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Killer Romances

Page 57

by Dana Delamar, Talullah Grace, Sandy Loyd, Kristine Mason, Dale Mayer, Nina Pierce Chantel Rhondeau, K. T. Roberts, H. D. Thomson, Susan Vaughan

  “Apparently he just moved back. He’s coming by tomorrow at three, if you want to see him.”

  “I’ll try to do that. JB, wow, talk about a blast from the past.” Mac shook his head. “Have you told Sharon that you hired him?”

  “No, I didn’t think to. Why?” Chelsea narrowed her eyes, hoping there wasn’t a problem.

  “No reason, really. They dated back in high school. She probably already knows that he’s home. I’m surprised that I haven’t heard about it.”

  “Nothing much gets by Lila and the gang, that’s for sure.” Chelsea laughed, wondering why Sharon hadn’t mentioned JB when she asked about a photographer.

  “You know, she tried to put us together on my first day home. I think I owe her an apology.”

  “Sharon’s been pushing it, too, but I thought it was because she hates Preston.”

  “Speaking of, how much longer do you think he’ll be hanging around?” Mac speared a piece of sesame chicken with undue force.

  “I’m not sure, really. Hopefully not much longer. Once he realizes that I’m not interested, I’m sure he’ll get bored and move on.”

  Mac silently vowed to help Beecher find reason enough to leave, sooner rather than later.

  Chapter Twenty-Four

  “Hi, Sharon, it’s me. Sorry I missed you last night, and this morning. There’re a few things I’d like to talk to you about, so call me when you get this.” Chelsea left the message before leaving her car. The activity at the building site was deafening, she didn’t plan to hang around too long.

  Mac and John were on opposite sides of the build. John was supervising the kitchen while Mac helped raise the roof on the event center.

  Chelsea couldn’t keep her eyes off of Mac. Blushing at the memory of last night’s steamy kisses, she found it nearly impossible to stop from running to him for a repeat performance. Last night had been amazing, start to finish. The conversation during dinner flowed effortlessly; she finally saw the charming side of Mac that had previously eluded her. But it was their time together after dinner that still lingered in her thoughts this morning.

  By unspoken mutual agreement, they avoided spending time inside, where passions might overtake common sense. Instead, they chose to snuggle up together on the deck swing, telling stories about their childhood and getting to know each other on levels beyond the physical. Still, the pleasure of having his arms around her, feeling his strong body pressed against hers kept her heart racing and her skin tingling, long after he’d gone. And the goodnight kiss. Oh. My. God. Her reaction was the same as with the first two; lightning bolts and shooting stars colliding with the flutter of a million butterflies. The only word she could use to describe it was ‘magical.’

  “What in the world is that man doing to me?” she whispered aloud. “I feel like a teenager, fanciful, dumbstruck and giddy with my first crush.” Stepping from the car, she purposefully headed for John, hoping to give her emotions time to settle before facing Mac.

  John disappeared inside the building before Chelsea could reach him. Following behind him, she noticed how much the crew had completed, just since yesterday morning.

  “It’s coming along great,” she yelled to John’s back over the din of drills whirring and radios blasting. Amazingly, he heard her and turned with a smile.

  “Sure is, the flooring will be installed today, along with the appliances. We’re just finishing up the base cabinet install this morning.”

  The dull sheen of plastic-coated stainless steel lined the perimeter of all four walls, interspersed with gaping holes where the stove, griddle, ovens and fry station would go. Chelsea had the strongest urge to peel the plastic and reveal the shiny steel surface beneath, but that would be one of the last things on the to-do list.

  “It’s awesome, John, thank you.” Taking one more look around, Chelsea settled on John’s face. The circles beneath his eyes did not overshadow the sparkle in the baby-blues; he was truly enjoying himself, no matter what.

  “My pleasure, Missy. Are you going up to the house?”

  “Yes, I need to nail down the furniture placement before it arrives tomorrow.”

  “Well you’ll need these, then.” He held out a set of keys. “She’s all done, ready for you to move in, whenever you like.” Grinning with pleasure, he dropped the keys into Chelsea’s outstretched hand.

  “Wow.” Chelsea gripped the keys and leaned up to kiss his cheek. “It seems so surreal, but exciting at the same time. How can I ever thank you, John?”

  “No need for that, just enjoy it. I’ll be up later to see if you need anything.”

  “Okay.” Chelsea took that as her cue to leave and let him get back to work. Stepping out into the sunshine, she changed her mind about disturbing Mac. Even from a distance, she could see how intent he was, could tell that the roof and the crew were absorbing all of his attention.

  That’s just as well, she thought as she made her way to the car. It would be too hard to keep my feelings to myself. It’s better that he not know I’m here.

  The thought had no sooner fled than she noticed Mac turn to face her. Time seemed to stop as their eyes met across the gravel lot.

  Raising his hand in greeting, Mac watched as Chelsea stumbled, but quickly recovered. She waved her hand in response, grateful that he couldn’t see the blush creeping across her face. She made it to the car without further incident, her cheeks burning with the fire of knowing his eyes followed her every move.

  Chelsea’s car disappeared around the curve before Mac jerked himself back to reality. The sight of her brought a mirage of memories from last night crashing in. All thoughts of the build scattered, leaving his mind filled only with images of Chelsea.

  Shaking his head, he tried to focus on the job, but one phrase kept repeating, What the hell was happening to him? He’d never been so caught up in a woman that the job disappeared, so why now? What was different about her?

  Everything. The answer came with a force strong enough to knock him over. Everything was different about Chelsea. From the way she treated his crew to her obvious delight over the smallest detail of the build, Chelsea Bates was genuine. No subterfuge, no games, no hidden agenda. Unlike the women he’d been seeing in Sacramento, Chelsea didn’t care about his bank account or his business. The only status symbols she cared about were her own happiness and the joy of those around her, not the number of assets she possessed.

  As difficult as it had been to keep their evening rated PG, he was glad that they had gotten to know each other better, grateful that she had opened up to him about her past and her life, happy that he felt comfortable doing the same. He’d shared things with her that he’d never told another soul, like the guilt he lived with over his mother’s passing and the pressure he’d felt to make his father’s business bigger and better than it ever was. She’d helped him see that the only person heaping guilt and pressure on his shoulders was himself, a realization that came with a freedom he’d never known.

  They’d talked about deep, personal dramas and the minutia of everyday life. He knew that her favorite color was royal blue, with yellow as a close second. Her favorite flowers were peonies and her idea of heaven was curling up with a good book on a rainy day.

  Chelsea surprised him when she admitted that she was a lawyer. He’d never pegged her as someone who wore suits and argued for a living. She was too soft, too kind to be effective as an attorney. Or maybe he’d never seen that side of her, he thought, a grin spreading as he imagined Chelsea doing battle in a courtroom.

  “You’ve got the look of a man in love,” John’s voice broke into Mac’s thoughts. “It looks good on you.”

  “What? Don’t get ahead of yourself, old man,” Mac teased. “We’ve had exactly one date.”

  “Sometimes that’s all it takes. I knew as soon as I met your mother that I’d marry her one day, come hell or high water. That’s the way it works with Mills men. Your grandfather married your grandmother after knowing her for one week, bam, just like

  “First you’ve got me in love, now you’ve got me married.” Mac laughed and shook his head. “I admit that I like Chelsea, I like her a lot. But I’m not in love with her.”

  “You just keep telling yourself that, Son.” John clapped him on the back. “But I don’t believe it for a second. I am happy for you, though. It does my heart good to know that you won’t be alone.” John dropped his voice, squeezing Mac’s shoulder.

  It was the first time he’d made mention of his pending death since the early morning meeting with Chelsea and Sharon. Mac still felt a strong need to clarify things with his dad, more so now that he understood better why he had stayed away from Starsdale for so long. But this was not the time or the place.

  “Thanks, Dad. I don’t pretend to know what the future will bring, but I’m happy for me too.”

  “Good enough. Now, how about the solar panel for the kitchen? When will it arrive?”


  Chelsea measured the distance from the bathroom door to the window in the Mills suite, jotting down the number before moving on to the next room. She’d ordered the furniture before all of the bedrooms were complete, but so far it seemed like everything would work out.

  Sighing with relief, she heard the door open downstairs. Thinking it must be John, she was surprised to see Sharon standing in the foyer.

  “Well hello, stranger. What brings you all the way up here?”

  “You said you wanted to talk, and you weren’t answering your phone.” Sharon rolled her eyes at Chelsea. “I thought it might be important.”

  Chelsea frowned, felt her pockets and then realized that she’d left her phone in the car.

  “Crap, sorry about that. The phone’s in the car. I hate that you came all the way up here, but since you did, come and tell me what you think about the bedroom layouts.”

  The next hour flew by, with Sharon helping Chelsea arrange and rearrange paper furniture on scaled design sheets.

  “This is fun,” Chelsea sat down on the top stair, motioning for Sharon to join her. “It will also help make moving day so much easier, now that we know what’s going where.”

  “Good thing you took pictures of the furniture pieces. Why don’t we tape them to the doors, simplify things even further.”

  “That’s a great idea. I’ve got some tape in my bag, I’ll get it.” Chelsea jogged down the staircase, feeling the pride of ownership hit her once again. Periodically throughout the day, she’d felt the awe of owning such a magnificent home wash over her. It was a feeling that she hoped never wore off.

  The doorbell rang as she reached the bottom step. Surprised, she glanced up at Sharon.

  “That’s my doorbell.” She grinned and went to answer it.

  Sharon grinned back, knowing what her friend was feeling and thrilled that she could share in her joy.

  Swinging open the door, Chelsea saw a tall, strikingly handsome man standing on the other side, a camera dangling from his neck.

  Glancing at her watch, she saw that it was only eleven, but this man had to be the photographer.

  “I’m early, sorry. I called, but when you didn’t answer I took a chance and drove up anyway. I’m Jason Bond, JB to my friends.”

  “Chelsea Bates, welcome.” Chelsea extended her hand. “It’s fine that you’re early, sorry I didn’t answer. I left my phone in the car. Come in, come in.” Stepping out of the way, she ushered him inside. “I think you know my friend, Sharon,” Chelsea motioned to the top of the stairs.

  JB froze like a deer in headlights. He knew he’d run into Sharon at some point, but he never expected it to be here, today. He wasn’t ready. She was the main reason he’d come home, and also the main reason he’d been laying low since he arrived.

  Chelsea saw the look of shock on JB’s face, then turned towards Sharon. Her friend had the appearance of someone who’d seen a ghost, but it only lasted a few seconds. As she rose from the step, Chelsea swore that she saw fire shooting from the other woman’s eyes. She’d never seen Sharon look so furious.

  Sharon felt like someone had kicked her in the stomach, hard. What in the hell was JB doing here? Shouldn’t he be off trying to get himself killed on the other side of the world? As she made her way slowly down the stairs, she stared at him, fury growing with every step she took.

  Who the hell did he think he was, showing up like this? Why hadn’t he called, at least let her know he was alive? Why did she care, one way or the other? As she moved closer to him, she felt the pull that always connected them. She thought she’d buried that long ago, thought she’d buried him. Yet here he was, standing next to Chelsea, looking good enough to scoop up with a spoon.

  NO, she screamed silently. He will not get to me this time.

  With the air of a queen greeting a lowly subject, she stopped before him and held out her hand.

  “Hello, JB. It’s nice to see you.” Her voice matched her demeanor, both icy with contempt.

  JB took her hand, surprised when it felt warm. She looked amazing, better than he remembered. He’d pictured her so often as the young woman he’d left behind, but seeing her as the woman she’d become made him want to kick himself off the cliff. He’d been such an idiot.

  “Hello, Sharon. It’s nice to see you, too. You look great.” He tried to hold onto her hand, but she slipped it away from him.

  “Thanks.” Turning to Chelsea, she ignored him. “Listen, Chels, I’ve got to run. Call me later.” With a wave, Sharon sailed out the front door.

  “Well then.” Chelsea looked between JB and Sharon’s retreating back. “I guess you two do know each other.” Raising her eyebrows in a silent question, she focused on JB.

  “Yes, we do,” JB coughed nervously. “Or we did, once. Anyway, why don’t you show me what you had in mind?” He tried to change the subject.

  Chelsea obliged him, dying to know the backstory, but preferring to get it from Sharon. Anything else seemed disrespectful to their friendship. Sharon’s behavior told her that there was much more than a high school romance between these two.

  “Okay, sure. You’ll have to imagine the rooms with furniture, that’s coming tomorrow. But at least you can get a feel of the place. I need photos for the brochure and the website. I’d like some of every room, different angles so I don’t have to use the same ones over and over again.” Chelsea led him through to the parlor, and then to the formal dining room and the kitchen, talking the entire way.

  JB didn’t hear a word she said, but he followed along, nodding periodically. Sharon was here. He’d just seen Sharon. The thoughts ran on a loop through his head. All of his plans, all of his good intentions about the way he’d meet her again went up in smoke. She hated him, it was so obvious. And could he blame her? Hell no. He deserved it. He’d walked away from the best thing in his life, left her after promising they would be together forever. Granted, they’d been not much more than kids when they’d swore to love each other always, but that was no excuse. In all the years that passed, he’d never found anyone who meant as much to him as she did, no one.

  “And I thought we could hire a clown and maybe a few monkeys, show off the sunroom like a circus,” Chelsea commented, wondering when he would tune back in to her. She doubted if he’d heard anything on the tour, he was so obviously deep in thought about Sharon.

  “Umm hmm, sure,” he said, giving the obligatory nod.

  Chelsea hid a smile and led the way upstairs. No need to break his concentration. Whatever had happened between him and Sharon, JB clearly was not over it.


  “Who do you think that was?” Mac left the men to install the window, choosing instead to look after Chelsea.

  “Hard to say,” John straightened from examining the floor in the kitchen. “The car didn’t look familiar.”

  “JB is coming up this afternoon; Chelsea hired him as the photographer. It could’ve been him, but I didn’t get a good look, did you?”

  “JB? I didn’t know he was back in town.” John sho
ok his head. “But no, I didn’t see who was driving, just the tail end of the car.

  Just then, Sharon’s car came careening down the mountain, barely holding the curves. Both men could see the look of rage as she sped past the site.

  “Yep, must’ve been JB.” Mac smiled at his dad’s frown.

  “Fool girl’s gonna kill herself,” John put both hands on his hips. “What the hell is she thinking?”

  “Nothing either of us needs to hear,” Mac laughed. “I think I’ll go up, say hello. Are you okay here?”

  “I’m fine, if you can take a look at the electrical panel before you go. Make sure that the setup is right for the solar system integration.”

  “Sure thing, Dad.”

  By the time Mac managed to make his way to the house, Chelsea had finished the walk-through and was showing JB the back garden.

  “I’m not doing much back here, not yet, but we will have a seating area for guests.” Chelsea indicated the space for the patio.

  “With that view, you don’t need to do much,” JB had finally tuned back in to Chelsea, somewhere between the tour of the sixth or seventh bedroom.

  “I think if you could capture the view and the patio, my future guests could get a feel of the outdoor space.”

  “That shouldn’t be a problem,” JB couldn’t resist taking a few shots of the cliffs as they talked. The sky was impossibly blue and the snow-capped peaks created a stark contrast on the tip of the mountain range.

  “I heard you were back in town, but I wanted to see it for myself,” Mac came around the side of the house just as JB lowered his camera.

  “Mac Mills, it’s good to see you,” JB greeted him. “Are you doing this project?”

  “Good to see you,” Mac grinned and winked at Chelsea as he walked to shake JB’s outstretched hand.

  “My dad’s actually in charge, I’m just helping out.” Mac walked over and draped his arm casually around Chelsea. “Morning,” he said softly.

  “Morning,” she answered, trying not to blush.

  JB saw the look that passed between them and felt a stab of jealousy. He remembered when Sharon had looked at him like that. With any luck, she would again.


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