ease Drew into this. I needed to ease me into this.

  At my proclamation, Connor placed a hand over my shoulder. “Sounds excellent.”

  Drew growled. I eyed him, begging for understanding. No one would be perfect for his big sis, but he was being a little controlling.

  “Great and if that changes, you just let someone know.” Liam's voice broke the tension rolling through the crowd. “In the meantime, Mack discovered someone has violated the law for pack members about visitors on pack land. Aylin, you know no outsiders. Period.” Liam turned his alpha gaze to Luna.

  “Yes, Aylin has knowingly harbored an outsider, which directly opposes your sanction of no outsiders,” Mack confirmed.

  “Well, Mack. No point in beating around the bush,” I said.

  “Aylin,” Liam snarled.

  A weaker woman would have backed down. She would have bowed to the alpha. I was never weak. “Liam, for goodness sake.”

  Mack choked on his own spittle. Bryn laughed, and Luna practically shook with fear. No one was supposed to backtalk the alpha. I just didn't care at the moment.

  “If I find out you had anything to do with this, I'll kill you myself.” Drew pointed to Luna and practically shouted. He was obviously on Mack's side in this little dilemma.

  “And who is she?” Bryn tilted her head and looked at Luna, but had remained quiet during Drew's outburst. Liam must have sensed some type of turmoil, because he approached Bryn and placed a hand on her shoulder.

  “Drew,” I scolded. “She's a friend.” Not exactly a lie.

  “Aylin, why are you skirting around answering who this young lady is and why did you break a direct order?” Liam stepped forward, making direct eye contact.

  I lowered my head in submission.

  “Honey.” Bryn placed a hand on his forearm. “Obviously, she's someone important to Aylin.”

  I looked from Luna back to the group. “No, not really. I just met her yesterday.”

  “Babe, you're not helping your case.” Connor chuckled. “Just spit it out.”

  “Fine.” I looked Bryn in the eyes. “Bryn, meet your sister, Luna.”

  Bryn's hand flew to her chest and her head snapped back as if she had been physically slapped. “Whose sister?”


  “Mine? I don't have any siblings. My mom was in captivity for years.” She studied Luna more intently.

  “But your dad wasn't. Apparently, he was quite the charmer.” I stepped closer. “I'm sorry, Bryn, but she's Gabriel's daughter.”

  “And you trust her?” Liam’s tone deepened and a vein in his neck pulsed.

  “I do. Bryn's Gabriel's daughter. Do you trust her?” I asked.

  “I don't want to cause trouble, but I needed help.” Luna's voice was barely above a whisper. “Uncle Mitch thought this was the best solution.”

  “Uncle Mitch?” Bryn asked. “He never mentioned a niece before.”

  “My identity has been kept a secret until six months ago when weird things started happening. I was transported to different planes and held for hours, days, or weeks on end in a dream-like state. I reached out to Nadia, my godmother, and she told me of Gabriel and my uncle Mitch. He came and took me away.”

  “Do you have those dreams now?” Drew asked.

  “I haven't had one since Nadia placed a protection spell around me.” Luna grabbed her necklace, gripping it tight.

  “Nadia's crazy.” I circled my finger beside my head, indicating how slushy I believed her brain matter to be. “I don't think you can trust her or Mitch.”

  “We can't have new members joining the pack.” Mack flexed his muscles and stepped closer to Aylin. Defiance oozed from his pores. “It places us all at risk.”

  “Agreed,” Drew added, stepping in front of me and Connor. “But that's Liam's call now.”

  “She's family.” Bryn placed one hand on her stomach and the other on Liam's hand. “Family.”

  “Listen, I agree about anyone else, but I have read Luna. She has no impurities, no evil intentions.” I recalled the night I met her outside of Connor's cabin. She had allowed me to read her with no hesitation. Then, she guided me in saving Connor and helped me fight the poisonous tendrils. I trusted her.

  “I agree with Aylin.” Bryn opened her arms wide for a hug. Luna hesitated, but accepted the embrace. “I was a victim of those transports and we can overcome them. She needs us. Welcome to the family.”

  “Family,” Liam said, “means everything, Luna. If I trust you with my family, my pack, they are yours fully. To stand beside, prote
ct, and not create harm. Do you agree to those terms?”

  Luna closed her eyes. When they reopened, the silver hue of her irises sparkled. “I believe I can, Alpha.”

  “Then welcome to the Lowell Pack.” He offered his hand and she shook it.

  “Thank you, Alpha,” she said softly.

  “What if she is brainwashed, or Mitch just tossed us a spy?” Drew shouted.

  “She's not brainwashed and if they try to, we will save her like we did Bryn.” I pulled Luna into a hug. “Luna wasn't the one trying to kill us. She will be a force to be reckoned with.”

  Luna stepped away from me, and blushed at my appraisal.

  I tugged Connor toward me. “Let's go home. I'm done with today.” I looked around one last time, relishing my friends and family. Their love encompassed me even through the rubble that surrounded us.

  “See ya.” Connor lifted me into his arms, stealing a brief kiss before placing me back on the ground.

  I slapped his chest. “Show off.”

  “Wait till later.” He winked.

  “I swear, I'm going to kill you, Connor.” Drew's angry voice did little to diminish the jitters in my stomach.

  Chapter Thirteen


  The black tar returned with fury. Mansfield soaked a towel in a heaping pot of hot water mixed with curry, ginger root, and magic. After wringing it out, he placed the towel across Master's heart. Mansfield cringed. As if he has one.

  “We need to let this set for thirty minutes. The healing power will dampen the poison and extract the redhead's power.” Mansfield scrubbed his hands hard as he rinsed the mixture from them. He hastily dried them and threw the napkin in the trash, wishing he could toss someone else away.

  He looked upon the man in the makeshift hospital bed. He had intended the room for Master's many experiments, but with his weakening power, it became Master's sanctuary. And another form of hell for himself.

  Minutes passed in a flurry of curses and grunts as the magic worked through Master's body. The extraction worked at a rapid pace. Already, Master's face was flushed with color. His eyes became darker, more evil than before.


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