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Valley of Surrender Series - Vol.1

Page 20

by Trent Evans

  His fingers slipped down to find her clit, and he frictioned it furiously. She knew he wanted to make it hurt, both of them knowing that hurt would only make her orgasm that much stronger.

  She screamed her way over the edge within seconds, Troy’s heavy, brutal thrusts driving her into the bed, her pained cries and breathless gasps melding together, the incredible, mind-shattering pleasure becoming entwined, confused with the burning, pulsing agony of the welts lacing her punished buttocks.

  He tensed against her, the grip of his hands around her waist growing fierce, the loud slaps of his hips against her buttocks almost deafening. His groaning growl ripped from deep in his chest as he came.

  But rather than pour himself deep inside her as she wanted far more than she wanted to admit, he pulled from the grip of her pussy, searing jets of come sluicing over her punished bottom cheeks. He came, and came and came, and at the end, it felt as if every inch of her sore, wealed buttocks were covered in his viscous seed.

  “You need this rubbed in, slut.” His voice had a raw, almost primitive rasp, the unbridled male animal in full control as he used his still hard cock to spread the seed over her weals, making her hiss, even as it made her pussy squeeze tight. He spanked her bottom several times, beating his semen into her skin as if he wished to tattoo her with his essence.

  She was half delirious with the pain when she felt his fingers at her ankles, freeing them in moments.

  “It’s okay, girl. Okay, now,” he said, his palm caressing her tear-flooded cheeks as he worked her hands free from the ropes. “My beautiful, brave girl. It’s all over now. I have you. Shh, it’s done, Lacey.”

  He laid upon the bed, pulling her down off the pillows, even the movement of the air like fire across her beaten bottom. She wrapped her arms about him, closing her eyes as she found that sweetest of shelter in the arc of his powerful, muscular, masculinity.

  Her husband wrapped his body about hers, tucking her inside the strength of his arms. His lips pressed soft, slow kisses to her tears, his soothing words helping to bring her back to Earth, his loving touch bringing her a peace, a stillness she only experienced after the stormy waters of discipline had forced her surrender to their irresistible power.

  Now, there was only a man and a woman. She and Troy.

  And a dark bond was renewed, stronger at that moment than it had ever been before.

  Chapter 17

  The phone at his desk rang not five minutes after he sat down to begin work for the day, his list of unread e-mails so long he wanted to put a gun in his mouth. He picked up the headset, already rubbing a hand over his eyes, waiting to hear about the latest fuck-up, another delay, more change-orders.

  “I thought about it.”

  But rather than an irate jag-off project manager, it was the sweet sound of his wife’s soft voice.

  “I want to go, Troy.”


  “White Valley.”


  He had to play it cool though. She needed to know what would be entailed.

  “Um, okay. That’s great.” He leaned over the arm of his chair, craning his head outside his cube to see if anyone nearby might be within earshot. As usual, at six in the morning, the office was a ghost town.

  “I already took a couple days off. I had paid time I was going to lose if I didn’t burn it before the end of the year. How… how long would we need?”

  “What made you change your mind?”

  There was the slightest tremble in her voice. She was either aroused or frightened. Maybe both.

  “I haven’t the faintest fucking idea. But… what you told me. I’ve wondered about it ever since.”

  “I didn’t really tell you much, Lace. I’ll have to give you a better picture though before we go — just to be sure you’re not surprised by what you see.”

  “It’s, well, it’s male dominated, right? Like a sort of planned community?”

  “That’s PC for a commune.”

  “Potato, potahto.”

  “Smartass. Be careful now.”

  Her giggle made him grin like a fool.

  “Look, it’s no commune, but it is a place where all the residents believe in living life on their own terms. There’s a… common lifestyle there, I guess. It’s maybe a little deeper than that, but it’s close. And yes, that lifestyle centers around female submission — and not just in the home.”

  “Whoa.” He could almost hear her pulse begin to pound.

  “You’re going to see things that might surprise you, or shock you. Hopefully, a few that turn you on too. I just want you to be warned ahead of time. I’ll be there with you, always, and you are one hundred percent safe. You got me?”

  “I’ve got you.” She cleared her throat. “What will we… do? I mean what happens once we’re there?”

  “Von will put us up. Maybe take a tour of the town, meet his wife and a couple others. Nothing overwhelming — at least this first time.”

  “You mean it gets overwhelming later?”

  He thought for a moment on how to frame it, and decided to go with unvarnished honesty. “It’s truly unbelievable, once you realize the full scope of things. I can’t explain it any better than that. I just think you need to experience it. After, we can talk about it. See where things stand. What you might want to do.”

  “What about Hayden?”

  “Hunter I’m sure can take him at least one day. I’m assuming your Mom would be willing to take him the rest of the time? Couple days, maybe?”

  “To get a chance at having the kid all to herself? She’ll say yes before I finish the sentence.”

  “And that means I’ll get to have you all to myself.” His slacks tightened at the crotch. “Mostly.”

  “Mostly?” A hint of uncertainty crept into her tone.

  “Like I said, the place is overwhelming. Once we get to town, get you settled in, you might forget I’m even there.”


  He took a steadying breath, lowering his voice. “I want to be sure you’re not doing this because you think it’ll make me happy. I want you to go because you’re genuinely interested in what it’s like. In what you might find out there.”

  “My intentions are purely mercenary. Mostly.”

  He growled at her, and she giggled again.

  “That’ll have to be good enough for me.”

  “Oh… there’s something.” She made a tiny little sound of frustration that made him want to hug her tight. “Might be a… problem?”

  “What’s that?” He was already smiling before she asked the question.

  “Today’s Wednesday. If we’re there on, um, Friday… what do we do about…?”

  “About what? Getting in your much-needed weekly discipline?”

  She swallowed audibly. “Yes.”

  “We’ll take care of that there.”

  “Okay. When can we go?”

  Troy wanted to jump up and roar in victory. He settled for a silent fist pump in the seclusion of his quiet cubicle.

  “I’m calling my boss right now. As of about five minutes ago, I’m on vacation.”

  Chapter 18

  The setup Von had at his house was something truly stunning.

  Troy had seen outdoor living rooms before, but nothing quite like this.

  Along the west-facing edge of the deck, protected from the wind by an ornate carved stone wall, stood a trio of huge stainless steel gas grilles. The three women, each nursing glasses of chardonnay, sat at the expansive main table, the thick ivory tablecloth rippling in the cool evening breeze.

  The ladies were quite talkative — and now well-oiled — and the three men, Von, Troy, and a young — but strikingly intense — civil engineer named Maddox Darrow, reclined on one of the deep couches in one of the pair of sunken seating zones.

  Von tipped back his beer. “Think they’re having a good time?”

  Surrounded by granite, marble and stained wood, the place was gorgeous. Despite the chilly November
evening, the place was warm enough that even the ladies had decided to shed their coats, the outdoor heating units resembling torches, right down to LED driven flickering yellow light, ensuring the entire space was quite comfortable.

  Troy propped a foot on the squat, rock-lined fire pit that served as the centerpiece of each seating area.

  “I’d say Lacey’s already forgotten we’re even here.”

  Or maybe that’s just wishful thinking?

  It was their second night in town, a cool Thursday evening in the most lurid, fantastical place he’d ever dreamed of. Their first twenty-four hours in White Valley had been spent taking their time touring the town. Von, their informal tour guide, had tried to steer them around anything too risqué, but they had stumbled upon a few scenes that were right out of a man’s wet dream.

  “Hey, so, I wanted to… apologize for earlier,” Von said, with a wince. “I didn’t realize Martin was going to be…”

  “Going for a walk?” Maddox’s hazel eyes glittered. “The man loves to show off Brooke. I swear, if he thought Sheriff Mathis would allow it, he’d stake her out on Columbia Street in her birthday suit and charge one penny for anyone who wanted to look — or have — their fill of his wife.”

  Earlier that day, he and Lacey had been strolling along the new paved riverfront jogging path with Von, the late autumn sunshine not doing much to cut through the crispness of the morning, the roaring river not ten feet away from them, when Lacey had stopped dead in her tracks.

  All three of them had watched in silence as a sharply-dressed man in a navy suit and mirrored sunglasses was walking toward them, a woman in impossibly high, slutty heels tottering along next to him. Her gorgeous midnight hair, parted in the middle, hung loose down past her shoulders, the locks stirring on the wind. Though she too was smartly dressed in a cream, sleeveless blouse and a patterned hunter green skirt… it was no mere domestic scene of a couple out for an early jaunt.

  The thick, black leather collar around the woman’s throat was the first jarring sight. The other was the fact that the woman’s arms were secured savagely high up her back, coils of rope holding her wrists together in a reverse prayer tie between her shoulder blades. The position stretched the sheer blouse across pert breasts not allowed the restraint of any sort of bra, the prominent nipples clearly delineated under the fabric in the chilly morning air.

  Then there was the skirt itself, so short, the shadow of pubic hair could just be discerned under the hem, firm, athletic thighs pumping as she attempted to keep up with her husband’s swift pace.

  “Morning!” was all Martin had said, cheerful, relaxed as he drew his blushing wife past them. Brooke’s eyes were downcast, her dark eyelashes fanning pink cheeks, as if she couldn’t bear to make eye contact with the strangers.

  Lacey had softly gasped as she’d seen what was gripped in Martin’s hand though.

  Attached to the front of Brooke’s thick leather collar had been the silver hasp of a leash, the black length of it wrapped around Martin’s fist such that he held it quite close under her chin, the restraint used to enforce their brisk pace along the walkway.

  Neither Von nor Troy nor Lacey had spoken a word as they’d watched the couple walk away, the undercurves of pale, smooth buttocks, clearly visible beneath the ridiculously brief skirt, rolling fetchingly with each step Brooke took in her sky-high heels.

  Troy had taken Lacey’s hand as they continued on, carefully watching her to glean what he could about her reaction. To her credit, his wife had shaken it off — or at least done an admirable job of practicing polite discretion.

  Perhaps she’d taken to heart his warning that she’d see some shocking things while visiting White Valley?

  Or maybe she found it just as hot as you did?

  He didn’t dare entertain the idea, but knowing what he did about the needs and desires of his submissive wife, it wasn’t an outlandish possibility.

  “Everyone in town knows this about the Shafer couple.” Maddox flicked a suspicious glance at Von. “I smell a set-up.”

  Von held up both hands, grinning. “I’m innocent, I swear!”

  “Lying bastard,” Troy muttered, drawing from his beer. “I think it actually worked out okay, in the end. She still hasn’t said a word about it — which is a damned good sign, believe me.”

  A burst of laughter erupted from the table, Lacey throwing her head back, Celina taking a long sip from a tall wineglass. A striking young woman sitting with them named Candice, her light brown locks shot through with pretty streaks of pink and blue, was holding her belly, her face beet red as she giggled.

  Von tipped his long beer bottle toward Maddox. “You gonna be at tomorrow’s accounting?”

  Maddox, stretching his long arms over his head, glanced over at the females. “Can’t. Bryce is coming into town.”

  Troy noted the way Candice’s smile faded noticeably, her pretty gaze sliding to her fiancé.

  “He’s flying into Seattle. Told him I’d drive him over the mountains.”

  “That sonofabitch finally going to stick around for longer than a weekend?” Von’s dark brow arched. “I know he loves it here, but the kid seems like he’s always on the way to someplace else. Fucking ants in his pants.”

  “Got something else in his pants too,” Maddox said, chuckling. “Which is why I think he’s staying for good this time. Wants to be here for the next Walk, for sure.”

  The color drained from Candice’s cheeks.

  Celina laid a hand on her shoulder, saying something to the girl Troy couldn’t quite make out. Candice flashed a forced smile to Von’s wife, taking a long swig from her wine glass as the other two women dragged her back into their rather animated conversation.

  “Got his eye on someone, doesn’t he?” Von reached out and set his empty bottle on the edge of the fire pit.

  “That’s my guess, but he’s keeping it close to the vest.”

  “Any ideas?”

  Troy knew there was something going on at that moment between the two men, an unspoken subtext perhaps, but he’d be damned if he knew what it was.”

  Maddox’s gaze moved back to the women. “I’ve got my suspicions.”

  “Well, asshole, you gonna tell us or jerk us around?” Von was grinning as he said it.

  But the young man just shook his head.

  “Dick.” Von stood up. “Need to get this place cleaned up.”

  “Oh, that reminds me!” Maddox tapped his pursed lips with the tip of his index finger. “Something I wanted to show you guys. A new, uh, decoration.”

  Von looked over at Troy, his eyebrows raised, then grunted, sitting back down. “This should be good.”

  Maddox beckoned with a finger. “Candice? Over here, please.”

  The woman’s hand betrayed a slight tremble as she set her wine glass down, rising slowly. Celina and Lacey watched with a mixture of sympathy and wide-eyed curiosity.

  “Right here, in front of us.” Maddox pointed at the spot. His tone was calm, almost soft.

  Candice was surprisingly tall, her dark brown pencil skirt and snug long-sleeved knit top perfectly showcasing her willowy figure. Large, expressive eyes and plump lips painted a raspberry gloss only accented the woman’s attractiveness. She gave the men a shy smile, but her eyes darted between them and her fiancé.

  “Let’s see them.”

  Candice’s bright white teeth nibbled at the corner of her mouth, a deep furrow between her eyes. “Maddox, I—”

  “Top off.” Her fiancé exhaled slowly, nostrils flaring. “Now.”

  She froze there for a moment, her gaze fixed on the implacable man who would someday be her husband, but who already seemed very much her Master. Then her gaze dropped and she quickly peeled the top off, her multicolored hair catching in the neckline, the locks flying in the gentle breeze for a moment before she tucked them behind her ear.

  “Bra too.”

  She fumbled at the front clasp, then allowed the white lace to drop away. Candice’s a
rm cradled her breasts, covering up the nipples.

  “Show us.” Maddox’s voice had thickened.

  Troy shifted at the uncomfortable tightness at his groin, sheepishly acknowledging that other things were… thickening too.

  Lacey’s hand was over her mouth, but she watched intently. Celina shook her head slowly as she stood and began collecting the dishes.

  The tall woman allowed her arms to fall away, to the sound of a low whistle from Von. “You just have those done?”

  The woman was blessed with high, jutting breasts, very firm, the erect nipples more prominent than any Troy could remember seeing. What made them even more so were the stout silver studs piercing each one close to the base, the metal glint a pleasing counterpoint to the broad, coral areolas.

  “She’s had them for a couple weeks now. Not even close to healing, but she’s gotten a lot better at displaying them when ordered to.”

  The woman’s face went crimson.

  She had the tight body of youth, the toned, flat belly set off by another piercing nestled in the shallow well of her navel.

  “Going to have her cunt done too at some point.”

  “Clit?” Von said it as if they were speaking about accessories for a muscle car.

  “At labia. I like the look of those studs — might find some matching ones for her. Haven’t decided on the clit though. Maybe VCH, maybe a stud through the base itself. We’ll see.”

  Candice’s face went ashen, a frantic look in her pretty eyes.

  Von grinned up at her. “You poor girl. Not even married yet, and the kid’s already got you rather well in hand, doesn’t he?”

  She swallowed hard, gaze toward the floor. “Yes… yes, sir.”

  “Your wife looks like she’s seen a ghost, Troy.”

  Lacey was utterly still, watching the scene play out, her gaze occasionally sliding to Troy. He gave her a subtle smile each time.

  It’s okay, girl. This is all okay.

  “She’ll be just fine.” Troy stood up and strode over to his still-seated wife. “We’re all friends here.”

  He hugged her head to his side, caressing her under her delicate jaw. She leaned hard against him, her entire body seeming to hum with a subtle vibration.


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