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Agent S5: Jaydan

Page 7

by Joni Hahn


  The tracker beeped on the counter in front of her. “He has siblings in Kansas, a parent or grandparent in Tennessee. It looks like he’s a few miles from here, on the beach side that faces the island.”

  Jaydan came to stand beside her, one hand on the back of her chair, the other on the counter beside hers. She smelled like early morning rain, fresh and clean from a shower. He couldn’t help but inhale her hair under his nose.

  “Do you mind?” She glared up at him.

  He shook his head on a huff of laughter. “Not a bit.”

  Rather than the smile he’d been looking for, Hope glanced down at the counter, her voice low. “Stop it, Jaydan. I’m not going to act like nothing happened. I may be sorry it did, but the fact remains that it happened. Things will never be the same again.”

  Self-loathing held him in place, choking him, while an overwhelming sense of loss spurred it on. “I’ve spent my entire life getting it wrong, Hope. Why would you think I’d start getting it right now?”

  Grabbing his plate, he slammed it down on the opposite side of the island, cracking his plate and the granite beneath. He settled onto a stool and sliced into the pancakes with his fork.

  “Mitchell wants me to go in today.”

  Her gaze shot to him, her face a mask of stoicism. “How?”

  “I’m going to talk to our buddy McCall to see what he knows. If all else fails, I’ll tear my way in.” He nodded down at his plate. “I’m gearing up now.”

  Stepping down from the stool, she said, “I’ll be ready to go when you are.”

  “You’re not going.”

  Turning around to face him, she stood hands on hips. “Yes. I am.”

  Swallowing down a bite of food, he paused to stare at her. “No. You’re not. I want to get in, see what’s going down, get Keegan, and get out. If I take you, it’ll take me twice as long.”

  “And how do you propose to get her to go along with you?”

  He shrugged. “Carry her.”

  Hope gave an incredulous bark of laughter. “You saw how she reacted last night. She’s terrified. She won’t go with you willingly.”

  “I’ll cross that bridge when I come to it.”

  Starting toward him, she stopped dead in her tracks, her eyes zeroing in on the far wall. Her face visibly paled, her breath quickening.


  She didn’t acknowledge him, didn’t move a muscle.

  “Hope. What’s wrong?”

  Standing in place, she trembled, her chest heaving for breath.

  Jumping up from his chair, he shook her. She didn’t respond, her body flailing like a ragdoll. Fear rolled down his spine, hot and lethal. “Hope. Dammit, wake up.”

  She fell against him, her unconscious body sliding down his torso. Lifting her into his arms, he carried her to one of the living room sofas and laid her on it. Kneeling beside her, he clutched her hand in his and kissed her palm.

  He couldn’t remember feeling this scared since his father died.

  The realization startled him. He’d vowed long ago, after he’d left home, that he’d never fear again.

  “Hope, wake up,” he whispered, kissing her lips, her forehead, her cheek.

  The taste of salt on his lips made him sit up. Tears ran from her closed eyes and into the hair at her ears.

  His heart pounded against his ribs.

  “Hope,” he said in a loud voice. “Wake up, dammit.”

  Her eyes opened as though she woke from a nap, calm and relaxed. “How long was I out?”

  The breath rushed from him in a gust as curse words spew from his mouth like bad tobacco. “About three minutes. What the hell happened?”

  Glaring at him, she sat up. “Why are you yelling?”

  He waved an arm in the air. “You scared the shit out of me, that’s why.”

  She stood and walked into the kitchen. “I had a vision. That’s all.”

  He stared after her, incredulity rooting him to the floor. “Are you saying that happens all the time?” Rising to his feet, he followed her.

  “Not all the time.” She picked up her orange juice and drained the contents. “Most of the time, I don’t black out.”

  “And you’re just now telling me this?” He ran his fingers through his hair and over the microchip beneath. “What if it had happened last night at the luau or while you were driving?”

  Whipping around, she waved her hands in the air. “What am I supposed to do, Jaydan? Sit in a chair twenty-four seven and wait for them?”

  She had a point. It just didn’t make him feel any better about it. “Do you get any advanced warning?”

  Taking a deep breath, she shook her head. “No. I’ve just tried to deal with them the best I can.” Her voice turned gloomy. “The truth is, dealing with the visions isn’t the hard part. It’s waiting for them to happen that’s difficult.”

  Approaching her, he ran a thumb over her still moist cheek. “This one made you cry. What happened?”

  She backed away from him, a glimpse of fear vanishing behind a wall of resolve. Walking past him, she headed down the hall. “Nothing that concerns you.”


  They found Dylan McCall running up on shore, surfboard under his arm. The board had seen better days, as had the faded, navy swim trunks riding low on his hips. His washboard abs were lean and hard, the prominent muscles on his arms and shoulders a twisted harmony of sinew. What had been day-old stubble last night looked more like an unkempt, starter beard, his copper locks glistening with golden highlights.

  The man ranked right up there at stifling on the hottie thermometer. However, he didn’t come close to Jaydan’s dark, mouthwatering appeal.

  As if he’d known she’d been thinking about him, Jaydan’s hand appeared in her line of vision. She shoved it away. He never ceased to annoy her.

  Shaking out his wet hair, Dylan didn’t see them until he threw back his head to swipe the hair from his face. Glaring at them, his steps slowed as he approached.

  “How’d you find me?”

  Stopping in front of them, his eyes tapered to blue slits. Water trailed down his golden torso, running past a three-inch scar that sat dead center over his heart, to disappear in his swim trunks.

  Clearing his throat, Jaydan stared at her with a raised brow.

  Are you through?

  She gave him a cheeky grin before answering Dylan’s question. “We tracked you.”

  Setting the board end up in the sand, Dylan gave a bitter chuckle. “Of course you did. I’m convenient that way.”

  She exchanged a confused frown with Jaydan.

  “Why do you say that?” Rose crossed his arms over his chest. “Because we can track you by your smell?”

  McCall did have an odor about him. One she would normally associate with someone whose water had been cut off and hadn’t showered in days.

  Or someone that was homeless.

  That’s when she noticed a backpack on a rock a few feet away, its contents scattered. The rock looked like her bathroom counter back at the house.

  Dylan glared at Jaydan. “What do you want?”

  Jaydan nodded at the compound sitting high on a peak in the distance. “Routines, security intel, weak points.”

  His sky blue eyes went from Jaydan to her, and back. “What makes you think I know anything?”

  Jaydan said, “You knew Keegan would be at the luau. Not only do you know something, I’d wager you’re obsessed.”

  Good call, Rose.

  Shaking his head, Dylan picked up the board and started to walk past them. “Sorry, I can’t help you.”

  Jaydan turned to watch him walk away. “Then I can’t do anything about the MP’s that are on their way to arrest you for desertion.”

  Dylan stopped, his back ramrod straight. Throwing down his board, he turned around, eyes blazing.

  “They labeled me a deserter?” He pointed at his chest, his nostrils flared. “I freaking served my country with pride. I�
�m proud to be a Marine.”

  Hope’s eyes widened. The genuine hurt surprised her. Dylan came off as a cocky badass, a man that just didn’t give a hoot what anyone else thought.

  But, everyone had something they cared about. His service record mattered to Dylan McCall.

  Hope spoke in a soft voice. “What happened?”

  He hesitated, eyes downcast, hands clenching and unclenching at his sides. Curse words tumbled from his mouth in low mumbles, his hair falling over his face in clumped strands. After several moments, all muttering stopped, his hands in white-knuckled fists.

  “That happened.” He pointed beyond them. She and Jaydan turned to look at the compound.

  Jaydan said, “Care to elaborate on that?”

  “Only at a secure location, and only if you can guarantee the safety of my folks and sisters back home.” He looked up at them, his eyes downturned and filled with resignation. “I’m dead either way.”

  Rose lowered his voice, his tone one of compassion. “Hell man, you know there’re no guarantees. But, I can have agents posted at their homes if the situation warrants it.”

  Dylan gave a nod. “Oh, it damn well warrants it. Trust me.”

  Jaydan planted his hands on hips. “Then, let’s do this.”

  “Let me shower and I’ll meet you somewhere.”

  With a sarcastic chuckle, Jaydan said, “Yeah, that’s not happening. We’ll follow you home.”

  “You’re there.” He walked to the backpack and gathered the contents. Basic toiletries and a few clothes lay in the sun, a small, white plastic box peeking out from inside the pack.

  “You’re homeless?” Jaydan stared at him with drawn brows.

  “No. Kansas will always be my home.” He looked around, arm extended. “This is the location of my latest op. I’d say I’m pretty damned lucky. It’s a helluva lot more comfortable than carrying around a sixty pound MOLLE pack in the Afghan mountains.”

  Hope smiled to herself. Distress ran deep inside him but he tried to put on a brave front. Courage runneth over with Dylan.

  Seemed like a perfect fit for D.I.R.E.

  “You can come back to the house with us.”

  Hope uttered the words before she realized it. Besides, it would make things more comfortable having someone else in the house. Things were too tense between them now. After the vision she’d had today, she had to stay focused and be prepared for anything. Knowing Jaydan would end up on the floor, covered in blood, told her she’d soon be faced with protecting them both.

  Jaydan glared at her. “He can?”

  Giving her a quick onceover, Dylan winked at her before he smiled at Jaydan. “Damn, a hot shower and I get to live with her. Sweet.”

  Jaydan placed his hand at her lower back. “You were right about the dead part, McCall. Go near her and -”

  Stepping away from Jaydan, she headed to the SUV. “You can both go screw yourselves. I’ve got higher standards.” Glancing back over her shoulder, she smiled at their stunned faces. “Hurry up. We’ve got work to do.”


  “Damn, what happened here?” Dylan stared at the area between the seats where the center console used to sit.

  “I broke it.”

  Climbing in behind the wheel, Jaydan looked at Hope sitting beside him. A deep blush stole over her face as she stared out the windshield without moving.

  Dylan glanced back and forth between them. “That isn’t broken. That’s ripped from the floor.”

  Leaning down, he picked up a green swatch of material and studied it before a dawning light lit his eyes. He held out the panties to Hope in the front seat. Glancing down, she snatched them from his hand, her blush going from deep red to dark burgundy.

  “Yeah, the automotive engineers don’t take into consideration that people screw in the front seat of their vehicles,” Dylan said. “They assume people will climb in the back.”

  Shutting her eyes on a sigh, Hope muttered under her breath. “God help me.”

  Jaydan smiled inside. McCall was about to get his ass kicked.

  Dylan said, “You’d think they’d design the steering wheel to fold back into the dash. And why can’t they do the front seat console like the back seat cup holders where they fold up into a seat back?”

  Hope’s hand fisted in her lap. “Seriously, McCall. Can we drop it?”

  He sat back against the seat and looked around. “Sure. You guys may want to consider climbing back here next time. There’s a lot of room.”

  Aw, hell…

  Opening her door, Hope climbed out of the SUV and walked away.

  “Dammit to hell, McCall. I ought to knock you into next week.” Climbing out of the vehicle, Jaydan went to Hope who’d started walking down the street, phone to her ear.


  She kept walking. “Yes, I need a cab -”

  He grabbed the phone out of her hand. Gasping, she whipped around and popped him on the chest as he held it behind his back. She shook out her hand.


  “Don’t baby me, Jaydan. Give me back my phone.” She held out her hand.

  A frustrated Hope Powers really turned him on. With her flushed face, glittering jade eyes and full, pink lips chewing his ass like nobody’s business, he couldn’t stop his system from revving up. What used to irritate him about her now… aroused him. He wanted to kiss away her aggravation, love away her anger.

  Pleasure her until she smiled like she did last night after she’d climaxed.

  He closed the distance between them. “Kiss me and I will.”

  She huffed and crossed her arms over her chest. “Not if you were the last man on earth. I told you, I have higher standards.”

  Anger rolled inside of him like boulders down a mountainside. “I was good enough last night.”

  “That was before –“ She cleared her throat.

  Determination, swift and sure, shot through him, spurring his annoyance into anger. He knew he’d pleased her last night.

  “You were wet as hell, Les – “

  She gasped aloud.

  “I felt you come.” He clutched her backside in his hands and held her against him. “Don’t lie.”

  She shoved him away. “You and your ego had better back off.” Her voice shook, sobering him. “Last night was a mistake. You said so yourself.”

  Pain speared his chest with sharp tenacity. He’d done this to her. Brought down all of this pain and anger on her beautiful head. He deserved everything she threw at him.

  “I learned from it, Jaydan. Want to know what I learned?”

  His voice was just above a whisper. “What, Les?”

  “I’m better than a quick romp for you or anyone else. I’m smart, I’m successful - despite my father’s money. I invented something that no one else in the world has ever done. It might even bring home Natalie’s sister. I’m more than a freak visionary that likes to shop. And, I’ll be damned if I’ll let you, or anyone else use me again.”

  Her chest heaved, tears brimming in her eyes. He’d never meant to hurt her, had never intended to use her at all.

  God, is that how she saw it?

  He’d needed to hear that, needed that splash of cold water thrown in his face. They were here to rescue Keegan and he’d turned it into an affair.

  Stepping back, he handed her the phone. She took it with hesitancy. “You’re one hundred percent right, Le, uh, Hope. I’ve acted like an ass. That changes now.”

  He held out his hand for a shake. “All business from here on out. Let’s get Keegan and get home. Agreed?”

  Folding in her lips over her teeth, she nodded and accepted his hand. “Agreed.”

  Steering her toward the SUV, he held a hand to her back then snatched it away. He’d have to get used to not touching her.

  Opening her door, he settled her inside before he shut it, his eyes never connecting with hers. Walking around, he climbed in and started up the engine.

  Leaning forward, Dylan rested each elbo
w on the front seat backs. “There’s one thing I feel I should mention before we go any further…”

  Jaydan’s solemn voice sounded sad to his ears. “What’s that?”

  “I could die at any moment.”

  Chapter 8

  “Thanks for the clothes, Rose.”

  Dylan walked into the kitchen, clean-shaven and shower fresh. Jaydan’s clothes were a size too big for him, but smelled better than anything inside Dylan’s backpack. She’d thrown the clothes in the washing machine and set the load on heavy duty. That was the extent of her domestic duties for him.

  “No problem.” Jaydan tossed him an apple before taking a bite out of his own. He motioned for him to sit at the island adjacent to Hope. “The agency will compensate you for your intel.”

  Irritation laced his voice. “I don’t need a handout. I’m doing this because I want to see Matheson go down. That’s the only payment I need.”

  Hope rested her arms on the remote view notes of the compound. “Why? What did he do to you?”

  Jumping up from the stool, he paced the length of the kitchen. “The guy is some kind of… of mad scientist. I still don’t understand everything I saw in there.”

  Jaydan sat back on the barstool. “You were inside the compound?”

  Nodding, Dylan stopped to stare at him. “I was there a couple of times. Once when I was first taken. Another time a few months later.”

  “Taken?” Hope sat up in her seat. “As in kidnapped?”

  His gaze swiveled to her. “Yes. The first time, I was taken while I was out on patrol in Afghanistan. My team had just taken some fire and managed to waylay the mofos. We were on our way back to the Humvee when I got knocked out from behind.” He scratched his head. “I still think it was one of my team members. I would’ve heard someone come up behind me.”

  “What happened after that?” Hope said.

  “I woke up in a prison cell, in a cave.”

  Heart slamming against her ribs, her gaze shot to Jaydan.

  “Where?” Jaydan’s voice came out in a harsh bark.

  Dylan shook his head. “You won’t believe me – Mongolia. The freaking Altay Mountains.”


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