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Children of the Cursed

Page 5

by A E Stanfill

  Gawain slowly made his way to the front of the room to come face to face with his old friend, “What do you want with me, Caine?”

  “That is Headmaster Caine to you, Gawain. Learn that well.”

  “You are not the true Headmaster and you never will be.”

  “Then who am I?”

  “You are nothing more than a power-hungry devil, like Alistair.”

  “Do not speak of Lord Alistair, or myself, in such a manner, especially in front of my subordinates. Or would you like to be marked as a traitor in front of all these witnesses? And your students will pay as well.” Caine devilishly smiled. Gawain looked around the room and realized it would be a bad idea to challenge Caine here and now, as it would place him and his students in danger, especially Leon. He swallowed his pride and kept silent. Caine looked at him and kept smiling, “That's what I thought. Now let's get down to business shall we?”

  “What will you have me do?” Gawain asked hesitantly. He didn't like taking orders from such a vile man, but for now, he had no choice.

  “That's better, I knew you would have your students best interests in mind.” He winked, knowing that it would get under Gawain's skin. “You are to take your best students and go to the Cave Of Sorrow.”

  Gawain was terrified at hearing Caine's commands, “What, you would have us go on a suicide mission such as that? Are you mad, Caine? I will not put my students in such danger, they are still too young!”

  Caine's smile turned into a scowl, “You will, or I will have you exiled. And your students, well they will be slaves of Lord Alistair's to do with as he pleases. Is that what you want?”

  Gawain walked up close to Caine, looking him straight in the eyes. “I need to know what I am searching for. Or would you send us in blind?” He fought the urge to draw upon Caine as he spoke.

  Caine had his hand on the hilt of his sword, just waiting for Gawain to try something, “You are in search of a piece of a certain blade for Lord Alistair, nothing more nothing less. Assemble your group, and be quick about it. Time is wasting.”

  Gawain caught a glimpse of how nervous Caine was acting, and he couldn't help but smile, “Don't worry Caine, I'm not going to hurt you, not yet anyway. But know this, when we return, and we will, I will deal with you then.” He turned and motioned for Leon and Ulrich to follow as he took his leave, leaving Caine standing there fuming.

  “Are we really going on our first mission?” Ulrich excitedly asked.

  “That is true, Ulrich. We have a mission to go on, the three of us plus one.” Gawain answered.

  “Plus one? Just who is this plus one?” Leon stepped in and asked.

  “Easy there boys, that is one answer that I cannot give. For now, I shall go and get us some supplies, meet me out front in half an hour’s time.”

  “Understood, old man.” Ulrich chuckled.

  Gawain glared at Ulrich but he had not the time for childish games, “Just go and get whatever you think you may need before we take our leave.” He demanded, before walking away in a hurry.

  “Come on, Leon. Let's go grab a few things that I am for certain we shall need.” Ulrich said pushing Leon forwards.

  “Better make it quick. We shouldn't be late meeting up with Master Gawain.”

  As the two young teens were walking back to their sleeping quarters, Ulrich decided to poke fun at Leon. “Why do you care so much about what that old man thinks? Trying to impress him is of no use if that's what you are trying to do.”

  Leon didn't take too kindly of what Ulrich was saying; it seemed to have upset him if anything, “Why do you speak so lowly of our Master?”

  Ulrich jumped in front of Leon and kept him from walking on ahead, “Why do you think so highly of him?”

  “He's been so kind to us and has taught us so much. Why would I think lowly of him?” Leon answered. “Just get out of the way.” He tried to get around Ulrich but he was stopped once again.

  “Not so fast, Leon. There's more to the story here and we're not going anywhere until you tell me all of it.”

  “Then I guess I shall have to make you move instead.” Leon snarled and took a fighting stance.

  Ulrich looked at Leon and busted up laughing, but then stopped once he realized that Leon wasn't joking. “You're serious aren't you?”

  “Move or I move you myself.”

  “There is no need for me to get into a fighting stance, Leon. You couldn't beat me even if you tried. Do you not remember what happens every time we fight?” Ulrich said, holding his head up high.

  “It's a new day, Ulrich. I'm sure I can take you this time around.” Leon smirked before he took a swing at Ulrich.

  Ulrich easily dodged Leon's punch and pushed him to the ground, “Remember, we don't have time for this. It would just be easier for you to tell me the truth, don't you trust in your friend?”

  “But this is way more fun.” He got to his feet and charged at Ulrich's shoulder first. Nevertheless, the outcome was still the same, Ulrich side stepped Leon and tripped him, sending him crashing back down to the ground. Leon rolled over on his back, and Ulrich was there to step on his chest, holding him down.

  “You can never beat me, Leon. Things will always be the same as us. No matter what you do, I will always be your better. Just do us both a favor and give up.” He explained, with a hint of arrogance to his voice.

  Leon was bested by his friend yet again, and he knew when to throw in the towel for the time being. “One day I will get the better of you Ulrich, just not today. Help me to my feet and I shall answer your question.”

  He took his foot off of Leon's chest and reached down to take his hand, helping him to his feet. “The score is me eight and you zero, the way it shall always be. I believe you owe me an answer, it's only fair.”

  Leon was frustrated, but fair was fair. “What I tell you stays between us, then we hurry on our way. Got it?”

  “You can tell me as we walk, that way you don't go mad with worry. Don't get me wrong, I don't care what the old man thinks, I just don't want to miss out on my first real mission.” He smiled happily.

  Leon shook his head, quietly laughing on the inside. “Well Ulrich, seeing how you can't stay out of my business. Do you remember when Gawain first brought me to the Academy?”

  “I do remember that day. Why?”

  “On that day was when my mother and father were killed by the Dark Knights. Gawain saved me, and the rest as you know is history. Why do you care so much about my past?”

  “I am sorry, Leon. I was just curious.” Ulrich felt bad for even bringing it up.

  “Don't worry about it, the past is the past.”

  The two young teens grabbed all the things they thought they would need and hurried back to where Gawain had said to meet. “Back just in time, Gawain is not yet here,” Ulrich said, letting out a sigh of relief.

  What the young teens did not realize was that Gawain was hiding in the shadows waiting for them to return. “Wrong again, Ulrich,” Gawain said, stepping out into the light. “You two are late as always. Luckily for the two of you, I do not care for this mission, so time has no meaning to me.”

  “What do you mean you don't care!” Ulrich hissed. “This mission was entrusted to us by none other than Lord Alistair himself.”

  Gawain looked at Ulrich, almost as if he took pity on the young teen, before telling him the truth. “This is a suicide mission, passed down to us by a power-hungry tyrant that only cares for his own gain. We will be damn lucky to make it back alive, I'm sorry but this is the truth.”

  Ulrich stomped his foot and yelled at Gawain, “You dare talk about Lord Alistair in such a manner? I will not have it. I will go to Lord Alistair at once and tell him of what you have said, then he will have you thrown in the belly of the dungeon where you will rot away, old man.” You could see the look of pure hatred seething in the boy's eyes towards Gawain.

  Leon could see the hurt that Ulrich had caused, “Stop it, Ulrich. You have no right talking to our mast
er and teacher in such a way. You may be my best friend Ulrich, but I will not allow this to continue any further.”

  Ulrich was stunned to see that his friend was not on his side; however, he did not have the chance to confront Leon, for Gawain was enraged. “You can stop with your high and mighty shit now, Ulrich. I am still your teacher, and Master at this Academy. You will do as I say. And right now you better listen close, both of you go and get your horses ready to mount. We ride out this very moment, or you get left behind.”

  When Leon and Ulrich were both out of sight, Gawain made his way back inside the Academy towards the Armory, where he searched the room thoroughly until he came upon a marked spot on the wall, “Hopefully it is still here.” He grabbed for one of the War Hammers and with one mighty swing broke through.

  Gawain dropped the hammer to the floor, proceeding to reach inside the somewhat small hole he had made. “Found it, thank the gods it is still here.” He removed something from within that appeared to be wrapped in cloth; he took care not to unravel the item either and made sure to overlook his surroundings, as he did not wish to be caught by any of Alistair's men, especially Caine.

  But he was good at being stealthy and easily managed to sneak past anyone that was standing around. Moments later he was standing outside the Academy To his delight Leon and Ulrich were upon their horses waiting for him to show. Gawain hurried his way over to his horse and strapped the item he was carrying to the side of his saddle, then mounted the beautiful mare that had been given to him by Lady Catherine.

  Leon noticed what Master Gawain had done but decided he would not ask unwanted questions, nevertheless he was still curious about other things, “Do we have all we need, Master Gawain? Like weapons and armor, especially rations?”

  Gawain smiled, he was proud that Leon was learning about the importance of things needed for survival. “That we do, Leon. All that we need is here in these saddlebags, but these are good questions to ask nonetheless.” He looked at both of his young students, “Do either of you have any more questions before we take our leave?”

  “Yeah, I have one,” said Ulrich.

  “Be quick about it.”

  “Where is the so-called fourth person you've been going on about, old man?” Ulrich asked - it seemed as though he was just trying to upset Gawain again.

  “Do not worry about that, the person in question will show themselves when the time is right. That is all you need to know.” And off Master Gawain went along with his young students. What dangers would they face? What fate awaited them? Only time would tell.


  The Dangerous Journey Begins

  Three days had passed since Master Gawain and his students started their mission for Alistair. And so far they had yet to encounter any dangers whatsoever, just lush green scenery, along with the friendliest travelers you could ever meet along the way. That would soon change, for something sinister was on its way.

  “Hey old man. What happened to all the so-called danger? I'm ready to test my skills, yet there has been nothing. Three days of absolute nothing.” Ulrich snarled.

  Gawain laughed, “Don't be in such a rush to do battle, Ulrich. You are still young and have much to learn. It would be a waste to see one of my best students perish by rushing into battle foolishly.”

  “You have no idea what I can-” before Ulrich could say another word he was interrupted.

  “There's something on fire,” Leon shouted, pointing straight ahead.

  “Calm yourself, young Leon. I'm sure it is nothing, but we shall investigate regardless,” Gawain said calmly.

  They spurred their horses on steadfastly, and minutes later Gawain and company arrived to see a caravan under attack by bandits. Without thinking, Gawain jumped off his horse, unsheathed his sword, and rushed into the middle of the attacking bandits. Leon wasn't about to let Master Gawain fight alone; he dismounted from his horse and was poised to do battle. Ulrich didn't see things in the same way as Leon and Gawain though and refused to help out, even though this would be his first chance to test his metal.

  “What do you think you are doing, Leon?” Ulrich questioned, watching Leon scramble through his bag looking for a blade.

  “I'm going to help Master Gawain. He needs us!”

  Ulrich looked back up ahead, watching Gawain fight the bandits alone, “Why risk your life for a bunch of peasants?” He questioned. “Just let the bandits have them, it is better that way.”

  He couldn't believe what he was hearing, “Do you not hear yourself, my friend, and how awful you sound. They may be looked at as peasants by the nobles, but they are innocents none the less and do not deserve to die by the hand of another. ” Leon had finally found a sword and turned in the direction Gawain was fighting the bandits.

  “You are a fool, Leon. I just hope you don't get yourself killed.”

  “Only a fool would let innocent people die, Ulrich. Besides, this shall be my first test to see just how good I really am with a Blade.” Leon then ran off to aid Master Gawain in battle.

  Gawain was just up ahead from him, fighting masterfully against the bandits, taking one out at a time. He stopped for a moment and watched in awe at how his teacher fought; it was like watching a skilled knight tear through his enemies with grace. One after another fell to the blade of Gawain, none had a chance against him. The sounds of steel could be heard crashing against one another, but it did not matter how hard the bandits fought. Gawain's blade would always find its way to the flesh of another bandit causing blood to spew.

  Leon's enjoyment of watching his master’s skillful moves in battle was short-lived because he now had two bandits of his own to deal with. “What's a kid doing way out here?” One asked.

  “I bet he is with the warrior that is killing off my men as we speak.” The other answered.

  “I am no kid, and that man that is kicking your men's asses is none other than Master Gawain. Only cowards such as yourselves would attack an unarmed caravan, but that is to be expected from filth like yourselves. Looks like fate has different plans for men such as you.”

  “Shows how much you know, you and that master of yours have stumbled upon something much bigger. Question is, what should I do with you?” The man replied with a smile on his face, it seemed like he was the one in charge. “Wait I know, we will use you to make the warrior stand down and drop his weapon. Then after that, we shall kill the both of you.”

  Leon wasn't afraid in the slightest; he actually welcomed the challenge and was all smiles. “That will be easier said than done, cowards.” He lifted up his sword, “What are you waiting for? Come deal with the kid, if you have the guts.”

  “I think you're bluffing, still yet this could prove entertaining.” The leader of the bandits unsheathed his sword as he walked closer to Leon smiling, showing all of his yellow rotten teeth. “You make the first strike child, I say that is pretty fair of me, don't you agree?”

  “That's fine with me, just don't argue with the end results.” Leon smirked, taking a fighting stance. With blinding speed, he slashed his blade upwards at the bandit. The cold steel connected with the man's chest, and blood spewed into the air before the bandit leader fell to the ground. Leon stood over the man, looking down at him like he was in some kind of trance-like state.

  The bandit leader now lay on the ground, holding his hands over the gash upon his chest hoping to slow down the bleeding. Leon lifted his sword up in the air getting ready to deliver the final blow. “Wait. Please spare my life. I beg of you.” The man pleaded. Though it did him no good; the boy drove the blade down and through the bandit's throat killing him instantly.

  Seeing his leader go down in such a way, especially by the hands of a mere child, made the other man irate and somewhat fearful for his life, “You little brat, you're going to die for that!” He charged at Leon with a blade in hand, while the young boy just stood there emotionless. The second bandit was rapidly closing in on him, yet he still refused to move a muscle.

  You could h
ear the crazed man screaming as he lifted his sword high above his head. “That's right you little shit, I know that you are scared to death. Do us both a favor, stand there and d-” But his breath was cut short. Ulrich had stabbed the man in the back with his sword before the man could finish his attack on his friend.

  “Lucky for you I showed up when I did, or you would be taking a dirt nap.” Ulrich joked. “Since I now find myself drawn into this unneeded battle, we should go ahead and help the old man.” He turned to look at Leon but he was still standing there, not moving, nor talking for that matter. “Come on Leon, stop goofing around with me. Let's get a move on.” Still he stood there motionless. Ulrich walked up to his friend and shook him. “Leon, snap out of it!”

  Leon shook his head a little, slowly coming out of the trance-like state he was under. “Ulrich, what are you doing here? I thought that you didn't want to fight.” With a dazed look on his face, Leon looked down at the two dead men lying at his feet. “Did you do this?”

  “I killed one, yes. But you killed the other, not I.” Ulrich answered. “We should talk about that later, right now we need to get out of here.” Leon still not realizing what had happened yet, made the choice to save the questions for another time and go help Master Gawain. All he could remember at that point was stopping to watch Gawain fight, after that, nothing.

  “Master Gawain is surrounded. We must help him, Ulrich.” Leon hurried over to help out, even though he was still somewhat dazed and confused. Ulrich followed in pursuit but was in no hurry to be of any help to anyone. The only reason he was fighting was because he feared for his friend’s safety, he may not have cared what happened to Gawain, yet he fought for his friend.

  Gawain had seen both Leon and Ulrich running his way, afraid that neither of the young teens was ready for such a fight as this one, he warned them to stay back. Regardless of his warnings, neither of the young boys listened to a word their master had said. Before Gawain knew it both Leon and Ulrich were standing beside him, ready to fight. “I thought I told you both to stay put.”


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