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Crisis Alert (Divine Justice, 3)

Page 30

by Mary Abshire

  “I’m on my way,” Gordon said.

  Anna grinned. Vampire hearing came in handy.

  The guard set his phone on the desk. “He’s coming.”

  The uniformed man in front of her raked his gaze down her. She considered letting go of her jacket, but she wasn’t about to expose her breasts to a stranger. Yes, the shirt covered them, but she still felt naked without a bra.

  A ding from an elevator gathered her attention. Taps on the floor drew near.

  “She can pass,” Gordon said.

  Anna headed toward the man wearing a green polo shirt and dark pants. The werewolf had gray mixed in with his dark hair on his face and head. She wondered how many centuries he’d served as the director of the UoJ. She knew he’d been the leader since she’d joined the DS over two hundred and twenty years ago.

  “Thank you,” she said as she approached him.

  He gestured for her to walk with him. “He’s in a private room in our third building. We’ll cut through and go in through the side.”

  “How is he?”

  “He looks much better. The doctor isn’t sure how much damage he has in his one eye, but he does have some. He’ll need more tests.”

  She drew her brows together. “Will this impairment be a problem?”

  “No. The doctor said worst case scenario would be he’d have to wear a contact to correct his vision in the eye.”

  Sorrow crept into her heart for Zale’s suffering and the permanent wound he’d have to deal with. He’d endured so much pain to help her get to the masters. She tried not to feel glum. After all, he was alive.

  “What about his bones?” she asked.

  The image of seeing his bones out of place along with his bruised and swollen body covered in blood would never leave her mind. How he remained conscious and alive had to be credited to his strong will and werewolf gene.

  Gordon pushed the door open for her. “His bones are healed, but he’s a little sore. The marks should be gone in the next twenty-four hours.”

  “I can relate to the soreness.”

  “How are you feeling?”

  “Better. Anxious to see Zale.” She walked beside him on the sidewalk leading to the next building.

  “He woke up earlier. He wanted to meet you at sundown. We had to sedate him again.”

  Worry brought her brows together. “Was he violent? Did he say much?”

  “No, not violent. He wanted to be with you. His action came from his love for you. The doctor told him to rest, but it was clear to us both Zale wasn’t going to listen. The doctor gave him a mild sedative to ensure Zale would stay in bed.” Gordon swiped his card before he opened the glass door.

  Relief trickled through her and eased her concern a little. From speaking with Aziel, she’d learned violent actions were the first signs of when a supernatural had been possessed and retained the demon’s memories. But if he’d merely been anxious to see her, then maybe he was okay. She could relate to the same emotion.

  Gordon escorted her to the elevators in the center part of the building. Just like the one they’d left, guards watched the entrance of this one as well.

  “I feel incredibly out of place here,” Anna said, holding her coat over her chest as she stood against the back wall in the elevator.

  “I’m sure Zale felt the same way the first time he walked into the DS.”

  “It would be nice if our agencies could work more together. Maybe it would help dissolve some of the prejudices against vampires.”

  The elevator stopped and the doors opened.

  “I’m open to discussing that,” he said as he strode onto the floor. “I’m sure it would benefit all species.”

  Anna followed him down a few halls with bright lights. All of the rooms had closed doors with numbers on them. Listening, she heard heartbeats coming from elsewhere on the floor, in the direction they were heading, which meant all the other rooms were empty.

  Gordon slowed his pace after they rounded a corner. “The doctor can release Zale if he promises to rest at his home and steer clear of any strenuous activity.”

  “That would be great. I can take him home. I have his car and keys.”

  “Again, no strenuous activity.” He smiled at her.

  It took her two seconds to understand what he was implying. “Right.”

  Doors were open to the rooms at the end of the hall. Multiple heartbeats came from both sides. Her anxiety magnified tenfold when she heard Zale’s voice. She almost charged past Gordon to get to Zale. Swallowing hard, she tried to hold her emotions in check.

  Gordon entered the room first and then stepped aside. A man in white lab coat stood next to Zale, holding his wrist. The man she loved stood naked with light blotches of various colors all over his body, including his face. He looked so much better than the last time she saw him in the sub-basement of the City-County building. When her gaze met Zale’s, she couldn’t hold back any longer. She rushed toward him.

  The doctor stepped aside as Zale opened his arms, welcoming her. She stopped short to avoid bumping into his bruised body. Then she wrapped her arms around him as much as she could and gently leaned into him. He locked her in an embrace and pressed her body to his. When he groaned, she immediately let go and tried to back away.

  “No, please, I need to feel you. Let me hold you,” he said, keeping her close.

  He ran his fingers through her long hair. She’d forgotten to brush it and tie it up. No matter, she placed her body against his. He hugged her tight. No other man had ever made her feel such love and happiness in her heart and soul.

  “I was so worried about you,” she said, her cheek pressed to his chest. His heart thumped a steady and fast rhythm. She loved listening to it.

  He kissed her head. “Funny, I couldn’t stop worrying about you. I think it scared some people.”

  She lifted her head to meet his gaze. “How do you feel?”

  “Now that I have you in my arms, I feel one hundred percent better.” He ran his hand into her locks again.

  “I’ll be outside,” Gordon said.

  “Thank you,” Zale said, keeping one arm locked around her.

  The doctor followed Gordon out, leaving her alone with Zale.

  “Gordon told me about your eye. I’m sorry, Zale,” she said.

  “It’ll be fine. I can wear a contact lens.”

  “You went through so much misery for me. Let me take you home and care of you.”

  A grin formed on his face. “We can rest together.”

  The slight curl of his lips hinted he had a different version of rest playing in his mind. She wouldn’t mind his version, but she first needed to know if a demon had entered him at any point.

  “Zale, do you remember Rodney performing the ritual?”

  His arm slackened. He took hold of her hands and squeezed them. “I remember him chanting in Latin. His words were different from the ones you use to exorcise demons.”

  “Do you remember anything while he was chanting?”

  Still holding her hands, he sat on the edge of the bed. Following a deep breath, he said, “It was dark and I was in so much pain.” He swallowed and shook his head. “I swear, it was worse than the beating. There were sharp claws and teeth… They were ripping me apart, like tearing my soul to pieces.”

  She slipped one hand from his grasp and then brushed her fingers over his broad forehead. “Anything else. Tell me everything.”

  He pressed her palm to the side of his face. “I thought about you the entire time. I wanted to be with you again and I knew I’d get the chance. The monster tried to destroy me, but I wouldn’t let it. There was a whisper too.”

  “Did you hear it speak?”

  “No, it was too soft and faint. It didn’t last long. But there was a moment I thought I would drown in the darkness. Then I heard your voice. I heard you talking to me and I fought to get to you. I refused to let the darkness take me from you.”
r />   Tears formed in her eyes. She moved closer and pressed his head to her chest. The demon hadn’t entered him. His mind was his. Zale would remain sane, well, as much as a normal person could in their crazy world.

  He closed his arms around her. “I love you so much. I want to spend every night with you. I need you like I need food and air to survive.”

  She kissed his head and ran her fingers through his soft locks. “I love you, Zale Wallace. I’m yours forever if you’ll have me.”

  He rose and took her face into his hands. “You’re my mate. I’ll have you in this life and the next. My love for you is endless.”

  Tears ran down her cheeks before he pressed his lips to hers. She finally had a man who loved her, a brave man with the kindest, most compassionate heart. Her love for him would never die. She looked forward to their future together.


  Three weeks later.

  Zale sat on the bed, watching Anna pull a red sweater over her head and then down, hiding her breasts. He’d spent time squeezing and licking them earlier, but not enough. His erection strained in his jeans. He wanted to make love to her again. The hours they spent in each other’s embrace before sunrise and after sundown were never enough. At least he’d convinced her to move in with him.

  She pulled her hair back and tied it in a ponytail. He preferred her locks to be loose. He preferred to run his fingers into her soft strands. But duty called. They had to go to work and she always put her hair up.

  “I just need to get my shoes and jacket. Then, I’ll be ready,” she said as she looked around the room.

  Zale rose. “It’s on the sofa. I’ll get it while you get your shoes.”

  She sat in the chair in the corner as he left the bedroom. “Thank you.”

  Smiling, he strode down the hall to get her leather coat. Although it was early June and the temperature outside was in the mid seventies, his mate continued to dress as if it were winter. He’d gotten used to it and shared his warmth with her every chance he could, even if it were through holding hands or little touches. Her cool skin soothed his heated flesh, so he constantly sought to touch her. They were perfect for each other.

  The last few weeks had been the happiest in his life, all because he had his mate. They’d spent the nights going after demons and locating masters. She’d exorcised another one on the west side. The city was going through a little chaos with so many humans confused. With time, everyone would calm and return to their normal lifestyles. Peace began to flourish due to the reduction in demons. Although there were plenty left in the city, life was looking better.

  He snatched her jacket from the sofa and then headed back toward the bedroom. Holding her coat close, he breathed in her magnolia scent. Her light perfume delighted him. Everything about Anna made him happy and feel complete. He loved working with her too. For the last two weeks he’d had serious doubts he could return to his normal job.

  Anna strode from the bedroom and he almost bumped into her. Smiling, she took the jacket from him. “Thank you.” She stood on her toes to give him a kiss.

  Of course, he wanted more than one.

  He slid his arms around her and held her close. “Think we have time for a quickie?”

  “We were late the last time we met with Colin. I don’t think he’d appreciate it and neither would our bosses.” She slid her arms through the sleeves of her coat.

  “But we can be quick.” He pressed his lips to hers.

  She ran a hand through his hair. Her touch, her gaze, and her smile aroused him more. Damn his jeans for restricting his erection.

  “Come on, we’re going to be late. The sooner we finish with work, the quicker we can return home.” She gave him another kiss before she slid from his arms.

  He followed her up the stairs and stared at her round ass. He couldn’t resist. He slid his hand between her legs. She giggled as he rubbed and then squeezed one of her butt cheeks.

  “You’re tempting me, werewolf,” she said as she reached the door at the top of the staircase.

  “You shouldn’t tease me, vampire. I can’t help myself.”

  She chuckled more on the way out of the house. Her soft voice and laughter always pleased his ears. He’d never tire of hearing her. He’d never tire of her.

  Anna hopped into the passenger seat of his Explorer as he settled behind the wheel. She said she owned a car and he’d offered to let her park it in his garage. The conversation had taken place over two weeks ago. Since they were together every night, neither of them had brought up the topic again.

  Zale backed out of the garage. “Don’t you find it strange both our bosses are coming to this meeting?”

  “Of course I do,” she plugged her cell into cord connected to his charger below the dashboard. “I also find it odd Colin called this meeting early. He agreed to give us a month to reduce the demon population. If he’s going to cause a problem, I’m going to go off on him.”

  “I don’t think that’s the best way to act in front of our bosses.”

  “Aziel knows how I feel about the community leaders after the shit they pulled with you. They could’ve stayed and fought the demons with me. If they had, the demons would’ve never beaten you. I won’t ever forget how cowardly the leaders acted.”

  The woman he adored had quite a temper at times. Watching and hearing him often gave him a woody. Yes, even her kick-ass attitude turned him on.

  He steered onto the country road. “He made a deal. I held up to my end of it. Now he needs to do the same.”

  “Yeah, he better. I’m not going to put up with his bull.”

  “Maybe our bosses are showing up to give us support.”

  “I’m sure they are. I’m not sure of another reason for them to show up for this meeting.”

  “Has Aziel said anything to you about the Crisis Alert?”

  “No, and I haven’t asked. We’re still busy getting demons and exorcising them.”

  “Yes, but the population has decreased and three masters are gone. It’s even been five days since a UoJ agent located a vampire corpse. Maybe it’s time to end the alert and that’s why our bosses are attending this meeting.”

  She lifted her phone and tapped the screen. “It’s possible, but usually he tells me important things like that first. I’ll call Rachel and see if she knows anything.”

  After she tapped her cell again, the ring blared through the speaker.

  “Hi Anna,” Rachel said.

  “Zale and I are on the way to the meeting,” Anna said. “Do you know if Aziel has mentioned ending the Crisis Alert?”

  “He hasn’t said anything to me, but like you, I’ve been in the field every night,” Rachel said.

  “Is Victor with you?” Anna asked.

  “No. I haven’t seen him in over a week. I think he might have returned to Merrillville.”

  “How’s Sean?” Zale asked, grinning.

  Anna smiled too.

  “He’s such a sweetheart. I love working with him. We’re meeting in an hour to follow up on a tip about a demon on the south side,” Rachel said.

  “Be careful,” Anna said, sounding like a mother.

  “I will. Call me later and tell me about the meeting,” Rachel said.

  “Will do. Bye, Rachel.”


  Anna tapped her cell. “I still don’t think he’d show up to announce the alert should end. It has nothing to do with the community leaders.”

  “At some point soon, I’m sure our bosses will bring it up.”

  She turned her gaze to the window at her side. “The end of the alert would be a good thing, but then our bosses will want us to return to our regular duties. I’m going to miss working with you.”

  Zale rubbed a hand over his mouth and beard. He’d put off discussing the topic, but it seemed clear she enjoyed working with him as much as he did with her. He couldn’t help noticing how other UoJ and DS agents were getting along so well

  “We could always keep the status quo,” Zale said.

  She shifted her gaze to him. “You’re the best in your field. Gordon won’t let you go.”

  “It’s not his decision to make.”

  “It’s dangerous for you to work with me. You could get hurt. One bullet in the right place—“

  “My regular job is dangerous. A vamp could pull a gun on me too.”

  “I want our partnership to continue, but you’ve taken enough shots and endured enough pain. I don’t want to see you hurt anymore. I want to see you happy and enjoying the life you have.”

  “I’m happiest with you when we’re saving lives. Scratch that, I’m happiest when we’re making love. Saving mankind is next in line.” He grinned. “If we could continue working together and do both our jobs, would you be happy?”

  “Of course I would.”

  “Then let’s do it. Let’s talk to our bosses and tell them we’re going to stay together. I’ll go as far as to encourage other agents to do the same. I think it’s better for both our races.”

  A wide smile spread across her face. “I love you.”

  “It’s my beard, right?” He gave her a crooked grin.

  She giggled. “Tease.”

  The drive from his house in Carmel to the pyramids took less than fifteen minutes. The parking lot had the average amount of cars sitting idle, making it easy to find a spot near the center pyramid. After leaving the SUV, Anna met him near the bumper. She slid his hand into his the minute he reached her side.

  “My second visit here. Will you show me your office this time?” she asked.

  He squeezed her cool hand. “If I show you my office, I’ll have to show you more behind a closed door.”

  “Good idea. Show me everything, werewolf.”

  His heart accelerated as he thought of the things he’d like to show her in his office, none of them related to work.

  The guards at the front desk watched him and Anna enter the building, mostly Anna. Zale waved to them with his free hand. He hadn’t been surprised when they didn’t smile. Many werewolves still held prejudices toward vampires. For many UoJ agents, it would take time to adjust to working with them, but a partnership of the two agencies could benefit both species. He hoped to convince Gordon and Aziel.


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