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Dashing Through the Snow

Page 14

by Lisa G Riley

  “Ouch!” she said and tried to cover her offended backside, but he’d wrapped her in a bear hug so that her arms were caught at her sides.

  “You deserved it,” he said and looked into her eyes. That she was angry was obvious, and he could tell she was calculating a way to get back at him. “Don’t even think about it,” he warned before pressing a kiss to her sulky mouth. “You wore me out and I deserve a little rest now.” She flailed against him and he wrestled with her until he was on top of her, holding her wrists on either side of her body.

  Lily struggled some more and apparently realized she wasn’t getting loose, because she finally settled beneath him. “It’s already been more than two hours,” she muttered lowly after a few moments of quiet.

  The sulkiness had transferred to her tone now, and Smith tightened his grip a fraction more and squeezed her thighs between his, knowing she wasn’t above pinching or kicking. “A few more minutes won’t hurt.”

  “Get off me, Smith. You don’t have to talk, but you’re not going to keep me here like this either. Get. Off!” she enunciated each word with a buck of her hips, making him groan.

  Smith cocked his head as if in thought as he studied her wild hair and flushed face. “No, I don’t think so. All that wiggling of yours gave me another idea…a much better one.” He bent his head to kiss her.

  Lily stiffened and turned her head away. Smith just grinned and instead kissed her hair and then her neck. “Umm. You smell so damned good, baby – just so gosh-darned feminine. What is it you’re wearing?” He lifted his head from her neck to look at her.

  Lily only rolled her eyes and looked away from him. Smith chuckled and pressed an open-mouth kiss to her jaw. She’d already begun to soften. He’d felt it in the quivering of her thighs and the quickening of her breath. He released her wrists and threaded a hand through her hair to smooth it out on the pillow. “You love it,” he said knowingly as he kissed her behind her ear and then began to trail other kisses down the side of her neck.

  “I hate you.” The words came out on a sigh as she slipped her arms around his neck and offered him her mouth.

  “Yeah?” he asked with a lifted brow after he’d finished indulging them both with a thorough kiss. “Just how much?”

  She gave a wry smile, shook her head. “Obviously not enough,” she said before taking his bottom lip between her teeth and sucking it into her mouth.

  “You know what I want?” he murmured between kisses.

  “No.” She shook her head again and tightened her arms around his neck when he slid a thigh between hers. “What?”

  His eyes narrowed and he knew there was a predatory gleam in them because he was feeling so much like an animal on the hunt. “Oh, I think you know,” he said, running his hand down her torso and over her flat stomach to cup her sex. He watched her eyes close and her neck arch as he pressed his palm against her clit. “It’s been four years, sweetness.” He bent his head to hers again. “I want a taste,” he whispered against her mouth.

  Lily tried unsuccessfully to suppress a shiver when she heard what he said. His tone was little more than a growl, but it made her crave. Her toes actually curled. When they’d made love four years before, he’d not been able to keep his head from between her thighs and had had her sobbing long into the night. She shivered again and cuddled against him in dreadful anticipation.

  Smith stroked her back and let loose with a knowing, affectionate chuckle before bussing her head. “Good idea, right?”

  “I want you to,” she said haltingly, caught on opposite, but equal, prongs of desire and reservation. “But you can’t be so…so…”

  “Greedy?” he suggested. “Enthusiastic? Worshipful?”

  “It isn’t funny, Smith,” she protested, stretching her neck as he alternated between kissing and sucking her skin. “You remem—aaaah…” She broke off with a moan when he scraped his teeth across her skin. Her eyes fell shut for a moment as she enjoyed the caress. But she soon took his face in her hands and lifted his head so she could see his eyes. They were clouded with lust and the sight of it made her move her legs restlessly as a fiery warmth seeped into her belly. She cleared her throat and tried again, “You remember last time how your greedy, enthusiastic worship,” she said with a half smile, “almost made me raw.”

  Smith winced and pressed an apologetic kiss to her mouth. “I’m so sorry about that, baby; you know I am.” He gave her a pleading look. “You have to understand, it was my first time tasting you and I got just a teeny little bit excited,” he said with a sheepish grin while holding his hands at least a foot apart, making Lily burst into laughter. And then he sang, “‘Brown sugar, babe... I gets high off your love; don’t know how to behave.’” The words were sung softly between biting kisses to her mouth.

  Lily swallowed –his deep voice was so sexy and sent shivers down her spine – and licked the rim of his lips. “Not sure D’Angelo would appreciate your particular rendition.”

  He smiled and shrugged. “Best I can do, but seriously, Lily, I won’t let it happen again, I promise. Come on, sweetness,” he whispered in a honeyed, persuasive tone. “Let me have you.”

  He looked so very earnest and eager that she couldn’t resist, not to mention the fact that she really wanted him to. She caressed his cheek. “Yes, please.”

  Smith’s face split wide with a grin and excitement lit behind the lust in his gaze. “Hot damn!” he yelled and bounced on his knees with his hands on either side of her head.

  Lily chuckled while her body sprang against the bed. “You’re such an idiot,” she said after her head had bounced for the last time.

  From his position near the foot of the bed, Smith doffed an invisible hat. “Howdy, ma’am. I’m your very happy –very horny– idjut, and I’m here to serve you,” he finished, the last few words not much more than mumbles as he began his new mission by gripping her hips to lift her a few inches to his face.

  He started out with simply breathing her in, his eyes closed and with a pleased smile on his face. Inhaling and then exhaling to start all over again – a sure sign to Lily that he was going to take his time. She bit her lip and groaned. “Oh, God.” Her stomach muscles went taut with anticipation, but he still only continued to inhale and exhale, each exhalation disturbing the hair of her pubis and teasingly sending small ripples to her core. Lily quivered from the tension, her body tightening up in anticipation as heat liquefied inside her. She endured the slow torture as long as she could. “It’s not a fine wine, Smith!”

  Smith raised his gaze, gave her a stern look, lowered her hips and said, “All right; that’s it. I can’t work under these conditions.”

  Startled, Lily looked at him. Her lips twitched as she tried to suppress her amusement. He actually looked insulted. A snicker escaped and before she could stop it, laughter exploded from her throat, and she gave it free rein, closing her eyes and letting her head fall back against the pillows. “F-for real?” she got out between guffaws. “Then y-you’re fired!”

  She didn’t hear a reply from Smith, but she soon felt; felt so keenly that the laughter shut off like a light switch. He was trailing his lips up her inner thigh and reaching the tendon that bridged the gap between her thigh and slit, took it stingingly between his teeth. Lily shot up in bed, her world exploding in color behind her eyelids. “God!”

  He gripped her thighs and then pushed them wide open, and his mouth…his mouth kept moving on her. Untamed cries tore from her throat when he drew her entire mound into his mouth and simply sucked on it, sucked on it until she was begging him to stop…to keep it up…to make the furiously swirling madness spreading heat throughout her body end. Suddenly he slowed down and Lily felt air hit her labia as he eventually opened his mouth and released her. “Oh, God,” she moaned, knowing that this was just the beginning for him.

  He used his tongue next, and licking the lips of her vulva from bottom to top as if he were savoring a lollypop, slipped his hands underneath her behind and lifted her to
his mouth. Still he took his time, his tongue sliding through her folds and leaving little explosions in its wake. Lily felt as if she was losing her mind and she simply couldn’t grasp control. The tremors in her thighs wouldn’t be contained and they only became stronger as his wicked tongue ignited a wildfire that she knew he had no intention of extinguishing any time soon.

  Her clit pulsed to life under his ministrations, begging for more attention. “Cowboy…baby, a little harder? Please?” She was almost breathless with need now and her voice was a pitiful whisper. She swallowed air down a dry throat. “Please, Smith?”

  But he ignored her. With his eyes closed, his mouth buried at the apex of her thighs, and his fingers digging into her ass so hard that she knew she’d be bruised, he was a man content with the present circumstances and continued his slow licks and laves, moaning in the back of his throat and swallowing every bit of cream seeping from her hungry sheath.

  Lily’s head dug deep into the pillows in agonized delight as she helplessly watched him feed from her body. She was strung out on tension and pleasure now and crying for release. She reached down and pulled at his hair, unsure if she was trying to pull him away or keep him there, she only knew that she needed to come. Smith’s total focus didn’t change; he continued to slurp his way to happiness. When he tongued her clit inside and sucked it to the roof of his mouth, she stiffened, her entire body going taut as a wire. Broken cries that she was too far gone to realize were her own filled the room and she began to buck against his mouth as relief and full-bodied pleasure rushed through her and tossed her into a tailspin to which she completely gave herself over.

  Smith continued to tongue her, but at a much slower pace, helping her to come down. “It’s all right, baby,” he murmured against her mound.

  She jerked spasmodically at his touch, but began to calm. The volatility of the past minutes had her crying, and hiccupping. She opened her eyes to find him watching her from his position between her thighs, still with that all-too familiar rapacious gleam in his eyes. He smiled.

  She froze.

  “Just a little more, sweetness,” he said, his tone entirely guttural. “Bend your knees for me.”

  She shook her head no, but she was also shakily bending her knees so that she was giving him the view of a lifetime.

  A sound that was both satisfied and hungry rumbled in his throat. “Will you use your fingers to hold her open for me?” he asked her without taking his gaze off her newly exposed mound.

  She was dripping and felt her sheath contracting in need, and all he’d had to do was look at her. Slowly, she reached between her legs and using her index and middle fingers, pushed the lips of her slit apart. Eyes still locked in place and breathing harshly, Smith licked his lips. Lily whimpered.

  “Thank you, baby.” It was a growl, and one that Smith knew Lily probably didn’t hear as he was already pressing his mouth to her opening. He stiffened his tongue and pushed it through, tunneling his way inside. She tightened around his tongue immediately and he moaned appreciatively, his cock stretching as if reaching for glory. He would never get enough of her, never. He was sure of it, and contracting his cheeks, pulled his tongue in and out of her in quick thrusts.

  As his tongue slid against the silky membranes, he took her butt in his hands and pulled her closer. He heard her cry out and felt her squirming, but didn’t let up. He could tell from her urgent movements that she wanted to go faster, but he was enjoying himself too much to speed things up. He lost himself in her scent and wriggled his tongue, determined to make it last.

  She sobbed out his name and he opened his eyes and lifted his gaze to see her crying again, her eyes closed and her head moving wildly on the pillow. Quickly, he withdrew and covered her body with his. She opened her eyes slowly and looked at him.

  “You’re a cruel, horrible man,” she sniffled breathlessly as she looped her arms around his neck.

  He smiled as he kissed the tears from her cheeks. “I’m sorry. I got a little carried away again. You know what you do to me. Hand me a condom, will you?”

  Lily released his neck long enough to grab a condom from the bedside table and hand it to him.

  “Thanks, darlin’,” he said as he put the condom on. “You’re not sore, are you?”

  She shook her head and returned the kiss he pressed to her lips. “No.”

  “Good,” he said, right before he positioned his cock at her entrance and then plunged inside. She screamed at the possession, arching her back and wrapping her legs around him. He bit the neck she so generously exposed when she threw her head back, and found himself wanting to devour, so pressed his open mouth to her jaw. He rode her as hard as his lust was riding him and felt her internal muscles squeeze his cock unyieldingly.

  She met each of his strokes with a thrust of her own and each time mewled her pleasure. Every utterance was music to his ears and balm to his ego. She quickened around him and let loose with short staccato screams, each one shorter than the next as she came and flooded his cock with her cream. She drove him wild and when she whispered, “don’t stop,” in a husky voice made weak from desire, he let himself be taken over by the heat and passion she generated.

  His orgasm loomed large and finally consumed him, rocking him hard on his moorings and making him shout out hoarsely as he tripped over the edge. She held him tight and trying to catch his breath as he came down, he rolled to his side and positioned her in front of him to spoon her from behind. Resting his chin on her shoulder, he kissed her neck. “You okay?”

  “Mmm,” she murmured sleepily in the affirmative. “Chicago tomorrow?”

  Chapter Sixteen

  “So, what’s our plan of action?” Lily asked Smith as he maneuvered his car around another vehicle. It was Friday morning and they were on the outskirts of Town Square in preparation for their road trip to Chicago.

  Smith smiled and shook his head. They’d already discussed their plans the night before, but she appeared to need to hear them again. For the third time. He chalked it up to her wanting to be thorough. “Well, as I recall, our first stop will be his club, The Elite. Mrs. Landry says that a couple of his friends are retired and can be found there during the week, and that Landry’s still a member.”

  Lily squeezed his knee. “Sorry. I know I’m being a pain about this, but I just want to make sure we’ve got everything down.”

  “It’ll be fine. Don’t worry so much.”

  “Easy for you to say, as you must have had hundreds of cases during your career. This is my first one -- my first big one, anyway.”

  “Not quite that many cases, but I can tell you you’ll get more confident as you go on. Besides, you’re doing well. For a newbie, you’re good. You’re very intuitive.”

  Lily looked at him with shining eyes. “Ohhh,” she cooed and leaned over and kissed his cheek. “Really? Do you really mean that?”

  “Wouldn’t say it if I didn’t mean it.”

  She kissed him again and squeezed his arm before resting her head on his shoulder.

  Smith glanced at her. She’d been touching him and stroking him all morning and worst of all, he’d been enjoying it – much too much. For the first five minutes of the drive, she’d had her hand on the back of his neck and had been stroking her fingers through his hair, and he’d definitely leaned into the caress. He liked it, but worried that all their lovemaking had put stars and expectations in her eyes -- the kind he wasn’t ready to meet. They hadn’t set the rules for the relationship and he was hesitant to bring it up, but knew he had to.

  “So tell me, Smith. What did you mean yesterday when you said ‘no strings’?” Lily suddenly asked him.

  Surprised, he took his eyes off the road for a second to look at her. It was as if she’d been reading his mind. He cleared his throat uncomfortably. “Just what it sounds like, I guess.”

  “I just want you to clarify. Is it in reference to each of us respecting the other’s right to see other people while we’re burning up the sheets or ar
e you referring to long term? As in don’t expect it?”

  Suddenly irritated, Smith gave her an annoyed look before shaking his head in the negative. “I doubt I’ll have enough energy to see someone else while we’re ‘burning up the sheets’ as you so romantically and delicately put it, Lily.”

  Lily was unmoved and in a calm voice said, “So I’ll take that to mean you want monogamy, but you don’t want me to get any ideas about longevity. That about right?”

  Sensing a trap, but not quite able to see it clearly, Smith kept his eyes strictly on the road. She was calm and seemed reasonable, which is what worried him. “Ah, well after all, Lily-bud, you are the type of woman who should marry.”

  She snorted. “Whatever that means. At any rate I’m not looking for that right now in my life. I want to add another condition. If we’re to move forward in this, I don’t want anyone to know about it.”

  He scowled. “Why?”

  “Because it’s hard to have a relationship with everyone in your business, that’s why.”

  He grinned. “In Sheffield-Chatham it’s hard to conduct a relationship without everyone in your business.”

  “Nevertheless, I’d like to try.”

  “You ashamed of me, sweetness?”

  Lily sighed. “Of course not, but do you really want my mother or your mother or our respective fathers to know that our relationship is just about sex?”

  Smith was irritated again and knew he shouldn’t be, but…well, hell. “It’s not just about sex, Lily, and I think you know that.”

  She shrugged. “You know what I mean. Of course we care for one another, even love each other – always have, always will. However, this phase of our relationship – one of mutual gratification – will go no further, so I’m just calling it like I see it. I don’t understand why you’re getting upset.”


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