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Killer Romances

Page 72

by Dana Delamar, Talullah Grace, Sandy Loyd, Kristine Mason, Dale Mayer, Nina Pierce Chantel Rhondeau, K. T. Roberts, H. D. Thomson, Susan Vaughan

  “No, I don’t like that idea.” Given her experiences, maintaining control in all things was a necessity to her well-being. In her past sexual liaisons, she’d been the aggressor. She decided who she slept with and when. Men she picked. Men who would never require more than she could offer, and it was those men who lost control, not the other way around. Yet after this morning, one fact she’d quickly grasped in her dealings with Jack since last night. If he was involved, she tended to lose control…of more than just the situation. Fast. Just thinking about how easily this happened scared the bejeebers out of her.

  Jack stroked his chin, eyeing her closely. “Hmm, that presents a problem. I had the distinct impression that something flashed between us before Lover Boy arrived.” Then he shrugged. “But hey, if you’d rather take him on, I understand.”

  “I don’t want to take anyone on,” she ground out, stamping her foot in frustration.

  His gaze narrowed. “You sure about that?”

  Heat infused Lucy’s face as she continued meeting those intense blue eyes that lately seemed to pull her into never-never land. She inhaled a calming breath and said as evenly as possible, “Whether or not I want to take anyone on isn’t the issue.”

  “Then, what is the issue? We’re consenting adults who are attracted to each other. Now that we’re working together for the duration, why not enjoy each other that way?” Jack smiled, the same one that drew an unwanted reaction. Lucy froze in wonder and excitement, feeling like an animal caught in the headlights’ glow. “I know for a fact you like kissing me. And I like kissing you. So I’m giving you fair warning. Once we figure out what’s on the files and track down your friend, I intend to move on to the physical and satisfy my curiosity.”

  The hot touch of his voice spread over her, a blanket of warmth heating her up from head to toe. “Now I know you’re nuts,” she was barely able to get out without an outward sign that her insides had just melted. “I’m only tolerating your company out of need.” Her need to find Cassie.

  “Ah, Lucy.” Jack’s blue eyes shimmered with amusement. “Be honest. Tell me you’re not thinking about it. That you didn’t lie awake at least for a little while and wonder.”

  Good grief, how had he guessed her secret so easily? What about Mike’s warning? Was this an attempt to manipulate her? Lucy should tell him no and end this…whatever it was…before it went any further, but somehow her mind couldn’t quite form the denial.

  “I know I did.” Jack grabbed her shoulders and pulled her closer. “The way I see things, this attraction, for want of a better definition, will only get stronger and may even distract us from our purpose.” Then he slowly lowered his head, giving her plenty of time to turn away. Only Lucy didn’t, instead leaned her head back, closed her eyes, and waited breathlessly for those lips to connect with hers.

  His soft laugh hit her ears and he whispered just before his mouth touched hers, “Plus, I don’t like the way that guy looks at you.”

  Mike was the last thing on her mind as the kiss continued. Jack was foremost, along with how heavenly it felt to kiss him. And just like the night before, his lips were so soft and oh…so gentle…so warm. She opened her mouth, inviting him in, and he didn’t hesitate to take advantage, adding his tongue. She could spend her entire day just like this, locking lips with Jack, she thought, as the spiraling sensation built then plummeted and built again. The man knew how to kiss.

  “Apparently you forgot about me.” Mike’s sulking voice interrupted her bliss, but unlike the night before, Lucy couldn’t seem to give a rat’s ass. She reached around Jack’s neck and deepened the kiss. He reciprocated for a few more seconds, then broke contact with his mouth and gently pushed her away.

  “This is becoming a habit,” Jack said, chuckling.

  Instantly, reality seeped into her brain and she closed her eyes as an embarrassed flush filled her face. Damn, he’d done it again, caused her to lose control of the situation and shift her focus off her missing friend. Though Lucy wanted to…really, really wanted to…and really, really liked it…she possessed enough self-preservation to understand that kissing Jack wasn’t in her best interest. She had no intention whatsoever of doing it again. And if she required proof of the need for caution, she only had to reflect on what just happened.

  Jack swatted her backside and nodded toward Mike. “Go and fix the man some coffee.” Then leaning in, he whispered so he couldn’t hear, “Then get rid of him. That way we can finish what we started.”

  Lucy’s back stiffened. Of course, Jack thought he’d won. Hell, why wouldn’t he when she’d just handed over such an easy victory?

  “You are fucking him.” Mike threw her an accusing glare once Jack let himself out.

  Silently shaking her head, Lucy rubbed her temples, trying to ease the throbbing that had become a full-blown headache. She steeled herself and continued staring at Mike, holding on to her patience by a thread.

  “Well?” His brow shot up as he asked with a disdain-filled sneer, “Don’t I at least deserve some explanation?”

  “No.” She started past him, aiming for the kitchen and tea. “Think what you want.”

  Mike chased after her, stopping her with a hand on her wrist. “What’s he got that I haven’t?”

  Lucy looked down at his hand before glaring up at him, but he didn’t release his hold. She then yanked out of his grip and her eyes became glacial slits as all patience vanished. “I’ve already told you, I don’t date co-workers.” Lucy pushed her hair behind an ear and inhaled a deep breath, working to control her anger. “In fact, there’s the door. You’re no longer welcome to a cup of coffee.”

  “Lucy, I only want to help.”

  “No,” she said on a long exhale. “You don’t.” Noting that his puppy-dog expression was back, she resisted the urge to roll her eyes but couldn’t contain her snort. “You’re no better than Jack, thinking you can just shove your way into my life.” Then softening her tone, if only to salvage some sense of control, she added, “I’m perfectly happy to remain friends, but you have to give me a reason.” She met those soulful brown eyes as hers filled with sincerity, so Mike would grasp the truth of her next words. “Right now, I just don’t buy that you care about anything more than scoring a hook-up. So, please go.”

  “Fine. I’ll leave. But you should know, I want more than sex. I always have, but you’ve never given me more than a smile and a pat on the head. Despite that, I had your back last night.” Mike indicated the door Jack had exited just seconds ago. “You should heed my warning about Finnegan. Don’t trust him. He’s not interested in a relationship, not like I am. He’s only fishing for information. I overheard him telling Cardello he’d take care of you.” He started for the door and added over his shoulder in a parting shot, “Looks like he’s doing a bang-up job of it.”

  Lucy stared at the space he left behind with new misgivings.

  Had Jack kissed her to sidetrack her purpose?

  She headed for the kitchen to start breakfast with one thought. She’d be a fool to ignore Mike’s warning.

  Chapter 6

  Jack rang the bell, securing his coffee and bag in order to unlatch the knob, before using a shoulder to push the door open. “Lucy?” He shut the door with his butt and called out one more time, “Lucy?”

  He followed the music through the living room and spotted her when he turned the corner of the hallway leading to the kitchen. Lucy sat with her eyes closed, her head on her hand, propped up with her elbow on the table that was already set—a geometric display of bold colors—oranges, reds, and greens in the matching placemats and napkins, complete with two tumblers, two empty plates and silverware for two, along with jam and butter in the center of the table.

  Jack stopped and silently watched her for a long moment. She’d obviously fallen asleep and hadn’t heard his shout. What was it about her that had him tossing out his resolve to remain detached? Maybe it was something in the way she appeared right now, innocent and needing his help. Like
so long ago.

  The scent of bacon wafted under his nose and his stomach gurgled, drawing attention to his empty belly. He was ravenous. His gaze moved to the stove. Judging from what his nose told him, she’d cooked up something delicious as promised while he made a Starbucks run, but the stovetop was bare of any pans.

  Jack walked over to where Lucy slept and set his coffee and bag of croissants in front of her, next to the teakettle matching the placemats and napkins. He brushed lustrous strands of hair away from her neck. Such an inviting, sleek neck. Stilling the urge to bend down and kiss it, he shook her shoulder to awaken her.

  She leaned away from him and stretched. “You’re back. I didn’t hear you come in,” Lucy said in a sleepy voice.

  “Obviously.” Jack remained in her personal space with his hand still on her shoulder for longer than necessary. “I never expected to return and catch you asleep on the job,” he said, feeling her pulse race as a touch of pink colored her cheeks. He let go and stepped back, deciding he liked making her blush. Liked making her pulse race. That meant she wasn’t nearly as unaffected as she claimed and he disturbed her as much as she disturbed him. That also meant they could be headed for sex. Jack was too much of a male not to recognize the inevitability of that outcome if they continued on this course. He must be getting over Ginny, he realized, because right now, standing in this bright and sunny room, the thought of having hot sex with her didn’t seem as disconcerting as it had last night. Apparently, when horny lust trumped guilt.

  Lucy bestowed a slight smile and Jack’s gut lurched at how innocent she appeared…and feminine. Drawing him in deeper. Why had he never noticed before how dainty her features were, with a smattering of freckles across the bridge of her nose? He’d always thought of her as one tough cookie, too hard to crack. Yet from this vantage point, her vulnerability was unmistakable.

  Jack cleared his throat and remembered his purpose, shoving lust to the back burner. He wasn’t here to have sex with Lucy Maddox, no matter how alluring her neck was or how vulnerable she appeared. Or how annoyed he’d felt when her partner had shown up out of the blue and clearly on the make, this early on a Saturday.

  He pulled out a chair across from her. “Where’s my promised breakfast,” Jack asked, as he sat down and craned his neck to scan the kitchen. “I don’t see anything on the stove, not even empty pans.” He was here to ferret out information, and the only way to do that was go through the files on the thumb drive, page by page to see where they led.

  If Lucy’s friend was indeed missing, Jack still didn’t believe anything dire had happened to her, then whatever was there would lead them to an answer. Or, as he really hoped, would silence Lucy once and for all. Then they could all go back to their lives and the little blip of kissing her, twice, would soon be forgotten.

  Somehow Jack just knew it wouldn’t be that easy.

  “We should eat and then we can get started on the files.” Still stretching, Lucy stood and slowly made her way to the stove. “Food should still be warm,” she said over her shoulder. “It’s not much. Just bacon and eggs.”

  “I’m sure whatever you cooked will be fine.”

  “I wouldn’t be so quick to say that before you’ve tasted it.” Snorting, she grabbed a loaf of bread and looked over at him. “Cooking’s not my thing. In fact, eggs and bacon are about the only two foods I can’t ruin.”

  She took out four slices and was just about to stick two into the toaster when Jack held up his bag. “We don’t need toast. I got croissants.”

  “How’d you know I love croissants?” Sporting a slight smile, Lucy bent to open the oven.

  “I didn’t. I happen to love them too, so I guess we have something else in common.”

  “I guess.” After donning a couple of oven mitts, she pulled out a rectangular glass pan and held it up. “Besides, it’s a good thing you brought extra. At least you won’t starve.”

  “Smells great. And I’m famished. I can’t work on an empty stomach. Now bring the food over here, and I’ll be the judge of your cooking skills.”

  “That’s what I’m afraid of.” Lucy attempted a laugh and started toward him to set the dish on the table. “You’ll judge me and find me lacking.” She was clearly shooting for cheerful. But the stab at humor did little to erase the sadness lurking in her expression. She pulled off both mitts and returned to the counter for an extra plate. “My grandmother used to say that the way to a man’s heart was through his stomach. And if she was right, I’m in big trouble.”

  Lucy placed the plate next to him. “For the croissants.” She hurried to the refrigerator, retrieved orange juice, then quickly poured two glasses.

  In less than a minute, Lucy was shoving her chair underneath the table after sitting back down across from him. She reached for the teapot, obviously hot from the steam coming out of the spout, and poured what looked to be steeped tea into her cup.

  Jack sat back and watched her inhale the rising steam as if she were breathing in some exotic elixir. The draw of tea was a mystery to him. He lifted his paper cup and sipped, savoring both the strength and the jolt of Italian roast hitting his taste buds almost as much as he enjoyed watching her savor the brew she drank. To each his own, he thought, downing another mouthful. His day could not begin without coffee.

  After spooning out a helping of eggs, he picked out several strips of bacon from the platter. He took a bite and began chewing, then looked up to see her eyeing him thoughtfully. “What? Am I not supposed to eat?”

  “No. Sorry.” Her soft laugher bubbled up. The sound wrapped around his ears before traveling to his gut and twisting the knot already formed a little tighter. “You just look like you’re enjoying it and to be honest, no one’s ever acted quite so enthusiastic over my cooking. Not even Cassie.”

  “That’s not enthusiasm, that’s hunger. Your grandmother was right about men and food. I’ll let you in on an even bigger secret. Whether it’s food or sex, we’re not overly picky. Basic usually works.”

  Another hint of pink touched Lucy’s cheeks and she concentrated on her food. “I’ll remember that.” She stirred her eggs and remained silent for long seconds before adding, “I sure hope those files tell us something. I really miss her.”

  Nodding, Jack forced himself to focus on eating. The sooner they finished with the meal, the sooner they could get to work. And the sooner he could get the hell out of this house. Hadn’t he already proven his brain had taken a vacation when the partner/boyfriend, Gillespie, had warned her off him? Funny, Lucy hadn’t said a word about that kiss.

  No, no, no. Just eat. Forget the kiss. It had been a stupid move on his part. Yet, as was becoming the norm around her, obeying such simple commands seemed almost impossible.


  Her soft voice interrupted his conversation with himself. He looked up and caught her staring at him with a puzzled frown.

  “You were about to say something?” Jack finally asked when Lucy still hadn’t spoken after a long pause.

  “Yes.” She nodded and picked up her teacup. After taking several small sips, she set the cup down. Then fingering the rim of the cup, she raised her gaze to meet his. “I was wondering. Did you tell Frank Cardello you’d take care of me?”

  “What?” He tossed out a halfhearted laugh, knowing he was in deep shit and that he had no easy way out of it. “Who told you that?” Gillespie. Had to be Gillespie.

  “Is it true?”

  “Yeah.” Jack swallowed hard and sighed, mentally reviewing his conversations with Frank and wondering how in the hell the guy had overheard any of them. “But it’s not what you think.”

  “Not what I think? What do I think?” Lucy’s eyebrows lifted. “Or better yet, what should I think?”

  He snorted, and sat back, bringing his coffee to his lips for a long drink. Usually he was much more discreet, but as he was quickly discerning, all common sense had flown out the window the minute he’d kissed Lucy, and that idea didn’t sit well with him. Not one
damned bit.

  “Look, Lucy.” Jack set his cup down and cleared his throat. “Don’t read anything into a careless comment. It’s no secret that Frank was upset because you’re nosing around and making accusations. Hell, you stole his thumb drive. Out of his safe.” Their eyes reconnected when he glanced up and glimpsed vulnerability in the depths of her gaze, which jumbled his thoughts into chaos. Scattered thoughts kept him from doing his job properly. He needed to set the record straight. For her…and for him. “I’m his problem solver and you have the potential of being a big problem. I do want to help, but it’s more to convince you you’re wrong than anything else.”

  When more pain flared in her eyes, Jack added, to ease some of the hurt, “But I came over last night as a friend, because I could tell you were upset.” Then he smiled and admitted, for no other reason than it was the honest to God truth, “And maybe because I liked kissing you.”

  Lucy lowered her gaze and without moving a muscle, sat staring at her hand still wrapped around her teacup, clearly absorbing his words. Then she looked up and smiled. “Thank you for being honest. I just realized it doesn’t matter why you’re helping me. Only that you are.”

  Shit! Jack felt the zing of that smile all the way to his toes, softening some of the resolve he’d worked so hard to maintain.

  After that, neither spoke. As Jack ate, he surreptitiously eyed Lucy, trying to figure her out. The lady was nothing like he’d pegged her. And the more he was with her, the more she drew him into her web. Jack didn’t want to be in anyone’s web. Hadn’t he spent six months avoiding exactly that?

  Sending up a silent prayer of thanks at swallowing the last bite, he shoved away from the table. “Great breakfast.”

  “I’m only glad you ate it.”

  He laughed. “You need help with the dishes?” He picked up his plate and empty OJ glass. “Before we start on the files?”

  “No, thank you. I’m anxious to get going on those.” She stood and followed him, her hands full of empty dishes. “I’ll load the dishwasher later. Just stick them in the sink.”


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