Book Read Free

A Colorado Family

Page 16

by Patricia Thayer

  She released a sigh. “All right, maybe sometimes we’ll share a meal.”

  “So do we need to write up another contract?”

  She finally smiled. “I think I can add it to the original and just have you initial it.”

  “Okay, that settles it.”

  Just then the sound of Lilly’s crying came over the monitor, followed by coughing, and they both hurried down the hall. Austin picked her up and quickly noticed she was warmer than usual. Lilly began to cough again. “Oh, God, she’s hot.”

  Erin touched the baby’s cheek. “How long has she been coughing like this?”

  “Only a few times this morning before I put her down, but not like this.”

  Erin took the baby. “Austin, would you go out and get my bag in the van?”

  “Sure.” He turned and rushed out of the room.

  Erin held Lilly against her chest. “Oh, sweetheart, I’m sorry I wasn’t here for you. We’re going to make you feel better real soon.”

  She walked into the bathroom and turned on the faucet in the shower. By the time Austin returned, the room was starting to steam up.

  “Why are you in here?”

  “I’m pretty sure Lilly has croup. The steam will help reduce the symptoms. It’s a viral infection in her throat and trachea.”

  Austin frowned. “Should we take her to the doctor?”

  “Let me examine her first.” She handed the baby to her daddy and had him sit down on the toilet lid. She reached into the medical bag and took out her stethoscope. The fussy baby wasn’t in the mood to cooperate.

  Erin began to talk to her as she examined her. “You’re such a good baby.” She listened to Lilly’s chest and was relieved it was clear. Next she moved to her ears. No inflammation there, either. By this time, Lilly cried out, letting her know she didn’t want any more.

  “We’ll keep her in here for about ten minutes. I’ll go and start up the humidifier in the bedroom.”

  After filling the machine and turning it on, Erin pulled her phone from her pocket. She found Lilly’s pediatrician in her contacts and made the call. She talked to the nurse and related Lilly’s symptoms. Then the doctor came on and suggested they bring the baby into the ER as a precaution.

  Erin returned to the bathroom and saw Austin cradling his baby daughter. He looked up at her. “She looks pale to me.”

  Erin glanced at the child and nodded. “Don’t panic. I called the doctor, and he suggested we take her into the ER.”

  “So you’re worried, too.”

  “Of course I am. This precious little girl means a lot to me.”

  * * *

  THEY MADE IT to the hospital in record time. Once in the examination room, Erin stood at the end of the table while Austin held on to Lilly’s tiny hand, trying to reassure her. The diaper-clad baby coughed and cried as the young doctor examined her. Finally Dr. North finished, and Austin lifted his daughter into his arms and began soothing her once again.

  The physician looked over Lilly’s case file, then at Austin. “Your daughter has croup.”

  Austin looked at Erin. “You were right.”

  The young doctor continued to explain. “It’s a condition that causes constriction in the airway. Her breathing isn’t too bad, but with her elevated temperature, I’m concerned about infection.”

  Austin looked at Erin in panic. She immediately went to him. “Lilly will be okay.”

  The doctor agreed. “Since she’s only four months old, I’d like to keep her here for a few hours to monitor her long enough to give her a moist breathing treatment. It should help improve her condition. Let me go and instruct the nurse.” He walked out of the room.

  Austin released a long breath. “Oh, God... I had no idea. Lilly was fine last night when I put her to bed. Wait—she did cough a few times, and she didn’t want to finish her bottle.” He sent a terrified look to Erin. “I shouldn’t have taken her out in the cold yesterday.”

  Erin shook her head as she rubbed Lilly’s back. “This isn’t your fault, Austin. Kids get sick, and croup is very common.”

  “But we had to bring her to the hospital.”

  “Because Lilly could be seen faster here.”

  Austin paced around the room, gently patting his daughter’s back. She had quieted down and her eyes were closed. Erin felt just as helpless. She ached for this child, too. Even though she was a nurse and had seen a lot of medical conditions over the years, she was still fearful seeing Lilly struggle to breathe.

  The baby opened her eyes and looked at Erin. She reached out a hand. “Hi, sweetie. You’re such a brave little girl.”

  Lilly let out a soft cry and reached out for Erin. Austin gave her up. “See, she misses you, too,” he told her.

  Erin wasn’t listening. Holding this baby close was so soothing for her, too.

  * * *

  TWO HOURS LATER, after Lilly’s treatment and follow-up exam with the doctor, they left the ER. All that time, Erin never left the baby’s side. She even sat with the baby in the backseat on the drive home.

  By the time Austin arrived at the house, Lilly was sound asleep. They went into the nursery, where the humidifier had been running most of the afternoon.

  “Just set her carrier on the floor,” Erin whispered. “Poor thing is exhausted from the ordeal.”

  “What about her feeding?”

  “They gave her fluids in the ER. If she’s hungry, she’ll tell you.”

  Austin sank into the rocker and faced his sleeping daughter in the carrier. He closed his eyes, and Erin could see the anguish across his face.

  “I don’t know if I can survive this.” His voice was low but filled with raw emotion. “She scares me to death.”

  Erin tried to make light of the situation. “Wait until she starts driving and dating.”

  He just shook his head as tears formed in his eyes. “I never thought I could love anyone like this. She’s my world.” He looked at Erin. “How did that happen so fast?”

  Erin’s chest constricted. She felt the same way. She’d come to care so much for these two. But she had to remember they weren’t her family. “It’s called being a parent.”

  He looked at the sleeping child. “I can understand why Megan fought so hard to keep her. I love Lilly so much.” Austin reached for Erin and pulled her into his lap. She went willingly. “Thank you for being here for us.”

  “I’m glad I could help.”

  His hand cupped the side of her neck. “Your being here helps me, too.” He pulled her close. “Please, Erin, don’t leave us tonight.”

  She wanted so desperately to stay, and even knowing the possibility of Austin breaking her heart, she couldn’t turn him down. “I’ll stay until Lilly is over the worst.”

  That was her problem. She was borrowing them both to fill in for what she didn’t have in her own life. That had to stop. His arms pulled her tighter against him. Soon.

  Chapter Sixteen

  Four days had passed since Erin moved back into Austin’s house. She’d rationalized it by saying she wanted to be there for Lilly, but in fact it had been for her, too. A temporary fix for the problem, but knowing sooner or later she had to let go of both father and daughter.

  Besides, she couldn’t keep giving her shifts away at the center and expect to keep her job. Her supervisor, Shirley, had been patient so far. And as long as she stayed in Austin’s and Lilly’s lives, the longer it would take to begin her own. She’d stopped her IVF treatment, deciding to wait until her life was more stable.

  All she had accomplished was falling in love with a man who had pretty much kept his distance from her since they returned from the hospital.

  “Hey, where did you go?”

  She looked up to see the bare-chested Austin dressed in a pair of gy
m shorts and seated on the bench, working with weights. Dear Lord help her.

  “You say something?”

  “I asked if we’re done yet.”

  Seated on the floor, she glanced at the wall clock. “Pretty much.” She started to get up when he reached for her.

  “Erin...did I do something wrong?”

  She couldn’t hide her surprise. “No. Why do you ask?”

  He didn’t look convinced. “You’ve been frowning all day.”

  She glanced away. “Sorry. I have a lot on my mind.”

  He didn’t release her. “I’m not buying it. I thought I’d done everything you wanted. I’ve given you space. Even though it’s been killing me, I haven’t laid a hand on you. Yet you jump every time you come near me.”

  Excitement raced through her as she picked at the carpet fibers under her hand. “You thought keeping your distance was what I wanted?”

  “Damn straight. I didn’t want you to think sex was the underlying reason I wanted you to move back in here.”

  The heat rose through her body to her face, but she grew brave. “Was it?”

  A slow grin appeared on his handsome face. “Hell, yes, it was, but not the only one. Maybe I should just show you how much I want you.”

  A thrill raced through her.

  Austin tugged on her arm and she rose to her knees. He swooped down and captured her mouth, letting her know immediately how he felt about her.

  When he finally released her, his eyes searched her face. “If I had my way, you’d never leave.” His hands wrapped around her back, and he made room for her between his legs. “I want you to stay because you want to be with me, to build on what’s between us.”

  Her heart soared at his words, but they terrified her at the same time.

  He leaned down and kissed her, then lowered her to the floor. “I want you right now.” He cupped her hips, bringing her against his aroused body.

  She could barely think. “What about Lilly?”

  He glanced at the clock. “I’d say we have about thirty minutes before she wakes up from her nap.” He grinned and placed tiny kisses along her jaw. “We should take advantage of the time.”

  His mouth closed over hers as he lowered her to the carpeted floor. He had her tights stripped off, then her T-shirt before she could argue.

  She shivered as she lay there completely naked before him. His heated gaze roamed over her.

  “You are so incredibly beautiful.”

  His words were like a caress. “You’re not so bad yourself, cowboy,” she breathed, wanting more.

  He stood. “You think so, huh?” He came back to her and kissed her hard and deep. His hand moved over her rib cage, causing her to arch her back at the torturous sensation.


  His gaze met hers. “I love seeing you like this, knowing how much you want me.”

  “I do want you.” She rested her trembling hands against his chest as she caressed his lean and sculptured body. With a quiet growl, Austin took hold of her wrists.

  Resting on his elbows, he confessed, “I can’t stand any more. I want to feel all of you.”

  Austin stayed true to his promise and took her to places she’d never dreamed two people could reach together.

  * * *

  LATER THAT DAY, Erin was preparing supper. Well, she’d heated up the food that Shelby had brought by earlier. They’d nearly gotten caught with their pants down. She thought back to the afterglow of her lying in Austin’s arms when a knock sounded on the door. Thankfully Austin had been quick to slip on pants and went to answer it to find his sister-in-law.

  Shelby had quickly figured out what she’d interrupted, handed over the casserole to them and said a quick goodbye. Erin wasn’t worried that Shelby would say anything. The young chef, wife and mother was a good friend and Erin knew she’d also keep this private.

  Five minutes after the departure, Erin’s phone chirped, alerting her to a text. Shelby had sent her a message: So happy for you both. Talk later.

  Erin smiled, but in truth, for the first time in a very long time, she was eager to be part of this loving family. In reality, her days here were numbered, and soon, she needed to make some decisions about her own life.

  Was she willing to try to be part of a couple? The thought scared her to death. It meant she’d have to take a chance. And what about Austin? Would she and Lilly be enough to keep him here?

  She shook her head, then released a long breath. “Stop trying to overthink it,” she argued. Right now, she only wanted to dream about spending time with Austin...and Lilly.

  She glanced out the window. He’d gone to help out his father and brother during the therapy session. She was happy that he was getting out. The past several weeks, he’d been with his daughter full-time. And she also knew he needed to work through some issues with his dad. The only way was to talk and spend time together.

  Erin checked on the pot roast in the oven, then on Lilly in her swing. Seeing that the baby was content, she walked down the hall to get her clothes ready for her shift at the center.

  There was a knock on the door. Maybe it was Shelby coming to get the scoop. “Coming,” she called as she hurried to open the door. Her heart sank upon finding Jay Bridges on the stoop. “Hello, Mr. Bridges.”

  He nodded. “Mrs. Carlton.”

  “If you’re looking for Austin, he’s down at the corral with his brother and father.”

  The older man nodded and started to turn away, but stopped. “I know you have to be pretty happy to have Austin in your clutches.”

  She froze. “I beg your pardon?”

  “Your playing house isn’t going to last very much longer. Austin likes to be in the limelight—he always has. He likes going town to town, each rodeo a challenge.”

  She worked to keep her calm. “You seem to think I’m trying to stop him.”

  “You might be one of the reasons, but like I said, nothing is going to stop his plans.” A smirk came across his face. “You might be his flavor of the month, but you only serve a purpose because of his daughter. That doesn’t mean you’ll keep him content in the long run.”

  She hated that this man could play on her insecurities, as doubts came rushing back. It did the trick. Her thoughts went to her marriage and all the times Jared had left her alone. She shook it off. “I’m Austin’s therapist, and I watch his daughter until he’s capable of doing it on his own.”

  He nodded. “And in the end that’s all you’ll be to him. You seem like a nice person, so that’s why I’m giving you this advice.” The manager shifted his briefcase to his other hand. “You can’t keep Austin from going back to what he loves—the rodeo. And he will go back.”

  Her chest constricted painfully, making it hard to breathe. “Still not my business, Mr. Bridges.”

  “You don’t believe me?” He arched an eyebrow. “Then why has he asked me to set up a meeting with several rodeo managers?”

  Erin gripped the doorknob, trying to handle the pain shooting through her heart. Suddenly the sound of Lilly’s cry brought her back to reality. “Like I said, you need to discuss this with Austin. I have to go and take care of Lilly. Goodbye, Mr. Bridges.” She shut the door in his face and went to get Lilly out of the swing.

  She cuddled the baby close, enjoying the sweet scent of her skin. Closing her eyes, she knew soon her arms would be empty again.

  * * *

  AUSTIN LED SASSY GIRL back into the large barn, past several stalls until he reached the aging black mare’s home. Once he’d removed the tack, he made sure the animal had some feed and fresh water before he stepped out and latched the gate. He’d had a good time working with the kids today. He could now understand why his father loved this job. Yet he had his own ideas on what he wanted to fill his days. Lilly and Erin. He
’d been thinking about nothing else.

  He heard his name and turned to see Cullen walking down the aisle toward him. “Hey, good job today, bro. Thanks for the help.”

  “No problem. I really enjoyed it.”

  Cullen studied him. “Dad enjoyed it, too. I hope you can come by more often. He really wants to spend some time with you.”

  “Not easy with Lilly, and I can’t keep asking Erin to watch her.”

  “Why don’t you bring them both down to the arena? Usually Shelby’s around, and she would love to get her hands on the baby.” Cullen took off his hat and combed his hair back, then replaced it. “Of course, that would heighten the discussion about us having a baby.”

  “She putting the pressure on you?”

  “And I’m crumbling, too.”

  Austin laughed. “Four months ago, women couldn’t wait to get their hands on me. Now I’m a dad, and I love it.”

  Cullen looked at him. “I’m pretty proud of you, too, bro, for how you’ve handled yourself. You’re a great dad.”

  Austin was touched by his twin’s words. “Thank you. It’s not easy, especially when Lilly got sick last week. I was glad Erin was there.”

  Cullen nodded. “Erin’s a good person. We all like her a lot, and I think you do, too.”

  Austin sat down on the stall’s trunk and stretched out his leg, enjoying the fact that there wasn’t much pain. “Yeah, I do. More than I ever thought possible to care about another person.” He thought about all the tragedy in Erin’s life. “I want to keep her in my and Lilly’s life, but I need to offer her a future.”

  “That’s good.” Cullen’s smile began to fade. “Look, don’t make the same mistake I did and let your stubborn pride get the best of you. I shut out Shelby because I didn’t have a permanent job.” Cullen paused. “You’re not thinking about going back on the rodeo circuit, are you?”

  Austin shook his head. “Not in the way you think, but it’s been a huge part of my life. Bull riding helped make me who I am today. It’s hard to shut the door completely.” He shrugged. “I need to make some personal appearances to keep sponsors. At least ride out my fame a little while longer.”


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