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Drawn by Dragonblood

Page 14

by Lynn Burke

  One slow, long slide seated him deep, trapping Dakota between our bodies. I grasped her lush ass in my palms as he dug his fingers into my back and Dakota laid her cheek on my chest. Jon and I held still, our chests heaving, breathing in each other’s exhales as we stared into the other’s eyes.

  “Move,” Dakota said, a mere whisper, and we obeyed, taking turns pulling out and pushing back in, our gazes locked as we fucked into her body. She whimpered, pressing her lips against my collar bone. “G-God…” Her small gasps and following moans clenched my balls tight against my body.

  “You feel so fucking good, taking us both.” Jon thrust in deep as I backed out, his parted lips drawing my gaze. “So damn tight.” He thrust again. “So fucking hot.”

  “Kiss me,” I told him, nudging my crown against Dakota’s womb and causing her to shudder and grasp at my shoulders again.

  The corner of Jon’s lips rose in a smirk, but his eyes betrayed how he fought to control his urge to come.

  Our mouths met in a rush, and the darkness swelled within me, demanding me to take—consume what belonged to me. Our teeth gnashed, we bit and sucked, and Jon dug his short nails into my back hard enough to sting.

  “Fuck,” Dakota groaned against my neck, her longer fingernails ripping at my skin.

  I hissed against Jon’s mouth and slammed into Dakota so hard she gasped and tensed. Jon followed me, and I loosened my hold on my dragon’s leash and let him control my hips, my teeth and tongue.

  The combined scents of my mates swirled in my nose, my brain, until all I could feel, all I could sense was their bodies, their hearts.

  Dakota’s whimpers singed my blood, tensing every muscle in my body. “Harder,” she half-groaned. “Please … need to come.”

  Jon snaked his hand between us as we rutted into her over and over, our mouths still fused.

  She gasped, and a deep groan followed, spasming her in our arms, clenching her pussy around my cock.

  Jon ripped his mouth from mine and cursed.

  Growling, I allowed my climax to rush through me, and I buried myself deep against Dakota’s womb, wishing Jon’s cum spurted alongside mine with every spasm through my cock. Pulse after pulse of cum shot inside her as Jon continued to thrust and jerk, the look of heavenly bliss on his swollen lips, the pink tinging his freckled cheeks…

  Love, my dragon whispered, and I leaned in to take his mouth once more, knowing I would never let them go.

  Chapter Thirty


  We fulfilled my wife’s fantasy, but a part of me was left wanting.

  Dakota curled on my lap while Elijah finished making our breakfast, the throw blanket from the couch wrapped around her. I didn’t have the energy to go upstairs to get her another shirt, and neither did she. Personally, I’d have preferred her naked all day every day so I could appreciate the beauty of her.

  Elijah stood in front of the stove, my gaze on his ass. Would he ever let me bury my dick inside him? Would he take mine if I asked? I expected he would agree to the latter, but the man was pure alpha—I doubted he’d bottom for anyone.

  The thought of him shoving his huge cock up my ass while Dakota watched twitched my dick, and I bit back a groan. Fucking fanciful mind of my wife’s—I began to suspect perhaps there was more to the cavern than was natural.

  Even with a little blue pill, I doubted any normal human could fuck as much as I’d been doing since meeting Elijah.

  Something inside me snickered, and I found myself smirking—and wanting to reach for my cock.

  The fuck, man? Give it a rest.

  I blew out a breath. So much for our fucking plan where we wooed Dakota up into Elijah’s room, romanced her into begging for us both. We’d fucked her standing, without proper lube—

  My poor wife, being fucked by a couple of lust-crazed animals.

  Fucking bastard. I swore at myself even though her cum had been more than enough lube for an ass fucking.

  She let out a sigh and rubbed her cheek against my bare chest.

  “Okay?” I murmured, rubbing her back.

  “More than okay.”

  The scent of bacon had my mouth watering, but it was Elijah’s naked body a few feet away that made my hunger about double.

  Dakota placed her hand over my heart. “What are you thinking?”

  “Thinking I like hanging out here at our new friend’s house.”

  Elijah chuckled and turned, a bowl of scrambled eggs in one hand, bacon in the other—and his flaccid cock hanging between his thighs. “Breakfast, Jon.”

  I jerked my focus up and grinned. “Just enjoying the view.”

  Dakota shifted in my arms. “Damn, you two are hot.”

  I’d never been so fucking happy in my life. My hot-as-fuck wife who adored me, and a man we both couldn’t seem to get enough of more than willing to give us anything—who wouldn’t be?

  Elijah sat, and Dakota climbed off me to sit in the chair to my right, between us men right where she belonged. Smiling like idiots, the three of us dug into our breakfast as though we’d just run a marathon.

  Twice, I got up to refill our coffee, and the heat of Elijah’s stare on my ass made all sorts of butterflies go wild in my stomach. Rather than ask myself what the fuck was wrong with me, I decided to just roll with it, see where whatever it was between the three of us rolled.

  I finished first and sat back, draping one arm over the back of my chair, legs spread, and hand on my thigh.

  The blanket draped over Dakota’s shoulder slipped, revealing the top of her breast, but she didn’t seem to notice. Hair a rumpled mess, cheeks pink, she damn near stole my breath when glancing up at me through her lashes, her eyes green as spring grass. “What?” she whispered.

  “You’re beautiful.”

  The redness in her cheeks darkened.

  “Was it better than your fantasy?” I asked, still smiling.

  She swallowed and cast a quick look at Elijah. “Yes.”

  “What else do you have going on in that little head of yours?” Dakota pursed her lips, but I wasn’t about to let it go. “Elijah and I spoke last night, and we both want to continue exploring this attraction between the three of us.”

  Dakota glanced back and forth between the two of us, her tongue flicking out to touch her top lip. “You do?”

  Breathless and needy—my favorite tone of voice on her.

  “Yes,” we both said at the same time, causing her to shift under our combined stares. “But,” I said, trailing my fingers down her neck to the swell of her exposed breast, “I’m not going to take things any further unless you want to.” She blinked up at me. “This is a decision you need to make for yourself, Dakota. Don’t do it because I want to. Do it because you want me—and him—for the next four weeks, or however long this lasts.”

  Forever, the voice whispered in my head, and longing for that very thing sent an ache through my chest painful enough I rubbed a hand over my pecs.

  “I’m a-ashamed to say that I do want you both. Too much.”

  “Nothing to be ashamed of, baby.” I rubbed my thumb over her lower lip to keep her from nibbling on it. “And your agreeing isn’t going to hurt me in any way.” I stared into her eyes, hoping she read the truth cemented in my heart.

  She breathed a heavy sigh, completely relaxing into her chair. “So now what?” She glanced at Elijah, who’d been mostly silent.

  “The guest room is yours for as long as you want it,” he said, shifting his attention on me, “but I would love nothing more than if you would both join me in my bedroom. There’s plenty of room … and if I’m being honest, I’d prefer to have you both as close to me as possible—for as long as possible.”

  Dakota and I both nodded as one.

  “Stay as long as you want,” he continued, his focus shifting between us. “There are no expectations on my end, no rules. Enjoy each other, allow me to pleasure you both—the limits are up to you.”

  “I don’t have any,” I said without h

  Dakota licked her lower lip. “What if Elijah wants to fuck me again?” The vulnerability in her eyes sent that ache through my damn chest again.

  “Then he can.”

  She shifted on her chair. “What if he … uh … wants to fuck you?”

  I focused on Elijah’s pale eyes as he shifted his attention to my face. Goddamn, the lust, the passion in his stare sent those butterflies all aflutter again. “Then he can,” I said, my voice husky.

  “God.” Dakota half-moaned the word.

  “You want to watch me love your husband, mon coeur?” Elijah asked her while holding my stare.

  Her gulp sounded loud in the cavern while I chuckled over the fact he’d gone for French when he’d already gotten into her pants. “Yes.”

  Elijah smiled, lighting his entire face, loosening the tension in my shoulders. “Later. For now,” he stood, revealing his dick no longer hung between his thighs, but bobbed up toward his belly button, “let’s clean up and go pack an overnight bag.”

  “Where are we going?” I still stared at his dick as mine swelled.

  “The government officials moved up our meetings, and you’re both going to New York with me.”

  “Bossy fucker,” I muttered.

  One of his eyebrows shot up as if to say, “Just you wait.”

  Chapter Thirty-One


  Elijah said he’d been to New York and back the day before, but neither Jon nor I had heard the helicopter. It sat in the garage, black and shiny, and I couldn’t contain the giggles in my chest. I’d never ridden in a helicopter before, and the machine reminded me so much of my dream of riding the dragon, that my panties didn’t stand a chance.

  The men had taken me as I’d fantasized about, and it had blown every expectation, every hope clear out of my head. Fifty times better, fifty times more potent. The insatiable need I’d felt for Jon and my desire for Elijah had tripled, and I felt half-mad with lust. Add to that, my settled mind on the whole hurting Jon thing, I had difficulty focusing on anything else.

  Energy rippled among the three of us over breakfast, and how we managed to shower, pack, and head to the garage without someone getting fucked was beyond me. Only a slight ache remained from how they’d taken me in the kitchen, but the need for more erased any tinge of pain from my mind.

  I sat on the seat behind the men, our bags on the one beside me, and settled the headset over my ears as the rotor blades started to spin. The noise intensified, but the headset kept me comfortable. I grinned like an idiot, my attention flicking from dark head to blond, my heart melting with every profile glance they allowed me.

  Freshly shaven … golden skin and freckled … and all I wanted to do was get them naked again, their bodies pressing against mine while trying to reach the other.


  Jon glanced over his shoulder, an eyebrow raised. “What?” His voice sounded slightly muffled in the headphones.

  “Oh.” My face heated as I realized I’d spoken the thought out loud into the small mic beside my mouth. “Just, um, admiring the view.”

  He held my gaze as Elijah flicked a few buttons, readying for takeoff. “Are you wet, baby?”

  “I can’t help it,” I said, half-whining and wiggling on my seat.

  “Buckle your seatbelt,” he said, glancing at Elijah. One clasp on his neck, and Jon yanked Elijah toward him. Teeth, tongue, and bruising lips, they devoured each other’s mouths.

  “Damn you,” I moaned, fighting the urge to slip my hand beneath my pants.

  “Ready?” Elijah said, pulling back from Jon and glancing over his shoulder at me, his gaze lust-filled yet relaxed at the same time.

  “More than you can imagine.”

  He flashed a grin so toxic to my libido that my pussy spasmed, and I groaned.

  We lifted into the air, and I let out a squeak, grabbing hold of the armrests. Higher and higher, we rose as the garage platform retracted and doors shut behind it.

  From above, one would never know a home lay beneath the mountain. It appeared as though the road disappeared into the hillside, the garage doors made to look like natural rock. The sun shone high overhead, and I lifted my gaze to take in the White Mountains.

  My breath caught, and all thoughts of the men disappeared from my mind as I imagined I rode the back of my dragon, the views he showed me bringing a tear to my eye. I’d buried my camera in the bottom of my backpack, and I cursed my body’s insatiable need to fuck overriding all rational thought. But I couldn’t tear my attention from the beauty outside to rummage the thing out.

  On the way back, I promised myself.

  Work chatter—robots and armor, the kind of stuff that would usually make me yawn—buzzed in my ears, but I couldn’t be bothered.

  Face plastered to the window, I soaked in what an airplane couldn’t offer, and until we landed in New York a few hours later, my face hurt from smiling. If only I could have felt some wind on my face and had my camera in hand.

  A limo waited for us at the airport, and the second the helicopter door opened letting in the city air, I grimaced, wishing for the freshness of Elijah’s veranda. He helped me down, and held my hand while heading toward the waiting car and driver. A glance over my shoulder let me know Jon followed, our three bags in his hands and a grin on his face.

  Swelling emotion bubbled up inside of me, filling me with giddiness.

  Elijah ushered me into the limo, spoke quietly with the driver, and joined me, his body brushing against mine shoulder to thigh. His smile and the twinkle in his eyes creamed my panties.

  Jon slid in the other side, crowding close, and I knew in that second, the passion between the three of us had nothing to do with the cavern we’d been staying in. The need for each other had to do with the energy crackling the air, the magical pull of three souls almost … bound together by fate, my fanciful mind suggested.

  Both men rested their hands on my thighs, but Elijah nuzzled my ear. “I can smell the sweetness of your arousal, mon coeur.”

  “What does that mean?” I asked, my tone lost in breathless desire.

  “My heart.”

  Damn. I stared into his eyes, the open book to his soul, and I wanted nothing more than to drown, never to resurface. He meant those words and didn’t hold back the truth from his gaze. Swallowing, I tore my focus off him and glanced at Jon.

  He, too, peered at Elijah, but unlike our lover, didn’t allow a peek into his mind.

  Tension zinged through the limo as we pulled away, but it wasn’t laced with anger or jealousy. It was the quiet stillness that heightened senses, the kind that made me feel like I stood on the edge of a cliff, watching the rushing wind blow the trees behind me—and I couldn’t escape its path.

  Both hands rested on my thighs as though claiming ownership. Both hot bodies emitted the clean scent of soap with an underlying hint of the smoky fire that clung to Elijah. My mouth watered for a taste for both, but my heart conflicted about who I would kiss first—if I had the guts to even choose.

  “You don’t have to choose one of us over the other.” Elijah’s warm breath caressed my ear. “No rules, remember?”

  Jon squeezed my thigh. “No rules, baby. Take what you want when you want.”

  “What if that’s both of you every second of the damn day?” My question left my mouth in a rush.

  He grinned. “Then I just might lose my new job.”

  I huffed a sigh. “Can’t have that.”

  “Guess you’ll just have to suffer in your need every day until we finish work.”

  “Am I allowed to touch myself?” I asked, trying and failing to bite back my smile.

  Elijah groaned and adjusted the bulge in his jeans, mumbling something in French beneath his breath.

  “You can touch yourself,” Jon said, sliding his hand up to cup me between the thighs, “but no coming until your juicy pussy is filled by us.”

  The image of the two of them both buried in my body together, the heat
of their cum mingling against my womb, sent a shudder down through me, breaking goosebumps across my skin. I couldn’t imagine the stretch, the fullness, but I wanted them together like that, even if it hurt like hell.

  I hadn’t realized we’d stopped, but the door beside Elijah opened. “We’re here,” he said, climbing from the car.

  Jon opened his door, leaving me a panting, hot mess, and I scowled. By “here”, Elijah had meant our apartment building, which meant it was time to pack up some of our belongings for the month-long stay in his magical, cavern home.

  I wanted nothing more than to close us in, strip down, and beg the men to take me again, but Elijah had to get to the office—yes on a Saturday. With the new government contract, he had his people working around the clock to fill their orders.

  We would only spend the one night in the city, but Elijah had asked us to stay at his penthouse apartment with him rather than sleep separately. While we hadn’t yet shared a bed, nothing had ever sounded to good … sleeping between all that muscle, two warm bodies available for my pleasure.

  “The limo will be back in an hour,” Elijah said, helping me from the car. “I want nothing more than to stay, but I must go.”

  “I know,” I whispered, followed by a sigh.

  He cupped my cheek in his warm palm, a flood of emotions pouring from his eyes as he gazed down at me. “Tonight, I promise we’ll be together again.”

  My pussy spasmed, and I clung to Jon’s hand as we walked into our building, needing him to ground me against the feeling a part of me had been ripped away as the limo drove off.

  Chapter Thirty-Two


  My dick had been stiff for what felt like fucking hours, long enough my balls ached and I almost wished the damn thing would stop working for a day or two. Dakota climbed the stairs to our second-floor apartment, and I wanted nothing more than to rip the damn backpack off her shoulders, slam her against the wall, and bury myself so damn deep in her pussy that she gushed cum down over my balls.


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