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Dark Moonlight: Lunar Rising

Page 7

by N. M. Williams

  Mr. Vance came over the PA System and Skye packed up and left. She met Roxy by their lockers, grabbed their duffle bags, and went to change into their cheerleading uniforms.

  “This is it, Rox. Our last pep rally.”

  Skye looked over at Roxy who was straightening her bow in the restroom. If Roxy was emotional, she did not show it.

  “It’ll be okay, Skye. Let’s go have some fun!”

  Roxy took Skye’s hand and the two of them walked over to the gymnasium. The football players were standing outside waiting to be announced in. Skye was almost at the door when she felt a tug at her arm. She got pulled backwards and fell right into Jason’s arms.

  “Hey beautiful,” Jason said with a smile.

  “Hey, yourself,” Skye said, smiling back.

  “You’re going to do great today!” Jason said, as he kissed her.

  Skye felt herself blush and made her way onto the gym floor. She was reminded once again why she likes him so much. She honestly felt like she was in love with him, but refused to let anyone know that. If anything, she was just going to wait until he tells her he loves her first. If he even does love her at all.

  Skye and Roxy stood on the gym floor looking at the stands. They saw their classmates, the underclassmen, teachers, friends, everyone. She knew she would not be in high school forever, but something about today gave her chills down her spine. It was as if a chapter in her life was closing after tonight.

  Like all pep rallies, this one began with the marching band playing the Star Spangled Banner and their Alma Mater. Mr. Vance introduced the football team as the marching band played their fight song. Skye, Roxy, Maddie, and the rest of the cheerleading squad danced along to the fight song as the football players ran a lap around the gymnasium floor. Jason sat right in front of Skye, making her nervous.

  “Tonight we get to honor our seniors,” Mr. Vance began, as applause filled the gymnasium.

  Looking at the senior section, “You should all be very proud of yourselves. I don’t think I have ever had a more deserving senior class.” Applause filled the room again.

  “At this time, I would like for the class of 2019 to come take their place on the gym floor. Football players, cheerleaders, band members, students, everyone. Please come forward.”

  Everyone from the senior class came onto the floor. There were two hundred and forty three graduating students this year and two hundred and forty three students filled the floor.

  “Look around you. Look at your friends. Look at your classmates. Look at everyone in this room. Everyone in here as shaped you into the person you are today. You will always be Jaguars!” Mr. Vance exclaimed with delight as he looked at the graduating class.

  Skye and Roxy stood there, arm in arm, unsure of what to think or how to feel. For the last seventeen years, this is all they knew. These were the same people they knew since preschool. Now they are graduating. They will be recognized tonight at the football game. It was a bitter sweet moment.

  Mr. Vance gave the cue to the marching band to play the school’s fight song, signaling the end of the pep rally. The football team, cheerleaders, students, faculty, everyone left the gymnasium. But not Skye. She just stood in the middle of the floor, looking into the stands where she once sat. Looking into the stands where everyone just was. Looking around the gymnasium’s walls with the banners from past wins. Nothing was different about it. It was the same gymnasium that she had stepped foot in at the beginning of the school year for the first pep rally. There was just a different feel to it.

  Mr. Vance came into the gymnasium to shut off the lights until he saw Skye standing there.

  “You should be proud of yourself, Skylar. You worked hard for this.”

  Skye turned around to see Mr. Vance standing there. If there was anyone who cared about the students, he was it. He wanted everyone in that school to be the best they could be. He had everyone’s respect. Not because he was the principal. No, that had nothing to do with it. It was because he respected every student that stepped foot into the halls.

  “Thank you, Mr. Vance.”

  He could see the emotion in Skye’s eyes.

  “You know, senior night was always the hardest for me, too. You feel like you will never be a Jaguar again. Or that you will never experience the same things as you do now.”

  Skye stood there, looking at him, really listening to what he has to say.

  “It’s okay to be emotional. It’s okay to feel like you do. But never forget that no matter where life takes you or what your life brings, you will always be a Jaguar and you will always be welcomed in this school.” Mr. Vance smiled at Skye, knowing she understood what he said.

  “Thank you, Mr. Vance. That really means a lot.”

  He left Skye standing in the middle of the floor as he made his way back to where the lights are.

  “But it is lights out and if I’m not mistaken you have a football game to get ready for.”

  Skye smiled, grabbed her pom-poms and left the gymnasium.

  Chapter 21

  It was officially senior night. Skye stood on the sidelines with her parents locked arm-in-arm with her. She had on her cheer uniform with her letterman jacket on over top. Senior night was not like Homecoming. All the seniors who were in the marching band, football team, or cheerleading squad wore their uniforms. All other seniors who were being recognized were able to wear whatever they wanted.

  Skye’s parents brought her a beautiful bouquet of gold and black roses (Jaguar colors, of course) with gold and black balloons with jaguar print on them. Tom and Cathy were beaming with pride.

  Skye turned around to catch a glimpse of Roxy and her parents. She could not seem to find Jason, though. He should be here, too. He should be getting recognized tonight with all of us.

  Skye tried not to let herself over think Jason’s absence. She was here with her parents and she was really happy about that. This was her last home game she would ever cheer at. She had to keep pushing that thought to the back of her mind. She was not about to let it ruin her night.

  “Ladies and gentleman! Boys and girls! I would like to welcome all of you to our senior night.”

  Applause filled the stadium as the announcements began.

  “On behalf of our faculty and staff, I would like to congratulate all seniors present on the field tonight.”

  Senior Night had officially begun. Skye waited impatiently for her name to be called. Thankfully, her last name is Collins so she did not have to wait too long.

  “Skye Collins, escorted by her parents Thomas and Catherine Collins”

  Skye took a deep breath and led her parents out to the middle of the fifty yard line. They stood for a few seconds under a balloon arch, made of black and gold balloons, as the newspaper and yearbook committee took their picture. They were then escorted off to the sideline and back up into the stands.

  Skye, Tom, and Cathy watched as the rest of the seniors and their families were introduced. Jason’s name was skipped over, since he never showed up. Why isn’t he here?

  “This concludes our senior night.”

  Skye gave her parents a hug and walked over to the sideline to join her cheerleading squad. Skye, Roxy, Maddie, and Krista were all hugged and congratulated by their squad.

  The football players have taken the field. The Jaguars kicked the ball and the final home game Skye would ever cheer at has begun.

  Just like at the pep rally, Skye was taking as much in as she possibly could. She wanted to remember everything about this night. Seeing the Jaguars on the field. Cheering with her best friends. Having her parents cheering in the stands. Her excitement about doing what she loves. Everything about tonight was bittersweet.

  Jason not being at the game did not bother her tonight like it did when he was not there for homecoming. If he did not want to be recognized for senior night then that was something he had to deal with.

  It was half time and the Jaguars were leading the Spartans 21 to 14. They were winning, but onl
y by one touchdown. It was a close game.

  “Have you heard from Jason?” Roxy asked as she and Skye sat on the sidelines watching the marching bands perform their half time routines.

  “No, and I honestly don’t care. I’m not going to let him not being here ruin this night.”

  Skye looked up at the sky. It was a clear night. The stars were shining bright next to the almost full moon.

  “This is it, Rox,” Skye started. “This is the last home game we will ever cheer at.”

  “I know,” Roxy said as she squeezed Skye’s hand. “But just think, we’ll still get to come back and cheer in the stands next year.”

  Skye smiled a little, still looking up at the stars. “You’re right.”

  The football players were coming back onto the field as the Jaguar Marching Band marched off the field.

  “Looks like it’s time to cheer some more,” Roxy said as she helped Skye up.

  “Let’s do this!”

  The second half of the game was off to a great start. The Jaguars were hitting down after down. Skye was cheering as loud as she has ever cheered in her life. She wanted to make sure she got the most out of tonight.

  She looked around at her cheerleading squad. She looked at all the familiar faces she has cheered with since she was a little girl. She took in their smiles. She took in their excitement. She looked at Roxy, who was up in hold waving her pom-poms, getting the crowd in the spirit. Everything about tonight, whether the Jaguars win or lose, is everything she had hoped for.

  Chapter 22

  Senior night had ended with the Jaguars beating the Spartans 44 to 27. That win was the icing on the cake. It was the perfect way to end the night, to end the last home game Skye would stand on the sidelines in her cheerleading uniform cheering on her team.

  Skye stood in the middle of the fifty yard line. The stadium had cleared out. There were still a few stragglers, but most of the people there were the stadium crew, some concession stand workers, Roxy, and Skye’s parents.

  Skye looked into the stands. She looked back to where she had just cheered all night. She looked at the scoreboard. This was the last time she would stand on this field. Tears began to roll down her face. She did not try to stop them. She wanted to feel this. She wanted to feel every emotion that she could.

  Roxy came over to the yard line to join her. She did not have to say anything. She walked over and embraced Skye in a bear hug while the two of them both shed their tears.

  “I feel the same way, Skye.”

  “I wish it didn’t have to end, but I’m glad I was able to stand by your side cheering with you for the past thirteen years.”

  The workers turned the stadium lights off.

  “I guess that means we have to leave now,” Roxy said as she grabbed Skye’s hand and led them to the stands.

  Tom and Cathy were waiting for the girls. Instead of going back to Skye’s for the night, Tom and Cathy were taking the girls to Dairy Queen to help with their sadness.

  Skye ordered her usual Reese’s Peanut Butter Cup blizzard with extra peanut butter cups and Roxy ordered a Hot Fudge Sundae. Tom got a vanilla cone dipped in chocolate while Cathy ordered an M&M blizzard with chocolate ice cream.

  They pulled up a booth by the window. Dairy Queen was the happening place tonight, even for a chilly October night. Being there with her parents and Roxy made her go back to when the girls were little. Every Saturday after their football games during Midget League, Tom and Cathy would treat the girls to Dairy Queen ice cream. It was kind of their tradition that ended once the girls hit middle school. They thought they were too cool to hang out at Dairy Queen with Skye’s parents.

  “We are so incredibly proud of both of you. You have worked so hard to get where you are and you have done an amazing job.” Cathy said as she finished her blizzard.

  “Thanks, mom,” Skye said with a smile on her face.

  Next to Roxy, Tom and Cathy were her best friends. She would always want to make them proud no matter what she did in life.

  Tom collected all of the empty ice cream cups and threw them away for everyone. They all headed back to their Honda Pilot and went home for the night.

  Senior night was a night Skye will always remember.

  Chapter 23

  Skye woke up with excitement. Even though her final home game has come and gone, she still had her date with Jason tonight. She still has not heard from him, but since this date night was his idea she was not going to stress over it.

  Roxy was still asleep next to her. Instead of waking her, she decided to just go and soak in a nice, long, hot bath. She grabbed her plush robe and fuzzy slippers and took them into the bathroom. She started the water and dropped a vanilla sugar bath bomb into it. She let it fizz while she brushed her teeth and her hair out.

  Since she is impatient, she sat in the tub while the water filled up. She went into her relaxation playlist on her phone and Carolina by Parmalee started playing. She put her head back on the edge, closed her eyes, and just listened to the music as she felt the warm water rush over her.

  “Skye, are you in there?” Roxy asked from outside the door.

  “Yeah, what’s up?”

  “Nothing, just couldn’t find you downstairs and heard music playing” Roxy laughed from the outside. “I’m gonna go get some breakfast, how long will you be?”

  “Not sure. Go ahead and eat without me.”

  Skye heard Roxy’s footsteps walk away and down the stairs. Skye usually does not pass up a chance to eat, but she was just too comfortable to get out of her bath right then.

  It has been a half hour since she started her soak. She figured one last song and then she would dry off. She skimmed through her playlist and decided to go with Pretty Girls by Britney Spears featuring Iggy Azalea for her final song. She loved how empowering this song made her feel.

  She dried off, threw on her robe and slippers, and headed back into her bedroom. She put on a pair of yoga pants and a t-shirt. Since Jason was not going to be there until six o’clock, she had plenty of time to get ready, and find an outfit.

  She made her way downstairs to the kitchen to find Roxy sitting at the island talking to Cathy.

  “Good morning, Skye,” Cathy said as she saw her daughter walk into the kitchen. “Would you like some french toast?”

  “Yeah, that sounds great, mom.”

  Skye pulled up a seat next to Roxy at the island while Cathy stood over the stove making breakfast.

  “Are you excited for your date tonight?” Roxy asked.

  “I am. It’ll be nice to spend some time with Jason again.”

  “Where are you two going tonight?” asked Cathy as she flipped the bread.

  “Olive Garden.”

  “Oh, how lovely.”

  Cathy handed Skye her breakfast along with maple syrup.

  “Thanks, mom.”

  Cathy’s french toast was as amazing as ever. Skye could never get enough of it. Cathy left the girls in the kitchen while she went outside to help Tom with the leaves.

  “Have you heard from him yet?”

  “No, but I’m not worried. Tonight was his idea so I’m sure he wouldn’t forget. Besides, it’s been kind of peaceful not having my phone blow up for once.”

  Skye was always getting notifications, regardless if it were texts, phone calls, FaceBook notifications, Tweets, Instagram notifications, or Snapchats. Her phone was never quiet.

  Roxy laughed a little as she got up to get some water.

  “Well, I’m sure he’s looking forward to it, too.”

  It was one o’clock, and Roxy left to go back to her house. Roxy and Diana had plans to go shopping today, but Skye made her promise she would reply to her to help pick an outfit for tonight.

  Skye decided to take a short nap before getting ready. By the time she woke up it was already four. Plenty of time.

  She still had not heard from Jason. He was excited last time so why should this one be any different?

  Skye laid
out three outfits on her bed. It was a chilly night, so skirts and dresses were a no-go. Her first outfit was a burgundy sweater with destroyed jeggings and her beige booties with a bow on the side. Her second outfit was an olive green lace and satin cami, with a black blazer jacket, destroyed leggings, and her black booties. Her third and final outfit was a solid black, long sleeved shirt with a leopard print scarf, destroyed jeggings, and black knee-high boots.

  She snapped a picture of her three outfits to Roxy and waited for her reply. Skye went to do her make-up. Regardless of the outfit she wore, she was going to do a simple yet sexy smokey make-up. She finished her right eye when she saw her phone light up. It was a snap back from Roxy stating she loved the olive green shirt with the blazer. Perfect.

  Skye finished her left eye, then went to change. It was five fifteen, so she had to get a move on with her hair. She straightened it out and then put a small bump in the front of her head.

  Okay, it’s five thirty which means Jason should be here any minute.

  Skye stood in her tall mirror admiring herself. She looked great. She took a picture and posted on Instagram with a kissy face emoji as her caption. She made her way downstairs to wait on the couch until he shows up.

  Tom and Cathy were watching television when she came down and joined them. They were watching reruns of Emergency.

  “You look beautiful, sweetie,” Tom said as he looked as his daughter.

  “Thanks, daddy.”

  “What time will he be here?”

  “He said he’d pick me up by six.”

  It was five forty-five and she still had not heard from Jason. She did not know if she should be getting worried or not. It was unlike him to text her at least, but he still had time.

  Skye sat on the couch with her parents trying not to look anxious. I hope he didn’t forget.

  It was almost the end of the episode of Emergency. It was five fifty-one and still no sign of Jason. There’s still time.

  It was now six o’clock on the dot. Skye looked out the window to see if she saw his car. No sight of him yet. She was feeling anxious now.


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