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Valley of Surrender Series - Vol.1

Page 43

by Trent Evans

  Hunter, who dazzled her once more with skills she’d never have imagined him possessing, had taken down the rope from around the beam — and wrapped her in it.

  Using a strict figure eight pattern of rope around her chest and breasts, he’d made the tender globes swell anew, reawakening the burning, bee stung feel of her skin after the flogging. Hard fingertips tested her nipples mercilessly — a familiar chuckle telling her it was Hunter — squeezing and twisting them until she mewled. Then she was placed on her knees in the center of the big bed, her body folded over tightly until her throbbing, swollen breasts pressed to her thighs, her breath coming in quick pants.

  She could hear zippers lowering, the sound of a bottle being popped open — then a familiar wet sound that sent chills down her spine, her head coming up, the gag hopelessly garbling her entreaty to them to tell her what they were doing.

  You know exactly what they’re doing, Lacey.

  The mattress in front of her dipped and she leaned back on her haunches to maintain her balance. Hands brushed her hair from her face, gathering up its heavy weight and tying it into a single ponytail.

  “She knows what to do,” Troy’s voice said above her head.

  That meant…

  Oh, fuck!

  “Take your time.” Troy continued. “She’ll be a good girl. She likes this — even if she’d never admit it.”

  A strong hand patted her bottom, then she gasped as cool, wet lubricant was applied between her widespread buttocks. She dropped her head, her cheeks flaming as she realized what Hunter could doubtless see now, her position one of intense exposure and vulnerability. Knowing that, she also knew he could see how wet her pussy had become — again — at the prospect, despite her fear, of what was about to happen.

  She heard the wet sounds of lubrication being applied behind her, then a quiet sigh from Hunter.

  “Fuck, I’m ready to go off already.”

  “I know the feeling,” Troy said, laughing. Fingers combed through her hair, the feel of them at her temples pure heaven. She purred, and the hand was presented to her lips. She kissed the knuckles gratefully.

  A fingertip pressed at her anus, and she sucked in a breath, always surprised at the sensation as just the tip worked its way inside the tight opening.

  “We’re gonna go nice and slow, Lacey,” Hunter said. “Just relax for me now. Only a finger to start. Once we get you used to that, we’ll try… something else. Push back now.”

  She didn’t know why his quiet confidence surprised her, but it did. It had always been a guessing game with him. Was he really inexperienced with this? Was he truly a vanilla guy looking to explore kink? Or was he in fact as darkly twisted as her own beloved husband was? As the day went on, she’d had to admit only the latter answer made any sense anymore.

  That realization both excited and frightened her. She was truly in over her head, but at this point, there was nothing to be done about that. Right now, she was just along for the ride, going wherever these two strong, virile, and yes, dangerous, males decided to take her.

  “Trust me, Hunt, she’s used to a whole lot more than a finger.”

  Her embarrassment burned so brightly, she actually whimpered, Troy’s hand patting her on the cheek, his thumb stroking her lower lip as he cooed at her to be still.

  The finger finally slipped all the way inside and she willed her flesh to open, to ease his passage. He thrust languidly for a minute, his other hand stroking and squeezing her bottom as he did it.

  “There you go. Not bad at all. Feels good, right?”

  She nodded eagerly, almost gasping again as he pulled the finger free, the exit always stimulating the nerves just inside the anus even more than the entry. If she could’ve verbalized it, she’d have told him to do that again… and again… and again.

  Her womb clenched, the pleasure blooming deep in her belly, the connection between her anus and the rest of her something she still marveled at, despite the shame she still couldn’t help but feel in surrendering that most private part of her body.

  Lacey panted as fingers circled her anus gently, then pressed once more, this time, two thick fingers breaching her, slowly easing inside, a slow push and withdrawal until she was moaning softly with the stretching, the pleasure already at a fever pitch inside her bottom.

  The penis presented to her opening took her by surprise, the hard, wide head making her tense up momentarily.

  “It’s okay, Lacey. We’ll go slow. We’ve got all afternoon.” Hunter’s voice lowered. “Be a good girl now, and puuussshh.”

  Troy’s lips brushed her forehead, his fingers stroking her hair again. “You’re taking him, no matter how long it takes us, bad girl. Hunter’s going to give you a long, hard ride. And you’re going to do whatever he tells you, aren’t you, Lacey girl?”

  She nodded frantically, feeling the cock at her anus press against her harder.

  “Open for it. Open, open.” Hunter’s hand kneaded her buttock once more, then spread over the small of her back. “Easy, easy. There — no, don’t tense — that’s a girl. Open right up.”

  The head slid in, a sensation of pinching at first, giving way to a pleasing stretch as she pushed out, relaxing for him.


  Lacey let out a long, keening moan as he slowly eased forward, sliding, sliding, sliding. He stopped a moment, reaching down to cup her sex in his hand, patting her seething heat gently. “You’re doing so well. A little more now. Push, girl. Push.”

  “Take that cock all the way, bad girl,” Troy whispered over her. “Open for him. Give your ass to him, slut. It’s his today — just like the rest of you. Give it all to him.”

  Hunter groaned then, the shudder of his strong thighs against hers making her push back against him. She wanted all of him, every inch, to that place so far inside, the place of utter satisfaction that came with such deep penetration.

  He stilled, his hand rubbing gentle circles over her tailbone, caressing the upper slopes of her buttocks.

  “I’m going to fuck you now. Hard.” Hunter’s once smooth voice was harsh now, guttural, the male animal in full control. “If it starts to hurt too much, you snap your fingers. Got me?”

  She nodded again, Troy’s heavy palm still atop her head.


  Hands took up her hips, the grip so hard, she felt powerless against such strength. Then it began.

  Hunter was surprisingly gentle at first, and Lacey swiveled her hips as much as his tight grip allowed. All too soon though, his thrusts worked up, taking her deep and hard as she relaxed fully. More fingers took her nipples, squeezing and caressing in rhythm with the increasingly punishing thrusts, each one deeper than the last, pressing the air from her lungs on each down stroke. Her sex, her perineum, her clit, all of it heated up, in concert with the blazing heat, the incredible sensation blooming ever higher, ever sweeter in her bottom as he took her, perhaps harder than she’d ever been fucked.

  Though Lacey panted, and groaned, sympathetic tears once again tracking down her cheeks now and again, inside she was exploding with joy, with the promise of what might be, with the realization of a fantasy, a dream she’d never dared think could be made true.

  How many days had she badgered Troy about his friend? How many nights had she wondered how Hunter was doing after Sara had left him? How she’d worried about him, ached with him in his pain, in his loneliness. She knew Troy felt the same, in his own male way, though men never experienced those feelings or expressed them in such concrete terms, at least not about their friends. Still, she knew he’d worried about Hunter too.

  A big hand slipped down beneath her, Hunter’s swinging balls slapping against her bottom. Someone touched her aching clit then, and she screamed, jerking within the implacable, irresistible hold of these two brawny men.

  My men.

  That thought was the last straw, and she rocketed up into space, her orgasm detonating deep in her belly, her sex sizzling with heat, with raw pleasu
re that had her crying out again and again as the waves washed over, her vision lost to a white-out of pure sensation. Hunter groaned behind her, his last thrusts into her ass the most brutal yet, shaking her, rattling her teeth, driving the breath from her lungs as the hot, scalding seed filled her deep, so deep inside. The feel of his essence flooding into her triggered another orgasm that had her moaning, her hands squeezing tight, making her wish she had one of her men to hold on to.

  “Let it take you down, that’s a girl,” Troy cooed, stroking her cheeks, making her kiss his fingertips around her gag. “I’m so proud of you, taking your men. Obeying us. You’ve been a very good girl today, Lacey.”

  The gag was released then, and her head pulled up by that ponytail, Troy’s soft lips taking hers, his tongue teasing her own, tasting her, savoring her submission, her surrender.

  And there was nothing she wanted more at that moment than to give it.

  Troy brought her up into his arms then, Hunter’s cock slipping free of the clutch of her bottom, making her shudder again.

  Then all was quiet, Lacey lost in the blackness of her blindfolded euphoria, breathing hard, taking in the scent of Troy, the man she loved, the man who owned her, body and soul. She came down, finally, the corners of her mouth sore from the gag, her naked body still in his arms, his soft, gentle kisses to her forehead making her smile, the sounds of his voice, the rumble deep in his chest as he murmured to her a comfort all their own.

  As she laid there in his arms, the sweat cooling on her skin, thick seed from her twitching, pleasingly aching bottom hole sliding down between her cheeks, slickening her inner thighs, she realized one last thing.

  She wanted Hunter there with them too — and not just for tonight.

  Chapter 11

  At some point, Lacey lost track of time. The wine had been broken into after Hunter had taken her ass, the three of them laughing deliriously as they sprawled in bed together.

  They were far from finished with her though. She came again and again, on their fingers, their tongues, their cocks. Even their rumbling, gravelly voices seemed to help take her over the edge more than once.

  Her arms unbound for the first time in hours, they laid her against the headboard, pillows piled behind her, and she watched them as they finally disrobed, her fingers sneaking down between her thighs to stroke her clit, despite the glint in Troy’s gaze telling her she’d be punished for that later on.

  It would be worth it.

  She practically drooled as they took off their shirts, the thick, muscled shoulders bespeaking their immense strength, rippling abdominals, and powerful chests making her nearly moan at the display of masculine beauty all around her. Hunter, slightly taller, was built almost as heavily as Troy, the main difference being Hunter’s somewhat lighter color — and the tattoo.

  A huge, intricate tattoo of a Chinese dragon snaked around Hunter’s left rib cage, the tight, defined abdominals seeming to lend the dark ink a life, a movement all its own as he laid on the bed next to her. Hunter eased a palm up her arm, then took hold of her hands, clasping them at her belly in one of his.

  “What are you…?”

  Alarm bloomed within her, even though her nipples pebbled to steel points, a stirring deep in her belly betraying her body as more than ready for what might come next. Hunter kissed her hard, even brutally, crushing his lips to hers, his fist clenching in her sweaty locks, making the roots of her hair scream.

  He pulled back just enough to look deep in her eyes.

  “I… wanted this for so long. And you’re mine — finally.” He gave her a warm smile then, kissing her softly now, Lacey slipping her tongue deep between his lips, seeking his. He stilled her though, an admonishing pat of his hand on her cheek. “Stop that.” Flicking a glance over his shoulder at Troy, he flashed another knowing grin. “Time for you to take care of your husband.”

  Then Hunter moved away, and Troy stood at her side, looking down upon her. Without a word, he shucked his pants down, revealing the corded sinews of his thighs, the packed, bunched muscles of the calves.

  Unable to help herself, she leaned up, hugging his torso to her. She licked and kissed those hard abdominals then, and he let her, looking on in silence, his hand absently stroking fingers through her hair. Pulling back, she looked up at him, meeting his gaze, the warmth and tenderness she saw there as precious as it was rare. Her fingers traced the tiny scars scattered along his side, the pale, permanent mementos of a close encounter with an IED. She kissed and licked those too, reveling in his strength, his endurance, his sheer will to survive — and to come back to her.

  “Lay back,” Troy said, slipping out of his boxers, his cock high and hard again, making Lacey’s mouth water. He took it in hand, stroking it as he waited for her to comply, his gaze glittering.

  Swinging his legs over her, Troy straddled her chest, his cock rearing over her. She moved to touch it and he shook his head sharply.

  What’s he doing?

  Then the hot shaft was laid in the valley between her breasts and she swallowed hard, looking down at it then up at him.

  “You know what to do,” Troy muttered, leaning over her, making her feel small, almost helpless, that heavy cock throbbing against her skin.

  She grasped her breasts, the marks faded but still aching from the flogging she’d taken earlier. Just as she squeezed the soft pillows of her breasts around the veined length of him, a hot, wet mouth closed over her clit, and she let out a long, ragged sigh.

  “Squeeze it tight, girl,” Troy growled, the tongue lapping at her clit making Lacey’s head spin. She’d have thought she’d been too far gone to respond this way — she’d lost count of how many times she’d come today — but the feel of that agile tongue against her flesh made her want to blast off into space, her thighs and womb clenching over and over as that mouth worked her clit, teeth worrying sensitive, swollen labia.

  Troy began thrusting in earnest between her breasts then, tweaking and rubbing her nipples as he did, grinning down at her.

  “I’ve been wanting to fuck these tits all day, bad girl.” He gave one of her breasts a harsh swat. “Squeeze harder!”

  She obeyed, despite the renewal of the stinging pain of the welts still decorating her flesh. She shouldn’t have liked this — but with Troy she always had, the objectification, even degradation speaking to an element of her nature she wasn’t yet sure how to describe. It was animalistic in the most basic of ways, a callous use of her feminine charms.

  And she loved every second of it.

  Fingers slipped between sodden lips of her pussy, plunging then curling within her, making her cry out, the hard penis between her breasts rocking her now with each hard thrust, the angry, swollen head winking at her with each lunge within her soft cleavage.

  Soon the clever tongue was lapping up her juices, the fingers plunging briskly within her, Lacey moaning almost continuously. A final swirl of firm tongue over her clit, and it was too much, Lacey arching her hips off the bed, driving her sex into a hard chin, the tongue driving deep, that mouth drinking up the copious letdown of liquids as she cried out yet again.

  Her thighs trembled now as Troy’s cock swelled further between her breasts, and he growled at her, his hands planted on the pillows to either side of her head as he came, hot jets of fluid leaping forth to coat her throat, her jaw, the inner curves of her breasts. He sagged over her as he breathed hard, a bead of sweat collecting on the dark stubble of his strong chin.

  Troy collapsed on the bed next to her, letting Lacey look down the length of her body. Hunter perched his chin on her mons, grinning gleefully at her, his lips glistening brightly with her fluids.

  The sun was starting to set, and Lacey’s stomach growled so loudly both men burst out laughing.

  Troy tipped her head up, looking into her eyes.

  “You took the words right out of my mouth, Lacey girl.”

  * * *

  “I wish I’d known how the sky really looked,” Hunter said, la
ying back on the stained wood of the chaise lounge, the evening breeze still warm, the sky perfectly clear, the gorgeous smudge of the Milky Way meandering overhead, the glittering brilliance of the stars breathtaking.

  He’d lived in big cities his entire life, and even in the deserts of Iraq, he’d never seen a sky like this. In Iraq perhaps the same sky could be seen — but Hunter was too busy worrying about staying alive to ever pay attention to it.

  “Lacey still sleeping?”

  All three of them had eaten their dinner like starvation victims, the wine disappearing almost as fast as the steak and fish they’d grilled along with fresh vegetables. Lacey had crashed almost immediately after they’d finished, something Hunter suspected was two parts alcohol, one part exhaustion. They’d put her to bed, the last sight of her being her sweet naked form entwined with a mountain of blankets, Lacey’s half lucid murmuring so adorable he’d seriously considered staying in the room just to listen to her.

  “Yeah, I think she’s dead to the world.” Troy said, snorting. “I think somebody might’ve worn her out.”

  Hunter laughed, tipping up his glass and gazing once more at the immense expanse of nothingness above them. “Guess I’ll just have to content myself with stargazing in the meantime. Poor me.”

  “This shit is nothing. Wait until you see the Auroras.” Troy leaned over the deck railing, craning his head up to take in the same stark, pure beauty of their home galaxy. “Blow your fucking mind, man.”

  “You mean like today?” Hunter winced when he said it, blaming the Malbec, a half-consumed glass of it still dangling from his fingers.

  Troy turned, laying his hands on the rail to either side of him, the ghostly light from the stars the only illumination on the dark deck, reducing his face to a mere suggestion rather than distinctive features. “Just what do you mean, my friend?”


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