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The Little Teashop in Tokyo

Page 20

by Julie Caplin

  With a sigh, she glared at him but there wasn’t much heat behind it. ‘I guess you’re right.’

  He winked at her. ‘I have ways of taking your mind off it.’

  Her wretched body responded to that by warming up in places that had no place warming, kickstarting the gentle hum of desire that had never really gone away since that initial kiss on the train. It also ignited a debate that had begun to rage as soon as they’d gathered their bags: should she sleep with him …

  Not that he’d asked or anything.

  Chapter 19

  ‘Well, this is me.’ Fiona dropped her bag and fumbled with the key card as Gabe waited politely.

  The door swung open and she stood there wondering whether to invite him in or watch him walk up the corridor to his room, which by her calculation was another seven doors down.

  A hotel room was a hotel room, wasn’t it?

  ‘Want to see?’

  ‘I’m sure mine will probably be the same,’ he drawled with a knowing smirk on his face.

  ‘Yes,’ she said. ‘Right. Well then.’

  As if he knew what was going through her mind, he just stood there.

  She glared at him, snatched up her bag and marched three steps into the room before she heard the door shut. She turned around and there was Gabe who must have moved with some kind of preternatural vampire hero speed because he was right in front of her, his hand reaching to cup her face.

  ‘You’re adorable. Confused and dorky. I like it.’

  And with that series of charming compliments, he laid his lips on hers and kissed her soundly until her knees started to wobble and the bag slid out of her hands with a thud that echoed the kick to her heart.

  ‘Oh my.’ She finally managed to breathe when they both pulled away.

  ‘Oh my indeed. Kissing you is becoming kind of addictive.’

  ‘Mmm,’ she said, her eyes immediately going to his lips.

  ‘And you’re going to have to stop doing that.’

  ‘Doing what?’ Her eyes lifted to his, full of innocence even though inside she savoured a distinct thrill of feminine satisfaction and she deliberately dropped them again.

  ‘That. When you look at me as if … It turns me on.’

  Eek. Straight talking. Warrior-princess time. She lifted her chin and stared straight into his eyes. ‘Me too.’

  There. The gloves were off and she couldn’t help a sultry smile.

  Gabe lifted an eyebrow. The charged silence hummed through the room. They were still standing in the corridor area next to a run of wardrobes.

  ‘You haven’t even seen the view yet,’ he said, gazing over her shoulder.

  An imp of mischief took up residence. ‘I’m quite happy with this one,’ she said suddenly empowered, all female and, for the first time in her life, sexy. She lifted up on her tiptoes and gently kissed him back.

  ‘You’re killing me here. I was giving you the chance to go slow.’

  ‘Who says I want to go slow? Ten years, remember?’

  ‘Sometimes there’s a lot of pleasure in the build-up,’ he raised those sinfully sexy eyebrows and her insides turned to mush. How the hell could eyebrows be sexy? But they were.

  He grasped her shoulders and gently spun her round.

  ‘Oh!’ she said. ‘Oh. Wow. That’s …’

  He stepped behind her and put his arms around her, pulling her back against his chest, and then propelled her forward to the huge plate-glass doors leading out to a balcony. ‘Some view, eh?’ He nuzzled her neck, before sliding his way up until they stood cheek to cheek, and for once she was glad she was tall and could stand like this with him. Okay, he had to duck a little but it felt solid and nice standing there together gazing at the perfect snow-capped mountain.

  ‘I guess that’s part of its allure,’ said Fiona after they’d been standing in silent contemplation for a while. ‘It’s the exact pointy peak a child would draw of a mountain. You know, like how houses are always square with a door in the middle. It’s a proper mountain shape. With the snow cap on the top.’

  Gabe pulled her tighter against him and let out a light laugh. ‘You have the most wonderful habit of making me see things differently. I’ve seen Fuji hundreds of times and I’ve never seen it in that way.’

  ‘I think I’m going to have to settle for a fairly unoriginal shot of the mountain,’ sighed Fiona. That was the problem with iconic landscapes; it was hard to find a new angle.

  ‘Don’t give up yet. We’ve got a couple of days here. What do you fancy doing? I thought this evening we could for dinner in an izakaya.’

  ‘What’s an izzy …?’

  ‘Izakaya,’ he said slowly. ‘It’s basically a Japanese pub where they serve food, a bit like a tapas bar.’

  ‘Okay. That sounds good.’

  ‘Why don’t I go and unpack and then we could go out, stretch our legs, do a bit of exploring?’

  ‘Sounds like a plan,’ she agreed, a touch relieved that they could be normal with each other and that the sexual heat had tamped down.

  He kissed her and headed for the door. ‘And tomorrow I think I’ll arrange a surprise for you.’ Those beautiful eyes darkened with mischief and something else that made her heart clench.

  ‘Oh, will I like it?’

  ‘Definitely.’ He smiled and left.

  Once the door had closed behind him, she sank onto the bed. She brushed the end of her plait across her palm, relishing the flutter of excitement that danced low in her belly.

  Crossing to the window she stared out at the sleeping volcano. It had been there for thousands of years while puny humans came and went. Life was ephemeral and there was beauty in that transience, as Haruka had taught her.

  She tilted her head, stretching out the knot at the back of her neck. In for a penny, in for a pound. Being in Japan, being with Gabe. This was a once-in-a-lifetime experience. She didn’t expect him to fall in love with her or anything and she was going in with her eyes wide open. After this week, she’d probably never see him again. If she went in prepared, he was hardly going to break her heart, was he?


  The paths and steps, all three hundred and ninety-eight of them on the way up to the Chureito Pagoda, wound through cherry blossom just coming into bud and their perfume filled the air which was some distraction from the ache in her thighs … and in other places. Every now and then nerves would start jangling at the thought of later. It was a relief to be outside in the fresh air even if Gabe did keep taking her hand and rubbing his thumb over hers.

  ‘That’s some climb,’ said Gabe as they stopped in front of the pagoda. Around them, birdsong filled the spring air.

  ‘But worth it.’ She must have taken nearly fifty photos on the walk up here. It was the archetypal view of Mount Fuji through the cherry blossoms and the clear blue sky dappled with a few picturesquely pure white clouds was absolutely perfect. There were a dozen pictures she could use, although none of them were particularly original. She’d snapped a sneaky one of him, arms aloft as he shucked out of his sweater. It was a sudden instinct spurred on by the thought that in another week she would be back at home and this might be all she had to remember him by.

  She turned to take in the five-tiered pagoda painted in red with its green tiled roofs tilted up at north, south, east, and west. It was like an elaborate Christmas decoration and the bells on each corner tinkled rhythmically in the wind. ‘Isn’t it pretty?’

  Gabe wrinkled his nose.

  ‘Come on. It’s beautiful.’

  ‘Very Japanese.’

  ‘That’s why I’m here. Look at those bells, how cute are they? And the spire on the top.’


  She nudged him with her arm. ‘Admit it, it’s beautiful up here. I’m not moving until you do.’

  A wry smile twisted his lips and he leaned forward and tugged at her plait. ‘You should have this loose; it would be beautiful in this sunshine. The light picks up all the nuances of the colours: amber, gold, um
ber, ochre, sienna.’

  ‘There speaks a photographer,’ she said batting his hand away. ‘And it would be full of tangles in no time.’ Despite her pragmatism, she couldn’t help a little sigh inside at the words.

  ‘Want some water?’ He unscrewed the cap and handed it to her. When she dribbled, before she could swipe away the cool track of water, he’d lifted his thumb and wiped the drip upwards to her mouth, his thumb grazing her lips, holding her gaze the whole time. She felt the heat gather again and pushed his hand away. Was he doing this on purpose? The constant small touches? Spontaneous combustion was definitely an option if he kept this up. Deliberately, she wiped her mouth with a firm hand to remove his lingering touch.

  ‘Come on, let’s go up to the top.’

  ‘Yes, boss,’ he teased, taking her hand again and slowing her down by pulling her against him and sneaking another kiss.

  With unaccustomed boldness, she lifted her chin and turned to him. ‘What’s changed?’

  ‘The Haruka effect I think. And you. At the tea ceremony I realised I’ve been treading water for too long and being with you has made me remember why I love photography. It’s like I’ve woken up and life is worth living again. I’ve been a self-pitying bastard for too long. That answer the question?’

  She tilted her head to one side considering him. ‘It’ll do.’

  At the top there was a magnificent photo opportunity of both the pagoda and the mountain which acted as a bit of a distraction but she was very aware that Gabe was never far from her side as she took lots of shots. A great many of them were simply an excuse to try and keep her mind on the job and not on what might happen tonight. Despite the plethora of pictures of Mount Fuji’s snow-capped top resplendent in a clear blue sky with one picturesque white puff of cloud floating on the horizon beyond, none of them made her particularly happy as she sat down on a nearby bench, positioned to take in the view, in order to review her shots.

  ‘They’re too postcardy,’ she muttered, flicking through the viewfinder, pulling face after disgruntled face.

  ‘You’re worrying too much.’ Gabe sat down on the bench next to her, his arm casually draped along the wooden back, denim-clad legs crossed and his face tilted up to the sun. ‘Why not just enjoy being here?’

  ‘I know,’ she sighed, intoxicated by the glorious view, ‘you’re right.’

  Enjoy being here. He was right. She should grab every opportunity with both hands, because at the end of the trip she’d have to go back to reality.

  ‘I am right. I’m your mentor, remember?’ Devilment danced in his eyes. She pushed her hands into her pockets, clenching her fingers tight. Oh God, he was so much more experienced than her. She was playing with fire. He was way out of her league.

  ‘You …’ her words dried and she turned away, a fierce blush fire flaring across her cheeks.

  Gentle hands cupped her chin.


  She swallowed.

  His blue eyes had darkened. ‘I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to tease.’ He dropped a soft kiss on her mouth. ‘You’re such a breath of fresh air.’

  She almost sobbed. ‘Exactly. I’m hopelessly inexperienced. I bet you’ve had loads of … of … of lovers.’

  Had she really blurted that out? She sounded even more gauche than normal. It didn’t seem to faze him, of course it didn’t. Lovers. Sparks showered inside her at the very thought of it. But why not? Enjoy being here. Take everything that was offered. Live while she was here. With a smile, she promised herself she would do exactly that from here on in.

  With a rueful grin he shook his head. ‘I’m not sure about the loads. You’re making me feel old. The last few years, I’ve been quite discerning. After … after Yumi, there really hasn’t been anyone that I … that I wanted to be with. Not like this. A few hook-ups. Nothing serious.’ He winced. ‘And Yumi kind of puts people off; she’s still quite proprietary but she doesn’t mean it. I think it’s just habit. She was used to thinking of me as hers and I haven’t felt the urge to kiss someone every five minutes … well … not since a blue-eyed warrior princess appeared on the scene.’

  He lifted a hand and smoothed away the wisps of hair dancing around her forehead in the light breeze. ‘Although I wasn’t keen on you at first.’

  ‘I know,’ said Fiona with a wicked grin. ‘You made it quite clear.’

  ‘Nothing personal. I just didn’t want to mentor anyone … It was a chore and a drag. I was completely absorbed in my own little world … until you challenged me, told me I was second rate and starting flashing your legs at impressionable young Japanese men and, worst of all, threatened to set Haruka on me.’

  She giggled, light hearted and carefree.

  ‘Should I even be kissing you, I wonder. Once again, I’m your mentor. In a position of responsibility.’

  ‘Bollocks,’ said Fiona rudely, although inside her heart was dancing, an energetic earth-shaking little jig, making the rest of her a little jittery and off kilter. ‘I’m an adult now.’

  Gabe laughed. ‘You know how to spoil a romantic moment. Bollocks, she says while I’m trying to tell her that she’s the first person I’ve wanted to … to kiss,’ he amended with a look that brought a searing blush to her cheeks, ‘in over a year.’

  ‘Oh. Right. Yes.’ She thunked herself on the forehead with the heel of her hand. ‘See, I told you. I’m not very good at this stuff.’

  ‘You’re fine. It’s one of the things I most like about you. Your honesty. Life is too short for playing games. And for worrying about those photos. We’ve got the whole of tomorrow and part of the day afterif need be, we can always extend our stay. It’s a very nice hotel.’

  Her lips curved in a smile at the loaded meaning in his words.


  ‘I thought tomorrow we could go up the ropeway to Kawaguchiko Tenjozan Park. That’s an excellent viewing spot and then in the afternoon we can take a bus or a train out to Lake Kawaguchiko. Maybe take a boat out.’

  ‘A boat sounds lovely. The lake sounds perfect. Ropeway. Hmm, that sounds adventurous.’

  ‘It’s a cable car. That’s what the Japanese call them.’

  ‘Ah, I see. I guess that makes sense.’

  ‘If you think of dirty great steel cables as ropes, yes.’

  ‘Maybe I can get a shot of industry and nature,’ mused Fiona and Gabe kissed her.

  ‘Stop thinking about it. A picture will come. And there’ll be plenty of opportunities. Now, did I tell you I’ve managed to book a surprise tomorrow evening? You’re going to love it.’ Again, those eyes danced wickedly.

  Her eyes widened.

  ‘Yes. Nine o’clock. Tomorrow evening.’

  ‘That’s …’ her voice was still strangled. He kissed her again.

  ‘I’ll be gentle with you. I promise.’

  She lifted her chin. He wasn’t having this all his own way. She might be inexperienced but she wasn’t without guts. Gabe had called her a Valkyrie after all. ‘The thing is … will I be gentle with you?’

  Chapter 20

  Fiona had never been a clothes person and now she was panicking about what to wear this evening. Gabe had her dropped at the door to her room at five o’clock with another of those long lingering sexy kisses that promised so much before he withdrew with another smouldering smile and sauntered off to his room.

  She deliberately didn’t watch him go; he was too damn sure of himself. The bugger knew he was gorgeous. And in big demand. He had a conference call booked with a magazine in Tokyo to discuss a few upcoming shoots and some work to do, all of which reminded her that he was a hugely successful photographer and in some ways a minor celebrity in his own right. He was used to mixing with the rich, famous and super glamorous.

  Oh heck, what was she going to wear? She stared at her hopelessly inadequate wardrobe lying pathetically in front of her in her case, as if mere staring might magic up a new addition.

  She rummaged through it trying to remember everything she’d pack
ed and dislodged a pale blue camisole vest. Avril. She grinned. Avril had insisted on a shopping expedition and she’d put the new items at the bottom of her case and completely forgotten about them, perhaps because they weren’t the sort of things she’d normally wear.

  There was the navy-blue linen jumpsuit, belted at the waist, which she thought made her look like a plumber’s assistant but Avril had insisted if she wore it with a cami underneath and a few buttons left open, would look like a sexy ninja girl along with a butter-soft khaki leather jacket, which Fiona secretly adored but she’d never dared wear because it was the sort of thing that other girls, with hot dates like Gabe, wore.

  She shook out the jumpsuit and hung it on a hanger in the bathroom. It wasn’t too badly creased and a steamy shower should help. Next she reviewed the leather jacket, trying it on and peering over her shoulder at her reflection in the mirror trying to channel sexy vibes. The jacket was great, but she wasn’t sure about herself, though she really wanted to look like the sort of girl Gabe would be seen with.

  A quick shower revived her and she focused on drying her hair, before changing into the new outfit. The butterflies were gathering in her chest like swallows at sunset and when she finally dared look in the mirror they took off with a great rush. With a smile she nodded at herself; for once she did look like the sort of girl who wore leather jackets. Through judicious wielding of her brush and the hairdryer, she’d managed to achieve curls in her hair and the touch of mascara, smoky eye shadow, and rose-pink lipstick – the sum total of her limited make-up arsenal – made her seem … well, quite striking really. Those butterflies were going berserk now. Was she really doing this?

  Gabe’s sharp knock at the door made her jump. She gave herself one last check in the mirror. ‘You’re doing this. Warrior Princess. Valkyrie,’ she mouthed at her own image, lifting her chin before she turned and snatched up her bag and the new leather jacket.



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