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Badlands (Spent Shells, #1)

Page 13

by Hunter, Bijou

I refuse to let Sunny go as I murmur in her ear. “Say the words.”

  “They’re going to kill us. My father is probably with them. He’ll need to prove his righteousness by killing me. Jedidiah expects me to be cleansed.”


  “I can’t watch you die,” she whimpers, hiding behind her hair now. “I need my baby to grow up.”

  “Mama?” Anika asks louder and tugs at her mother’s shirt.

  Holding Sunny with one arm, I lean down and pick up Anika. The child wants her mother but sits on my hip anyway.

  “Anika, breathe like this,” I instruct and show her to inhale with her nose and blow out with her mouth. She doesn’t understand at first and just puffs. Then she watches me very closely and gets the hang of it. Anika’s a smart little girl, even after lacking proper stimuli for the first years of her life. I can’t wait to see what she’s like once a world of knowledge is at her fingertips.

  Seeing her daughter follow my directions, Sunny snaps out of her panic long enough to smile proudly. Anika wants her mom to breathe like I am, so Sunny gives in. I watch her relaxing with every slow exhale.

  “We are a family,” I whisper while holding Sunny’s gaze. “I am a nice guy with my family. I am not a nice guy with anyone who threatens my family. Do you understand?”

  Still agitated, Sunny nods. She feels helpless, but that’s not something I can help her with right now. As much as I’d like to offer her power, handing her a weapon would be dangerous to everyone. Her safest move is to hide with Anika if trouble arrives.

  “I already love you both,” I whisper as Anika finally crawls into her mother’s arms. “I believe with all my heart that we will soon sit together on the beach in Playa Cielo. Can you believe in that too?”

  Anika nods because I’m nodding. Sunny gives me a half-smile and mimics us. But I doubt she believes. As soon as she heard the gunshot, Sunny’s heart and mind feared the worst.


  The day started with such promise. Waking next to a sexy, wild man, I imagined a day together where I might convince Cobain to leave this lonely house. Though stuck in his ways, there’s no denying he craves more. I planned to offer him what no one else has in years.

  But the day turns sour with that single gunshot. Now I fear the people important to me won’t survive to nightfall.

  Following Cobain to the safe house’s armory, I wish we could leave immediately. I know he fears if the enemy isn’t engaged at the house that they’ll notice us escaping out the back. I still think leaving now is the best way for everyone to get out unscathed.

  Cobain stands with his back to me as he organizes ammunition on a workbench.

  Placing a hand on his wide shoulder, I admit, “I want you to come with us.”


  “This place isn’t designed to be held by one person against a vast enemy.”

  “I’m not handing over my home to a bunch of militia nuts.”

  “You’re willing to die over a building?”

  Likely hearing the fear in my voice, Cobain turns around. His dark eyes hold mine, but he offers no warmth. “Everyone dies. Why not embrace death here rather than stumble upon it out there?”

  “But I don’t want to leave you and Buttercup,” I whisper.

  Cobain’s scowl darkens when he realizes I’ve named his dog something adorable.

  “Those fuckers will come in here and murder all of you, yet you waste time teasing me about the damn dog.”

  Ignoring his insult, I let my fingers slide down his arm. “I think it would be best if you joined us.”

  “Apparently, you think one night of fucking means you own me.”

  “Yes,” I say, lifting my chin defiantly. “With each orgasm, you became more of my property. Now I order you to leave with us and live to see another day. Two even. I think that’s what you want, but you’ve been waiting to die out here, and this is your chance to give in to your suicidal nature. However, you must also know it’s ridiculous to die when you’re still so young and sexy.”

  Cobain is ready to blow me off until my final few words. Then he rolls his eyes and sighs. “I worried you’d become addicted. Virgins always do.”

  Tightening my grip on my gun, I want to say something that’ll make him admit he doesn’t want to die today. Before I can speak, his phone rings.

  “What?” Cobain growls.

  “Looking for sanctuary,” the male voice says. “Do you have open beds?”

  “I have nothing but open beds here,” he says as his gaze flashes to me. “But the Feds are watching. I shot down one of their drones today.”

  “We’ll take our chances.”

  “Fine. What’s your arrival window?”

  “An hour if we’re lucky.”

  “Drive up slow toward the house when you arrive. I’m out here alone, and my trigger finger gets twitchy with strangers. Understand?”

  “Yes, sir.”

  Cobain rolls his eyes and hangs up. “I hope you’re ready because they’re on their way.”

  Gripping his hand with both of mine, I beg, “Come with us.”

  “Fuck off, Neri,” he growls and yanks free.

  I follow him out of the room to where Kai calms Sunny and Anika.

  “The Fuckers of the Black Sun called under the guise of looking for sanctuary. They didn’t blink a fucking eye when I said the Feds were watching. The asshole claimed they’ll be here in an hour. That means we have maybe thirty minutes.”

  “What do you imagine their plan is?” Kai asks, never losing his cool. “A full-blown attack on a safe house feels risky.”

  “These shits want to get inside and look around. There’s a small chance if I hide you in the bunker below that they’ll make up an excuse on why they don’t need to stay.”

  “Or they could kill you,” I blurt out.

  Cobain and Kai shoot me dark frowns, and I force myself to calm down.

  “This safe house is owned by the Arizona Moving Company. Independent contractors run it day-to-day, but everything inside belongs to the Company,” Cobain explains. “If someone attacks the house, they attack the Company. Of course, the cult assholes might not know that.”

  “They don’t care,” Sunny whispers. “They’re willing to die to defeat their enemies.”

  “Maybe. Or they’re stupid,” Cobain mutters. “Either way, if they walk in here, maybe they don’t want to walk out without killing someone. There’s no telling how suicidal they might feel.”

  Squeezing Sunny’s hand, Kai nods. “Then allowing them inside the safe house is a mistake. We should leave before they arrive.”

  “I’ll keep them busy while you go.”

  Despite holding my tongue, I believe it’s wrong to leave Cobain here to fight off our enemy. Foolishly, I hoped he desired me more than his death wish. I was mistaken, yet I’m afraid to accept leaving him behind.

  But there’s no time to pout. Strapping on a Kevlar vest, I help Sunny with hers. Then I try to convince Anika to wear one that’s far too large.

  “Just cover her with it in the SUV,” Kai suggests as he places a ballistic helmet on Sunny.

  Watching everyone getting dressed in armor, Anika becomes stressed and decides she wants a nap.

  “Soon,” Kai whispers and taps his helmet. “You need to keep your head warm too.”

  Anika tries to wiggle out of the helmet, but Sunny uses her “submit” programming to make the child agree. I’m fairly certain Anika will cry if forced to wear it for more than a half-hour. It’s too heavy for her little head, and she thinks she’s being punished.

  Kneeling down, I tap on my helmet and then hers. “Same,” I tell her.

  Anika looks in my eyes with an expression that unsettles me. Her dark eyes are filled with doom. Shaking off my fears, I hurry Sunny and Anika to the Suburban parked in the underground bunker section of the garage. Once they’re inside the vehicle, I shove Kevlar against the doors.

  “Even if no one is shooting, stay down,” I tell Sunn
y, who wears the same expression as her daughter. “I know you’re scared, but you have to stay focused. If Kai is worried about you, he can’t focus on the enemy. We can’t put him in danger, understand?”

  Sunny’s gaze sharpens when she hears my words. Knowing her calm behavior will help Kai frees her from her dread.

  “Let’s play a game,” Sunny whispers to Anika, who is a minute from crying. The child doesn’t want to be in the car or wear the helmet. She doesn’t like being squished on the floor of the SUV, and she’s very worried about her toys in the bag.

  Anika lacks object permanence. She believes if they aren’t in her view, they’re gone. The entire day has turned ugly for her, but then Sunny whispers about matching candies and how they get a new bed soon.

  “Are you okay?” I ask Sunny, who forces a smile.

  Relieved to see her in control of herself, I hurry back up to the main level. Kai passes me while carrying a large cache of weapons.

  I double-check the bedrooms to ensure we haven’t left anything behind. A box of food and extra water soon fill the back of the Suburban.

  “We’re ready,” I tell Kai, who studies the security cameras.

  “I see another drone in the air.”

  “There are two,” I point out.

  “That one is Cobain,” Kai explains. “He’s checking to see how many cars and men are approaching.”

  Opening the screen door, I level a rifle through the crack and patiently wait for the enemy’s drone to come within range. A single shot brings it down.

  “Are we going before the shooting starts?” I ask.

  “I don’t know what Cobain plans. I’ll stay with him. You should get to the SUV and prepare.”

  I grab my brother by the shoulders and speak in Spanish. “Do not treat me as if I’m fragile like your love and child. I can hold my own.”

  “Yes, and that’s why I’m putting my love and child in your hands.”

  “But they’ll feel safer with you near.”

  Removing my hands from his shoulders, Kai holds them in his grip. “Cobain plans to die. I’m afraid if I leave you with him that your life will be lost by wasting time trying to save him.”

  His words hurt my heart because I fear he’s right. “You want to protect me from myself.”

  “Of course.”

  “I didn’t protect you from your desires when you wanted Sunny. I trusted you, so why can’t you do the same for me?”

  Our father will never forgive Kai if he leaves me to face this danger with only a suicidal man at my side. I know I should go, but I still hope to convince Cobain to give up his death wish.

  “Don’t linger,” Kai says, relenting to my will.

  Knowing I can’t use the same power against Cobain as my brother has over me, I join him at the covered front windows where he controls his drone.

  “Seven SUVs, let’s assume between four and six men per vehicle. I’ll draw them toward the front and sides of the house while you take the tunnel out. When the house blows, the explosion ought to kill most of them. The rest won’t be in the mood to chase.”

  “Not every SUV will approach the house,” I whisper. “They want you to believe they’re travelers looking for safety.”

  “Once I kill the first few, the others will attack.”

  “Or they’ll run.”

  Cobain flashes me a frown. “Ego demands they destroy their enemy. They were too careful last time. These people might be zealots, but they’re capable of learning.”

  I realize he’s set on the plan to end his and Buttercup’s lives in this suicide mission. There’s no reason to beg or cry. It’ll only embarrass us both.

  “Thank you,” I say and wrap my arms around his waist. Cobain tenses but doesn’t push me away. “For helping us and for making me orgasm last night. I won’t forget you.”

  Cobain senses a con. He refuses to react to my words or affection with any semblance of human emotion. He simply shuts down as I get in one last squeeze before stepping away from him.

  “It was good knowing you,” I say and sigh. “I’m sure a kiss goodbye is asking for too much. Best for you to focus on your drone.”

  “Your ploy isn’t working.”

  Walking to the door, I wish he understood my feelings for him. If he insists on dying today, Cobain should know how someone cares. Even if it’s a stranger like me.

  But there’s no convincing him. I could try, but I hear my father’s voice in my head. Mama can’t survive if you don’t. My heart will break if yours stops beating. Don’t leave your brother alone with his responsibility. Sunny and Anika deserve a chance at the peace we found in Playa Cielo.

  “Goodbye, Cobain,” I whisper, holding his gaze one last second before forcing myself to leave.

  Once I turn away, I move quickly to the doorway leading to the bunker and the underground garage. Kai sees me approaching.

  “They have more drones in the air,” I mutter while holding a second security tablet. “I’m not sure we’ll get far if we go now.”

  “Then what?”

  “We have to wait until Cobain draws their attention.”

  As if responding to the mention of his name, Cobain speaks over the radio.

  “Two SUV approaching now. You have five minutes tops to finish up whatever the fuck you’re doing before the world gets loud.”

  Recognizing something on my face, my brother offers me a short, tight hug.

  “We are our father’s children,” he says, once staring in my eyes. “We fight like him. If necessary, we’ll die like he would. No mercy. No fear.”

  Nodding, I hurry toward the passenger’s side while Kai takes the driver’s seat.

  “Sunny,” Kai says calmly. “Remain down, hold Anika, keep her toys secure. Breathe like I taught you.”

  My brother’s woman forces a tight smile before covering Anika and herself with the blankets.

  The Suburban purrs when Kai starts the engine. We pull down the red-lighted tunnel toward double outer doors.

  Over the radio, I hear gunfire. Cobain likely hits them hard with one of his fully automatic guns. Those first cultists, no doubt, die quickly. Did the men know they were sacrificial lambs for their leaders?

  After the first explosion heard over the radio, Kai opens the tunnel’s double doors. Cobain wouldn’t set off the perimeter mines unless he was certain the cult’s cavalry has arrived.

  Soon, the safe house will explode, killing the enemy along with my first lover and his ownerless dog. My heart would break if it weren’t racing with fear over how the rest of the day might turn out.


  A large explosion behind us signals the beginning of the end for this safe house. As our Suburban races out of the underground tunnel, I refuse to obsess over what awaits us in the bright day.

  Drones could be in the air. The cult might attack from a second direction. We could be racing straight into an ambush. The SUV’s tire might blow. Dozens of possible obstacles—large and small—linger in the back of my thoughts, but I won’t let them distract me.

  Neri remains laser-focused on our surroundings while I gun the SUV down the semi-barren path leading away from the safe house.

  “Vehicle on our tail,” Neri says in a tense voice.

  In the rearview, I spot an SUV speeding from the direction of the safe house and toward us. Despite the rough, unknown landscape, I press harder on the gas pedal.

  Even with our increased speed, the other SUV quickly gains ground. I roll down my window while Neri leans across me to take aim at the vehicle

  Before she can fire, the safe house explodes. My sister’s resolve crumbles. Her mind returns to Cobain. Despite her sorrow, she lifts the weapon again.

  In the rearview, I watch the safe house transform into a fiery crater. Anyone inside the building died instantly. Those just outside survived only seconds longer.

  “Sunny, stay down,” I warn as the other SUV reaches the tail of the Suburban.

  As I focus on controlling the spe
eding vehicle on the rocky ground, Neri prepares to fire at the SUV currently leveling with ours.

  “Cobain,” Neri gasps.

  I quickly glance to my right and find the mercenary gesturing for me to back off so he can take the lead. In the passenger seat, the black dog growls at us.

  Neri fights a smile. Her relief is palpable. I feel a grin on my own face.

  Yet there’s no time to relax. Neri turns around in her seat and studies the fire now further in the distance.

  “No one’s following us,” she says in Spanish. “We’re clear for now.”

  As Cobain’s Tahoe takes the lead, I settle the Suburban into a more manageable speed.

  “Sunny, Anika, you can come out.”

  The blanket stirs before Sunny sits up on the back seat and helps Anika get comfortable next to her. The child’s been crying but quiets once she can hold Duck and Doll. I notice how she fidgets with her helmet, still wanting it off.

  I also observe how Sunny avoids looking in the rearview. She hides her face, unwilling to show me what she’s feeling.

  “We have to keep moving until we reach safety. Stay alert, okay?” I say, hoping she understands the danger behind us might be destroyed, but we’re racing into the unknown.

  Next to me, Neri radiates energy. Cobain’s survival leaves her invigorated. She can’t stop smiling.

  In the back seat, Sunny finally finds my gaze in the mirror. Terror and dread mix with relief and hope until she doesn’t know how to feel.

  But I know she loves me. The intensity of her need shines in her hazel eyes. No matter what happens today or in the future, our meeting was a blessing that neither of us will ever regret.



  Part 2 of the Spent Shells Duet will be released on January 19, 2020.

  Shellshock Preorder Available

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  I am a weapon. She was the slave of a cult. I spilled blood to make her mine.

  The Children of the Black Sun suffered a painful wakeup call when they attacked our safe house. They realize they’re no match for weapons such as us.


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