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Valley of Surrender Series - Vol.1

Page 25

by Trent Evans

  His friend’s expression sobered a little, the lines around his eyes deepening again. “The shit thing, and I didn’t even get the chance to tell Lace this.” He grunted, slowly spinning his bottle in his hand. “It’s actually a relief. I don’t know how it’s possible, but even though I feel like I just had my balls pulled out through my throat, it’s a goddamned relief. What the fuck does that mean, dude?”

  “It means you forget about her — as soon as fucking possible.”

  The idea seemed to materialize in his mind from nothingness, like the appearance of the shoreline, emerging from a coastal mist.

  You fucking idiot.

  It was insane. Maybe the most insane thing he could possibly entertain, especially now while his best friend sat across the table drowning his sorrows.

  “The last thing she said, Troy. I still can’t believe this shit. It was like she hadn’t already ground my nuts under heel. She gets all quiet — just like she always does when she’s about to give me one of her little truth bombs.”

  Troy rolled his eyes. He knew the exact act. It made Lacey want to kill Sara anytime the woman went into self-important, know-it-all mode.

  “She says: ‘I could never be what you think you need me to be. I can’t accept what you want to do — what you are. You need help, Hunter, not a more adventurous wife.’”


  “Yeah — dagger.”

  The truth was the phone call from Hunter had been a relief to Troy too — for a different reason. It had allowed him to avoid thinking about what Lacey had told him, about what it meant for their future.

  He had always suspected, and what was the most mystifying thing — and probably the most fucked up — was that it didn’t bother him. Quite the opposite. If it were any other man, he’d be swallowing a mouthful of broken teeth after Troy got done with him.

  But not with Hunt. What did that mean?

  The idea was still there, still taking on shape, its definition becoming clearer — and more twisted — by the second. Did he have the balls to do it?

  It might have been crazy, but it did have a sort of internal logic to it.

  Letting him touch her — really touch her — would help clear up a few things.

  First and foremost, it would let him see if there might be anything waiting at the end of a potentially long and winding — and insane — journey. Was there really something there? This would ferret it out with a quickness.

  More importantly, hatching something like this would be a test for him. Could he even let another man touch her? The thought, from a fantasy standpoint, was hot as hell. He had no idea why, but it was. Maybe it was the power of handing over — and sharing — your toys? Maybe he just wanted to see how another male might handle her lush, yielding body? The point was — this would help him find out if there was anything to it, or if that was something strictly for fantasy only.

  White Valley might have really been a place straight out of a dominant man’s dreams, but that didn’t mean hard, cold reality wasn’t a factor. Some things just didn’t translate well in real life.

  The fact was, if she agreed to the move, there would be other men touching her. And eventually more than just touching.

  He truly wasn’t sure he was ready for that yet, but if it was going to work with anyone, Hunter was the best test subject on the planet to find out.

  Hell, it might even be fun.

  There was one thing that was as clear as day now. If a move was going to happen, he was going to have to make a deal with his wife.

  If the pieces came together just right.

  Troy cleared his throat, leveling his gaze with his friend’s. “Hunt, I’ve got a crazy idea. Just hear me out on this… because I think you’re gonna like it.”

  Chapter 23

  They’d barely spoken all day. It was Saturday and he’d spent most of the morning in the garage working on the truck. They hadn’t had a Maintenance night on Friday, and that sad fact weighed on him. It just didn’t feel… right. There was too much between them though, a new tension hanging in the air that had to be resolved before they could move forward. Or wherever the hell they were careening toward next.

  He waited until Hayden was down for a nap before taking her by the hand and leading her to the bedroom.

  Leaving her standing in the middle of the room, he pulled off one of the large cream throw pillows, dropping it on the carpet at the side of the bed. He took a seat on the mattress before it, jabbing a finger at the floor and meeting his wife’s eyes.

  “Clothes off. I want you kneeling and at attention. We have some talking to do, you and I.”

  She paled, her throat working, but her fingers were already pulling up the cute blue patterned hoodie she liked to bum around in on the weekends. He watched her peel it off, pleased to see she wore no bra underneath. Skinning down her yoga pants and panties before him, her cheeks blushed a fetching crimson as her heavy breasts swayed before him, his cock beginning to stiffen at the pleasing jiggle of the round globes as she freed each of her feet from the tangle of clothing.

  Folding her legs beneath her, she took her position upon the soft pillow.

  He didn’t say a word for a long minute, instead, staring at her, savoring the way her breasts heaved in time with her quick, shallow breaths, the broad, lush curves of her hips, her fetching blush and those beautiful, luminous eyes bringing his cock to full mast.

  “I’m so sorry, Troy.” She looked surprised, as if the words had spoken themselves against her will. But she pressed on anyway. “I know I… I feel like I’m ruining everything. All I want to do is help Hunter.”

  “You and I — we’ve always been honest with one another, always accepted each other. Our needs, our desires. It’s worked — better than any man could ever hope for a marriage to work.” He could feel the tension rising in his muscles as he spoke the words, but he had to get it out. And he had to be sure they understood one another, no matter how difficult and awkward it felt.

  “Do you… are you saying it’s not going to work anymore?” Her lips trembled, and he wanted to kiss them savagely.

  “I want to know what it is you really want out of this… whatever the fuck this is turning into.” He fixed her with a glare. “Do you have feelings for him? More than friends?”

  Her sweet lips moved silently, then she swallowed hard. “Yes. I… I’m afraid to tell you what I want.”

  “There’s no room for any of that shit. Not now. If we’re going to make this work.”

  Her eyes went wide, a hint of a smile at her lips. “You mean, you think…?”

  “Tell me all of it. I want to know, Lacey.”

  She took a deep breath, his cock twitching at the way it made her breasts move. Her pink nipples were very, very hard.

  “I always hurt for him, seeing how she’d fucked with him. She wasn’t what he needed. He needs a woman who accepts him — all of him. He deserves that. He’s such a good man… who needs to know there is a good woman out there for him.”

  “And you’re that woman?”

  She flinched, but nodded. “I want to try to find out. If…”

  “And do you want him separately? Like… I don’t know. On the side?” He hated even saying the words, the awfulness of the idea making his teeth grit. He had to be sure though.

  “No!” Her hands, flat on her thighs, moved, twisting against her skin as if they wanted to free themselves to express their true desires. “I would want… both.”

  It was at once a bittersweet ache, and a profound relief. What was more, the prospect didn’t horrify him. Not one bit, actually. He wasn’t at all sure what that meant, but knowing she still needed him… was a weight lifted from his shoulders he’d never let her know existed.

  “I don’t do guys. So, if that’s what you’re thinking, then we’ve got a problem.”

  She allowed herself a tiny giggle, blushing. “I… wouldn’t want that either.”

  “Greedy girl then?”

  She dropped
her head, but nodded. “Yes, sir.”

  He could practically feel the heat radiating from between her thighs, the scent of her clear on the air.

  The hardness of his erection hadn’t abated at all. He could do this. The thought of another man handling her… it had been swirling in his mind ever since their visit to White Valley, the allure of it something that still surprised him. There was a time when he’d been so possessive, so territorial with his Lacey. Her body, her heart, her soul — all of it — was his. And no one else’s.

  Now? While he still felt the truth of that, he knew he’d evolved. What he’d seen and experienced in White Valley had simply shone a spotlight on that evolution. She was still his — but that didn’t mean the thought of loaning her out didn’t make his cock hard.

  But if they moved there, it would be so much more than that. And he wasn’t sure he was ready — even now — for all that meant. He’d commanded Lacey’s body, her submission, her surrender.

  He’d be commanding a lot more of that if they became residents of that very special little town in the mountains.

  “We’ve seen them before. Triads — they usually don’t work.”

  “I want to try.” Her voice was so soft, quavering. He wondered if it was fear or arousal.

  He looked upon her then, the momentousness of the moment seeming to make the very air still. He loved her more than a man like him knew how to express. And even if she was his possession, even if he commanded the strictest surrender of her body to him… it didn’t change one fact.

  He’d do anything for this woman. He’d die for her — a thousand times over. She was the only thing — and she was his everything.

  No matter how odd the idea still felt, even at that moment, she was right — as she so often was. Hunter did need to know there was hope, that there was still a chance at happiness. Maybe even at love.

  And she was right about another thing too. The woman he needed? It was the one kneeling at that moment in front of her husband. One of the most amazing women in the world.

  Both men were lucky sons of bitches.

  “I’ll make you a deal, Lacey.” He breathed in slow and steady. “If you agree to move to White Valley, then we see if Hunter is interested in—”

  “Yes.” She put both hands over her mouth, then pressed them to her thighs, beaming at him. “I’ll do it.”

  He allowed himself a smile at her appealing eagerness, but she had to know what it meant.

  “There’s no guarantee Hunter will accept — or that he’ll agree with any of this.”

  “He will.” Her eyes sparkled. “I hope.”

  “If he doesn’t accept… you and I are still moving. You prepared for that?”

  “I know. I... still want to try.” Her eyes were bright with tears. “Hunter needs me. He needs us.”

  He almost nodded, knowing that her words, as alien as they should have seemed, held the truth.

  “This is the most important part, Lacey, and I’m not sure you’ve thought this through all the way. If we propose this to him. There’s no going back, once he knows… our friendship won’t ever be the same, no matter what he says. Are you prepared to risk that?”

  Are you?

  Her eyes shone bright, tears brimming as she said the words. “His heart is broken, Troy. Our friend. I’ll risk anything for the chance to make him happy again. To show him what life can be like with someone he’s meant for. Someone made for him.” A tear slipped down her cheek and she wiped it away. “I’ll take that chance — if you’ll take it with me.”

  He held out his hands, needing to feel her, to hold her. “Come here, Lacey girl.”

  Tears streaming down her face, she sprang into his arms, clinging fiercely to him, her lush body fitting to his with sublime perfection.

  Troy wasn’t sure how long he held her, listening to her soft weeping, his shoulder wet with her tears. The whole idea was insane. It was dangerous, even foolish.

  But they were going to try anyway. His friend deserved that much.

  Gently, he pulled her back enough to look down into eyes grown even more gorgeous with her tears. “We have to be careful with this. Take it in stages.”

  She nodded, wiping at her eyes.

  “I gotta couple ideas.” He glanced down pointedly at her buoyant breasts pillowed against his chest. “But it’s going to mean using that hot body of yours.”

  Lacey’s smile was equal parts coquettish and winning. “Just tell me what you want me to do, sir.”

  He pressed a soft kiss to her forehead. “You’re such a good girl.”

  Chapter 24

  “You sure they’re okay with this?”

  Thankfully, they were alone — for the moment — standing outside the door to Hunter’s office, the cold winter wind whipping through the parking lot and swirling within the vestibule at the smoked glass of the front doors. She shivered, but knew there wasn’t much to be done about it. After all, she wasn’t exactly dressed for the weather.

  It had been Troy’s idea to put on the costume. She’d have never had the courage to walk out of the house in an outfit quite this… revealing. His growled promise that she’d be punished if she backed out now was more than enough to get her moving though.

  “Naughty elf” was what he’d labeled it, the skintight green shorts so brief, the lower curves of her buttocks threatened to pop out if she so much as bent over. Her red and green button-up top was fur-lined at the bodice. He’d, as usual, forbidden her to use a bra. The brutally tight waist cincher she wore underneath, and the fact he’d made her leave the top four buttons undone, ensured her boobs practically spilled out. A twenty-five degree December day wasn’t conducive to an outfit that showed almost as much skin as a bathing suit. At least the cute Santa hat kept her head from freezing.

  “I’ve never seen a sluttier little elf.” Troy kissed her cheek, pressing the large red velvet goody bag into her hands. His eyes glinted in the gray light of the day. “You’d better get in there before I take you back to the truck and fuck your brains out, bad girl.”

  Her heart skipped a beat, her nipples tightening to steel points even as her blush burned hot. “These shorts didn’t used to be so tight.”

  “It’s a good look on you.” He waggled a dark eyebrow.

  “I feel like a beached whale.”

  His gaze darkened, his mischievous smile fading until his sensuous lips were but a thin line. “What have we talked about? You’re gorgeous. I told you — more than once — that I will not tolerate you putting yourself down.”

  “But, I really… these fit before.”

  “And they fit very well now, Lacey.” His voice was a murmur but it was all steel.

  Her mouth went dry as she realized she might have pushed it just a little too far.

  At least the brutally tight waist cincher flattened her still too-rounded belly. It didn’t do anything for her thighs though, which she thought were still too big. Having Hayden hadn’t helped in that department either.

  “I think we’re going to have to address this issue again.”

  Her stomach sank at the quiet words.

  His expression was cool, neutral as he took her by the upper arms. “But not now. Right now, you’ve got a job to do, and that’s to use that smokin’ bod of yours in the service of evil.”

  She couldn’t help but giggle even though a chill ran down her spine. She knew her Troy; she’d just earned herself another painful punishment. The only question was when, and in what form it would take.

  Damn you, Lacey. Why do you have to keep getting your ass in a sling!

  “You’re coming in, right?”

  The office wasn’t very big, maybe ten cubes all told — and she’d made Troy double-check to ensure it was okay to pull something this crazy.

  “I’ll be right behind you.” Troy cocked a thumb toward the doors. “Need to say thanks to Bill Hanlon anyway. You can do your thing while I talk to him.”


  “His boss.�
� Troy grinned mischievously. “Hunt’s not gonna have any idea what hit him. Now go.”

  Lacey swallowed hard, willing herself to have the courage to walk inside.

  The picture of Hunter’s crooked smile filled her mind, and she sighed, yanking open the smoked glass front door, blessedly warm air washing over her.

  The short walk down the worn gray carpet of a hallway led her into the office area. There were six cubicles on each side of the room, separated by a broad walkway down the center of the room. She looked around for Hunter, then Troy touched her left shoulder.

  “He’s right over there.”

  She glanced back at Troy, who stayed back out of sight of Hunter’s desk. He gave her a sly wink, mouthing “Go.”

  Her heart jackhammered in her chest as she walked over to his cubicle. He was on the phone with someone, his head in his hands as he leaned over on his desk. Several of his officemates peered over at her with questioning looks. She knew that Hunter was an engineer, just like her husband, and she was still struck by how much time engineers spent on the phone rather than actually… engineering.

  You ditz.

  Hunter’s white dress shirt stretched taut over his broad shoulders, the fringe of his rich brown hair just falling over the back collar, the sight making her heart do a flip-flop.

  Then he looked up — and his mouth fell open.

  “Jack, I… I gotta take another call.” He gave her a puzzled glance. “Yeah… tomorrow’s fine.”

  He dropped the handset into its cradle and stared up at her. “Lacey? What the… what’s going on?”

  She gave him her winningest smile. “Came to drop off a few gifts. You won’t mind, will you?”

  “Mind?” He glanced over to the other cubes. Every eye in the place was watching them now, the office suddenly a lot quieter than it had been two minutes ago.

  Courage, Lace.

  Fishing the envelope for Hunter out of the bag, she bent over the half wall of his cubicle, trying not to think about how much of her ass she was probably showing off to his co-workers, yet very much paying attention to the fact Hunter’s eyes were glued to her breasts bobbling in the confines of her bodice as she laid the envelope on his keyboard. “Will you hold this for me?”


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