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My Best Friend's Daddy (Forbidden Temptations)

Page 6

by Sofia T Summers

  Again, again, again he slid his cock into me, and every single time I felt so stuffed full I could hardly stand it. I shuddered and shook. He was so dominant, so in control, and I adored it. It was more than I could’ve even thought, hoped for, when I’d imagined it.

  Already, I was so close to coming. I didn’t want to just yet, though. I wanted to be come with Keith or as close to when he did as possible. I could feel his thrusts becoming more erratic. Yes, I thought, yes, please, come inside of me! Fill me up!

  I wanted it more than I’d ever wanted anything. I was no longer a silly little girl—I was a woman, and I was going to be marked and filled by my man. The man that I was going to be with for the rest of my life. I was sure that this was just the beginning of our relationship.

  Now that we were together, now that he was fucking me, he could see how amazing I was. He would see that I was perfect for him, that I had saved myself just for him, that I wasn’t like any other woman he’d ever been with.

  Keith groaned, his rhythm faltering, and I could see the glazed look in his eyes. Oh, God, that was so hot. So much hotter than I could have imagined. He was completely taken over with pleasure—pleasure that he was getting from me. Seeing him taking what he wanted from me, and letting it drive him absolutely wild, was a rush that I hadn’t known I could experience. I hadn’t dared to imagine this, and it was so wildly hot I could feel myself starting to come again.

  I clenched around him, canting my hips up to take him as deeply as I could. Keith bottomed out inside of me with a hard thrust, and growled. I whimpered. My orgasm was building, I couldn’t stop it—

  “That’s it, baby,” Keith said. “Come for me.”

  Oh God. I came, harder than before with his mouth, pleasure sweeping through me completely. My orgasm had me clenching down even tighter around his cock, which intensified the pleasure for me. I’d had no idea that was how it would feel, that having him filling me during my orgasm would heighten it, prolong it. I felt like I was bathed in fire, but in the best way possible.

  Keith growled like an animal and pumped into me three more times, hard, uncoordinated, messy. Feeling him undone like that was the hottest thing. It felt like I was almost getting a second wave of orgasm after that one, buoyed up by his own pleasure. I could feel him filling me with not just his cock but his hot seed as he spilled inside of me, painted me up—marked me—and it was beyond sexy. I moaned helplessly. I’d never realized how hot that would be.

  For a moment we lay there, panting, and then Keith’s hand slid off me. I wanted to say something, to tell him how sexy that was, how much I wanted him, how I had always wanted him—but I wasn’t sure if I should say anything at all. To speak felt like it would damage the strange bubble we were in, this little world of sex and sin that we’d created, separate from the rest of the ‘real’ world.

  And then the moment to speak passed, because Keith pulled out of me as a look of realization, and then one of alarm, crossed his face.

  Oh, no. This wasn’t the reaction I’d hoped for from him at all. I had hoped that he would see how great we were together. Instead, he looked alarmed.

  It’s fine, I told myself. Of course, he might be a little alarmed, this was a lot to take in. I’d had years to get used to the idea of having feelings for him, and adjusting my plans accordingly. This was all still new to him.

  “Fuck.” Keith stood up, running a hand through his already-messy hair. “I never should’ve let this happen.” He looked at me. “You’re playing with fire, Holly.”

  “You’re the one that chose to burn me,” I replied simply. I wasn’t going to let him act like this was one hundred percent me. He’d been a perfectly equal and willing participant.

  “You shouldn’t have sent that video,” he growled, putting himself back together.

  I grinned, delight thrilling through me even though Keith didn’t look all that happy. “Did you watch it?”

  “A million times,” he admitted, his voice hoarse.

  I felt so victorious, I jumped up off the desk. I was so pleased with myself. He liked it, he’d watched it over and over, it was undoubtedly the reason why he’d come to the bar in the first place. I leaned in to kiss him—and he pushed me away.

  “This is wrong,” Keith stated. “We shouldn’t have done this and we’re definitely never doing it again.”

  Fear started to churn in my gut, but I ignored it. I wasn’t going to show him that he had upset me. If I did that, he’d think I was just a kid again and he’d never take me seriously. I was going to act confident this entire time whether I felt that way or not.

  “You can’t say that you didn’t enjoy it.” I winked at him.

  Keith glared at me. “Maybe, but I can still regret it. Come on. I’m taking you home.”

  I scoffed and folded my arms. “I’m not going anywhere. I need to stay with the band after they finish playing their set. And I’m not a child, as I think I proved just now. You can’t order me around.”

  “You seemed to like me ordering you around just a minute ago,” Keith shot back.

  Damn, that was fair.

  “I still have to stay with the band. Simon will take me home.”

  Keith narrowed his eyes. “The singer? What, are you going to fuck him now?”

  “I don’t appreciate shaming me. So what if I did? You don’t get to say you don’t want me and then get mad if I’m with another man. I can sleep with whoever I want, and you don’t get to judge me for it. You can’t have it both ways. Either I’m yours or I’m not.” I put my hands on my hips. “Besides, I’m here in a professional capacity. I’m the manager of the band. This is my job.”

  Keith seemed surprised at that. Not in the sense that my having a career surprised him, just that I was here in any professional capacity rather than just having a night on the town.

  Different emotions warred on his face, and I held my breath, wondering what he would do next, what he’d say. But without a word, he turned and walked out of the office.

  I swallowed hard. Now that he was gone, my bravado was nowhere to be found. I collapsed into the office chair. Fuck. I had to clean up this office before the owner found out about us. I noticed that Keith had left the money on the desk—well, that would help smooth the way, I supposed.

  Tears pricked at my eyes and I quickly wiped them away. This wasn’t how I’d expected this to go, at least not right after the sex. I’d hoped for a night in his arms, the two of us learning each other’s bodies until the sun came up.

  Instead, Keith had freaked out. Maybe I had come on too strong? I’d been so confident, he probably thought this was no big deal for me, just another casual fling, another man that I wanted in my bed, when that wasn’t it at all. He was the only man that I wanted, the one that I wanted to be with for the rest of my life.

  I would have to find another way to convince him. After I had a good cry from my disappointment and frustration. But that cry would also have to wait, because that was the sort of thing I would do in my room, with the door locked. Right now, I had to be professional and take care of my band—including giving them a few pointers of things they could do better.

  It was time to work. I could cry later.



  Usually, a thirty-six-hour shift was when I went into my zone. I’d been doing these kinds of shifts for years, and it was important as a doctor that I stay alert. These kinds of long shifts could really get you down at first, wear you out, before you got used to them, and it was important that not happen. You couldn’t let your patients down.

  But this time, I found myself distracted. Not in the operating room, thank God, but on my downtime when I was supposed to be getting something to eat or snagging a quick nap. Every time—all I could think about was Holly.

  She would creep into my thoughts, the way that she tasted, the way she felt, the sounds she made, how she kissed me. It was insane. I had never been this gone on a woman before. She was living in my mind like a ghost.

  The fact that she had been a virgin… I had not only just fucked my best friend’s daughter, I had provided her first sexual experience ever. That should make me feel even more like a heel, even worse, that should make me feel ashamed—but instead I felt possessive and thrilled. I had been the only man to touch her like that, make her feel like that, and a part of me wanted to be the only man who ever did.

  I was perpetually torn between my disgust over myself, and the fact that I wanted to do that again, to have more of her—and that just made my disgust with myself grow, because the fact that I was still fantasizing about her and wanting her even after all of this—and so on the cycle went, all thirty-six hours of my shift. By the time I got off work and slid wearily into my car, I still didn’t have an answer for myself about any of this.

  Well, I did have an answer. I shouldn’t do that again. I couldn’t be with her. Our age difference, her relationship to my daughter, my relationship to her father—everything was against us. This could only end in tears and pain.

  But I couldn’t get that answer to stick in my head.

  As I drove home, I pondered my options. I could just ignore this entire thing. Pretend it never happened. But I had a feeling that wouldn’t be a proper solution. Our two families were basically intertwined. We’d gone on joint vacations together, we spent holidays together, we had dinners together about once every couple of weeks—it had been more often when the girls had been kids, but still.

  If we didn’t discuss this, things would be awkward. I knew I’d have a hard time with it, and Holly probably would too. Even if she didn’t want to admit it. I’d been able to see past her bravado the other night, and while I appreciated her confidence, I also could see the vulnerability lurking behind her eyes. I’d hurt her, of course I had. Who wanted to be told that they were a mistake? That they weren’t wanted?

  Even if it wasn’t really Holly herself who was the mistake—just what we had done, because of our relationship.

  No, if I let things lie, then it would just be awkward. I’d be ashamed and she’d be hurt and soon everyone else would be able to pick up on the awkwardness, and once that happened, it would all be downhill from there. Our families would demand to know what was going on and the truth would eventually come out, and that would spell disaster. Dawn and Matt both would probably want to kill me—who knew, they might even join forces to make it happen.

  That left me only one other solution, which was to talk to Holly and apologize. We had to sort this out, for both our own sakes and for the sake of our families.

  Maybe then we could move forward.

  I got home and hopped right into the shower. Normally, after a shift like that, I’d collapse into bed and pass out, but I felt too wired with my thoughts about Holly to fall asleep, even though I was tired. The shower helped perk me up and make me feel like a human again, and afterwards I went downstairs to check on Dawn.

  She was studying at the kitchen table, books and notes spread out everywhere, a sea of chaos, and I smiled fondly. She reminded me so much of myself sometimes, and I just hoped she wouldn’t turn into a workaholic. Having Dawn had been the thing that had kept me from being too devoted to work, especially after my wife divorced me. Nothing against Kelly, of course. She was a lovely woman and the divorce had been amicable. But we hadn’t been a good fit.

  Kelly had never had interest in being a mom. She’d been on the fence about wanting kids, and then after Dawn had been born, she’d realized how unfit for it she was. We’d divorced when Dawn was about five years old, and Kelly had moved overseas. After that, raising Dawn had been all on me, and I hadn’t minded it at all—it had helped me to remember not to get too lost in my job, that there were other places that needed my time and energy.

  Dawn and her mom spoke rarely. As Dawn got older, Kelly became better with her, able to relate to her as a friend if not a mother, and she’d have Dawn over for vacations now and again. Mostly, though, Sandra had helped to raise Dawn when I’d needed a woman’s touch, giving Dawn and Holly the ‘talk’ at the same time, swooping in to help out when Dawn had first gotten her period, that sort of thing. As far as I knew, Dawn didn’t resent her mom—she just wasn’t close with her.

  Honestly, in my opinion, Kelly’s loss was my gain. I loved the close relationship I had with my daughter. I was so proud of Dawn. I didn’t to do anything to jeopardize her happiness, or our relationship.

  “Hey, honey,” I said, letting her know I was there. “You need anything? Coffee? A sandwich?”

  Dawn hummed, not looking up from her notes. “Could you tell me the difference between preganglionic and postganglionic fibers?”

  “Um, sure.” I went to make her a sandwich anyway. Even if she thought she didn’t need it, I knew how I was when I’d been studying for med school, and I knew my daughter. This sandwich was going to disappear into her hungry stomach in seconds. “Preganglionic fibers are part of the central nervous system, while postganglionic fibers are located peripherally in the autonomic ganglia.”

  “Thanks, Dad.” Dawn made a note of it on one of her little index cards. She appeared to have them all color-coded. It was adorable. “How was your shift?”

  “It wasn’t bad.” I put together bread, mayo, lettuce, tomato, and turkey, poured her a glass of water, and then set both the water and the sandwich in front of her. “Would it be all right if I went out and met some of my colleagues for dinner? I don’t want to leave you in the lurch if you need a study partner.”

  Part of me hoped that she would say she needed me—that she wanted my help with quizzing her, or double-checking her notes—but while I would appreciate the salvation, I knew it would only be temporary. I’d need to face Holly and the music one way or another eventually, and it would be best if I got this all over with as quickly as possible, so Holly wasn’t left hanging and we didn’t have time for things to get awkward.

  Dawn shook her head, reaching for the sandwich. “I’m okay, Dad, you go have fun. I’ll be fine. As long as I can stay awake while learning all the Latin names for body parts.” She gave me a rueful smile.

  I started up the coffee maker for her so that there’d be a fresh pot ready when she needed it. “Okay, honey. Good luck. Don’t forget to rest, okay?”

  Dawn nodded absently, already focused back on her work as she munched on her sandwich. I kissed the top of her head and departed.

  Guilt twisted in my stomach. I hadn’t lied to my daughter in years, and never over something so selfish. But it was done now, and I told myself, as I went out the door, that it was for the greater good. I was going to talk to Holly and deal with this mess and then I would be in the clear. Everything would be as it had been, and all would be well.

  That won’t keep you from feeling tempted, a part of my mind whispered. My hands tightened on the steering wheel as I sat in the car. You’ll still want her.

  I ignored that voice. It didn’t matter if I still wanted her or not. What mattered was that I wasn’t going to give into temptation again and I was going to put an end to this.

  We need to talk, I texted Holly. About what happened. Not your place or mine, neutral ground.

  It needed to be somewhere that our families wouldn’t find us and ask what was going on. In fact, it should be somewhere that nobody we knew could find us and spread the word back to our families. And preferably nowhere public. I didn’t want to give the impression that this was a date.

  Somewhere private, I added.

  A minute later, Holly texted me back an address. I put it into my phone GPS and began to head out. Hopefully this would be a place that was private enough, where nobody could find us. I didn’t recognize the address, so that was a good thing.

  When I got there, I realized that the address she’d given me belonged to a hotel—and a damn nice one, too. I shook my head, unable to help a wry smile from stealing over my face. At least it was private. I would have to be on my best behavior.

  You’re the adult here, I reminded myself. I would proba
bly have been as bullheaded and reckless as Holly was being now, if our situations were reversed and I was her age. That was why it was up to me to be strong and tow the line. I knew better.

  I looked around for parking and took a few deep breaths in my car. My phone buzzed with a message from Holly. It was a room number.

  Okay. Time to do this.

  I got out of my car and went up to the room. The whole time I was reminding myself that I had to keep it together. I would be polite, I wouldn’t get angry like last time. Holly didn’t deserve for me to yell at her and abuse her. I didn’t want to hurt her feelings. I would be kind, but I would be firm. We can’t ever do this again. We have to go back to just being platonic.

  When I got to the door of the hotel room, my heart felt like it was in my throat. I couldn’t shake the feeling that I was making a mistake by being here. I knocked softly, and the next moment, Holly stood in front of me.

  She looked beautiful, as always. She wore a cute skirt and top, slightly old-fashioned in the style, like she was trying to be vintage, but still revealing enough to be decidedly modern and sexy.

  She smiled at me softly, shyly. “Hi. Come on in.”

  I swallowed hard, my throat totally dry. I felt like I was entering a cage. Was this a mistake? This felt like a mistake. As the door closed behind me my fingers ached. I wanted to start pacing.

  “What did you need to talk about?” she asked. There was a teasing lilt in her voice, and I almost couldn’t believe her.

  How could she be so teasing and confident about this? How could she act like this after how firm and angry I had been after last time? She was acting like my freak out hadn’t even happened, like she knew how this was going to go and it was a done deal.

  “What do you think we need to talk about?” I shot back. “What happened the other night at the club.”

  Holly sat down on the bed and crossed her legs. Her skirt rode up a little, drawing my attention downward, and I saw that she was wearing fishnet stockings.


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