My Best Friend's Daddy (Forbidden Temptations)

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My Best Friend's Daddy (Forbidden Temptations) Page 9

by Sofia T Summers

  I could already see the whole thing playing out in my head, how it would all go. I would tell Keith. If it was over the phone, he’d hang up on me. If it was in person, he would storm out. Then either way he’d go and he would tell Daddy, and Daddy would have an absolute fit about it, and he and Keith would never speak again, and Mom wouldn’t scold me but she wouldn’t talk to me, either, and Dawn would find out and…

  It would be a whole entire mess. And while there was a part of me that wanted Keith to know, I wasn’t ready for the rest of the world to know, not at all, and so for the sake of that, I had to keep this to myself.

  All this meant was that I would have to hurry up and get Keith to realize he was in love with me. If I could do that, then I could tell him I was pregnant, and everything else would fall into place.

  I could do this. I could pull this off. Right?



  I had been hiding out on Tybee Island long enough now that I was starting to get antsy. I hadn’t had to go overseas, like I’d told Holly. I did have meetings about the reader and some improvements we could make for an updated version, and I had some consultations with colleagues I’d done, but honestly, a lot of that had been from nearby cities or with phone calls and emails.

  Technology was amazing, but it was also leaving me high and dry with nowhere to hide from Holly. So, I’d hidden myself on Tybee Island to relax, take a bit of a vacation, and keep myself from the temptation of seeing her again.

  It had been nearly a month since I’d last seen her, and my hope was that she would have moved on from me by now. Well, maybe ‘hope’ was the wrong word. I didn’t want her to move on. Every time I thought about the idea, the fact that she might be with that band kid or some other idiot, I wanted to smash something. But that was my problem. It was my stupid jealousy, and nothing more. I would have to get over it and I would in time, I was sure.

  Of course, I had hoped that only a couple of weeks without seeing Holly would do the trick, and I was wrong.

  I couldn’t stop thinking about her. The way she gave herself over to me like she trusted me completely. The way she had such confidence in herself and went after what she wanted without ever considering the possibility that she might fail. The way she wasn’t afraid to show me how into me she was, refusing to play the games that many other people did, like ‘hard to get’ just to try and get me more interested.

  While I had thought that Holly needed the space to get over me and to move on to someone else, it looked like maybe the opposite was true. Maybe I was the one who had to get a damn grip and get over Holly.

  I missed my usual work and my daughter as well. I didn’t know how much longer I’d be able to hide out here, doing next to nothing all day. I’d have to find some way to distract myself permanently, but what?

  That night, I went to my favorite bar to get a drink and try to figure myself out. Maybe I would try picking up someone else, see if that would help. I couldn’t look at anyone else, though. I hadn’t given anyone so much as a second glance, after Holly.

  But who knew? The bar I liked best was attached to one of Tybee’s many beautiful hotels, and so there was a lot of clientele from all over. It was best not to be where there would be locals—I didn’t want word somehow getting back to my daughter that instead of being in New York like I’d said, I was just a short drive away, wasting my days going for runs on the beach.

  I hadn’t lied to Dawn in years, and if she found out, there was no way I could explain to her why.

  The bar was unusually crowded when I got there. It took me a while to snag a seat at the bar top. Fortunately, by now the bartenders knew me, and I was served quickly. I nursed my drink as a band was announced—ah, that explained the crowd. It must be a life band night.

  It wasn’t until the band started playing that I realized I knew them.

  To be fair, I had never been there to hear the band announced before. The last two times I’d heard them play, they’d already been well into the swing of things by the time I’d gotten there. It didn’t occur to me that I’d never known their name until they were playing and I realized I recognized the song.

  She’s not here, I told myself, but my body was already turning to scan the crowd to see if I could find her. If it were just any other band that Holly was a fan of, I wouldn’t have my hopes up, but she’d said she was their manager. That meant she was going to be here, somewhere.

  But what if she was backstage? What if she had gone off somewhere else for some reason? What if…

  My heart seemed to realize it had seen her before my eyes did, because it skipped a beat a second before I laid my eyes on her.

  She was gorgeous, as always. Her hair was down, swaying back and forth across her shoulders as she moved to the beat, a tight, hot pink dress highlighting her beautiful, generous curves and her pale skin. The color looked great on her.

  My eyes were glued to her ass like some kind of pervert. I was sure that anyone who saw me thought that’s exactly what I was. But I couldn’t bring myself to look away. What should I do? If she saw me here, she’d know right away I’d been lying about going overseas and being in New York. There was no work-related reason for me to be here.

  But I couldn’t get away now that I saw her. I had missed her, damn it. I didn’t want to be away from her now that I was with her again. She drew me in like a magnet, like the ocean tides. How was I supposed to resist her?

  You have to, that responsible part of my brain told me as I continued to watch her dancing in the crowd. You had a good reason to leave.

  I knew I did, but temptation was far stronger at the moment. It wasn’t enough for me to get up and go towards her, but it was keeping me from doing the responsible thing and slipping out the side door, for sure.

  Holly turned around—and saw me.

  I knew she saw me, there was no denying it. Her eyes locked onto mine, and swift disbelief, then surprise, entered her eyes. She waved, and then walked over to me. The smile on her face was one I’d never seen on Holly before, in all my years of knowing her—it was shy.

  Holly was the opposite of shy and always had been. She was a bold person. It was part of what I liked so much about her. But it seemed that now, she was feeling unsure. And I had no one to blame but myself for that. I’d treated her like another common hookup and then I’d run away for a month. No wonder she was shy now. She had to be wondering what was going through my head, what I’d do, how I’d treat her.

  “Hi,” Holly said softly. “Um, how are you?”

  “It’s just that I’ve missed my appointment,” Holly pouted. Her fingertips trailed over her body. “I’ve been… too embarrassed to come in.”

  My cock started to stir. I swallowed down the temptation to snatch her up and kiss her, fuck her, hard and consuming, and decided instead to play along. After all, Holly seemed to want to have fun with this and I was realizing it had been a long time since sex had been truly fun for me.

  “You should never be embarrassed,” I replied, putting on what I called my ‘professional voice’. “Your health is always the most important thing.”

  It was hard not to smile through this, but I managed to keep my face serious. “So, what seems to be the problem?”

  Holly slid her hand up her thigh. “Oh it’s just that… I have this… ache… right here…” Her hand moved up between her legs, cupping her sex.

  My throat was as dry as the desert. “I see.”

  “I feel like I need something…” Holly bit her lip. “But I don’t know what.”

  “Well, I’m going to have to touch you.” It was hard not to just reach out for her and take her. It was a horrible tease, but that, I was sure, was Holly’s entire plan—to tease me and drive me wild.

  “Oh, of course, Dr. Fletcher.” Her voice was soft and breathy. “Whatever you say.”

  She sat down on the edge of the bed and slowly spread her legs. “I just get so… wet…”

  I couldn’t contain my groan as I brace
d myself over her and slowly pushed her dress up. “What causes it?”

  “Well…” Holly gave me a wicked little grin, and then an exaggerated, innocent pout. She fluttered her eyelashes at me and I chuckled. “You, doctor. Even just thinking about you makes me ache so badly.”

  I rubbed at her through her underwear. “Is that where it aches?”

  Holly gasped. “Y-yes.”

  I rubbed at her clit and she whimpered. “Doctor… it’s only getting w-worse.”

  “Shh, you want this to get better, don’t you? I’m the professional.” I winked at her. “I know what I’m doing.”

  Holly started to laugh, but that turned into a moan as I pushed her underwear down. “Are you sure this is professional? Do you do this with all of your patients?”

  “Oh no. Only with you.” I slid a finger inside of her and Holly jolted, her hips tilting up.

  “I… I… ohhh…” Holly tried to keep playing along but it was clear she was getting too worked up for it. My cock strained against my pants as I watched my finger sliding in and out of her slick, tight body. “I’m—I’m getting even—wetter—what are you doing—”

  “I’m fucking you,” I told her simply.

  Holly shivered all over and gave a soft moan.

  “Ever done this before?” I asked. I knew the answer, but it still thrilled me to know that she’d never been with anyone else. That I was the only one who’d ever done this to her.

  “J-just you,” Holly managed.

  “Tell me how it feels.” I was drunk on her moans. I wanted to fuck her so badly I felt like my cock was going to burst right out of my clothes.

  “Good,” Holly moaned. “So good, oh, oh…”

  I added a second finger and curled them, fucking her faster, and rubbed at her clit with my thumb. Holly moaned again, and this time her eyelids fluttered from how good it felt, not from playing at the innocent ingenue.

  “M-more,” Holly blurted out. “Oh, God, yes—I need more, please…”

  “What a greedy girl. And so naughty, letting your doctor do this to you.”

  Holly moaned again. Her gaze was on the bulge in my pants. “I feel empty, God, Keith I want you to fill me—fill me with your cock, please.”

  I groaned and slid my fingers out of her. The role play had been fun, and I definitely wanted to see about doing it again, maybe a little more thoroughly next time, but now—I just wanted to fuck her.

  I undid my pants and stroked my cock. Holly licked her lips, staring hungrily. She spread her legs even wider and dragged her gaze up to look me in the eye.

  “Fuck me, Keith,” she whispered.

  As if I could possibly resist.



  ‘Playing doctor’ with Keith was so fucking sexy, I was shocked that I hadn’t orgasmed from it. Mmm, maybe another time. Right now, I wanted Keith inside of me. I wanted him to fuck me, I wanted to feel that big cock of his again.

  I kept my legs spread and my gaze directly on him, and licked my lips. Sucking his cock had been amazing, and I was tempted to ask for that, but—no. I wanted to get to the main event. I’d missed him, so much, and I’d been afraid that he would never want me to see him again. That he was going to find excuses to keep away from me for the rest of our lives.

  But now, here he was, about to fuck me, and I felt like I was finally truly happy again.

  Keith stripped out of his clothes, and I moaned helplessly at the display of muscle before me. I loved him fucking me with his clothes on, but God, I also loved him naked. He was so handsome. I was so goddamn lucky he’d chosen me.

  I had to prove to him that he should keep choosing me. That I was going to keep being worth his time and investment—that I was someone he should be with for life.

  Keith crawled up the bed towards me and I scooted backwards instinctively. He smirked at me. “Look at you, all laid out for me like a feast. Adorable.” He pressed me down onto the bed and kissed me. “And hot.”

  Fuck, yes. I kissed him back, wrapping my arms around him. Keith had been touching me this whole time, teasing me, and now I wanted to be able to touch him back. I wanted to get my hands on every inch of him after not having him for what felt like ages. I knew, intellectually, that it had only been a few weeks, but it felt like years. Any time without him was an eternity.

  Keith kissed me like he’d been stuck in the desert and the only water, the only source of life, could be found between my lips. I sucked his tongue into my mouth, toyed with it and with him, wrapped my legs around him and arched my body to let him feel me, to remind him of how wet I was. How much I wanted him, inside of me.

  Keith groaned into our kiss, his hands sliding all over my body, without explicit purpose or goal—more like he was reminding himself of my body, what it felt like under his hands. I let him, sliding my hands over his body in response, re-mapping it out with my fingertips, squeezing, scratching, roaming. His body was so firm, his muscles glorious. I wanted to spend hours feeling them until I could rebuild him from touch alone.

  Keith kissed wildly up and down my throat, my shoulders, all over my face, like he couldn’t get enough of me. Like he had to make up for all of the nights he didn’t have me.

  We moved together, dragging our bodies against each other, my slick desire covering his aching cock, getting him ready for me. He almost slipped inside of me a few times, and I shivered every time, more than ready to get a move on.

  And then, as if it was by accident, he entered me. Just a tease, just a taste.

  I moaned and kissed him fiercely. “Yes,” I whispered. “Please.”

  A few thrusts against each other later, he did it again. Then again. Never more than a third of his cock inside of me, until I was whimpering, a total mess. I wanted him so badly, I needed him to stop teasing me!

  Keith chuckled, nipping at my pulse point where my heartbeat could be felt echoing wildly through my entire body. “Let me enjoy you.”

  “You’ve enjoyed me for long enough,” I pouted. “Have me. Take me. Make me yours.”

  The growl that Keith let out rocked me to my core and sent a beautiful shiver up my spine. He slid into me in one smooth motion that had me screaming his name, and I could feel his smile against the slope of my shoulder.

  The first time he’d fucked me, he’d had to get his cock into me gradually. But now my body was ready for it, knew what to do, and he could get his entire cock into me in one thrust. I loved it. I loved that feeling of going from empty and wanting to completely full, stuffed, all in the span of a second. I could hardly breathe, it was so beautifully overwhelming and exciting. My eyes staring unseeing up at the ceiling as Keith gave the both of us a moment to recover, before he pulled back and thrust into me a second time.

  I moved with him, knowing his body’s rhythm by now, knowing how he moved and making sure that I could meet him, thrust for thrust. I might not have a lot of sexual experience in general, but I knew Keith. I had experience with him.

  “Such a good girl,” Keith teased me, tugging on my earlobe with his teeth. “You know just how to treat me, huh? Naughty and good all at the same time and all for me.”

  The way he could dirty talk—no other guy I knew could do that. They just said the same generic shit over and over that pornos did. But Keith knew how to make me absolutely melt with his words.

  I moaned helplessly, and that seemed to spur Keith on, getting him to fuck me harder. He liked it when I was noisy, especially now that he didn’t have to worry about keeping me quiet. I let myself make all the noise that I wanted, crying out his name and begging him for more as he began to speed up.

  It was frantic and slow at the same time, the two of us so desperate to be reunited but also wanting to make it last. I could feel my orgasm building already, and I almost didn’t want it to come, I wanted it to be slower, to ride out this beautiful moment of connection with Keith for longer.

  “Let go for me,” Keith whispered. “I want to feel you coming around me, it feels so
good when you do that. I love feeling you orgasm, knowing I made you feel that way, me and no one else…”

  “No one else,” I promised him. I stopped fighting my impending orgasm. No one else made me feel this way and no one else ever would. There was only ever Keith.

  I kissed him as I came, and I could feel the full-body shudder he gave in response. I loved that my pleasure gave him pleasure—how many men were like that? How many men could say that they came faster because of their girlfriends or wives coming?

  God, I was so lucky to have Keith. I only hoped that I would get to keep him.

  My orgasm felt so much better with the knowledge that he was enjoying it, and I gave myself over to the pleasure. Keith thrust into me hard again, again, again, and then came in a rush, biting down on my lip. It was so dirty and rough, I reveled in it.

  We shook together through the orgasm, almost but not quite in tandem. I loved the feeling of him marking me up inside, as if he was claiming me. If only he knew how much and how well he’d claimed me, in body if not in heart. Keith still resisted the idea that we could be something special together.

  My heart seemed to curl inward on itself as Keith caught his breath. He didn’t say anything about my needing to leave. He didn’t tell me that it was a mistake or anything. But he also didn’t ask me to stay.

  I got up, wondering if I should leave, if I should offer or if I should just slip out without a word, wondering what he wanted…

  Keith wrapped an arm around my wrist and tugged lightly, reassuringly. He had a warm look in his eyes, one that I hadn’t dared to hope for.

  In spite of the way he had kissed me at the bar, crushing me to him with force like he was scared I’d turn out to be a hallucination… I hadn’t let myself think that this would be more than just one fun night before he disappeared again. Keith didn’t say why he was on Tybee Island, but I could put the puzzle pieces together. According to his timeline, the one he’d given me, he should be in New York. Not hanging out at a bar in an area known for partying and vacationing.


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