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Protected by Angels

Page 15

by Jacky Newcomb

  ‘I went to visit Jan a couple of days before she died. She was so ill and fragile, but she still had her sense of humour. She joked about having tried to lose weight for years and now, because of the cancer, she was a lot thinner. I felt very guilty that I was not well enough to go to her funeral. Maybe Jan came to let me know that she was OK and to tell me that it was not my turn to die. I know that she forgives me for not going to her funeral. Maybe she was showing me that I still need to be here.

  ‘The bright foggy stuff that Jan went through in my dream experience I now realize was heaven. I believe Jan wouldn’t let me go with her because I had to stay on Earth to look after my family. I want so much to be well and strong again. I still have so much I want to do in my life.

  ‘I did tell Tim about my experience when it happened. He just listened without judgement, as he always does. Jan has never come to me in my dreams again, and I would love her to. I would love to know if she wants me to share this with any of her family. I think maybe she is now her own son’s guardian angel and she was just sent to help me when I needed her. I just don’t know. Is she still my angel? I am still none the wiser.

  ‘I have talked to Tim about angels, too, and what he believes, and he said, yes… he does believe in them to a degree. He thinks there is a possibility that something is there. I still don’t understand a lot of the things that happened to me, but I’ll tell you one thing: I can’t wait for it to happen again. I talk to my angels all the time. I thank them every day for keeping me on this Earth with my family and helping me to get well again.’ – TAMMIE

  Finally a beautiful story of a passing over to the other side.

  Angel in Waiting

  ‘My mum had been suffering for many years with immobility due to a misdiagnosed fractured hip, then over the years her health deteriorated to the point where she was diagnosed with cancer a couple of years ago. I always thought this is what would take her in the end, but she battled and battled and stayed around to watch my daughter (her granddaughter) grow up (we lived upstairs and Mum lived downstairs in the same property).

  ‘As her health deteriorated she started to suffer with fluid in her legs, which eventually spread up her body and began to put pressure on her heart and lungs. After a fall, she was rushed into hospital (it was a Thursday, I remember). When I went to see her the doctor informed me that it was congestive heart failure and she could go at any time.

  ‘Needless to say, the next few days were a complete and utter blur. My mum, God bless her soul, was so brave. She knew her time was coming and requested to see her estranged daughter (my sister) before she passed over so that the two of them could have this final time together. No contact had been made for quite a while, so obviously my sister would have known that any call she got from me would be “the one”. On the Saturday after Mum saw my sister, she then requested that the priest from her parish attend to her. She knew her time was coming and was preparing for the last rites. She also requested to see my daughter. Sunday was an extremely emotional day for the family, and for Mum. With that she told my sister to return home and that all she could take were visits from me.

  ‘On Monday she took a turn for the worse; she began to chatter to me in Polish (her native tongue) but I didn’t understand as I don’t speak the language. She then began to talk about things that had happened many months and years before as if they were only yesterday, and I felt that she was often elsewhere for much of the day. I knew her time was close.

  ‘On Tuesday I was told in the morning she was “stable” when I called the hospital, then only half an hour later I got “the call” to attend to Mum as her breathing had become very laboured.

  ‘When I got to the hospital I knew her final moments had finally arrived. I sat with her, spoke to her and held her hand. For a while I didn’t think she knew I was there. I was sat at her right-hand side, and all of a sudden the air around her cooled. She turned her head to the left, opened her eyes and tried to speak. I could make out the words “No, not yet!”

  ‘Someone had come for her. But as she said that she turned to me and told me she loved me and squeezed my hand so hard it was as if all her youthful strength had returned. Whoever had come for her seemed to stay for a while; I could tell as she kept turning her head towards them and I could feel a sense of peace in the room.

  ‘At 1:05 p.m. my mum took her final breaths. I was so glad I was with her so she wasn’t alone, and I was so glad someone was there to greet her and take her over to the other side. It also gave me a sense of peace, and something I will never forget: that when our time comes, we are not alone.

  ‘This was only last week but I feel the presence of angels around me when I feel like I can’t carry on. They give me the strength and love I need to get through this. Knowing my mum is being looked after on her new journey fills me with such happiness.’ – JOLA

  Angels are real… the afterlife is real. There are so many recorded experiences of angels and afterlife experience, we’ve reached ‘critical mass’ – a time and a place where it’s obvious that life goes on, and that while we are on the Earth we are protected and looked after by heavenly beings. Of course it’s true!

  I’ve really enjoyed sharing these magical and miraculous experiences with you. Naturally I have selected some of the more dramatic experiences for you to read, but even the simple and subtle experiences we encounter are valid. If you ask for help, watch out for an angel feather sign. Maybe your loved ones will visit you in a dream-type visitation experience. Don’t forget what I’ve suggested here, and find yourself a lovely old photo of the deceased (if possible) or recall a special moment together to help make a connection with your loved one in heaven. Then you can begin to talk. You’ll know that heavenly ‘phone call’ has been connected once you notice the emotion you have surrounding their loss – you’ll feel a shift of sorts and may notice tears prick your eyes, or you may smile in remembrance of a special moment together. Simply ask for them to reach out to you in any way that they can. Dream visitation experiences are only one way – although it’s my personal favourite!

  Angels look after our loved ones, both human and animal; they take care of those dear to us, whether they are on the earthly or heavenly side of life. I think it’s quite clear that angels are a real phenomenon and they are reaching out to humans more and more. So many people are having angel encounters; if you haven’t had yours yet, don’t worry – it’s just a matter of time, so be patient.

  Angel experiences, and mainly contact with deceased loved ones, have always been a part of my family. My sisters and I in particular have regular contact with our late uncle and father. Dad is as much a part of our lives these days as he was before he passed. You, too, can experience afterlife contact… simply ask for that sign!

  Maybe, like me, you’ll get sneaky tricks like snooker balls clacking together in the middle of the night (maybe it was Dad at that B&B – he was a keen snooker player!), or a member of your deceased family will start messing around with your computer files! Fishing indeed! Thanks for that one, Dad!

  Remember they also flicker lights, play music, drop photographs, books and magazines in front of you, show you number plates and posters or mess around with your electrical and clockwork items. You’ll never know what to expect, but it will always be wonderful. Don’t let fear get in the way of a fantastic experience. Fear is the one emotion that stops the angel and afterlife contact. Remember, they are trying to lift our spirits, not scare us half to death!

  I’m sad we’ve come to the end of another book, but if you feel you need more, then do explore the many wonderful sources of information and collections of these kinds of encounters out there (more about this in the list of Resources that follows).


  Also by Jacky Newcomb:


  An Angel Held My Hand (HarperElement)

  Angel Kids (Hay House)

  An Angel by My Side (HarperElement)

  An Angel Saved My Life (HarperElement)
  Angel Secrets (Octopus)

  An Angel Treasury (HarperElement)

  Angels Watching Over Me (Hay House)

  Call Me When You Get to Heaven (with Madeline Richardson; Piatkus)

  Dear Angel Lady (Hay House)

  A Faerie Treasury (with Alicen Geddes-Ward; Hay House)

  Healed by an Angel (Hay House)

  I Can See Angels (Hay House)

  A Little Angel Love (HarperElement)

  Angel Blessings (Octopus)


  Angels (New World Music)


  Angel Cards on CD-Rom (Paradise Music)

  Angel Workshop (workshop with meditations; Paradise Music)

  Crystal Angels (instrumental by Llewellyn, cover notes by Jacky; Paradise Music)

  Ghosthunting Workshop (with Barrie John; Paradise Music)

  Healing with Your Guardian Angel (guided meditations; Paradise Music)

  Meet Your Guardian Angel (guided meditations; Paradise Music)


  Angel Secrets Cards (Octopus)


  Jacky Newcomb is a multi-award winning, Sunday Times bestselling author. She is the regular angel columnist for Take a Break’s Fate & Fortune magazine. Jacky has published hundreds of articles about paranormal phenomena for magazines and e-zines all over the world. She is regularly featured in the UK national press and interviewed on radio and television, including ITV’s This Morning and Channel 5’s LIVE with…

  Jacky gives talks and runs workshops all over the country, and talks to thousands of people each year. She’s worked with many celebrity names – many of whom have become friends as well as fans of her work! Jacky is the expert the experts turn to!

  ‘…successful author and broadcaster…’ – The Weekly News

  ‘I love Jacky’s books!’ – TV presenter Melissa Porter

  ‘…Jacky Newcomb’s books have made her a well-respected name in the study of angels and afterlife communication. Jacky’s work is essential reading for anyone interested in learning more about this fascinating subject…’ – Uri Geller

  Jacky has an extensive website where you’ll find free information and links to her Twitter site and Facebook page.

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