An Expert in Domination

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An Expert in Domination Page 5

by Sindra van Yssel

  He reached into his bag and took out a length of red rope, looked at her, put it back, and took out a purple rope instead that looked nearly identical to her other than the color. She giggled. She’d never thought of bondage as something that had to be color coordinated before, but she did think she looked better in purple than in red.

  “So, Sophia, have you thought about why I might want you to kneel instead of stand?” He ran the rope through his hands as if inspecting it for blemishes by touch.

  She hadn’t thought about it at all. She looked at the rope in his hands and shivered. He was going to tie her up with that. She didn’t know how it would feel, but she did know it would make her helpless. Unless I distract him. “Because it puts me at the perfect height for a blowjob?” She licked her lips. Although, honestly, if he orders me to go down on him right now, I think I’ll use my safe word.

  “No. That’s a good point, and one I might enjoy later, but that’s not the reason you’re kneeling now.”

  She shook her head and then said, “I guess it’s because you want me to feel all subservient and stuff. I’m trying. But it’s not really working.”

  He chuckled. “Not subservient. Submissive. There’s a difference. But it’s really more that special poses are a way to set our time apart. Think of it like a magic circle. Or a bonfire. Outside the immediate vicinity of the bonfire, the world is normal, and the normal rules apply. Nearby is a special place, where, if not magic, at least something deeply spiritual may take place. This dungeon is a kind of magic circle, where the participants agree to follow certain rules and promote a certain atmosphere. But the one I’m concerned about is the one that just includes me and you.”

  He tugged at his vest. “We could do this with me wearing any clothing. And I do, in fact, do BDSM wearing normal clothes. But the leather helps set it apart. Like a priest’s robe. Or those funny wigs British judges wear. It says that today I’m not Colby Brock, the lawyer or the ex-cop or anything else. I’m Colby Brock, the dominant. The sadist. And right now, you’re not Sophia, the mom. You’re Sophia, the submissive. And we need help to transition from one to the other. We need ritual. You kneel. I feel the rope or the toys I’m about to use. The rituals work not only for the person doing them, but for the other, observing. And, in practice, I want to make sure my rope is going to support your weight—if I was going to do a suspension, which I’m not. We’re starting simpler today. Rise, Sophia. Stand in the middle of the frame, and I will introduce you to bondage.”

  “Well, that’s better than sold into slavery.” She got up and moved as directed.

  He chuckled. “I can see you’re a handful.”

  She wanted to face away from the crowd, but the frame was only a short distance from the stage in the center of the room. A woman was being flogged by two good-looking Doms on the post where she once stood, she noticed. As she hesitated about which way to face, Colby put his hands on her shoulders and decided for her. She yielded to his touch.

  “Face me,” he said. “Good girl. I want you paying attention to me. Watch my movements. Pay attention to the feel of the rope. This is a very distracting environment, which is one of the downsides of play parties. There’s lots of things to crash through the circle we’re creating. But you don’t want me looking at the pretty girl being flogged, so you’re going to have to take your eyes off the Doms flogging her.”

  She gave him a mischievous smile. “But they’re all hunky.”

  He moved around behind her and put his arms around her shoulders, resting them on the swell of her chest. “I’ll take your word on that, because I know I’m no judge. I have a blindfold if you need it, but I don’t want to mix too many things at once, so if you can keep your eyes on me, I’d prefer that.”

  She leaned back against him. He was solid and comforting. She bent her neck back to look at him. “And if I can keep my tongue in check, you won’t gag me?”

  “I won’t gag you regardless. Again, I don’t want to mix too many things in at once. Your smart-mouthing doesn’t bother me. I’m secure in what I do. But it’s like the kneeling, Sophia. The things you do, the things you say, help establish a headspace for yourself. And you’re depriving yourself of an experience if you’re going to spend this time trying to think of the next clever thing to say.”

  Oh. She hadn’t thought of it that way. She took a deep breath and then pursed her lips closed. “So what are you waiting for?”

  “We’re spending a moment connecting. Do you have any breathing issues I should know about? Asthma? Any allergies?”

  “I’m allergic to shellfish.”

  “We’ll steer away from that, then. Anything else?”

  She shook her head. What could allergies have to do with tying someone up? Still, she appreciated that he was being careful.

  He let her go and walked around to her front with a smile on his face. He had the rope folded in half and had the middle of the rope in one hand, the two ends in the other. “Hands up, please.”

  His approval shouldn’t mean anything to me. But I like it. She lifted her hands.

  “Lovely. We’re going to start with the chest. And before you feel the need to say something, yes, it’s partly because I like breasts. But it’s also a good place to start for other reasons.” He reached around her with both hands, and when he came forward again, he had only the two ends, still in one hand. He passed the doubled rope over the tops of her breasts and then fiddled in the back again before bringing it forward once more. This time he lifted her breasts to pass the rope under them.

  The rope he used looked a little different from what she’d bought at the hardware store. It was a little rougher looking but felt softer, like it had more give to it. She wasn’t sure, because she’d never tried to wrap the rope from the hardware store around her breasts. He made another pass over her breasts again, then brought the rope in two strands over her shoulders to cinch the ropes together. It was almost like a bra, and she wasn’t sure whether the way the lower and upper ropes pressed on her breasts was uncomfortable or pleasant. What she did know was that her nipples were tingling by the time he was done. My breasts have always loved attention, and if it comes with rope, then so be it.

  He brushed the back of his hand over one nipple. She looked down. They weren’t just tingling, they were hard and jutting out, and even a light touch from him made her shiver.

  “Are they supposed to be this sensitive when you do that?” she asked. She hoped so. She hoped everyone reacted like that, because she wanted to be normal. Mostly.

  “Well, I like it when they are,” he said. “Your reactions are your own.”

  His words didn’t reassure, but it didn’t matter as he casually stroked her other nipple. You wanted my full attention. You have it. It was taking all her willpower not to bring her arms down to stop him, even though what he was doing felt good. It was right on the edge of being too intense.

  “Let’s do more, shall we, my little hedonist? Give me your hands.” He reached down and grabbed two more coils of purple rope from the bag.

  She flopped her hands forward.

  He chuckled. “Sorry, after I just gave you a lecture too. Lower your hands, and put them in mine.”

  She did as directed, wondering what he was going to do. The rope around her chest felt interesting, but it wasn’t what she thought of as bondage. It didn’t stop her from doing anything. She had the feeling that was about to change, and it excited her and made her nervous.

  He put one of the coils of rope in her left hand. “Hold this, please.”

  She gripped it.

  He started wrapping rope around her right wrist, almost idly, making sure the rope lined up in a neat little row. He didn’t appear to be in a hurry about it, but neither did he hesitate. When he was done, he tied it off and pulled her hand to the side. He left some bend in her elbow and then said, “There. Hold it right there.”

  She wondered what he’d do if she didn’t. But her curiosity to find out what would happen if she obe
yed was greater. Keeping the rope taut, he tied the other end of the rope to a ring on the side of the frame, just about shoulder height. If she didn’t adjust her feet, she could stretch her arm out a little toward the post, although she didn’t think she could quite reach, but she couldn’t bring it any closer.

  “Why’s the frame so big?” she asked.

  “Good design,” he said approvingly. “To make sure subs like you can’t reach the ends of the rope and work yourself free.” He plucked the rope from her other hand and started tying that.

  “What are you going to do to me once you have me tied up?” She tried not to sound nervous but wasn’t sure she’d succeeded.

  “That depends on whether you behave or not. I have something very pleasurable in my bag. And a few things that are not.”

  Oh, I bet you do. She had no idea what he might have that was pleasurable, but she had a very good idea from her peek into his other bag that he might have a few objects that were downright nasty. I think I’ll be a good girl. For now.

  He tied up her other hand exactly the same way. Same number of coils around the wrist, same knot, same position. This time he didn’t ask her to hold the position he put her arm in. He assumed she understood. And she did. She wasn’t sure whether it was her desire to avoid whatever mean toys he might have or simply her desire to have him think she had a good head on her shoulders that kept her impish side from taking over.

  He finished tying her. She could probably move, she realized, by stretching out one arm, then stepping in the opposite direction. Then, possibly, if she stretched out the other arm too, she might be able to get her hand on a knot, but it would be close. And she’d get in trouble, which totally wouldn’t be worth it if she couldn’t succeed. He could stop her by force, anyway.

  Unlike with the scarves and her fumbling college boyfriend, this time she really was stuck.

  “Good girl,” he said.

  “I swear I’d slap any other date who said that.”

  “I’m not your date. I’m your Dom. Big difference. Also, I think you’d be hard put to slap anyone right now.”

  “Good point.” She grinned. Maybe this was fun after all.

  He grinned back. “Now, I have a question for you. Because while I am playing with you in public, my intention isn’t to humiliate you.”

  “So what’s the question?”

  “Would you find it too embarrassing to come?”

  She shrugged. “If you could actually get me to come, then I probably won’t care. But it won’t happen. Not like this. Not standing up, and not with me self-conscious. I need to be very relaxed or there’s no way.” A few years ago, she had a boyfriend try while the kids were asleep, and she couldn’t. They ended up breaking up over it, with him calling her frigid. I don’t have good taste in men, and now is probably no exception. But it’s just a weekend.

  He had an amused and confident smile on his face.


  “You’re on,” he said. “I love a challenge. In fact, if you don’t come, I’ll buy you a steak dinner at a restaurant in town. A fair wager?”

  “Sure. I like steak.” She could taste it already, because she knew for a fact she wasn’t going to come.

  “But if I win, I want you to throw yourself into your role this weekend, and thoroughly explore submission as well as you can. Maybe you’ll like it, maybe you’ll hate it. But you’ll know beyond a shadow of a doubt at the end of the weekend if you try your best.”

  Wasn’t I supposed to try my best anyway? But she knew her heart hadn’t really been into it. And if she made the bet, she’d feel even more obligated. Didn’t matter, though, because he wasn’t going to win. “Fair enough,” she said. “But I’m not agreeing to you having sex with me.”

  “This,” he said, gesturing at her and the rope, “is sex. Do you mean intercourse?”

  “Yeah. Intercourse. Coitus.”

  He leaned forward and whispered, “Fucking. No fucking.”


  “Not a problem, my little hedonist. Now.” He paused. “I think you need to be tied up a little more. And I’m out of purple, so I’m going to have to switch to some undyed hemp.”

  He knelt down on the floor and pulled out some pale brownish rope. There was something odd about having him down like that while she was still standing, and she didn’t understand why he didn’t just bend over. This is probably better for his back, but it doesn’t look as domly.

  Then he started wrapping the rope around one of her ankles, and she understood. He tied another rope around her other ankle without tying the first to anything. Then he looked up and tapped the inside of her calf. “Legs farther apart,” he said.

  She widened her stance slightly. He tapped on her calf again. The fact that he didn’t give her a verbal command confused her, but she moved her legs. Tap, tap. She moved them farther, and he wasn’t satisfied until her feet were more than her shoulder width apart. Then he tied the ends of each rope to rings set in the base of the frame. She might be able to spread them wider, although that wouldn’t be comfortable, but she sure as hell wasn’t going to be able to close them. Maybe he thought the exposure would be a turn-on, but it only made her more nervous. Good. I’m going to win this bet.

  Her ex-husband had always said she was overcompetitive. Especially when she beat him at games. Whatever. If he’d stuck around for the kids, maybe what he’d said would have value. As it was, she took pride in her competitiveness.

  Colby straightened and ran a finger down her neck to between her breasts. She couldn’t move away very well. “You aren’t just reluctant to submit, are you?” he asked. “You don’t like to lose. You’re determined not to come, even though an orgasm would be better than not having to pay for your steak.”

  Get out of my head. “Yes. But it would mean losing. And besides, you haven’t even done anything to turn me on yet.”

  As she said it, she realized it was a lie. Her pussy was wet. Her breasts felt heavy, and her nipples ached. She was turned on by the rope, by the situation, and by the well-built man in front of her. But that doesn’t mean I’m going to come.


  That wasn’t the term she would have used, but she realized that yes, she was comfortable. The ropes hugged her wrists and ankles and caressed her chest, but they didn’t bite into her unless she really pulled. And it wasn’t a horribly difficult position to stand in. “Yes, Colby.”

  “Good.” He pulled out some more rope and tied one end to the bottom center of the chest harness. Then he tied some other knots in it, tossed it between her legs, caught it on the other side, and tied it off in back. He pulled on it until it was snug, with a line of rope on each side of her pussy. Clearly, that’s not going to make me come. But it feels good. Kinky foreplay, I guess. She couldn’t really see what the point of all the knots he’d tied were, but they were out of sight now.

  He walked around her, his hands trailing along her body. Shoulders, arms, side, legs—he seemed to be avoiding her most erogenous zones. She gave up trying to figure out how he was going to accomplish his objective, because nothing he did seemed to be an attempt at it. Slowly, she relaxed. She closed her eyes so that she could focus on his fingers.

  His fingers drifted across her breasts. Five minutes passed until he touched her nipples. It was almost like getting a slow and sensual massage. One hand drifted down her belly for a fleeting touch of her pussy. A moment later, he dipped a finger inside her, sliding in easily. She tensed, preparing to resist, but nothing else happened. He withdrew his finger and feathered it across her belly, a wet reminder of just how turned on she was.

  He placed something against her pussy. She wasn’t sure what it was, so she opened her eyes to look down, but she still couldn’t see clearly without bending forward. She tried that, only to have him grab her hair and force her to stop. She glared at him for a moment, and then, seeing his smile, relaxed. He was taking charge, and that was fine. That was what they’d agreed to.

e reached down for another rope, still holding on to her hair. He weaved it through her locks and tied it to the bar overhead. Now she definitely couldn’t look down.

  His hands drifted over her body again. Stomach, shoulders, back, bottom, breasts. He avoided her pussy, but whatever he had placed there was hard and pressed against it. Still, without friction, that was only so arousing.

  He kissed her neck while he cupped her breasts from behind. She sighed into his touch, unable to lean back into him but feeling utterly hedonistic. His fingers brushed her nipples and teased them until they ached even more. They feel so hard now. They must be like little pebbles against his hand. Each touch sent a shiver down to her pussy, building pressure. Sophia opened her eyes and looked around, trying to distract herself. The girl on the post had pink stripes all over her body, but she was clearly spaced out, floating in a very pleasant world of her own. At a table, hot wax was being dripped on a voluptuous woman. Neither scene helped distract her. In spite of herself, she wondered what it was like to surrender as completely as the other women seemed to be. She closed her eyes again.

  His hand left her for a moment, then returned. Why? Then she felt the thing between her legs move. Her pussy shuddered in response to the sudden vibrations. That doesn’t count. That was just a twitch of surprise.

  “It’s nice, isn’t it? It’s the best one I’ve found. I keep a car battery to run it off, so I don’t have to plug it in, and it can go for over an hour. And it will. Leaving my hands free to do this.” He plucked lightly at her nipple. “And this.” He traced his finger along the crack of her ass, making her insides quiver. She nearly lost control at that.

  “An hour?” she said, shivering. Surely he didn’t intend to leave that thing there an hour. It was way more powerful than her vibrator at home.

  He chuckled. “Would you prefer I remove it the moment I win the bet?” He ran his hands down her sides, with such a light touch it was almost tickling.

  She gritted her teeth. “You’re not going to win the bet.” But she was beginning to wonder.


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