An Expert in Domination

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An Expert in Domination Page 6

by Sindra van Yssel

“Well, then, not an issue, is it?” He bent over and sucked one nipple into his mouth, and his hand enfolded her other breast. He cupped her ass and pulled her close just as he nudged the vibrator suddenly forward.

  For several minutes—she had no idea how long—he played with her breasts and her ass, pinching lightly, groping, but doing nothing she would think of as S&M. At least, except for the fact that she was tied up and a vibrator was humming away at her, and there was nothing she could do about it. The helplessness alone was an aphrodisiac. She didn’t have the fine control she would at home, to get just the right spot, and there was little she could do to influence it. Instead, he had control, and the more she thought about that, the more turned on she got. His hands, touching wherever he wanted.

  She knew she was going to lose the bet. She surrendered to the feeling as her orgasm got closer, her core coiled like a spring, her whole body wanting the sweet release of it. His thigh was grinding the vibe into her, and she was almost there.

  Abruptly, he reached down and turned it off.

  Her eyes jolted open. “I was—” and then she stopped, not wanting him to know how close she’d been. If he was that much of a fool that he didn’t know he’d almost won, she wasn’t going to give him any hints.

  “Oh, I know. Almost about to come. It was too easy. Now you know, and I know, that I can make you, and that you will. And honey, you will get that orgasm. But not without pleasing me greatly first.”

  “I said no sex.” Although she was starting to regret it. If he’d fuck her right now, hard, that would do the trick nicely.

  “Yes. And there’s no renegotiation just because you’re horny as hell and want to come. No, there are other ways than sex that can please me, and I’m not ruled by my dick. My mind is in charge. And you, my little hedonist, are going to learn to enjoy things you never thought you would.”

  She shook her head.

  He stared straight into her eyes. She met his gaze. She saw his hand move in her peripheral vision, but she didn’t follow it. Suddenly, her right nipple erupted in pain.

  “Ow!” Belatedly, she realized he’d flicked it with his fingernail, hard. “What the hell?” She tried to look down at her breast, even though the rope tugged painfully at her scalp when she did.

  He grabbed her chin and forced it up, until she was looking into his eyes again. “I enjoyed that,” he told her. “Shall I do it again?”

  She screwed up her face. “What do you think?”

  He grinned. “That’s not a no.” He flicked the other nipple this time.

  It hurt. It turned her on. It was confusing. She didn’t want to say no. It would be giving in. “I’m not allowed to say no. I’m supposed to be a submissive,” she argued.

  He smiled. “Sure you are. Try it. Would you like me to do that again?”


  He flicked her nipple again.

  “Hey! But I said no! You said I could.”

  “Yep,” he said good-naturedly. “I didn’t say it would stop me. I just said you could say it. But it would please me if you said yes. Would you like me to flick you again?”

  She just stared at him. No wouldn’t do any good. Yes would be a lie. Or would it? He said he was enjoying it, and she didn’t understand that any better than she understood why it was keeping her on the edge of orgasm when it should be distracting her from how horny she felt. He gets off on having the power. He gets off on turning me on so much.

  And the idea of turning him on in return is pretty damn erotic too. “Will it make you hard?”

  “I’m already hard.”

  She smirked. “And you won’t be getting any sex either. It will make you harder?”


  “Then flick away.”

  “Thank you,” he said with smug satisfaction. Jolt after jolt of pain barraged her breasts. Did they hurt more or less because of the rope that compressed them? She stared into his eyes the whole time, and he stared back. His grin got bigger. She knew she could hide the pain on her face. She wondered if she was hiding her arousal any better. She didn’t think he could make her come just by doing this. Maybe I can still win this bet, if I can keep him focused on his own cock instead of my pussy. She wiggled and found she could move forward just enough to rub her thigh against his crotch. Even through the leather pants, she could tell he hadn’t been lying about being hard.

  He pushed back. He had a look of incredible intensity. Now who is going to come in an hour, hmm? But the danger of that thought was that it made her even hornier. Her body was betraying her, and she didn’t understand why she could be getting turned on through all the pain. She could feel energy flowing back and forth between them, his arousal and her arousal mixing together and reinforcing each other. And the pain didn’t seem to matter so much anymore. It was a sensation like any other, neither good nor bad. But the fact that he was doing it to her, that she was all tied up and he’d made her say yes and it was turning him on and turning her on—that was hot.

  He smirked.

  “What?” she asked.

  “This,” he said. She felt the vibrations before she heard the buzzing. And then, without any warning, she was up and over the edge, her body shaking against his as her pussy convulsed around nothing. He held her—one hand on her ass, the other on her breast—as electricity seemed to course down every limb and back. The ropes held her fast. There was nowhere she could go, and nothing she had to do but come.

  “You, my little hedonist, are mine for the weekend,” he said, as the tremors continued to pass through her body.

  She couldn’t think of any reason that was a bad idea. None at all.

  “Yes, Colby,” she said as a second wave of pleasure washed over her.

  Chapter Four

  Colby ran his hands over Sophia’s body, memorizing the weight of her breasts, the curve of her shoulder, the give of her ass when he squeezed it. She’d closed her eyes again. He wanted to push that vibrator aside and fuck her, but of course, sex was out of the question.

  He could feel her shudders. And he’d heard her scream. He’d have to be content. He knew she was experiencing pleasure as surely as she’d been experiencing pain a few moments before. He smiled to himself. That was what he wanted to show her, that pain and pleasure weren’t opposites. They weren’t at war with each other, not when it came to sex. Hopefully she’d continue to be interested in exploring for the rest of the weekend.

  Sweat soaked her body. It was stressful to be tied up, he knew. He checked her hands and checked the rope. She had good circulation, and the rope was loose enough to put two fingers between the rope and skin, all the way around. He put his hand on her mound. Unless he missed his guess, she was about to come again.

  He turned the vibrator off.

  She opened her eyes. “Why?”

  “Because I’ve more than proven my point.”

  She sagged in the ropes and closed her eyes again. He put his arms around her waist and lifted her up again. If she put too much weight on the ropes, they would start to cut into her skin, and he was afraid she was beyond caring. He also knew that the powerful vibrations could be hard to take, especially if you weren’t used to them, and they could make a woman’s clit painfully sensitive, which might not stop her from coming again, but just as pain could be turned into pleasure, even the pleasure of climax could be turned into pain. That was not what he wanted.

  Besides, he could tell she was exhausted. He waited patiently for half a minute, monitoring her breathing, feeling her pulse. All vital signs good, but I need more.

  “Talk to me, Sophia.”

  “’Bout what?” she asked.

  “Doesn’t matter.”

  “Why’d you stop?”

  “I felt you’d had enough.”

  “My clit’s kinda sore, actually. Not too bad.”

  “It would have been worse if I continued. I’m told it’s something you can get used to, but we’re not going there right now. Or this weekend. Because the next time you co
me, I want to feel it from the inside.”

  He meant with his hand, although he’d happily do it with his cock, but he realized the moment he’d said it that he’d probably be misunderstood. But she looked at him and said, “Yes, Colby. I think I’d like that.”

  Well, good enough. We will see where this takes us.

  “Now, let’s get that steak dinner.”

  She stared at him as he began to untie the ropes. Finally, she said, “You do realize I came, don’t you?”

  He smiled. “Of course I realize. Honey, I think the whole room knows you came.”

  She blushed crimson. “No.”

  “You screamed kinda loud the first time. And the second. The third was a bit quieter.” He undid the knots with practiced ease. He always tried to tie in a way that made it easy to undo, either for an emergency or just because he wanted to change positions or transition the scene to something else. It came in handy now.

  “Really?” She looked around, the first time she’d taken her eyes off him for a while, except to close them.

  He regretted bringing it up, but he wasn’t going to lie to her. “Really. But kinksters have short attention spans when it comes to other people’s scenes, and they’re probably looking at another scene now. And you were lovely, in any case.” He scanned her face. Her cheeks were still very pink, and her eyes were wet. Was she mortified?

  But then she smiled. “Well then. I wouldn’t have thought it possible you’d make me come in such a distracting place, but you made me forget all about where I was. And that was fantastic. What a crazy adventure. What’s next, Colby?”

  She made his name sound as sweet as any “Sir,” and he wasn’t going to make her change now. “The steak dinner.”


  “Yeah. Still. It’s going to be quite a weekend, and you’ll need your strength. I want to learn a little more about you. I want to negotiate with you what we’ll do. After that I have another demo to give—all about rope, this time. I’d love it if you watched, but I’d understand if you want to do something else.” He loved teaching, but he was resenting the time it was taking him away from Sophia because their time together would already be so short.

  She nodded. “I don’t really have much interest in tying people up. Being tied, though.” She got a faraway look in her eyes for a moment. “That was very nice, thank you. With or without that evil vibrator.”

  “It’s not evil. It’s just misunderstood.”

  “Might I have permission to go visit the bonfire after dinner? Assuming it stops raining and they can get it going.”

  His talk was directed mostly at tops, unfortunately. She might learn some things that were useful to her, but she’d come to Bondage Ranch for something quite different from hanging out with him. As a top, it was his responsibility to seek what was best for her, and that wasn’t listening to him drone on. “The bonfire sounds like a good idea. But keep your clothes on. I’ll seek you out there when I’m done with my presentation.”

  “Shouldn’t I come to you?”

  “Would you get more out of your experience if you didn’t have to look at a watch or worry about time?”

  She nodded.

  “Then stay at the bonfire, and I’ll come to you. But understand that when I get there, I will want you to be mine and ready to serve.”

  She nibbled her lip, but he could tell she was pleased. “Yes, Colby,” she said, far more demurely than he would have thought possible an hour ago.

  He untied the last knot and tossed the rope in the bag, then picked up the blanket and wrapped it around her. “You’ll need some dry clothes. Where are they?”

  “I have a bag in my car that has a few things I never managed to cart to my tent. I can put on my wet clothes to get there.”

  He shook his head. “No, you don’t. You’re sweating, and you’re going to cool down in the air. Just stay still a second, and I’ll get you warm and decent enough for the parking lot.”

  He adjusted the blanket around her and picked up one of the coils of rope he’d just used on her body. He tied the rope around her waist for a belt and then ran another line diagonally between her cleavage and over her shoulder, fastening it again in the back to create some extra tension on the blanket. “There. That will hold, and be dry and warm.”

  Sophia checked out the work he’d done. “Do you dress people like this often?”

  He shook his head. “Nope. But I figured it would work. That’s part of what I want to talk about tonight—that good rope work isn’t about memorizing a bunch of knots and ties, it is about knowing a few knots and then being able to use them creatively because you know how they work.”

  Sophia seemed to study him for a long moment.

  “What are you thinking?” he asked.

  “It’s like an art form for you, isn’t it? I looked up at you on the stage and thought there’s a man who’s not in touch with himself or his world. Locked up indoors, armored in leather, holding a whip that puts him at a distance from the person he’s trying to connect to. But you touch me, and you’re so intense about it. You hugged me when I expected you to be tying me up already. And what you just said, well, I find you to be a far more interesting person than I thought you would be, at first.”

  Colby smiled. In the scene, he was used to a different reaction. Occasionally people would assume that his notoriety meant that he’d be stuck-up, and they sometimes mistook his confidence as confirmation of that. But for the most part, people assumed he had it all together far more than he actually did. Sophia’s first impression made a certain amount of sense. And it was even true. Sometimes the toys were good at keeping people at a distance. But usually he wanted that sense of connection. He just didn’t want it to last too long.

  “If you’re comfortable doing so, go get your clothes now and meet me in the living room. I’ll finish picking up here.”

  “Yes, Colby.” The tone of Sophia’s voice touched him again. She sounded like she was in a lovely headspace, and he hated to interrupt that with dinner and negotiation. But they’d need food, and he needed to know more about her.

  He watched her as she walked away toward the door that led to the parking lot. Only when she left did he turn his attention back to the rope and the frame.

  He figured it would take her a little while to get dressed. He took his stuff off to the side so that anyone could use the station. There he braided the rope he’d used. He wouldn’t use it for the demo. Until he could wash it, it would only touch Sophia’s skin.

  Dylan walked over to him. He’d changed his clothes for a casual look—an Edwardian smoking jacket and trousers. “Nice scene,” he said.

  “Thanks,” said Colby. Normally gregarious, he wanted a few minutes alone to reflect on how the rope looked on Sophia’s body, and her reactions, while he ran the rope through his hands. Clearly, he wasn’t going to get it. “How’s Alex?”

  “A bit frustrated but okay. She’s holding court in the living room, and I found a male sub who loves to pamper feet to give her other foot some attention, so she’s distracted.”

  Colby smiled. It sounded like a good plan if Dylan was comfortable with it. For all the man’s foppish ways, underneath the ancient clothes lurked a kind, caring Dom who was utterly devoted to his wife and slave.

  “Excuse me, Sirs.” Colby looked down to see that the soft voice came from a petite blonde wearing skimpy pink lingerie with black lace edging. Her stomach was flat, and her breasts slightly outsized for the rest of her figure.

  He was foolish to think he’d have time alone anywhere but his room. “Hello,” he said politely.

  The girl looked at the ground. “I was wondering if you’d be interested in doing a scene with me, Sir.”

  There was a small chance she was asking Dylan. After all, without eye contact, it was hard to tell. Colby was pretty sure Dylan would turn her down, because while the man might let someone rub Alex’s feet or use her as a demo bottom, Colby didn’t think they had that open of a relationship. M
aybe. The silence lengthened as neither man spoke.

  “Which one of us are you talking to?” asked Colby after a while.

  “You, Sir,” she said, not lifting her head.

  If it were someone he was interested in, he’d probably teach them to look at him. He could tell what a sub was thinking so much better if he could see their eyes. It was a kind of nakedness, and he loved that. But some people liked the whole gaze-aversion thing and there was no point in training her out of it if he wasn’t going to play with her. “No, thank you.” He braided some more rope. Hopefully she’d go away.

  “I saw your scene with that other girl, Sir,” she said. “I know she didn’t satisfy you. I would be happy to serve in any way you desire.”

  He frowned. He’d actually occasionally ended up playing with a sub after sending them away, if they left gracefully and without hard feelings and he’d become available later. However, pushy bottoms were a total turnoff. “I said no. Serve elsewhere, sub.”

  That got her to look up, at least. She looked more angry than hurt, which was good. He had no desire to hurt anyone, although sometimes it couldn’t be helped. But he was used to dealing with people getting angry at him. It happened often enough as a cop. The woman looked at Dylan, as if hoping for support, and got a shrug in return.

  Finally the girl turned away.

  “Daria. She made an announcement earlier that she was going to seduce you. Do you get that a lot?” asked Dylan.

  “Now and then. There’s always people who want to fuck people who they think are big names. It’s funny because when I go out of here to that steak place you recommended, the waiter won’t blink an eye at my name. So I know I’m no big deal, and you know I’m no big deal. Hope she finds someone who is right for her, though.”

  Dylan nodded. “Normally Alex takes it on herself to ease the social flow a little—by which I mean she sticks her nose in and tries to make matches. It’s as if she gets a vicarious thrill from getting two other people to fall in love. Not sure how Bondage Ranch is going to go with her not so mobile, but we shall see.”

  Colby clapped the other man on the back. “I can see you have a whole bunch of good, enthusiastic people here. Don’t be afraid to ask some of them to help. And get new people involved too—running around doing little volunteer tasks can be a great way to meet people.”


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