Damore, James, 2
Daniels, Jessie, 84, 108, 116, 172
Darnton, Robert, 157
Dartmouth College Freedom Budget, 134
data storage and archiving, 125–28
Davis, Jessica, 85
“A Declaration of the Independence of Cyberspace” (Barlow), 61
Department of Labor workforce data, 162
DeSantis, John, 134
Dewey Decimal Classification System, 24, 136; biases, 140
Diaz, Alejandro, 26, 42
Dickinson, Gregory M., 158–59
digital divide, 34, 56, 86, 160–61, 164, 188n21
digital footprint, 11, 187n9
digital media platforms, 5–6, 12–13, 30, 56, 148, 188n31
Dines, Gail, 101–2
distributed denial of service (DDOS), 112
Doctor, DePayne Middleton, 110
Dorsey, Joseph C., 93
Edelman, Benjamin, 44
Eisenhower, Dwight D., 190n64
employment practices: college engineering curricula, 70, 163; “pipeline issues,” 64–66; underemployment of Blacks, 80; underemployment of Black women, 69
Epstein, Robert, 52
European Commission, 157
European Court of Justice, 121
Everett, Anna, 107
Facebook, 3, 156, 158, 181; commercial content moderation, 58; content screening, 56; “diversity problems,” 65, 177; personal information, 120–21; search engine optimization, 54; underemployment of Black women, 69. See also nonconsensual pornography (NCP)
Fairclough, Norman, 61, 91–92
“fake news,” 183–85
Fanon, Franz, 144
Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) crime statistics, 112, 194n5
Federal Communications Commission (FCC), 49, 166; ten-year broadband plan, 153
Federal Trade Commission (FTC), 166; Google investigation, 34, 156, 159, 191n77; public accountability, 51
feminism: images of women, 106–7; patriarchal dominance of technology, 107–8
feminist and gay liberation movements, 132
Feuz, Martin, 54
filters, 45; “Bob Marley” and “yellowface” filters, 69; commercial content moderation, 56–57; “filter bubble,” 5, 187n3; Google’s default settings, 88; objective criteria for public harm, 56; pornography blockers, 55, 100. See also Prodigy
Flaherty, Colin, 104
Fleisher, Peter, 128
Ford, Thomas E., 89
Foskett, Anthony Charles, 136
Fouché, Rayvon, 108
France, “Charter of good practices on the right to be forgotten . . . ,” 121
FreePorn.com blog, 87
free speech and free speech protections, 46, 57, 172; corporate, 143
Fuchs, Christian, 162
Fujioka, Yuki, 89
Fuller, Matthew, 54
Furner, Jonathan, 135–36
Galloway, Alex, 148
Gandy, Oscar Jr., 85, 125
Gardner, Tracey A., 59
Gillespie, Tarleton, 26
Golash-Boza, Tanya, 80
Gold, Danny, 120
Goodman, Ellen P., 130
Google: apologies, 6; archives of non-public search results, 122, 129; competitors blocked, 56; critiques of, 28, 33, 36–37, 56, 163–64; data storage policies, 125–29; “diversity problems,” 64–65, 69, 163; mainstream corporate news conglomerates, 49; method of rebuilding index, 189n38; near-monopoly status, 34–36, 86, 156, 188n10, 198n32; privacy policy, 129–30; right to transparency of data removal, 130–31; surplus labor through free use, 162; underemployment of Black women, 69; unlawful page removal policy, 42; wage gap, 2
Google AdWords, 86–87, 106, 116; ‘black girls’ search results, 68, 86–87; cost per click (CPC), 46–47
Google bombing, 46–47, 189n47; George W. Bush and miserable failure, 48; Santorum, Rick, 47, 189n50
Google Books, 50, 86, 191n77; “fair use” ruling, 157
Google Glass: “Glassholes,” 164; neocolonial project, 164
Google Image Labeler, 188n27
Google Image Search, 6
Google Instant, X-rated front-page results, 155
Google Maps, search for “N*gger” yields White House, 6–8
Google PageRank, 11, 38–42, 46–47, 54, 158, 189n48
Google Search, 3–4, 86; algorithm control, 179; autocorrection to “himself,” 142; autosuggestions, 6, 11, 15, 20–21, 24; Black feminist perspective, 30–31; commercial environment influence, 24, 179; computer science for decision-making, 148–49; consumer protection, 188n10; disclaimer, 31, 42, 159; disclaimer for search for “Jew,” 44, 88n24, 143, 189n42; filters for advertisers, 45; front organizations for hate-based groups, 116–17; glitch tagging African Americans as “apes,” 6; image search, 6, 20–23, 191n73; prioritization of its properties, 162; priority ranking, 18, 32, 42, 63, 65, 118, 155, 158; public resource, 50; response to stereotypes, 82; sexism and discrimination, 15–16. See also ‘black girls’ search results; pornography; search results
Google Spain v. AEPD and Mario Costeja González, 121
Google Web History, 190n70
The Googlization of Everything (Vaidhyanathan), 42
Grimes, John, 90
Gross, Tina, 135
Guardian, 130
Guynn, Jessica, 65–66, 80
Halavais, Alex, 25
Harding, Sandra, 31
hardware, labor conditions of raw-mineral extraction, 161, 164, 199n42
Harp, Dustin, 58
Harvey, David, 91–92
hate crimes: hate-based groups, 116–17; “Mother” Emanuel AME Church massacre, 110; “racist manifesto,” 110–11
Heider, Don, 58
Herring, Mary, 104
Hiles, Heather, 65–66
Hobson, Janell, 165
Holloway, Max, 48
hooks, bell, 33, 92, 102
housing and education markets, 167
Hudson, Nicholas, 136
Hunt, Christopher, 15
Hunt, Darnell, 55
Hurd, Cynthia, 110
information and communications technologies (ICTs), 91, 107, 150–51, 163
information retrieval, social context of organizers, 149–50
information studies. See libraries and librarians
Ingram, Matthew, 159
Iniguez, Noe, 121
Institute for Museum and Library Services, 183
intellectual property rights, 50, 158
International League Against Racism, 42
Introna, Lucas, 26
Jackson, Susie, 110
Jankowski, Thomas, 104
Jim Crow Museum of Racist Memorabilia, 96, 98
Johnson, Deborah, 125, 128
Jurgenson, Nathan, 161
Kandis, 12, 173–78, 187n10; Yelp business suppression, 200n3
keyword searches, 29, 46–47, 87–88; Keyword Estimator tool, 46; minority use of language, 177; relationship to marginalized groups, 60, 108. See also Google Search
Kilbourne, Jean, 105
King, Martin Luther, Jr., 172
Kuhn, Annette, 106
labor market: conditions of raw-mineral extraction, 161, 163; decline in Black and Hispanic Silicon Valley top managers, 162–63; exploited workers in the Democratic Republic of Congo, 164; manufacturing jobs to Asia, 164; toxic e-waste dismantling in Ghana, 164
Lance, Ethel, 110
LA Times, 29
legislation: Children’s Internet Protection Act, 166, 199n50; Child Safe Viewing Act of 2007, 166, 199n51; Communications Decency Act (CDA), 158–59; Stopping Partisan Policy at the Library of Congress Act, 135
Lerner, Gilda, 93–94
libraries and librarians, 11, 16; citation-analysis practices, 144; misrepresentations in cataloging and classification, 12, 147; pornography blockers, 55, 100, 190n71. See also Library of Congress Subject Headings (LCSH)
library discovery systems bias, 144–45
Library Journal, 134
Library of Congress, 134–35
/> Library of Congress Subject Headings (LCSH), 24; bias in classification, 12, 24, 136–37, 139–40, 144; “Gypsies,” 140; “illegal alien” heading, 134–35; “Jewish question,” 135, 139, 142, 143; “N*ggers,” 143; “Oriental,” 140; “Race Question” or “Negroes,” 139, 142–43; religious classification, 140; “Women as Accountants,” 139; “Yellow Peril,” 135, 139
Linde, Makode Aj, 96–97
Lipsitz, George, 59, 168
Los Angeles Times, 121, 135
Lycos, 25
Marshall, Joan K., 143, 144
Martin, Trayvon, 11, 111, 115
Massa, Bob, 158
Mathes, Adam, 47
McCarthy, Cameron, 85
McChesney, Robert, 49, 154
McKesson, Deray, 6
media, 171; erosion of professional standards, 155; historical representations carryover, 150; informal culture in, 85–86; participation of Black people, 165; portrayals of African-Americans, 89, 105; tension with journalists, 154
Media Matters, 49
MegaTech, 57
Memac Ogilvy & Mather Dubai, 15, 17
military-industrial projects, 190n64
Miller-Young, Mireille, 101–2
Mills, Charles, 60
monopolies. See Google; technology monopolies
Moore, Hunter, 120–21, 158
Morville, Peter, 87
“Mother” Emanuel African Methodist Episcopal Church, 11, 110
Ms. blog, 155
Nash, Jennifer C., 100–101
National Association for the Advancement of Colored People, 55; NAACP Image Awards, 191n74
National Endowment for the Arts, 183
Negroponte, Nicholas, 187n9
neoliberalism, 1; capitalism, 33, 36, 104, 133; misinformation and misrepresentation, 185; privatized web, 11, 61, 165, 179; technology policy, 32, 64, 91–92, 129, 131, 161
neutrality, expectation of, 1, 6, 18, 25, 56; content prioritization processes, 156
“new capitalism,” 92
Nichols, John, 49, 154
Niesen, Molly, 51
Nissenbaum, Helen, 26
nonconsensual pornography (NCP), 119–22
Northpointe, 27
Obama, Michelle, 6, 9
Off Our Backs, 132
Olson, Hope A., 138, 140–42
Omi, Michael, 80
O’Neil, Cathy, 27
online directories, 25
On Our Backs, 131–32
Open Internet Coalition, 156
Padilla, Melissa, 134
Page, Larry, 37, 38, 40–41, 47
Pasquale, Frank, 28
Peet, Lisa, 134
Peterson, Latoya, 4–5
Pew Internet and American Life Project, 35, 51, 53, 190n68
Pew Research Center, 51
Pinckney, Clementa, 110
police database mug shots, 123–24
political information online, 49; effect of information bias, 52–53
“politics of recognition,” 84–85
politics of technology, 70, 89
pornography: algorithm to suppress pornography, 104; commercial porn, 100–102; Google algorithm to suppress pornography, 104; male gaze and, 58–59; pornification of Black women, 10, 17, 32–33, 35, 49, 59, 102; pornification of Latinas and Asians, 4, 11, 75, 159; pornographic search results for Black women, 99–100. See also racism and sexism
The Power of the Image (Kuhn), 106
Powers, Laura Weidman, 65
Powles, Julia, 130
PR Ad Network, 158
privacy: “American’s Privacy Strategies Post-Snowden,” 52; data control as human right, 128; deleted or forgotten data, 127–28; digitalization of sensitive information, 131–32; Google’s privacy policy, 129–30; identity and search tracking, 54–55; “social forgetfulness,” 125–26, 128; visible and invisible archives, 129. See also “right to be forgotten”
private control of information access, 2, 84, 123; commercial exploitation, 50–51, 92, 155; Google Books question, 157; government influence, 129; public access and input, 26, 153–54; web content and ownership, 51, 104–5, 172
privatizing and/or selling information, 51
Prodigy, 158–59
profiling, racial and gender, 1, 163. See also technological redlining
programmers: “digital divide,” 161; women and people of color, 26
prosumerism, audience as commodity, 161–62, 198n25
public policy, 6, 12–13, 34, 133; consumer protection, 29, 188n10; decency standards enforcement, 158–59; effect on Black people, 34; effect on marginalized people, 80, 160, 166–67; Google Books question, 157; importance of information, 154; public search engine alternatives, 152. See also “right to be forgotten”
Punyanunt-Carter, Narissra M., 89
purchasing products online, 175
racial and gender profiling, 28
racial categories: PubMed/MEDLINE, 95; South Africa, 95
The Racial Contract (Mills), 60
racial formation theory, 84
Racialicious (blog), 4
racism and sexism, 9, 186; application program interface (API), 187n5; Black people as a problem, 142–43; “colorblindness” and multiculturalism, 167–68; contributions of African Americans erased, 108; fantasy of postracialism, 108, 168; financial and housing crisis of 2008, 27; first search results, 5; future criminality of White and Black defendants, 27; #Gamergate comments, 63, 191n96; Google’s default settings, 88–89; history of enslavement and exploitation, 92, 96–98; impact of stereotypes, 105, 155; internet as a tool, 89; internet marginalization of Blacks and women, 58, 108, 165; Jezebel image, 70, 96, 98; male impact online, 58; Mammy or Sapphire image, 70, 98; n*gger application program interface (API), 4–5; race hierarchy theory, 79–80; recognition of, 25; search engine bias, 29, 31–32; traditional media images replicated, 55–56, 59. See also free speech and free speech protections; White and Black
Recode, 65
Reidsma, Matthew, 144–45
revenge porn. See nonconsensual pornography (NCP)
“right to be forgotten,” 12, 121–22; limitations, 128; nature of requests, 130; protection of individuals and groups, 122–23; transparency of requests, 130–31
Ritzer, George, 161
Roberts, Sarah T., 56–58, 164
Robertson, Ronald, 52
Robertson, Tara, 131–32
Roof, Dylann “Storm,” 11, 110, 115–18, 133, 194n1; website, 194n2
Sanders, Felecia, 110
Sanders, Tywanza, 110
Saracevic, Tefko, 149
Schiller, Dan, 92
Schiller, Herbert, 51, 153
Scott, Keith Lamont, 29–30
search engine optimization, 40–41; FreePorn.com blog, 87; negative influence, 91; pornography industry use, 87–88; SEO companies, 46–47, 49
search engines, 35–36; citation analysis, 39–41, 144, 147; girls’ identities commercialized, 71–78; index of content, 141; search engine bias, 26–29, 31–32, 36–37, 41–42, 150, 152; search queries, 37–38. See also employment practices; Google Search; websites
Search Engine Use 2012, 53–54
Search Engine Watch, 48
Search King, 158
search results: African-American girls, 78; American Indian girls, 76; anti-Semitic pages, 42–45; Asian girls, 72, 160; Asian Indian girls, 73; Black on White crime, 111–17, 194n5; “doctor,” 82; gorillas, 7; Hispanic girls, 74; “Jew,” 42, 44, 86, 143, 160; Jezebel whore, 99; Latina girls, 75, 160; names and criminal background check advertisements, 124; “nurse,” 83; political economy of search, 49–50; “professional/unprofessional hairstyles for work,” 83; reflection of society and knowledge, 148; Sara Baartman, 95; “three black teenagers” or “three white teenagers,” 80–81; user-generated content (UGC) images, 104; violent crime skewed results, 115; White girls, 77. See also ‘black girls’ search results
Segev, Elad, 28, 86
Sheppard, Polly, 110
Shuhaibar, Kareem, 15
sp; Simmons, Daniel Sr., 110
Singleton, Sharonda, 110
Smith, Linda, 40
Smythe, Dallas, 161
Snapchat: “Bob Marley” and “yellowface” filters, 69, 163; underemployment of Black women, 69
Snowden, Edward, 52, 125, 196n27
social inequality, problem and steps to take, 165–66
Southern Poverty Law Center, 104, 118
Stalder, Felix, 54
Stepan, Nancy Leys, 62
stereotypes. See racism and sexism
Storm, Darlene, 127
Stratton Oakmont, Inc. v. Prodigy Services Co., 159
Sweeney, Latanya, 124
technological redlining, 1, 167
technology monopolies, 3, 12, 24, 122; corporate information control, 5; “digital divide,” 160–61. See also Google
telecommunication companies, traffic-routing discrimination, 156
Tettegah, Sharon, 168
Thompson, Myra, 110
Toffler, Alvin, 198n25
transparency, 50, 104; data removal in Google, 130–31; the imagine engine, 180–81; requests to be forgotten, 130–31
Treitler, Vilna Bashi, 79–80
Trump, Donald, 166, 183
Twitter, 80, 110; bias in automated tweets, 29; #Black Lives Matter, 11; #DropTheWord, 135; #NoHumanBeingIsIllegal, 135; “professional/unprofessional hairstyles for work,” 83; racist trolling, 163; “three black teenagers” or “three white teenagers” post, 80
United Nations, 15
universal humanity, 61–62
Urban League, 55
USA Today, 65–66, 80, 119, 134
U.S. Census Bureau (2007) poverty statistics, 193n47
U.S. News and World Report, 6, 9
Vaidhyanathan, Siva, 28, 42, 157
“The Venus Hottentot,” 94
Verizon, 125
Vessey, Denmark, 110
Wajcman, Judy, 107
Wallace, Michele, 165
Warf, Barney, 90
Washington Post, 6, 121
Ways of Seeing (Berger), 58
Weapons of Math Destruction (O’Neil), 27
websites: Blackbird, 150–51; BlackFind.com, 151; BlackWebPortal, 151; “cloaked websites,” 116, 172; Council of Conservative Citizens, 111–12; FreePorn.com, 87; FreePress.org, 55, 191n76; GatewayBlackPortal, 151; identity-focused websites, 151; IsAnyoneUp.com, 120; JewGotIt, 151; Jewish.net, 151; Jewogle, 151; JGrab, 151; martinlutherking.org, 172; Maven Search, 151; Mugshots.com, 124; NewNation.org, 112, 115; UnpublishArrest.com, 124; www.conservative-headlines.com, 117; www.lastrhodesian.com, 110, 194n2; Zillow.com, 167
West, Cornel, 142
White and Black, 199n51; Black women as deviant, 93; future criminality of White and Black defendants, 27; increased gap in wealth, 167; male gaze, 58–59; names and criminal background check advertisements, 124; poverty statistics, 193n47, 193n52; race and gender problems, 70–71; racial binary, 79; rape culture, 93–94, 96; social identity, 104–5; “three black teenagers” or “three white teenagers,” 80; Twitter algorithmic headlines, 29; White American norm, 71, 91; White and Asian male dominance, 65, 108; White hegemonic ideas, 168
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