My Best Friend's Daddy (Forbidden Temptations)

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My Best Friend's Daddy (Forbidden Temptations) Page 14

by Sofia T Summers

  “I am touching you,” he pointed out, pulling his mouth away from me.

  “Keith.” I could hardly even see, my vision going a bit blurry. I was so wound up, so full of pleasure, but I needed more, I needed a release. I was so close, I was sure it wouldn’t take much for me to come. “I need more, please, Keith, please…”

  “You sound so goddamn pretty when you beg,” he whispered. “But you don’t get to come just yet. You’re not desperate enough.”

  I wasn’t desperate enough!? How much more desperate was I going to get?

  As if in response to my thoughts, Keith finally slid a finger into me. I sobbed, clenching around it. It was teasing almost to the point of cruelty, giving me just the one finger, filling me up a little bit but not nearly enough, not nearly what I wanted.

  “Keith, Keith, Keith…” It felt like his name was the only thing I could remember how to say, the only thing that I knew anymore.

  He didn’t give into my pleas, although I could see his cock jerking in response. He was definitely getting pleasure from this as he touched me and I begged, and I was glad to see that. I wanted him to be enjoying this, too, I didn’t want it to be all about me.

  Keith slowly added a second finger, thrusting in and out of me, twisting and curling his fingertips occasionally. I thrust up into his touch as best I could, but it was hard when his other hand was holding my hips down. All I could do was lie there and take what he gave me. It was driving me to the point of madness but oh, God, what madness. I didn’t want to go back to being sane.

  At last, he added three fingers. I just about screamed and was glad that we were in a villa, away from others, with no neighbors to bang on the walls and complain about the noise.

  Keith smirked and kissed my clit. I jerked wildly and cried out again, the pleasure in me spiking. Oh God, I was so close to orgasm. If he would only touch my clit some more…

  “Gotta get you nice and stretched open for me,” Keith assured me. “Then I can fuck you properly. Get you to come.”

  “I—I’m close to coming already,” I admitted. “Please, Keith, let me…”

  “Let you? You want me to let you come now? Hmm… I’m not sure, sweetheart. I don’t know if you’re desperate enough.”

  If I was any more desperate, I’d be speaking in tongues. I wanted him to suck me, lick me, rub me—anything to get me to orgasm.

  “You’re not going to come until I let you,” Keith told me. No, ordered me. I shivered. I loved the idea of him in command like this, telling me what to do. “Maybe if you beg good enough, I’ll let you.”

  I writhed helplessly as he continued to tease me. “P-please, Keith.” I was so close, I knew that if he would just touch my clit I could come. “Please, let me come, I w-want it so badly!”

  “Not yet,” he teased, and then his fingers pulled away. I moaned at the loss—and then felt his cock nudging against my entrance.

  Oh, God, yes, I want his cock so badly, yes, yes, but I also wanted to come. I needed it, I needed him…

  Keith dragged his cock along my folds slowly, smirking as I moaned desperately. “Look at you. Such a mess. You really need it, don’t you baby? You really need to come.”

  “Yes.” I was helpless. I couldn’t use my hands, I couldn’t touch him or myself, I could only lie there and let him do whatever he wanted to me.

  I loved it. I loved how in control he was. I wanted him to touch me everywhere, to fuck me, to bring me to the absolute peak of pleasure.

  He kept teasing me, dragging his cock along me but not getting inside of me. I sobbed. “Please, oh God, Keith, Keith please. You promised you’d fuck me, I—I need it, oh God oh fuck please I need it—”

  “What if I don’t want to fuck you? Hmm?” Keith pulled his cock away and I sobbed with the loss of it. “What if I decided to just leave you like this?”

  I squirmed. “You wouldn’t, you couldn’t—please—please no, please, I need you—”

  Keith swooped in and kissed me swiftly. “Of course, I wouldn’t, sweetheart, but it is so fun to watch you beg. I like you desperate.”

  He spread my legs and I trembled with desire as he lined himself up. “Now, be a good girl and remember not to come until I tell you.”

  I nodded frantically. I wanted to be good for him, I wanted to do as he told me. I was so addicted to him ordering me around that it felt like gravity was reversed.

  He filled me so well with his cock as he slid into me. Fuck. I never wanted to have sex with another man again. It wasn’t like that had really been in question before now, but every time we had sex I was just reminded all over again of how good he was, how amazing he made me feel, how much I loved being with him.

  Keith fucked me slow, unbearably slow, and I knew he was teasing me still. The drag of his cock along my inner walls had me clenching around him, trying to get enough pleasure from it to finally push me over the edge into coming.

  But it wasn’t enough. It just wasn’t enough.

  He began to fuck me properly, hard and fast, relentless, and oh, oh, oh.

  The collar pressed against my throat as I inhaled sharply, gasped, screamed. It was insane, it was so good, I could hardly believe it. I was a woman who liked to know that she was her own person, I liked being independent and in charge, but having that collar on me made everything so much hotter. It was so sexy to know that Keith wanted to claim me as his, to mark me like that. And the fact that it was so fancy and so discreet, that nobody else would know what it was if I wore it out for, say, a night on the town—made it even sexier.

  The pressure against my throat, the way it led to a slight hitch in my breathing, I loved it. It was unbelievably sexy.

  But he wasn’t touching my clit. He was fucking me, but he wasn’t letting me come! He was keeping away from the angle that he knew would send me into orgasm and just holding onto my hips and fucking me.

  He was claiming me. He was fucking me so hard, driving me so wild, like he was making sure that I knew I belonged to him. That no other man could do this to me, could make me this turned on or fuck me so hard. That only sent the heat inside of me spiraling higher and oh, God, I wanted to come so badly… I loved coming with him inside of me…

  But not today. That wasn’t in Keith’s plans. He fucked me like I was his, his, and he was damn well going to make sure I knew it. Between the fucking and the collar on my throat, I certainly felt it. I loved it. I just hoped that it would continue outside the bedroom. That he would want me to be his not just when I was tied to his bed but when we were at our homes, back in Atlanta.

  Keith came with a grunt and a firm shove of his cock inside of me, and the sensation of him filling me had me crying out with more pleasure. I loved it, I loved him marking me up like this, even if it had been what led to me getting pregnant in the first place.

  As he pulled out of me, I whimpered and squirmed. He held my thighs apart so that I couldn’t even rub them together to get some relief. I was sure I had left nail marks in the slats of the headboard. I wanted, no, needed to come so badly. It was all I could think about.

  “Look at you,” Keith mused. He kissed the corner of my mouth. “I know, sweetheart. And you’ve been so good for me. I think it’s time to let you come.”

  Oh, thank God.

  Keith reached down and rubbed at my clit as he licked the mess up off my thighs. I came in seconds, screaming, not even able to form a word out of it. I had never felt anything like this. It was like my orgasm was so much harder, better, and longer because of the delay. I writhed and twisted in his grip. It was so much, it was too much, oh God he was still touching me—

  He wasn’t stopping or even slowing down. Keith was still touching me, still rubbing at my clit, and I was oversensitive from my orgasm as he fucked me, fucked me, fucked me—

  I was coming again. I was coming again. Oh, God, oh fuck yes. Nothing else existed in the world except for my orgasm. I cried out and twisted and writhed, oh please oh please oh please… I couldn’t even tell if I
was saying normal words anymore, or any words at all. I just—I needed—

  “Keith, no, it’s too much!” I managed to gasp out as my second orgasm faded and he still kept touching me. “I can’t come again! Oh—oh God I can’t come again!”

  “I thought you wanted to come?” Keith teased me. He rubbed my clit harder and I sobbed, pleasure crashing over me in unstoppable waves. I writhed helplessly, the collar an ever-present sensation around my neck. It was so good, too good, I couldn’t handle it—

  I came again, screaming his name, gasping. Oh, God, it was so good, I couldn’t handle it, squirming all over his fingers, seeking out his touch even as I gasped with overstimulation. Keith kissed me all over, apparently just as turned on by watching me as if he’d actually been fucking me.

  “God, if I was younger, I’d fuck you all over again,” he murmured, and that sent a delicious shiver up my spine. “You’re so gorgeous like this, you have no idea. Next time I’ll make you come even more.”

  I moaned. Yes, please.

  All I could think about was how good I felt. It was like I was floating, like I’d reached a higher plane of pleasure that I hadn’t even known existed and I was just existing there. I didn’t ever want to come down.

  Keith kissed me softly over and over as he reached up and undid the ties around my wrists. My arms were deadweights, sore from being in the same position and overwhelmed with euphoria from my orgasms like the rest of me, so I basically flopped uselessly onto the bed.

  Keith didn’t seem to mind at all. He chuckled fondly and massaged my wrists, then slowly moved down my arms to my shoulders. I had never felt so pampered before. He kissed what felt like every inch of my arms, and then up my neck, soft and fond presses of his lips that felt not so much like sex as they did a benediction.

  He got me water, made sure I drank it, and then cleaned us both up and pulled me into his arms. I was hungry for him—for his skin against mine, for his mouth, for his warmth. My whole world felt like it had narrowed down to him.

  I didn’t mind that idea at all.

  Falling asleep in his arms, I felt like there was nothing else in the world that mattered. We were together, the two of us, and Keith was taking such good care of me. He had succeeded in his goal, all right. All I could think about was how good I felt, how happy I was. It was like everything else had faded away into nonexistence. I had Keith, and Keith wanted to take care of me. That was enough to make me happy.

  I should’ve known that it couldn’t last. That it was all going to come crashing down and that something would happen to change it all for the worse.

  The next morning, after waking up in Keith’s arms, I went into the bathroom to get ready. Keith got up to sit out on the balcony and take in the sunrise, so I was sure I was fine when I felt another bout of morning sickness and discreetly retched into the toilet.

  Except that I had forgotten about the window.

  Last night, after Keith had helped me with the shower, he’d opened the window so all the steam could be let out and it wouldn’t leave everything hot and humid all night or make our bedroom all steamed up. I hadn’t closed it, and so now Keith had heard me throwing up in the bathroom.

  I flushed and heard a knock at the door. “Holly? You okay? You sounded sick.”

  Shit. What was I supposed to say?

  You should’ve told him sooner, a voice in my head whispered.

  You should’ve been better about hiding it! Another voice countered instead. I didn’t know which voice was right.

  I stood up, made sure I looked fine in the mirror, and then opened the door. “Hey!”

  “Are you okay?”

  There was a look of concern on his face, but also a question in his eyes. I swallowed. I hated lying to him. Keith was the last person in the world I wanted to hide from. But I had to. I had to do it. He wasn’t ready. And I was scared about how he’d react if he knew the truth.

  “Yup, everything’s fine!” I smiled. “Probably just something I ate.”

  Keith’s face only hardened. Fear churned in my gut, fear that had nothing to do with my hormones or morning sickness. “Are you sure?”

  I nodded, still smiling.

  Keith’s expression didn’t change. He still looked at me with a face of sternness, and I realized that… he knew. And he’d known before he’d asked me. He’d given me the chance to come clean, and instead I had lied to him.

  He was angry.

  My smile faded.

  “I heard you throwing up the other morning, but I thought it was a fluke. But then you turned down a drink. And now you’re throwing up again. I know the signs of morning sickness. I was there for Kelly’s with Dawn, and I’m a doctor.” His face was still stony. “You’re pregnant.”

  Guilt rose up in me like a tide. See? That voice in the back of my head spoke condemningly. You should’ve told him right away.

  I swallowed, not knowing what to say, what to do. He wasn’t asking me, after all. He was just telling me. He knew.

  Keith’s face deepened into a frown. “You knew.”

  I nodded. Yes. I had known. And I hadn’t told him.

  My entire world felt like it was crashing down.



  I couldn’t believe it. Well, I could believe it. I didn’t want to believe it. How could I believe something so scary and hurtful?

  Holly was pregnant. And she’d known. She’d known and she’d lied to me, kept it from me. I was hurt, I felt—I felt betrayed.

  I had never felt betrayed like this before, certainly not by a romantic partner. Kelly and I had struggled in our relationship for a while before deciding to get a divorce, but she had never cheated on me or lied to me. I hadn’t ever cheated on her or lied to her, either. Our divorce had been amicable.

  And to be honest, I had never felt anything for Kelly the way that I felt for Holly.

  But here, Holly had known about the pregnancy, and she hadn’t said anything to me about it. Had she planned on ever saying anything? Was she going to, what, try and hide it for nine months? Give the kid up for adoption? Pretend someone else was the father to appease her parents and Dawn? My mind spun with possibilities, each crazier than the last.

  I had to get a grip. I took a few deep breaths. Part of this was on me, too. I was a doctor, for fuck’s sake. How could I have been so stupid? We’d never used a condom. Perhaps that first time in the club could be excused—but no. I’d known what I was doing when I’d gone to the club. I’d known. I should have grabbed a condom. I should have been prepared. Better safe than sorry, and all that.

  Now we hadn’t been safe, and we were sorry.

  “I should have known better,” I said. “I’m sorry. I should have talked to you about it. But I was clean and you were a virgin, and I just assumed you were on the pill or something—I shouldn’t have assumed, though, and that was—that’s on me.”

  Holly nodded, but she still looked terribly guilty. I had never seen her look like this. Holly was someone who didn’t apologize for herself or her behavior, she never had been. And now, she looked absolutely devastated.

  Part of me started to feel guilty in response. I didn’t want to be angry at her. I didn’t want to hurt her, and I didn’t want to be angry, but—I was. I was shocked, I was upset, I didn’t know what to do. I’d been a fool, and now we were paying for it.

  “But you didn’t tell me,” I added. “You knew you were pregnant, and you didn’t even try to call me? Why didn’t you tell me before?”

  I was—devastated. Yes. That was the word I’d been searching for. I was devastated by this. The lack of trust and the hiding, the privacy—the fact that she hadn’t wanted to tell me, hadn’t thought to tell me—I didn’t even know what to do about it. It was just that gaping hole in my heart, the devastation that I had never before felt.

  Who knew that love could be like this?

  Holly swallowed. “I wasn’t ready to talk about it. I found out while you were out of town and I didn’t kn
ow what to do. I worried that you would freak out, that you’d tell my dad and I wasn’t ready for him to know and I just… I wasn’t sure what to do. I needed some time to come to terms with things.”

  Jesus. I could barely hear her over the blood pounding in my ears. Matt. Yeah, he needed to know, or rather—we needed to tell him before he found out on his own, because he would find out, one way or another. How was he going to take it when he found out I’d knocked up his little girl?

  Fuck, he’d be pissed enough that some random guy had knocked up his princess, but to know that it was his best friend? That I hadn’t been more responsible about this? He was going to kill me in cold blood. And I couldn’t exactly blame him.

  “I was an idiot,” I blurted out. “I can’t believe I didn’t think to use a condom. I never should’ve been so reckless. We never should’ve done this in the first place.”

  Holly gaped at me, tears springing into her eyes. “I can’t believe you’d—even after all of this? You still think this is something to regret? I love you!”

  The words burst out of her like they’d been eating her up inside for her entire life.

  “I love you, and I’ve loved you for years! This whole time!” Holly raged at me like a hurricane. “And this isn’t going away. Not just the pregnancy, but our connection. Our connection to each other, the way we feel, that’s not going away. Or at least not—not my feelings. It’s not changing.”

  She was crying now, crying hard, putting on her shoes. “I can’t believe you’d say that, after all this time.”

  With that, Holly stormed out.

  Now that she was gone, I could unleash my rage. Hell, I was glad that she was gone. It meant that I could be angry without worrying about scaring her. I could scream into a pillow all that I wanted.

  How could this have happened? How could I have been so unprincipled, so stupid? What was I, a child? A teenager? I knew better than this!

  My self-loathing was choking me. I had never felt this strongly before. Holly had turned my world upside-down, first in a good way, then a bad way, then a good way, and now in a bad way all over again. I felt like I was on a roller coaster.


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