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Fashioned for Love

Page 9

by Anna Hartman

  She had a dinner planned with Nick that night, it would be a good distraction from thinking about Brockley. They met at a small Italian Osteria in Brooklyn, where Nick was from, Rosalind had been a proper New Yorker and really focused on eating super healthy, skipping desserts, having her steak with greens instead of chips and often ordering two starters instead of a main course. She had lost nearly a stone since she came here 3 months ago, first because she was too heartbroken to eat, and then she just emulated the way of eating her New York friends followed. But tonight she wasn’t counting calories, caprese salad, fettucine alfredo and tiramisu washed down with copious amounts of wine, she’d get back on her diet tomorrow but her confused heart needed comfort food.

  By the end of the evening she was too drunk to go home so Nick who was housesitting for his parents took him two blocks away to their house and Rosalind thought that was so kind and thoughtful that she should probably stop pining over Brockley and go full steam ahead with Nick.

  She decided that if he tried to kiss her tonight she wouldn’t say no.

  Nick put some jazz on, lit a candle on the coffee table and opened yet another bottle of red wine and poured each of them a very large glass.

  They sat on the same sofa and a lot closer together than was necessary, Nick’s arm casually on the back of the backrest, it felt nice.

  Rosalind rested her head on Nick's shoulder and Nick felt that he was finally getting somewhere. He stroked her hair and to his joy she didn’t pull away so she kept on stroking her silky soft hair. And then he realised she had passed out, she was snoring and completely out of it.

  Damn, he had thought he could finally tell her about his feelings tonight.

  He gently moved himself into standing and placed her head on the cushion, took off her shoes and covered her with a blanket that his mother kept on the backrest of the big armchair for cool nights.

  He got a large glass of water and left it on the coffee table next to her.

  He wrote a short note:

  “Good morning Rosalind, you were very tired so I didn’t want to wake you to move you to the guest room, if you want a more comfy bed you can find one upstairs, the door left to the bathroom, I’m sleeping in the room opposite the bathroom, come and fetch me if you need anything and if not, I’ll see you tomorrow.

  Night Nick x

  He looked at her tranquil face and just felt an overwhelming urge to kiss her, he quickly brushed his lips on her forehead, whispered I love you and went upstairs to bed. Alone.

  Rosalind woke up parched around 5am, it took her a while to figure out where she was and then she gratefully drank the glass of water only to realise she also needed a painkiller. She tried to locate her handbag but had no idea where she’d left it the night before, she got up deciding to check the bathroom cabinet for any painkillers when she saw Nick’s note. Part of her wanted to climb upstairs and sneak under his duvet but part of her was so grateful he had been a complete gentleman. She decided to continue her night on the sofa as soon as she’d found those damned painkillers.


  At 7:30 Nick came downstairs and before coming into the lounge made Rosalind a cup of coffee.

  “Wakey, wakey. Time to get up and go to work”

  “Holy crap, we need to work? I can’t go like this I’m wearing yesterday’s outfit.

  “You look great in it”

  “It will start rumours.”

  “Well how about you borrow something from me?

  “We’re a bit different in size and shape.”

  “Yes but a simple sweater for example that would go with your black pants”

  Hmm, maybe. Can I raid your wardrobe?

  Sure, you might want to raid my mom’s too.

  She finished her coffee and then they climbed upstairs to see what she could find.

  In the end she found a genuine 70’s vintage denim dress from Nick’s mother’s wardrobe, she’d have to stop at the drugstore to get a pair of tights for the office but teamed up with the belt she already had on yesterday and the black heels, it looked pretty good. She would just say that she’d been vintage shopping and as it was casual Friday in the office she thought she’d do a different take on denim. She wrapped the Hermes scarf she’d had in her bag around her neck and blow dryed her hair into slightly 70’s inspired waves.

  For makeup she had to do with what she had in her bag, an eyeliner, a mascara and some tinted lip balm, which she also rubbed on her cheeks.

  Nick walked into the room as she was giving herself a final once over in the mirror.

  “Wow, Charlie’s angels eat your heart out!

  “Oh my god, do I look like I’m in fancy dress?”

  “Not at all, you look very sexy though. The dress fits you well, my mother must have been your shape when she was young”

  Rosalind smiled and felt a pang of guilt, she was starting to understand how Nick felt about her and although she was very fond of him she loved him as a friend and had no romantic feelings towards him. Oh how she wished she did, it would be so easy to be in a relationship with somebody like Nick Barbieri, smart, funny, kind, loving, with a lovely secure family and he was rather handsome too in that heavy set Italian way.

  They stopped in a diner and laughed over the night before over they pancakes and bacon, they walked to the office together arm in arm still laughing and as they walked through the reception they almost bumped into Brockley Graham who has just arrived without prior notice 2 days before scheduled. Nick looked terrified and immediately dropped Rosalind’s arm like it was on fire, after all he didn’t really know Brockley and he was the boss so looking professional and making a good impression was important to him. Rosalind blushed and all kicked herself for looking like a silly school girl giggling with a colleague and dressed in a 70’s denim dress.

  “Good morning Nick, morning Rosalind, I see you have made yourself right at home in the New York office”

  “Morning Mr Graham” Nick responded the steely look in Brockley’s eyes made him fear was his job.

  “Morning Brockley, yes I have really enjoyed my time in New York and Nick here has been very kind to guide me through this project”

  “That’s very kind of him, we need to talk about your future Rosalind, so meet me at the boardroom at 10”

  “I thought we’d discuss it on Monday when Charlie is here too”

  “She’ll be busy with the project so I’d rather not trouble her with staffing issues”

  Brockley had felt a pang of lust when first seeing Rosalind in the denim dress, she looked damn sexy and he was now clear within himself that he had feelings for her, that’s what he’d planned to tell her today, she was the reason he’d come to New York early, to spend the weekend with her and convince her he wanted to be with her and what she had witnessed at Plaza in the morning after the ball had not been what she thought it had. But looked like he was late. She clearly had something going on with this young man, who to was probably much better suited for her, her age and clearly a nice reliable chap, not a globetrotting business executive who had no time for personal relationships and so far had let her down big time.

  Brockley marched straight to Alice’s office only to find out she was out today. She clearly hadn’t told Rosalind that Brockley had not spent the night with her at the Plaza. Bitch.

  He’d deal with her later. He asked Alice’s assistant to get him a coffee and set himself up in her office. It was a very stylish but impersonal, nothing in the office said anything about its owner and there was absolutely nothing even remotely feminine in it. Alice was and had always been a ballbreaker, she wasn’t a bad person but knew that if she didn’t look after herself nobody else would. She had had a terrible childhood and had fought nail and tooth for everything she’d achieved so it was natural she felt threatened by Rosalind and Brockley’s feelings towards her. After all if they were to go through with the divorce and he’d one day marry Rosalind, or anybody else, where would it leave her?

y decided to tackle this head on. He called his New York lawyers and arranged a meeting over lunch. He’d divorce Alice and then he would take steps to separate his personal and business plans for once and for all.

  At 10am there was a knock on the door and Chantelle popped her head in. “Rosalind is here to see you, she said you have a meeting.”

  “Yes send her in please”

  Rosalind walked in looking nervous but still keeping her eyes fixated in Brockley’s. She wasn’t going to be put down easy and would demand answers. What did he want from her?

  “Thank you Rosalind, please sit down. I hear you are really happy here in New York?”

  “Yes, well the work has been great, very challenging and satisfying and I like the team here”

  “Have you thought about your future?”

  “What do you mean?”

  “Will it be here or in London?” What he really wanted to say was whether she saw herself with Nick or him.

  “I didn’t realise New York was a long term option. I’ve been fully expecting to return to London once this project is finished”

  “Well, yes. But if New York was an option, would you take it?”

  Part of Rosalind wanted to say yes, she loved New York, loved the energy and buzz and the fact that she wasn’t judged as Lady Rosalind Langley, but was just a young English woman making her life in the Big apple like millions of immigrants before her. It felt like a world of opportunities, plus she loved being back with her New York friends and with the fashion crowd. She’d forgotten how much she used to love it. But with all her being, more than she missed and loved all that, she wanted to be with Brockley. But she couldn't say that out loud.

  “I don’t know, It’s not a decision I can make on the spot.”

  “Ok, I would like you to think about it. If a career in New York is what you want. BG hotels will be happy to sponsor your visa and create you a permanent role here. If not, we’ll welcome you back to London with open arms”

  Brockley thought whether this would be the right time to tell her what had happened in Plaza and what he was about to do with Alice, but then for once in his life made a decision coming from a purely altruistic place, he wanted Rosalind to make this decision based on what she wanted and how she saw her future. So decided not to say anything.

  “Is that all?”

  “Yes, all for now. If you are free for dinner tonight I would like to take you out as I am fully aware that I owe you a night out”

  Rosalind was free but wasn’t sure if she should him know that.


  “Chantelle will book somewhere and let you know the details, I’ll see you tonight”

  Brockley’s lunch with his lawyers from Gibson and Gibson ended up running over to an all afternoon discussion about how to best sever his ties from Alice but still keep her as a part of the business. She had done a great job in the US, worked hard and had a lot of talent and skills he wasn’t prepared to lose. Brockley Graham wasn't one of the most successful men in the hotel business for nothing. He always took emotion out of business decisions, with this morning’s conversation with Rosalind the only exception to this rule he could ever remember making.

  In the end they decided that Alice would be served divorce papers on Monday followed by an offer for a partnership in the business with 15% of the business. It was more than Brockley had planned to give but probably the minimum she would agree to stay for.

  While he was in the meeting Chantelle called Alice.

  “Mr Graham is here”

  “What? He wasn’t expected until Monday! Well actually I have a dinner on Sunday night with him”

  “Well he arrived this morning with a face like thunder and made a beeline to your office and now he is in a meeting with Gibson & Gibson”

  Alice’s heart sank. She was going to lose it all, all she had dreamed of since she was a little girl, all she’d worked so hard for. But she was not about to lose it all without a fight.

  “Ok, I’m coming back to the city. Can you book a dinner for Brockley and I at the Four Seasons.”

  “He already has dinner plans Mrs Graham”

  “Cancel them, this is important!” Alice yelled. She rushed around her hotel room packing her things and called to the reception to get her car ready, she was leaving now despite having booked the hotel until Sunday.

  Chantelle wasn’t quite sure what to do, Alice was her boss and she would be sacked if she didn’t follow her orders, but Brockley owned the company. And Alice seemed to have got really upset when she’d mentioned Gibson and Gibson, so maybe she’d lose her job anyway if Brockley was meeting New York lawyers to get rid of Alice.

  She booked a table and told Brockley dinner was at 8 at the four Seasons. She didn’t mention Alice as had no idea how to without making him angry. She would just have to hope they made up tonight and she’s still have a job on Monday.

  To Rosalind she told that Brockley was delayed in his meeting and couldn’t do dinner tonight.


  Rosalind couldn’t believe he’d done it again, canceled last minute when something better came up. She really shouldn’t trust him anymore and left herself so vulnerable. It was time to decide on New York, she called Abigail in London and suggested she’d come to New York for a long weekend. Abigail wanted to know everything about her life, about the cute American Italian Nick, about the hot Brockley and the bitchy Alice. She was missing Rosalind and keen to see her so promised to look into flights straight away.

  Then she called her mum. Lady Langley was delighted to hear from her and completely oblivious to her daughter's feelings towards Mr Graham, so she just expected her to have decided to stay in New York for good. She was fine with it. Her new life was busy and fun and her business was really picking up and a big part of that was Brockley’s help and advice and the fact that his hotel chain was one of her biggest clients.

  As soon as she hung up with her mother Abigail rang back, she’d got herself flights for tonight, so they could have a late supper and go clubbing already today, spend the weekend enjoying Manhattan and then she’d stay until Wednesday working from her company’s Manhattan office. And as it was now kind of a business trip her company was putting her up at the Four Seasons.

  Brockley got to Four Season’s early, he wanted to make sure that Rosalind didn’t for a moment think that he’d stood her up.

  He ordered a vodka on the rocks and absent mindedly browsed his emails.

  Gibson and Gibson had worked fast and the first draft of the divorce papers were already in his inbox.

  Alice walked in, looking spectacular in a fitted red dress, showing just the right amount of cleavage to look sexy but elegant. Her blond hair freshly blowdried and and face professionally made up. Only the deep line between his eyes showed Brockley that Alice was stressed and worried. He knew her well and knew how she reacted when she didn’t feel in control.

  “I’m so glad you agreed to this meeting” Alice said her voice dripping with honey as she leant over to kiss him on the cheek.

  “But, what are you doing here? I haven’t agreed to anything?”

  “I asked Chantelle to book us here for dinner after I found out you’d arrived early, I was really looking forward to spending the night with you, just like the old times”

  “That lying secretary of yours will no longer have a job on Monday. I was going to spend tonight fixing the disaster you created the last time you wanted to reminiscent about the old times. Gibson and Gibson will serve you divorce papers first thing on Monday” He was so angry he suddenly saw her not as an attractive woman but as an evil bitch who wouldn’t stop at anything to get her way.

  He stormed out of the restaurant and left stunned Alice standing on her own in the middle of it, first in shock and then to her horror crying uncontrollably. What had she done?

  The Maitre d’ used to seeing all sorts of emotions in the restaurant gently guided her towards a booth in the bar and brought her a gin and tonic. He would
n’t want the woman be the talk of the restaurant and people staring at her.

  Alice felt grateful and quite shaken. She had thought the Brockley had wanted to see her, that he appreciated her work and whatever happened wanted to keep her in the job of the head of North America. But stupid Chantelle had not told him whom he was meeting, he had expected Rosalind, the woman he loved but had got Alice instead. Divorce papers were drawn and she would be left with nothing.

  Brockley tried but couldn’t get a taxi, it was raining and as always in bad weather, yellow cabs became what felt like invisible in the rain.

  He decided to go back in and have a drink, maybe try to get hold of Rosalind to explain and apologies for Chantelle’s mistake.

  Rosalind and Abigail were drinking champagne in Abigail’s room whilst getting ready for a night in the town and chatting about what had been going on in the last two months. Rosalind had arranged for them to go out with Nick and his friends that night, to show her friend a really good night with some real New Yorkers.

  Rosalind was in a tight black dress, which looked fantastic on her new slimline figure. Abigail had skinny jeans and an off the shoulder lace top in emerald green, setting off her ginger hair beautifully.

  They were happy and tipsy and to her surprise Rosalind had not thought about Brockley much.

  They decided to go downstairs to the bar for one quick drink before heading out to Williamsburg.

  None of the booths were free so they sat by the bar and first Rosalind didn’t recognise the stunning but slightly upset looking blond staring at her from the booth.

  Alice had now had three drinks in quick succession and as she hadn’t eaten since lunch, she was feeling quite drunk.

  She felt a burst of anger unfairly directed towards Rosalind and got up to confront her, at the same time Brockley walked into the bar and the first thing he saw was Rosalind sitting with a stunning redhead and throwing her head back and laughing. She looked happy.


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