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Valley of Surrender Series - Vol.1

Page 55

by Trent Evans

  Then he disappeared back down the steps.

  Petrossian strode up to Josalyn then, taking her by the hand, and speaking to her in a quiet murmur. Then he produced a broad, light brown collar. Even from a distance, the word embossed in blocky, black letters was quite visible:


  “Fuck me,” Hunter said, wincing in embarrassment at the way the sight of that word made his cock jump.

  Petrossian wrapped the collar about her neck, as the color drained from Josalyn’s pretty face. Taking a moment to indulge himself with a bounce of one of her heavy breasts in his palm, the man attached a stout black leash to her collar, the silver clasp glinting in the afternoon light. Then he spun Josalyn around, her breasts swinging wildly, and bound her forearms to each other behind her back, throwing those same breasts into humiliating prominence.

  He walked off with her, Josalyn trailing behind him, her leash clenched in the man’s fist.

  Something stunning happened then. Another figure emerged from the crowd as Mr. Intense called Candice’s name this time. Standing shoulder to shoulder with Candice’s future husband, Hunter noticed it, his jaw dropping to the ground. The man who’d won the auction for the lovely young blue and pink-haired woman bore a striking resemblance to that… of her fiancé. The nose was almost exactly the same, the shapes of the eyes. Though the winner of the auction stood perhaps an inch taller than her fiancé, and his brown hair was longer and a couple shades lighter, they were practically spitting images of each other.

  “You… is that who I think it is?”

  On impulse, Hunter glanced back at Lacey. She met his gaze, her eyebrows shooting up, her plump lips formed into an O.

  “Yes, it is,” Troy said, stepping back to play with a couple strands of Lacey’s hair. “That’s his younger brother.”

  Candice visibly paled, but other than a flutter of her pretty, long lashes, and a slight tremble to her bottom lip, she betrayed no outward reaction.

  “Is that…I mean is that even allowed?”

  Hunter’s heart was pounding, and though he wasn’t entirely sure what he thought of such an idea, his steel hard cock didn’t seem to care a bit. Though it should’ve been beyond fucked up, the idea of it did hold some sort of twisted, dark allure he didn’t even want to try to understand.

  For the millionth time, he was grateful nobody could read his perverted thoughts.

  Troy nodded, looking on. “It’s legal — and permitted. This isn’t the first time it’s happened either. One time it was actually a dude winning a week with his twin brother’s girlfriend.”

  “People don’t freak over it?” The word’s fell out of Hunter’s mouth, almost on their own, even as he watched Candice’s future brother-in-law take down her arms, his gaze, just as intense as his brother’s, unhurriedly perusing her naked, helpless form as he replaced the soft manacles of the overhead chains with thick, black ones embedded with several polished silver rings. He bound Candice’s wrists in front of her then, her hands making no attempt to shield the view of her smooth, shaved sex. It was then that the studs through her labia caught the light, the glint unerringly drawing the eyes to the apex of her thighs.

  They watched the two brothers head off toward the steps, the bound Candice walking between them, her head bowed, her cheeks blushing a deep pink.

  Troy finally shrugged. “It’s controversial, sure, but even in White Valley, such pairings are legal, and permitted. If I had to guess, I’d say the two brothers worked it out ahead of time, even though winning the silent auction is never a sure thing.”

  Von was already taking down Celina’s hands, two frames to Lacey’s right, as his wife’s name was called out.

  Hunter’s heart began to pound again as two men, one older than the other, but both quite vigorous approached Celina and Von. Hunter couldn’t quite make out the quick words exchanged between Von and the men. Celina looked to her husband, but he tilted his head toward the men, giving her a warm last glance before stepping aside.

  The older man, his rangy form and wild, fair hair suggesting a ranch hand — took Celina’s hand then, and surprisingly, he brought it to his lips for a kiss, his dark blue eyes not leaving hers the whole time. His younger companion, a taller, even more slender version of the older one opened the large leather satchel slung over one shoulder, producing some sort of garment of black lace, solid satin panels and tiny dangling belts and cord.

  You gotta be kidding me.

  It was a corset, the sort that fit under the bust rather than concealing it.


  The two made quick work of cinching her up, tightening the cords at the back until it looked fit to pinch the curvy woman in two, her big breasts and round, lush buttocks enhanced even further by the cruel stricture.

  “Von told me about these two. They approached him once they heard Celina would be entered. It’s uh, well, it’s a father and son. The dude wanted to purchase Celina as an eighteenth birthday present for his son. I’m assuming that’s the younger guy there with him.”

  “Holy shit,” Hunter whispered. “Von wasn’t pissed? Is that… even allowed?”

  Troy’s laugh was soft but rich with mirth. “You kidding? Von gets off on this kind of crap. Likes loaning his woman out almost as much as Keenan does. He told the guys he was just sorry he couldn’t guarantee they’d win the silent auction.” Troy gave Hunter a wry grin. “As for whether it’s allowed? Absolutely. This is why they mention ‘household.’ Depending upon who purchases the Applicant at the auction, she could end up as anything from some slutty French maid, to a farm animal in a stall, to a party favor, handed around an entire houseful of college students. If you can imagine it, trust me, it’s happened before.”

  Lacey made a tiny sound then, and Hunter stepped up to her, caressing the soft curve of her breast. Her mouth was moving, but she didn’t seem willing or able to form words as she looked on.

  God, we need to get her home.

  “Lace, it’s okay, we’re here. You’ll be fine.”

  Troy joined them, touching her face, his thumb stroking her bottom lip. “Easy, girl. Nothing to worry about now.” Troy made his now visibly trembling wife kiss the tip of his thumb, then tucked a lock of hair behind her ear.

  Hunter met his friend’s gaze then, seeing nothing but self-assured certainty in his eyes. How was Troy so sure someone would win who wouldn’t decide to subject Lacey to something she simply couldn’t handle? Worse, how was Hunter supposed to endure watching her taken away by some stranger… for an entire week?

  He’d never really examined exactly how he felt about that before that exact moment, mostly because it had always been something in the abstract, a possibility, rather than a fact.

  Now? Hunter wasn’t sure he could let her go. With anyone.

  She’s ours, goddammit.

  Von watched the father and son lead his wife away by a chain attached to the back of the brutally tight corset, his expression neutral but his dark eyes betraying a wistfulness that, getting off on it or not, showed it still wasn’t easy to see his wife taken away from him, even if only temporarily.

  As the two men finally made their way off the hill with Celina in tow, Von looked over in Lacey’s direction. Her trembling increased a little more as Von walked over.

  Hunter swallowed hard. “Did he…?”

  But Troy just smiled.

  “As much as I love all of this… that’s the hardest damn part of the Walk.” Von glanced one more time toward the stairs, no doubt wondering what lay in store for his Celina. “Looks like I’m the big winner for Lacey here.”

  Hunter’s legs suddenly felt like lead, and almost without thinking he snaked his arm around her waist, hugging her naked hip tight against him. He knew she’d be able to feel his rampant erection, but that didn’t matter. He wasn’t letting her go. Even if it caused an uproar, he decided Lacey wasn’t going anywhere except back to the house with he and Troy, ritual and custom be damned.

  But rather than take cust
ody of their dark-haired woman, Von opened his jacket, pulling out a wad of bills, handing them to Troy. “That’s five thousand. I actually bid ten, but half goes to the Walk Committee.”

  Hunter looked at his friend. “How did you…?”

  “Helps to have friends with deep pockets,” Troy said, inclining his head toward the beaming Von.

  Hunter couldn’t help the burst of laughter.

  “I’m impressed.” Troy tapped Lacey’s hard nipple with the stack of bills. “Must’ve had a lot of bidders for you, old girl.”

  The profound relief flooding through Hunter then was enough to make him want to scream in joy. She wasn’t going anywhere but under he and Troy. Like yesterday.

  Hunter pointed at his friend, still chuckling. “Where I come from that’s not readily distinguishable from prostitution, you know.”

  Troy shrugged. “All depends. Most choose to donate their half — sometimes to a church or charity, or even to a person who needs the money in town. Not unheard of for the choice is directed ahead of time by the Applicant herself. Sometimes the husband will buy his wife something as a gift, and other times the husband keeps the money all to himself. Sometimes people just decide to give their half to the Committee too.”

  “I gotta head out,” Von said, shaking both men’s hands, then giving Lacey a mischievous wink.

  The big man’s phone rang as he headed down the stairs, Von flicking a look over at them even as he talked.

  Hunter wondered if perhaps there was a tiny hint of regret in the gruff man’s eyes. Then he was gone.

  “Have you ever? She and Von?”

  Troy shook his head. “She’s not ready. But I expect one of these days… that may change.” Lacey’s eyes went wide at those words, but what Hunter saw there wasn’t disgust. It was surprise, and wonder… and perhaps more than a little arousal.

  Troy’s eyes flashed then as he pressed his body to Lacey’s side, finally undoing her manacles, his voice a rough murmur at her ear. “We’ve waited long enough, Lacey girl. It’s time to get you home.”

  * * *

  By the time they made it home, the sun was retreating back behind the Cascades, the evening sky already shot through with purples, magentas and deep blues.

  Lacey said little, merely murmuring as they unstrapped her seatbelt, the ride home made that much harder for Hunter watching her breasts bounce in the rearview mirror. His cock was as angry as it had been all day, his erection aching, every part of him yearning to be inside the one woman who he truly thought of as his.

  “Carry her,” Troy told him laying a hand on his shoulder. “I’ll get things ready inside.”

  Hunter had no idea what came next, but as far as he was concerned, as long as their Lacey was there, in their arms, in their home, nothing else mattered.

  “You’re doing just fine, girl,” Hunter said, kissing the cold sweat on her brow.

  Troy had warned him of this, of the comedown that sometimes affected the women after their Walk. Some had catchy names for it, a formal definition, but all Hunter and Troy cared about was getting her what she needed, and bringing her back to them.

  She lay limp in his arms as he carried her naked form from the truck, a dreamy half smile on her lips, her eyes barely open.

  “I…I hope I… did you proud.”

  “Christ, Lace,” Hunter shouldered the front door open, careful to slip inside slowly such that her head didn’t bump against the doorjamb. “You were unbelievable. And the best part of it is, I got to watch all those jealous looks, the envy of those other men. Because they knew, eventually, you’d be back here under our roof. Ours once again.”

  Lacey smiled at that, pressing her face against the crook of his neck, clinging to him closer, her lips moving against his skin as she murmured her pleasure, her relief.

  It was insane to even note it at that moment, especially when he knew they both had a job to do in bringing Lacey back to them from her endorphin stupor, but he could smell her scent in the confines of the long entryway hallway, the spicy note of her pussy making his mouth water, an involuntary groan drawn from deep in his chest.

  “Lacey, God, I need you,” Hunter said into her hair, kissing her scalp. “Seeing you out there… all I could think about was getting you back here. Here with us.”

  He brought her toward the master bedroom, the sound of running water drawing him faster and faster toward that sweet moment when he’d be one with this wonderful creature huddled in his arms.

  “Help her in, it’s nice and hot,” Troy said, running a hand under the water. When Hunter had first seen the tub, he’d thought it was some sort of joke, the massive thing easily three times the size of a normal one, sunk into the floor, it took up half the floorspace of an already huge bathroom.

  The jets were already on, the surface a riot of bubbles, enhanced by the soap Troy had already added to the steaming water. Lacey was a total sucker for bubbles, but it wasn’t exactly a hardship for either he or Troy to see her nubile charms highlighted and showcased by all that white foam.

  Her long moan as he let her slip into the embrace of the bath almost made Hunter groan, his cock aching so badly all he could think of was freeing it at long last — hopefully to find its place in a much more welcoming environment, namely deep within his woman. Their woman.

  Troy crouched above the faucet, grabbing the wand fixture from where it hung on the wall and beckoning Lacey to slide over to him.

  Soon she was moaning anew as Troy’s hands scrubbed her shampoo into her long, dark locks, the pleasant, fruity scent of the stuff making her even more irresistible.

  Hunter dropped to a knee next to Lacey, wanting to be as close to her as possible as Troy took his time rinsing off her long hair. Hunter was pleased to see he wasn’t the only one nursing a near obsession with touching Lacey’s hair.

  Her eyes opened as Troy wrung the last of the shampoo from the thick locks.

  “Come here, please, Sir.” She reached up to Hunter, fisting her hand in the front of his shirt, pulling at him.

  He barely had time to kick off his boots before he’d dropped into the steaming hot bath with Lacey, his clothes instantly waterlogged. He didn’t care though, taking hold of both her arms and easing her over to him. Waiting a millisecond longer without the taste of her was impossible, so he kissed her long and hard, the feel of those soft swollen lips against his a simple, pure slice of heaven he knew he’d never tire of.

  “Lacey,” he said against her mouth, her hot tongue tasting his. “Tell me… are you really okay?”

  She stopped then, a new light shining in her eyes, even though she could barely keep them open. “I’m supposed to serve you, Sir — not the other way around.”

  “That’s bullshit and you know it — you’re wrung out. You can hardly stay awake.”

  A lazy smile curved her luscious lips before she kissed him again, this time Lacey acting as the aggressor, taking hold of his hair, pressing her soft body against him, pushing him up against the side of the tub as she tasted his lips, kissing his chin, then down onto his throat, nipping him a little there, making Hunter jerk.

  “Watch that,” Troy said, the water sloshing around them as he too slipped into the water behind her, taking hold of her by the hair, Lacey’s mouth dropping open as she gasped. Her round breasts reared out of the water, bubbles clinging to the curves of the globes, the white suds rendering the still livid pink and red marks across her breasts into stark relief. Troy pulled her up, twisting her upper body so that he could feast on those rosy lips too, Lacey’s moan of pure pleasure making Hunter’s cock jerk.

  Letting her pull you in with your clothes on wasn’t best idea you’ve ever had.

  He didn’t care though. He had to have her, had to feel her yielding flesh under his hands, once more affirming that their woman was there, back in her rightful place, in their arms again.

  Hunter lost track of time then, he and Troy both shedding their clothes one by one, passing their shared girl between them. They
scrubbed every inch of her glorious body — then scrubbed it again. Hunter finally pulled up out of the water, holding her arms above her head, his erect cock brushing against her suds covered buttocks. Troy knelt up with a soft, white washcloth, washing her pussy for her with a gentleness Hunter didn’t think his friend was even capable of.

  Lacey jerked as Troy washed her entire sex, tutting at the still inflamed redness of her labia. He made eye contact with Hunter as he nuzzled her hair, the words unspoken but plain in her husband’s dark gaze.

  She was still a little sore, but not too sore for what was to come later.

  Then Hunter made her bend over the side of the tub, her legs still in the water, pressing her breasts to the cold wet tile, her cheek resting on her arms, her eyes nearly closed.

  She managed only plaintive murmuring while he brushed the cloth over her perineum, inspecting then washing her anus too. If anything, that opening was even more inflamed than her sex, the saddle strap’s presence particularly galling there, especially when she walked. Suddenly curious, Hunter pressed a forefinger to that tight bottomhole.

  “Open for me, girl. Is it sore?”

  She nodded slowly against her arms, but kept her back hollowed, presenting properly for his exploration and use of whatever he chose.

  Good girl.

  He dried her anus off completely, then tilted his head toward Troy. “I think there’s some in the drawer at the vanity.”

  Seconds later, Hunter was smearing the cold, slippery lubricant over her dusky bottomhole. He didn’t say anything as he pressed, merely cooing to her, Troy stroking her wet hair, her body soon surrendering, letting him ease inside to a strangled sigh from Lacey.

  He frowned, gently working his finger in and out. Normally, such an intrusion wasn’t a problem at all for the sweet, obedient girl. Hunter knew Troy delighted in using her bottom quite often.

  It would be in use a lot more now that she had two strict men to satisfy.

  “Hurt, girl?”

  “Yes, Sir.”

  “In a good way?” he pressed a little deeper, and she squeezed tight.


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