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One Battle Lord’s Fate

Page 4

by Linda Mooney

  “Atty? Yulen?”

  A moment later the Battle Lord leaned over the balcony.

  “Fortune and I need to speak with you, if you have a moment.”

  “We’ll be right down,” he promised, disappearing from sight.

  “You know, honey, you’re probably one of less than a handful of people who are able to tell the Battle Lord what to do, and get away with it,” Fortune teased his wife. Tory blushed at his comment. Before she could retort, Yulen was coming down the steps of the spiral staircase at a quick pace. Behind him, Atty descended much more carefully as she held Mattox in one arm. Tory’s quick eye noticed the glow in the woman’s countenance, not to mention the secretive smile she gave her husband as he waited at the bottom of the steps, his hand lifted to help her down the rest of the way.

  “Why don’t we sit down?” Yulen suggested, and the four each took a chair in the living area.

  Noticing he still wasn’t wearing his weapons belt, Tory found herself searching the room for it, finally spotting it on the table by the front door. Although he seldom wore it inside the lodge, she couldn’t remember ever seeing him not wear it when he went outside. Today’s incident had been a rarity.

  “You said you needed to speak with us,” Atty recalled softly. She cradled the baby against her. The tiny boy, his hunger now satisfied, lay drowsily against her warmth. His partially-opened eyes were pale pink in color.

  Tory took a steadying breath and pasted what she hoped was a pleasant smile on her face. “Fortune and I are going back to Wallis with the next caravan,” she announced to them.

  Atty appeared stunned. “Oh?” She gave them a concerned glance. “This is rather sudden, isn’t it?”

  “We’re going to miss you,” Yulen quietly told them. He reached over and took his wife’s hand, squeezing it gently. Tory saw the gesture and knew it was one of a hundred ways they had of showing their devotion to each other.

  “It’s time,” Fortune spoke up. “We need to see how Memnon is doing. Besides, all the excitement’s passed,” he added, grinning.

  “To be honest, we’re torn between staying and going,” Tory continued. “But one thing is certain. We can’t stay here. Not in your home. Yulen, you’re almost completely back in peak condition, if what I saw on the practice field is any indication. And Atty, you have a beautiful little boy to take care of. You don’t need us any longer.”

  “You’re wrong there, Tory. I’ll always need you. But we understand why you have to go back. You feel like outsiders here, don’t you?” Atty asked. When the couple glanced at each other wordlessly, she nodded. “Now you know how I feel sometimes. At least when you’re around, I don’t feel so alone.”


  The Mutah hunter turned to the Battle Lord.

  “If at any time you and Tory decide to come back to Alta Novis, I’ll have other accommodations ready for you,” Yulen promised.

  “Other accommodations?”

  Gesturing with a movement of his head, Yulen explained, “There’s plenty of rooms over at the main lodge. But if none of them aren’t adequate, I’ll have a place built for you.”

  Both of their guests were stunned. “Built for us? Oh, no.” Tory shook her head. “We couldn’t ask you to do that.”

  A smug smile came over Atty’s face. “You don’t have to ask. Yulen and I insist.” Dropping her smile, she added, “When’s the next caravan due out?”

  “Tomorrow,” Yulen answered, glancing at her. “Del Ray is leading it.” Turning back to their guests, he said, “I could have you a new home built within the month. It won’t be large. The compound is still expanding, and I have all my available men working on finishing the new wall before the summer.”

  It was Fortune who stood, making their decision. “We need to go. But if we decide to come back, to stay or to visit again, we’ll let you know. Yulen.” He held out his hand. The Battle Lord stood and accepted it in a warm handshake. “God, what a story I have to tell my grandchildren. You take care, you hear us? Tory, we need to pack.”

  “Can I outfit you a wagon for your trip back?” Yulen offered.

  “That would be very generous of you.”

  “Come with me, then, and let me know what I can have my men supply you with.”

  Nodding, Fortune followed the man out the door, but not before Yulen snatched his weapons belt off the table. Once the door closed behind them, Tory turned back to see Atty watching her carefully, sadness clouding her eyes.

  “Everything’s now as it should be.” Tory smiled wistfully. She held out her arms, and Atty walked into them. “Are you okay?” she asked, placing a kiss on the young woman’s forehead. “Any problems?”

  “Things are…wonderful,” Atty admitted, leaving much left unsaid, but Tory could sense the abundance of happiness overflowing from inside her. “Tory, are you leaving because Yulen and I are having sex again?”

  A bright bark of laughter came from the older woman. “Oh, my, Atty! What have I done to you? Listen to yourself!”


  “My innocent, naive little huntress. You’ve gone from shy to bawdy.”

  “I’ve had good teachers.” Atty grinned. “Well? Answer my question.”

  Reluctantly, Tory nodded. “That, among other things. You really don’t need me anymore.”

  “I’ll always need you.” Atty nestled her head back against the woman’s shoulder. “Funny, how when I was growing up, I took Mohmee for granted. And now, when I need her the most, I’m lucky to have you to take her place.”

  “Eenoi spent a large part of her days and nights taking care of Keelor after your sister was born. You were always the independent, healthy one. The few times you were ill, and I can count them on one hand, you were still feisty.” Tory sighed heavily. “You know, I never thought I’d see the day when I’d see you cower before anyone.”

  Atty reared back. “Cower? Me? I never cower.”

  “Oh, yes, you do. Yulen cowers you, but not in a bad way. You cower at love. All it takes is a harsh word or angry look from him, and you’re sunk into sadness. No man should have that much power over you, but he does, because you love him.” She ran her palm over the woman’s cheek, brushing back a few stray wisps of indigo-colored hair. “I hope you cower him in the same way.” She smiled. Happily, Atty smiled in return.

  “I’ll be back, Atty. Don’t worry about that. You’re my daughter, if not in blood, then in my heart. I have a grandson I’ll get to see grow up. And, hopefully, more will follow him.” To her surprise, Atty blushed. “Ah, now, see. My little girl still has some innocence about her. That’s good to know.” Giving her a quick kiss, she said, “I need to start packing. Come with me, and we’ll talk some more.”


  The wagon was being loaded with the materials and foodstuffs with the quick efficiency which marked all of the Battle Lord’s orders. Standing to one side, out of the way of the bustling soldiers, Fortune watched the man responsible as he spoke to his lieutenant who would be leading tomorrow’s caravan. The Mutah hunter mused over the circumstances of fate which had brought him to be standing where he was at that moment. A year ago this tall, muscular man had been his sworn enemy. In the dead of night, his men had swarmed into Wallis and ruthlessly murdered Mutah men, women, and children. Only because of Atty’s courage in cutting down sixteen of his men in a hail of arrows, had D’Jacques called a halt to the wholesale slaughter to investigate why they were being attacked. She had been captured and hauled away as his prisoner, leaving them as virtual but safe captives as long as Atty promised to train D’Jacques’ men in how to use the longbow with the same deadly accuracy as she had shown.

  How could any of them have predicted the feelings that would grow between the two adversaries? Who could have foreseen the power and strength of the love that eventually possessed them in the days that followed?

  And now, here he stood, with a future that promised to be long, fruitful, and full of hope. All because of this man. And Atty. Sp
ontaneous, pugnacious, loving Atrilan. As quick to shoot you as she would hug you. Devoted, cunning, and innocent. It was no wonder D’Jacques had fallen as hard as he had for her.

  Fortune cocked his head and watched as Yulen sent several soldiers back to the storehouses for another load. Now that he had ridden with the Battle Lord, fought alongside him, and been among those who had gone to rescue him from the Blood army, he had gotten to see what the man was truly like. He had seen how D’Jacques treated Atty, how the man cherished her with every touch, every word and look, and how the two of them moved like two halves of a whole. Atty loved this man with a depth that was frightening, and the feeling was reciprocated in the Battle Lord.

  Every night Fortune and Tory had spent at Alta Novis, after they had retired to their bedroom on the bottom floor of the Battle Lord’s lodge, they had spent some time in bed talking about Yulen and Atty. Fortune had told her all the nuances he had observed between them on their trip back to Wallis. He even mentioned the little things, knowing that Tory saw more in them than most people would.

  “They always hold hands when they’re together,” she’d told him. “Ever notice it?” Now that she’d mentioned it, he did.

  Yet, despite what they saw with their own eyes, they paid closer attention to what the people around them had to say. Once the residents of Alta Novis, the soldiers and the general populace, had gotten accustomed to the Mutah couple being among them, they tended to forget to keep their comments to themselves. That was how Tory and Fortune learned how the people truly felt about their Battle Lord and his Lady.

  They learned about the widow who had attacked Atty with a heavy bucket, seriously injuring her, yet Atty had taken up for her, and had made Yulen swear not to retaliate against the woman. They heard from the soldiers about Atty’s kidnapping by the Battle Lord of Bearinger, and the outpouring of support they gave to bring her back. Later, when Atty had been dying from borash poisoning and Madigan had beseeched the compound to help in pulling together to give the couple a marriage ceremony, it seemed everyone had pitched in to give them the wedding Atty had wanted, before Yulen was forced to give her up to the Mutah army who threatened his compound.

  Every week this fortified city grew as people came to live where they felt safe and more secure, knowing of Yulen’s treaties with other Mutah compounds. And now with his defeat of the Blood army, they believed they had a better chance at a long and happy life within the walls of Alta Novis. As much as they looked up to the couple, the public respectfully kept their distance. And the few who persisted in tagging along…well, the sight of a stern-faced armed guard usually quelled such enthusiasm.

  As the last sack was hefted into the wagon, Yulen turned to Fortune. Leaning one arm on the sack, and placing his other hand on his hip, the Battle Lord said, “That should tide you over for a while.”

  “We appreciate all you’ve done for us, Yulen.”

  “My debt to you is greater. You accompanied Atty to rescue me when you didn’t have to. I’ll never forget that.” Glancing down at his boots for a moment, Yulen sighed. “You know, Fortune, your decision to leave couldn’t have come at a worse time.”

  Fortune stared at him. “What do you mean?”

  Yulen sighed loudly again, a small grin spreading over his face. “Swear to keep this just between you and Tory. It’s a secret from Atty. But I’ve been making plans to surprise her with a renewal of our vows on the twelfth.” At the man’s confused expression, he continued. “I don’t know how much you remember, but the day the Mutah army gathered outside my compound and you and your fellow Council members came to take Atty back to Wallis, that morning Atty and I were married in the courtyard.”

  Nodding, Fortune acknowledged the fact. “I remember when you carried her out to the wagon. She was wearing that white gown.” He paused. “She insisted on wearing that gown when we brought her back.” He didn’t mention taking off her wedding ring and practically throwing it back in the man’s face in a pique of petty rage. Thinking back on the moment, he recalled the despair in the Battle Lord’s eyes as he gave her up. He had sacrificed everything to save his people. Even love.

  “Well, I told Atty some time back, jokingly, of course, that we would renew our vows on our anniversary. I haven’t mentioned it since then.” Yulen chuckled softly. “Of course, I was thinking she would still be pregnant with Mattox.”

  “On the twelfth?”


  Fortune shrugged. “Let me talk with Tory. I don’t think she’d object to another trip back for that occasion. Gonna make a big to-do of it, are you?”

  Yulen grinned. “With a little luck, there might even be a keg of verbossa being passed around.”

  The Mutah hunter cracked a big smile. “This gets to sounding better every minute. Inviting a lot of people?”

  “Representatives from both West Crestin and Wallis, plus friends from Foster City and a few other compounds. I’ve already sent out notices, starting last week.”

  “And Atty is totally in the dark about this? How are you going to manage to get everything done without her suspecting?”

  “I have a cohort in this crime,” Yulen assured him.

  It didn’t take Fortune long to figure out who. “Berta.”

  “Berta, bless her finger in everyone’s pie. I’m thirsty. Can I offer you a mug of beer?”

  “Sounds good,” Fortune said, and together they headed toward the main lodge.

  The next morning, before dawn brightened the sky, the caravan for Wallis was assembled. Fortune and Tory rode in the wagon they had arrived in so many months before. It was Tory who reminisced on how much had happened since their initial arrival.

  “Please tell me all of your visitors don’t have to go through what we’ve had to go through,” she teased, giving Atty another hug. “I don’t think I could take another event like that.”

  “We only reserve such adventures for our special guests,” Yulen teased back.

  Tory gave a sleeping Mattox one last hug, and kissed his soft cheek. Tears were streaming down her face. “I don’t know who I’m going to miss most, you or this precious little boy.” Leaning down from her seat, she handed over the infant and gave the young woman a final kiss. “Be happy, Atrilan. It’s all we ever wanted for you.”

  Reaching out, she enfolded Yulen in her arms, hugging him fiercely. “I’m not going to ask that you guard her and this baby with your life, because I already know you will,” she whispered in the man’s ear. “Thank you for giving Eenoi’s and Dayman’s souls the peace they needed.”

  To her surprise, the man hugged her back and gave her a quick kiss on the lips. As brief as it was, it made her dizzy, and she remembered what Atty often confessed to her.

  I lose myself in his kisses. I can’t think, I can’t move, I can’t do anything but melt.

  “Take care of yourselves, Tory. If there’s ever anything you and Fortune need, send me word. I promise you’ll never want for anything,” he whispered back before releasing her.

  Fortune also gave Atty a warm hug and peck on the cheek, and shook Yulen’s hand. When the Battle Lord signaled for the caravan to move, Tory watched their figures grow smaller as the distance between them widened.

  Once they cleared the main gates and turned onto the roadway, Tory turned back around in her seat to see her husband snorting and sniffling, and swiping his face with his shirt sleeve. This show of emotion was not only unusual for her normally stoic mate, but she couldn’t remember the last time when he’d been this weepy. “You hate leaving as much as I do,” she accused him tenderly.

  “Who? Me?” He cast reddened eyes her way.

  “Yeah, you, you big softie.” She leaned against his arm and gave him a loving smile.

  Fortune gave the reins a flick of his wrist. “Nahh. I’m just coming down with the flu, or something like that. Must’ve caught it from one of the soldiers back at the compound.”

  Tory stared at him, smiling. “Yeah. Okay. If you insist.”

sp; She waited until he cut her another look, knowing he wouldn’t be able to keep up the pretense much longer. When he finally did glance back at her and saw her knowing smile, Fortune burst out laughing. Putting his arm about her waist, he drew her closer to him.

  He would wait a little while longer before telling her about Yulen’s plans. And there was no doubt as to what her answer would be. Theirs would be a short stay in Wallis before they would be heading back.

  Chapter Six



  The lodge was quiet. A peaceful silence wrapped around the structure. The small panes in the large bedroom window winked at her as they reflected the passing lanterns accompanying the people who were out and about, even at this late hour.

  Beside her, her husband shifted positions. She knew he was still awake. He’d heard her. Smiling, she reached out and touched a heavily muscled arm.

  “A few more minutes, my love. You wore me out this last time,” he murmured against his pillow.

  She lightly punched him in the shoulder, giggling. “Yul!”

  Yulen rolled over onto his side and reached for her, snagging her waist and drawing her closer to him. “You have one minute to plea your case before I’m completely unconscious.”

  “I just wanted to ask you a question.”

  “Can’t it wait?”

  “I might forget it later.”

  He nuzzled the top of her head. “What could be so important as to interrupt a sound sleep after such a wonderful bout of sex?” The memory of which was already making him wonder if he was actually going to manage to get to sleep, or…

  “I was thinking. Why are you an only child?”

  “Why am I what?” he repeated, lowering his head to hear her better. His eyes remained closed as his hand around her waist lightly caressed the small of her back. His nose encountered her lower neck and shoulder where she still radiated the sweaty scent of their coupling. Without thinking, he lapped at the moisture. Atty didn’t try to stop him.


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