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Valley of Surrender Series - Vol.1

Page 16

by Trent Evans

  “Right down. Just like a catcher.”

  He chuckled at the double entendre. She was only minutes from catching something. A very hard, very long something.

  Waiting patiently for her to comply, he was pleased to see her finally find the prescribed pose. It was one of the harsher stress positions, but both of them knew that at that moment, considering the flaming heat consuming her anus and perineum, the squat was likely a mercy, stress position or not.

  Her buttocks yawned wide apart, the plump globes round and deeply cleft, the glistening tight whorl nestling between them still quite slick with the oil. He longed to touch it, but decided to let the unguent do its fiendish work.

  Her pussy pouted blatantly below the spread of her smooth cheeks, soft and pulsing, the seam of her lips partially splayed, the bright pink of her inner flesh catching the light. Her liquid excitement clearly coated the swollen labia, calling to him to slip his fingers, his tongue, his cock deep between them.

  All in good time.

  “Widen your feet, girl. If you’re going to show off your bottomhole like a wanton slut, I want to clearly see it. More!”

  He stroked his fingers through her hair, and even there, he could feel the trembling tension in her body, her scalp hot as his harsh words made her blush furiously.

  Her delicate white feet eased further apart, her lush thighs shaking ever so slightly under the tension of her position.

  “I… I don’t know if… I can stay like this.”

  “Maybe not.” He strolled over to the chair at the opposite corner of the bedroom, turning it so it faced the broad, white bottom posed over slender, pale heels. “But if you break position before given permission, we’ll be adding ten with the cane to tonight’s festivities.”


  “You just doubled the count with that little outburst. Should we triple it instead?”

  She wisely stayed silent as he took his ease, crossing his legs as he leaned back into the plush chair, sighing as his body sank into the soft cushions.

  He watched her for a long while, his obedient Lacey crouched tightly in her lonely corner. Her slender back, her dark locks cascading down between her shoulder blades, narrowed at the waist, the wide, dramatic sweep of her hips made even more impressive by forcing her to crouch so tightly. It made her gorgeous, round bottom even more irresistible — something he didn’t know was possible.

  Every now and then, her buttocks clenched, the glistening bottomhole winking out of sight to the accompaniment of Lacey’s gasp.


  “Yes, sir. A… lot.”

  “Poor girl.” He grasped the aching length of his penis, sorely tempted to stroke his erection until he was ready to spray his seed all over the ass displayed blatantly by his compliant wife. There were few things as erotic as drawing out her ordeal, as imposing his selfish, even cruel, whims upon her. Forcing her to obey, even in her own debasement, made her submission to him that much sweeter.

  That it also held a note of injustice only turned him on more. And though she was loath to admit it, he knew it filled her with a confusing, shamed arousal too.

  After five minutes, he slapped his thigh, fingering the heavy stainless steel toy he’d bought just for this particular interlude.

  “Come over here.”

  She slowly rose, her gait hesitant as she turned, her hands clenched to nervous fists at her sides, the sway of her breasts supremely distracting as she moved. He sorely wanted to fling her to the floor and take her right then, plunge his cock deep into that wet, needy cunt she’d been displaying so prettily.

  But it wasn’t the time for that.

  “Over my lap,” he barked at her, meeting her eyes. “Right over. Stop stalling.”

  Wrapping a hand around her upper arm, he helped her assume the time-honored pose, stroking and caressing the sweet backside presented upon his lap. He wiggled beneath her, the hot, hard bar of his erection laid against the soft curve of her hip, the coolness of her skin making him grit his teeth with the effort it took to keep from thrusting against her.

  She squirmed slyly against him, and he murmured a soft admonishment, giving her ass a warning slap.

  Slickening up the heavy steel, he addressed her in a smooth, measured voice. “Now, this is to remind you what I expect — and to get you ready for what’s to come.”

  He held the plug down before her hanging face, her sharp gasp a pleasant confirmation she’d seen what was monogrammed on the wide base of the toy.

  She shivered her way through a further application of cool lubrication to her cringing anus, the steel pushing her reluctant flesh wide as he gently eased the plug inside her. Her ass squeezed down tight upon it as he pressed the plug deeper inside her.

  Shallow, rapid breaths accompanied the full seating of the broad metal toy between the trembling cheeks of her bottom. He patted her fondly. “Back to your corner with you.” The tip of his cock, precome welling from it, left a line of sticky wetness along her hip as she pushed herself up from his lap.

  Her uncomfortable waddle, legs wider than normal, made him groan with need. Slowly, she assumed her humiliating crouch again, clearly displaying between the soft, broad buttocks the word engraved in stark block lettering upon the plug.


  He made her wait in her corner for a few minutes more, then sprang from his chair, striding toward Lacey. The vision of that sweet, tight bottomhole spread painfully wide around that gleaming metal spiraled his lust higher, the shaming word embossed on the plug’s base amplifying the erotic power of the spectacle of her surrender. The sight stirred dark needs within him, the urge to claim her anew something he could no longer fight.

  He roughly yanked her to her feet with a fistful of her long, dark hair, Lacey letting out a pained moan, but not resisting. Dragging her back onto the bed, he forced her to kneel upon the mattress.

  “Head down, slut. All the way. I want those big tits flat against that bed.” Her bottom bloomed into its full, mouthwatering glory as she obeyed, Troy taking a moment to savor the incredible sight, his erection twitching, a solid truncheon of need jutting from between his thighs. The spicy scent of her arousal was strong now, and it made his cock drip even more precome.

  Peeling himself away from the lurid sight of Lacey prostrate before him, he retrieved the last of the items from their walk-in closet. Dropping them upon the mattress, he took her by the hair once more, hauling her head back until her body was a taut arch, her breaths panicked pants at the harsh grip of his fingers in the thick tresses. He looked down upon her, his arousal so strong his muscles vibrated with it.

  “Open your mouth.”

  She complied instantly, her eyes wide, fixed upon him with a fearful intensity he savored. The thick leather covered dowel he set between her white teeth pushed down her tongue, and she gagged a little, her eyes rolling back for a moment as he seated the bit fully, the corners of her mouth forced into a rictus.

  He gave her a quick grin before covering up her lovely, frightened eyes with the obsidian silk blindfold, fastening it snugly enough to drown her in blackness, leaving her only sound and touch, her last connections to her world.

  “Get your head back down,” he growled, giving her a sharp shake by the rein of her hair. Whimpering, she pressed her cheek to the comforter, her body vibrating with an electric need, her pussy openly weeping clear juices now. “Push your hands back under you, between your legs. I want you gripping those ankles as tightly as you can now.”

  He watched her obey, and he took hold of his cock while he looked on, giving it a long, tight stroke that had his head spinning.

  Her hands in the proper position, he wrapped the leather straps about each wrist, binding them to her legs. She pulled at them, as if to test their strength, and he slapped her bottom harshly, the handprint going yellow-white, then darkening to a deep pink upon her soft, punished flesh. “You know better than that. Don’t move unless I tell you to, yes?”

  She nodded quic
kly, the cruel gag enforcing her silence.

  He regarded the red, blatantly displayed anus stretched tightly around the humiliating plug tucked within the cleft of her widespread buttocks. If anything, her bottomhole looked more inflamed than ever. He touched it, tracing the delicate flesh where it swallowed the heavy steel, and she jerked, her hamstrings going taut for a moment.

  “This little hole still burning?”

  Her nod was almost frantic.

  “Let’s see if we can give you some relief then.” He grasped the end of her plug with the tips of his fingers, pulling slowly. “Let go of your toy now.”

  A long, soft exhalation of Lacey’s breath accompanied the removal of the stout plug.

  Generous with the olive oil, he poured a line of it down from the top of her cleft, rubbing it into her slightly gaping anus thoroughly with his slickened fingertips. Her soul-deep moans testified to the effectiveness of the oil in reducing the raging heat of the ginger. Taking his time to coat her well, he pressed a finger into her ass, slipping it in easily, making her hips cant up as he wiggled the tip deep within. Withdrawing it, he added some especially slick silicone-based lubricant to his fingers, then pushed two of them inside. She was quite used to this treatment, bearing down well as he sought purchase within the tight ring of muscle.

  “There’s a girl. Keep it relaxed for me. You know what’s coming, don’t you?” He kept them pressed in to the knuckles for a moment as he addressed her. “First, we’re going to get you nice and slick, then you’re going to take my cock in your tight ass. I’m going to fuck this hole of yours, and I’m going to fuck it hard. You are to be a very good girl, and take your husband’s cock obediently and quietly.”

  He withdrew his fingers and climbed onto the bed behind her, drinking in the sight of her delicious display of utter submission. “You are not to come from this, Lacey girl. This is for me, not for you. Understand?”

  She whimpered into the blankets, but nodded reluctantly.

  “I know you’ve developed quite the anal fixation lately, but you will not allow yourself to orgasm during your ass fucking. This is punishment, not reward. You disobey me in this, and you’re not going to like the consequences.” He slapped his heavy shaft against her now very wet anus, squeezing her soft buttocks around his penis as he thrust it a few times within the cleft of her ass. “Now open that big bottom of yours and let me in.”

  The angry purplish head pressed to the dusky whorl, and he eased it forward. “Let it in, girl. Push back on it. Okay, good, more now.”

  Her hole opened enough to let the tip of his cock sink into her heat, the sphincter still tight despite the preparation of both the plug and his fingers.

  “Oh Christ, that’s good,” he said, his voice taut, as he sank slowly within. She sucked in a quick breath when he advanced a little too fast. He caressed her hip. “It’s okay, almost there. I want you to take all of it. A little more.”

  The sight of her bright pink anus swallowing the broadest part of his slick, veined erection almost had him emptying his balls right then and there, but he squeezed tight, holding off an embarrassingly early eruption.

  He still had a long, hard ride to give her, and nothing was going to stop him from giving her just that.

  Thrusting all the way until his thighs pressed snugly to hers, he breathed deeply, savoring the heat and clench of her opening.

  “You know what I expect, slut,” he growled, pulling back until just the swollen head remained within her. “Nice and slack as I push in, squeeze like a good girl as I pull out. I want you to show your husband just how obedient you can be even when you’re having your ass fucked nice and hard.”

  He took hold of her hair, holding it like a rein, his other hand clamped to her hip as he began a steady, deep plunge and retreat, savoring each slow pass of his swollen cock through the heavenly clench of her most private opening.

  It was impossible to maintain his control as long as he wanted to though, and soon enough he was giving her the full length of him, his heavy, aching balls slapping her sodden, dripping pussy with each thrust, a harsh gasp forced from her lungs each time the broad head of his cock probed especially deeply.

  It wasn’t until her hips began to rotate against him as he sounded the depths of her bowels that he paused, pulling from her ass, making her yelp with the discomfort of the abrupt exit.

  He spread her pussy wide, crouching down to get a good look. “Your cunt is like a fucking river, Lacey-girl.” Slicking back her hood, he exposed the very red, very swollen bead, quite prominent now. “This clit looks ready to explode.” He squeezed it, and she cried out around her gag. “But orgasms are for good girls. Not for you.”

  Her ardor sufficiently dampened, he stepped up onto the bed, pressing the head of his cock home once more, Lacey obediently opening for him immediately. Letting out a satisfied sigh, he sank deep again — then took up a hard, even brutal thrusting, crouched over her, the angle allowing him to go the deepest yet, each thrust making her groan as the room filled with the sounds of flesh slapping flesh.

  He splayed a palm over the side of her face, pressing her cheek to the bed. “Squeeze, slut! Squeeze that cock.”

  She complied and he groaned with it, the tingling boil beginning at the base of his testicles. He pounded her ass then, not saying a word to her, making her feel each punishing thrust. This wasn’t loving union; this was claiming, a lustful reaffirmation of her utter submission to her lord and master, the man who owned her body, heart, and soul.

  Finally, he could hold back no more, grunting as he pressed deeply, his thrusts frantic as he emptied his balls deep into her bowels, Lacey groaning as he jerked against her once, twice, a third time, his orgasm making him light-headed, the pleasure intense, overwhelming.

  He pulled his glistening, semen-soaked shaft from her ass, and stood over her a moment, breathing hard, grinning down at her, at her sweet yielding to even his darkest demands.

  He loosened her wrists, but left the gag and blindfold in place. Lacey sagged down, collapsing on her side, her breasts stirring with her deep, rapid breaths. Her cheeks were flushed, a lock of her dark hair sticking to the corner of her gagged mouth.

  Troy said nothing to her as he returned to his chair, savoring her subjugation, watching her where she lay curled upon the bed, the pleasing roundness of her bottom turned toward him. A thick, pearly bead of his semen slipped from her sorely-used bottomhole, leaving a trail of slickness down the inner curve of her soft, trembling thigh.

  In that quiet chamber, the room hanging heavy with the scent of sex, and feminine surrender, he smiled triumphantly at the sight before him, luxuriating in the erotic tableau of her conquered, exhausted body. For no matter how harsh he was with her, regardless of what trials he put her through on Maintenance Night, there was a singular truth about all of it.

  At that moment, Troy had never loved his wife more.

  Chapter 11

  Sitting at his desk, Troy let out a long sigh, running both hands through his hair. The amount of work he’d gotten done that morning — and the mountain of it still awaiting him after lunch — made him wonder if he might be flirting with brain fry by the time he clocked out and headed home.

  “Hey, Troy.” Jack Folsom, one of the senior project engineers sitting across the aisle from his cube, leaned back in his chair, the gray handset of his phone laid atop his shoulder. “Got someone named, uh, Von for you. Says you’ll know who he is?”

  Jack mouthed, “Who the fuck is that?”

  Troy grinned, giving him a wave. “Send it over.”

  He picked up his phone on the second ring.

  “Pretty sure I didn’t give you my work number, dude.”

  “Well, let’s just say I… know stuff.” The glee was plain in Von’s rumbling voice.

  “Checking up on the old sergeant, that it? What do you want, jarhead?”

  “Pays to know who I’m dealing with — even asshole buddies from the service. Especially that sort of asshole.�

  “Maybe they don’t grow all of ‘em big and dumb in the Marines, after all. Learn something new every day.”

  “So, I didn’t actually call just to bust your balls, Sarge. Got a question for you, actually.”

  “Yes, I enjoyed the trip. No, still not moving. Yet.”

  Von laughed. “So, you’re saying there’s a chance?”

  “Sure, Lloyd.”

  Both men busted up at once. They were huge fans of Dumb and Dumber, and anytime they crossed paths in AfPak, or on leave, they were constantly cracking each other up reciting lines from that absurd — but epic — comedic gem.

  “Fuck, seriously though? I told Lace that if it wasn’t for her, I’d already be packing my bags. I was only half-kidding.”

  “Wonder what I need to do to get you over that last half.” Von paused, an impish lilt sneaking into his voice. “How about this? I have a lead on a job. That is… if you decide you can’t stay away from our quaint little valley any longer.”

  “I’m listening.” Troy surveyed the bland grays and taupes of the office’s landscape, his cock already stirring as his mind’s eye conjured up the lurid display of forced exhibitionism he’d witnessed in the crowded restaurant in White Valley. Maybe it really was time for a change?

  “My friend, Keenan. I think I mentioned him. He’s…he’s on the board for The Coulee Group. Big engineering firm out here.”

  “I’ve heard of ‘em. I thought they were into civil stuff though?”

  “Oh, they are, but they’re getting into electrical and want to expand to mechanical too — which made me think of your sorry ass.”

  “Now, we’re talking.”

  “Anyway, said he can get you in there, practically guaranteed. Salary easily double, if you’re making what I think you are.”

  “Trust me, it’s less,” Troy muttered, shaking his head. “But my, uh, reticence to move isn’t about money. It’s about her.”


  “She… this is her home. It’s all she’s ever known, actually.”


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